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Grip-Trex Boots For Dogs


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aha, i see these are the Nike air pump max T-bone versions.. yes very nice, although not sure that they will withstand the rigors of use that my woofer will put them through, shall probably just mail order the other ones :) poor mate has swollen pads today and not keen on putting the weight on them, ice pack time.

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It might be prudent to try out a cheap pair (that aren't "off road", maybe just decorative) to see if the dog will accept wearing booties. Our dog in the U.S. had a thin coat and loved her collection of dog clothing. She co-operated in getting dressed and seemed to appreciate the warmth of the jackets in the winter. She'd come back from a romp in the woods with her poor paws caked with snow and ice and spend a good part of the day licking them. I figured that since she loved clothing, she'd welcome a set of booties.

We took her to a pet store where they allowed us to "try out" the booties in the store. No problems, so we bought them.

Once home, I realized that she was so entranced with the guina pigs and hamsters at the store that she had totally ignored the booties. (She kept looking at the rodents, then at me longingly, with a pleading look "Mom, I promise I'll take sure of it". I'm sure she would have -- she was a terrier). The first time we used the booties at home, she promptly shook them off like a cat that had just stepped in water. Total waste of money.

Edited by NancyL
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I'm looking for a rain mac for my dog, preferbly Burberry or Armani as must be good quality, no expense spared ;)

This thread is a piss take? Must be. Canis lupus familiaris has been around for about 15,000 descended from Canis lupus much older.

During that time they have evolved feet to cope with all terrains.

If he constantly licks his paws after an outing it was too much. Reduce the distance and go for more short trips and his paws will get used to it over time.

As if you were training for a marathon.

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This thread is a piss take? Must be. Canis lupus familiaris has been around for about 15,000 descended from Canis lupus much older.

During that time they have evolved feet to cope with all terrains.

yea yea yea, and we used to live in caves hunting badgers with pointy sticks, (us with the sticks not the badgers :P )

cope with all terrains? you tell him that. i got the new breed of dog Canus lupus spolio familiaris

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Has anyone seen a pink tutu big enough for a 35kg pitbull?

Something like the picture to fit my dog in the other picture. I think he would look fetching and Im sure it wouldn't effect his way of life or his image in anyway shape or form.

Oh, Oh! Josephine (our dog) would have loved that outfit, although she knew pink wasn't really her color. She was a "red-terrier mix", at least that's what the vet said. We didn't talk about it much in the family, but we think the "terrier" part came from a pit bull. That explained her thin coat and love of rodents.

Do they have doggie tutus in green? She especially loved her Michigan State University cheerleader uniform. It was quite the crowd-pleaser on game days!

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i'd say check with your vet. doctors would be familiar with that kind of paw protection.


sorry to see that your perfectly reasonable question invoked a flood of idiotic drivel. then again, it is flood season.

mai bpen rai B)

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Not an answer to the OP but I couldn't resist - spotted at Ruam Chok night market a few weeks ago. Bizarre!!!

Totally agree with your comment! There is a time and a place for flip-flops, and it ain't when you're with a hiso mutt!


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