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Thai Govt: No Extrajudicial Killings In Drug Crackdown


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But the allegation is that in the Thaksin government's 'drugs crackdown', about 2500 people were killed without due process of any kind, and that of those 2500, over 1600 were nothing to do with the illegal drugs trade, but were murdered by police for no reason.

Since you advocate eroding due process because the ALLEGED criminals are SAID TO BE in a particularly dirty business, you should try living in a police state like North Korea for a couple of years to see what unfettered police power can do to your freedom.

Not North Korea, but grew up in Malaysia. Where when it comes to firearms and drugs the Police use a shoot first ask questions later policy. You have to watch what you say and who you offend as the ISA policy was used widely up till the mid 90's. You know what, I liked it, it was near impossible to find drugs, people stayed away from firearms and everyone respected each others ethnicity and watched what they said.

I have said this before, and will say it again I supported the drugs crackdown. I was here during the time and I knew of people who found it next to impossible to get drugs in town. Whatever was being done worked. In every war there will be collateral damage, the war on drugs is no different. 2500, 1600 are all numbers. I have not seen an official report that substantiates the claim above other than a whole bunch of speculation. Who is to know what the actual number of innocent deaths was?

All I have to say is this whatever the current government is going to do about the drug menace, I hope we see results. The previous administration did jack schitt.... IMHO.

Then I am sure you will agree with most of the rest of us ... if there needs to be causalities and innocent deaths in this war on drugs that the first to go should be you since you accept this for your idea of the greater good..

Edited by Nisa
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A lot of you think drugs are bad, probably because it was brainwashed into you by policemen, and grade school teachers. Let me tell you they were full of Sh*t. They were reciting what was in there lesson plans, what they were taught to teach.

Look at contemporary data, from scientists who have studded the stuff, broken down the chemical compounds, and seen what it actually does to you. And get your medical facts from someone who knows what they are talking about I.E. a DOCTOR or A SCIENTIST. Not a 9th grade teacher or a policeman, edit: or the Thai goverment.

Furthermore, look at the US. With a far higher rate of drug use and addiction than thailand, yet remarkably more progressive. Or travel to your local college, Kids will be experimenting with cocktails of drugs, and guess what. In ten years they will be doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and successful entrepenures. It's just a stage! like listening to crappy music or growing your hair out. People want to experiment.

Would you call the entire generation that came out the 60's, 70's and 80's to be a wasted one? Those guys were on more drugs than you could imagine, and 99% of them turned out to be good-natured, hardworking human beings.

Drugs are bad, some worse than others, but anyone who thinks that a drug user should be killed is out of there mind, thats a real person not a junkie! You would probably be surprised on how well these users blend into society, most of them have legitimate jobs, (its how they can afford it), and are just looking to unwind, or for a weekend thrill, and really what is so terrible about that. These people are your shop clerks, businessmen, students, servers ect. Real people, not junkies.

While we are talking about junkies, can we please stop treating these diseased patients, like they are all criminals. They are sick, and EVEN if they feel that they need to rob and steal, just to get high, then they should get help, they are still capable of a drug free responsible life.

I abandoned my drug experimentation long ago, but you cant stop the psychology behind it, there is too much of a drive to be happy, have fun ect.

Edited by macdaddy
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Todays news:22 drug trafficers hung in Iran thats justice,maybe it should happen in Thailand

..they were your family members, and didn't even get a trial, like in Thailand. Now wouldn't that change your Stalinish tone?

They only get rid of the minnows here, as before on the war on drugs.--how many of the top brass were sorted out and disposed of ?????????NONE because they were the VIPs who were not on the wanted list.

If you get rid of the users etc., you will have them replaced rapidly, the actual handlers/dealers the untouchables are never caught, too embarrassing to reveal. You have to cut down the tree to stop the coconuts growing. !!!!!

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i would say that you would not only have to cut down the coconut tree, but rather, kill off every person in the planet. New coconut trees will pop up,& normal, law abiding parents will have kids who are curious about drugs.

Drugs have been around since prehistoric times, and will continue to be around until our demise. Even animals use drugs.

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i would say that you would not only have to cut down the coconut tree, but rather, kill off every person in the planet. New coconut trees will pop up,& normal, law abiding parents will have kids who are curious about drugs.

Drugs have been around since prehistoric times, and will continue to be around until our demise. Even animals use drugs.

I was making the simple point that if want to try to make inroads, so it is not so much in every persons eyes - you have to get the KNOWN big wigs, not kill off the local lads. do you get my drift.

We all know no one will ever stop the trade in a million years. I'm not that naive. So you tell me and all the posters what to do. leave it to get worse???? flaunt it openly ??? or try to deter the main flow a little, If I had to make the decision to act I would start at the top and let the axe fall there.

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He lashed out, saying that there were no extrajudicial killing of drug suspects during the terms of the former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's, administration as has been claimed.

So all those people killed during the last drug war went through the proper judicial process before they were executed then?

Oh C'mon, there was only 1,400 innocents killed, including women and children!!!! Besides, the officers charged with purging the streets (of anybody it seems) had to hit their target quotes (literally) which were set personally by Thaksin, in order to get their promotion. Why deny them of their rise up the ladder instead of facing punishment ie: if they didn't kill enough people - OK, they might have been a bit gung ho, and it might have resembled the 'wild West' at times but they got the traficking down for a short while didn't they (it soon crept back to normal and then worstened) but it wasn't for the want of trying, was it.

Even if things did turn out to be a complete disaster overall and left so many families devastated at losing a loved one, or two, Thaksin was clearly guiltless of all this as it wasn't his fault that the people were in the wrong place at the wrong time, was it!!!

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A lot of you think drugs are bad, probably because it was brainwashed into you by policemen, and grade school teachers. Let me tell you they were full of Sh*t. They were reciting what was in there lesson plans, what they were taught to teach.

Look at contemporary data, from scientists who have studded the stuff, broken down the chemical compounds, and seen what it actually does to you. And get your medical facts from someone who knows what they are talking about I.E. a DOCTOR or A SCIENTIST. Not a 9th grade teacher or a policeman, edit: or the Thai goverment.

Furthermore, look at the US. With a far higher rate of drug use and addiction than thailand, yet remarkably more progressive. Or travel to your local college, Kids will be experimenting with cocktails of drugs, and guess what. In ten years they will be doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and successful entrepenures. It's just a stage! like listening to crappy music or growing your hair out. People want to experiment.

Would you call the entire generation that came out the 60's, 70's and 80's to be a wasted one? Those guys were on more drugs than you could imagine, and 99% of them turned out to be good-natured, hardworking human beings.

Drugs are bad, some worse than others, but anyone who thinks that a drug user should be killed is out of there mind, thats a real person not a junkie! You would probably be surprised on how well these users blend into society, most of them have legitimate jobs, (its how they can afford it), and are just looking to unwind, or for a weekend thrill, and really what is so terrible about that. These people are your shop clerks, businessmen, students, servers ect. Real people, not junkies.

While we are talking about junkies, can we please stop treating these diseased patients, like they are all criminals. They are sick, and EVEN if they feel that they need to rob and steal, just to get high, then they should get help, they are still capable of a drug free responsible life.

I abandoned my drug experimentation long ago, but you cant stop the psychology behind it, there is too much of a drive to be happy, have fun ect.

So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Sure drug addicts need help, and sure the pushers who trade off then should be punished much more.

None of that will bring my kids back.

Bottom line - any action in the Thai 'war on drugs' must be within the law, and every person involved must have proper access to the processes of the law and equal justice.

But I ain't holding my breath, with chalerm driving this campaign I'm sure he will invent new interpretation of the law, as needed, and especially to protect the drug lords.

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So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Actually, I think you are talking about a drunk driver and not somebody under the influence of illegal drugs. I would guess it is more than 100 times more likely for a drunk to do than a drug addict ... more likely a straight speeder would do this too as opposed to a person on drugs.

I would not be surprised if alcohol was responsible for more crimes, accidents, property loss, injuries and deaths than all illegal drugs put together ... especially here in Thailand.

Edited by Nisa
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i want to make a point on this topic

about drug

drug dealer cannot sale drug is there is no customer

most the time customers are from the good socity and like (cocaine)

or good boy and girls born from the same people(but they like better GRASS)don't walk on smoke it

u know those in full moon party

or the midle class trying to be a small rebel

i will forgive poor peoples,teen and prostitutes


or only menace them they are chicken

release the drug dealers they can be good pharmaciste :lol:

VERY IMPORTANT i don't use drug and only drink 1or 2 beer in party NO miss undertanding THANKYOU


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So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Sure drug addicts need help, and sure the pushers who trade off then should be punished much more.

None of that will bring my kids back.

Bottom line - any action in the Thai 'war on drugs' must be within the law, and every person involved must have proper access to the processes of the law and equal justice.

But I ain't holding my breath, with chalerm driving this campaign I'm sure he will invent new interpretation of the law, as needed, and especially to protect the drug lords.

Well since you are making sh*t up let's say the drug crazed driver that ran into your car and killed your kids was running from the police and lost control of the car therefore an accident cause by two factors one a person using drugs and being treated like a criminal by the police who were hell bent on getting their suspect. A more real solution to this debate would be to start treating people with any substance abuse as a health issue. I mean when chronic drinkers are arrested for domestic abuse or drunk driving other than a short jail term are treated as a health issue. Why are not drug users handled in that way? Drug dealers? Try looking at the pharmaceuticals that deal legal drugs. They are worth billions and are seldom held accountable for any abuse of their product. In the Us there is this huge war against marijuana but in comparison nothing is being done on the same level with the meth epidemic. The war on drugs (Before Thaskin) was introduce by the US and the United Nations drug policy that change the playing field here in Thailand. From Opium to Meth. Go figure. A person drooling on himself nodded out compared to a meth head that will think and do crasy Sh*t to himself and others.

It should be treated as a health issue and not a criminal one. My friend once told me " I've been smoking pot for 45 years and I'm not addicted"biggrin.gif

Edited by MILT
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I get the feeling their are a lot of very over the top conservatives here in Thailand as in the US who love to jump on these easy targets and love any politician who talks about getting tough against anyone that is generally OK to dislike.

Previously having spent a lot of time partying, I can tell you that I have seen much more damage done to people by alcohol and am sure the stats will back this up. The part that causes the most damage when it comes to most commonly used recreational drugs is the fact drugs are against the law.

Marijuana is simply a joke and shouldn't be illegal anywhere but regulated and taxed like alcohol and cigarettes. It doesn't even come close to having the same problems that alcohol has from fights, aggressiveness or addiction and losing control of oneself. Also if it was not illegal then it would not cause many people to experiment with other drugs simply because after trying weed they find out it is not bad leaving them believe they may have been lied to about other drugs too.

On the other end of the scale, there is nobody who wants to be a heroin addict. I've known and worked with too many to not know this. They simply believe it is hopeless for them to stop or don't believe they have the strength to do it and cannot imagine life without it. Addicts don't get high like they did in the beginning but instead continue to use to not be sick. Proper treatment for these folks is a lot less expensive then using the criminal system.

Speed which seems to be the biggest danger when it comes to drugs in Thailand is a different story. What starts out as something that makes you feel invisible and productive turns into causing mental issues that often cannot be distinguished from mental disorders such as a paranoid schizophrenic. Treatment is more difficult people often times the people are not mentally able to recognize their state. The best solution here it to really educate kids "honestly" from an early age the dangers of this drug. Crack (minus the intense physical addiction) has a lot of similarity and the US has done fairly well in using education to curb what was almost a crack epidemic in the 80s and 90s.

Things like Acid and Ecstasy are simply recreational drugs that if used right generally pose little harm, are non addictive and not drugs done on a daily basis by users.

Snorting cocaine is an expensive habit and is addictive but users usually don't become violent or commit violent crimes to get the drugs but can become addictive, at least mentally, and usually leaves the user and possibly their family in financial problems before turning away from the drug ... often moving to cheaper and more addictive speed.

Bottom line is taking a heavy handed approach to users has a negative impact on society and will not ever eliminate the problem. Thailand already has the death penalty in relation to drugs but people still are busted at the airport regularly. Getting people off drugs and preventing others from starting in the first place is the answer as well as taking an honest look at each drug and the actual dangers or lack of dangers each possess. But as long as the powers that be as well as the public are drinkers and/or alcoholics, this will never happen. I;m not saying ban alcohol but it is ridiculous and simply dishonest to tell kids the weed is some evil drug that needs to be outlawed but alcohol is OK and therefore legal .... if they can't trust the police and government about weed then why should they trust them about speed?

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So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Sure drug addicts need help, and sure the pushers who trade off then should be punished much more.

None of that will bring my kids back.

Bottom line - any action in the Thai 'war on drugs' must be within the law, and every person involved must have proper access to the processes of the law and equal justice.

But I ain't holding my breath, with chalerm driving this campaign I'm sure he will invent new interpretation of the law, as needed, and especially to protect the drug lords.

Well since you are making sh*t up let's say the drug crazed driver that ran into your car and killed your kids was running from the police and lost control of the car therefore an accident cause by two factors one a person using drugs and being treated like a criminal by the police who were hell bent on getting their suspect. Amore real solution to this debate would be to start treating people with any substance abuse as a health issue. I mean when chronic drinkers are arrested for domestic abuse or drunk driving other than a short jail term are treated as a health issue. Why are drug users handled in that way? Drug dealers? Try looking at the pharmaceuticals that deal legal drugs. They are worth billions and are seldom held accountable for any abuse of their product. In the Us there is this huge war against marijuana but in comparison nothing is being done on the same level with the meth epidemic. The war on drugs (Before Thaskin) was introduce by the US and the United Nations drug policy that change the playing field here in Thailand. From Opium to Meth. Go figure. A person drooling on himself nodded out compared to a meth head that will think and do crasy Sh*t to himself and others.

It should be treated as a health issue and not a criminal one. My friend once told me " I've been smoking pot for 45 years and I'm not addicted"biggrin.gif

So you seem to be telling me that if it was your children who were killed in such an incident then you would say 'never mind because drug users are treated like criminals, so it's all ok' ?

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So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Actually, I think you are talking about a drunk driver and not somebody under the influence of illegal drugs. I would guess it is more than 100 times more likely for a drunk to do than a drug addict ... more likely a straight speeder would do this too as opposed to a person on drugs.

I would not be surprised if alcohol was responsible for more crimes, accidents, property loss, injuries and deaths than all illegal drugs put together ... especially here in Thailand.

Your assuming an awful lot about what I was trying to say and you have no right whatever to make such assumptions. My answer was specifically to a post about drugs, there was no mention at all about alcohol.

And, are you telling me that people taking drugs are not likely to be the cause of accidents is that what your saying? Please share.

Edited by scorecard
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But the allegation is that in the Thaksin government's 'drugs crackdown', about 2500 people were killed without due process of any kind, and that of those 2500, over 1600 were nothing to do with the illegal drugs trade, but were murdered by police for no reason.

Since you advocate eroding due process because the ALLEGED criminals are SAID TO BE in a particularly dirty business, you should try living in a police state like North Korea for a couple of years to see what unfettered police power can do to your freedom.

Not North Korea, but grew up in Malaysia. Where when it comes to firearms and drugs the Police use a shoot first ask questions later policy. You have to watch what you say and who you offend as the ISA policy was used widely up till the mid 90's. You know what, I liked it, it was near impossible to find drugs, people stayed away from firearms and everyone respected each others ethnicity and watched what they said.

I have said this before, and will say it again I supported the drugs crackdown. I was here during the time and I knew of people who found it next to impossible to get drugs in town. Whatever was being done worked. In every war there will be collateral damage, the war on drugs is no different. 2500, 1600 are all numbers. I have not seen an official report that substantiates the claim above other than a whole bunch of speculation. Who is to know what the actual number of innocent deaths was?

All I have to say is this whatever the current government is going to do about the drug menace, I hope we see results. The previous administration did jack schitt.... IMHO.

Then I am sure you will agree with most of the rest of us ... if there needs to be causalities and innocent deaths in this war on drugs that the first to go should be you since you accept this for your idea of the greater good..

:clap2: :clap2:

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I get the feeling their are a lot of very over the top conservatives here in Thailand as in the US who love to jump on these easy targets and love any politician who talks about getting tough against anyone that is generally OK to dislike.

Previously having spent a lot of time partying, I can tell you that I have seen much more damage done to people by alcohol and am sure the stats will back this up. The part that causes the most damage when it comes to most commonly used recreational drugs is the fact drugs are against the law.

Marijuana is simply a joke and shouldn't be illegal anywhere but regulated and taxed like alcohol and cigarettes. It doesn't even come close to having the same problems that alcohol has from fights, aggressiveness or addiction and losing control of oneself. Also if it was not illegal then it would not cause many people to experiment with other drugs simply because after trying weed they find out it is not bad leaving them believe they may have been lied to about other drugs too.

On the other end of the scale, there is nobody who wants to be a heroin addict. I've known and worked with too many to not know this. They simply believe it is hopeless for them to stop or don't believe they have the strength to do it and cannot imagine life without it. Addicts don't get high like they did in the beginning but instead continue to use to not be sick. Proper treatment for these folks is a lot less expensive then using the criminal system.

Speed which seems to be the biggest danger when it comes to drugs in Thailand is a different story. What starts out as something that makes you feel invisible and productive turns into causing mental issues that often cannot be distinguished from mental disorders such as a paranoid schizophrenic. Treatment is more difficult people often times the people are not mentally able to recognize their state. The best solution here it to really educate kids "honestly" from an early age the dangers of this drug. Crack (minus the intense physical addiction) has a lot of similarity and the US has done fairly well in using education to curb what was almost a crack epidemic in the 80s and 90s.

Things like Acid and Ecstasy are simply recreational drugs that if used right generally pose little harm, are non addictive and not drugs done on a daily basis by users.

Snorting cocaine is an expensive habit and is addictive but users usually don't become violent or commit violent crimes to get the drugs but can become addictive, at least mentally, and usually leaves the user and possibly their family in financial problems before turning away from the drug ... often moving to cheaper and more addictive speed.

Bottom line is taking a heavy handed approach to users has a negative impact on society and will not ever eliminate the problem. Thailand already has the death penalty in relation to drugs but people still are busted at the airport regularly. Getting people off drugs and preventing others from starting in the first place is the answer as well as taking an honest look at each drug and the actual dangers or lack of dangers each possess. But as long as the powers that be as well as the public are drinkers and/or alcoholics, this will never happen. I;m not saying ban alcohol but it is ridiculous and simply dishonest to tell kids the weed is some evil drug that needs to be outlawed but alcohol is OK and therefore legal .... if they can't trust the police and government about weed then why should they trust them about speed?

exellent nisa,really

u have a lot a good sence

agree with this too:

Marijuana is simply a joke and shouldn't be illegal anywhere but regulated and taxed like alcohol and cigarettes :)

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So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Sure drug addicts need help, and sure the pushers who trade off then should be punished much more.

None of that will bring my kids back.

Bottom line - any action in the Thai 'war on drugs' must be within the law, and every person involved must have proper access to the processes of the law and equal justice.

But I ain't holding my breath, with chalerm driving this campaign I'm sure he will invent new interpretation of the law, as needed, and especially to protect the drug lords.

Well since you are making sh*t up let's say the drug crazed driver that ran into your car and killed your kids was running from the police and lost control of the car therefore an accident cause by two factors one a person using drugs and being treated like a criminal by the police who were hell bent on getting their suspect. A more real solution to this debate would be to start treating people with any substance abuse as a health issue. I mean when chronic drinkers are arrested for domestic abuse or drunk driving other than a short jail term are treated as a health issue. Why are not drug users handled in that way? Drug dealers? Try looking at the pharmaceuticals that deal legal drugs. They are worth billions and are seldom held accountable for any abuse of their product. In the Us there is this huge war against marijuana but in comparison nothing is being done on the same level with the meth epidemic. The war on drugs (Before Thaskin) was introduce by the US and the United Nations drug policy that change the playing field here in Thailand. From Opium to Meth. Go figure. A person drooling on himself nodded out compared to a meth head that will think and do crasy Sh*t to himself and others.

It should be treated as a health issue and not a criminal one. My friend once told me " I've been smoking pot for 45 years and I'm not addicted"biggrin.gif

Well since you are making sh*t up let's say the drug crazed driver that ran into your car and killed your kids was running from the police and lost control of the car therefore an accident cause by two factors one a person using drugs and being treated like a criminal by the police who were hell bent on getting their suspect.


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So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Sure drug addicts need help, and sure the pushers who trade off then should be punished much more.

None of that will bring my kids back.

Bottom line - any action in the Thai 'war on drugs' must be within the law, and every person involved must have proper access to the processes of the law and equal justice.

But I ain't holding my breath, with chalerm driving this campaign I'm sure he will invent new interpretation of the law, as needed, and especially to protect the drug lords.

Well since you are making sh*t up let's say the drug crazed driver that ran into your car and killed your kids was running from the police and lost control of the car therefore an accident cause by two factors one a person using drugs and being treated like a criminal by the police who were hell bent on getting their suspect. Amore real solution to this debate would be to start treating people with any substance abuse as a health issue. I mean when chronic drinkers are arrested for domestic abuse or drunk driving other than a short jail term are treated as a health issue. Why are drug users handled in that way? Drug dealers? Try looking at the pharmaceuticals that deal legal drugs. They are worth billions and are seldom held accountable for any abuse of their product. In the Us there is this huge war against marijuana but in comparison nothing is being done on the same level with the meth epidemic. The war on drugs (Before Thaskin) was introduce by the US and the United Nations drug policy that change the playing field here in Thailand. From Opium to Meth. Go figure. A person drooling on himself nodded out compared to a meth head that will think and do crasy Sh*t to himself and others.

It should be treated as a health issue and not a criminal one. My friend once told me " I've been smoking pot for 45 years and I'm not addicted"biggrin.gif

So you seem to be telling me that if it was your children who were killed in such an incident then you would say 'never mind because drug users are treated like criminals, so it's all ok' ?

No I am not saying that at all. What I am saying is that since you are making up stuff to support your stance on drugs I was doing the same to support my stance on drugs. Bottom line it would a be a tragic thing to happen. All I am saying is get real. Why wouldn't you use alcohol as an example. It would be more along the lines of someone driving into a car and killing kids. I don't like drugs or alcohol period

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So when some drug crazed driver runs into my car and kills my kids I should think about the stuff that my primary school teacher told me and according to you remember that it was a load of shit.

Actually, I think you are talking about a drunk driver and not somebody under the influence of illegal drugs. I would guess it is more than 100 times more likely for a drunk to do than a drug addict ... more likely a straight speeder would do this too as opposed to a person on drugs.

I would not be surprised if alcohol was responsible for more crimes, accidents, property loss, injuries and deaths than all illegal drugs put together ... especially here in Thailand.

Your assuming an awful lot about what I was trying to say and you have no right whatever to make such assumptions. My answer was specifically to a post about drugs, there was no mention at all about alcohol.

And, are you telling me that people taking drugs are not likely to be the cause of accidents is that what your saying? Please share.

I'll go along with what your saying. but nisa does get the stats and her experience involved, and is fair-but somewhat lengthy.

but all this drugs and control..........and the reasons for it...it's headlines and the government are not moving on most of the pre election promises, so they come up with a headline-to take away the real issues that ought to be dealt with.

As my previous posts state -you will never stop the trade-but to stamp on the real big deal people involved is impossible as most are-V.I.P............and who dare to meddle - so we go after the local lad, it's easier and we can get more numbers to publish, then we (the government ) looks to be doing a good job. it's a well known fact that many rural town police are in on the act, and where do they get the supplies ??????? or who handles them on behalf. ????? o.k. to nab the shop assistant-and not touch the owner--same same

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Then I am sure you will agree with most of the rest of us ... if there needs to be causalities and innocent deaths in this war on drugs that the first to go should be you since you accept this for your idea of the greater good..

I'm sorry the supply for your daily fix was interrupted by all of this. Heads up, new crack down on the way, so stock up.

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I was here during the time and I knew of people who found it next to impossible to get drugs in town. Whatever was being done worked. In every war there will be collateral damage, the war on drugs is no different. 2500, 1600 are all numbers

Then I am sure you will agree with most of the rest of us ... if there needs to be causalities and innocent deaths in this war on drugs that the first to go should be you since you accept this for your idea of the greater good..

I'm sorry the supply for your daily fix was interrupted by all of this. Heads up, new crack down on the way, so stock up.

You said these deaths are only numbers and acceptable collateral damage.

So shouldn't you be okay if it is you or your family members that are the collateral damage?

Edited by Nisa
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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who is in charge of the government's narcotics suppression initiatives, gave his assurances in response to concerns expressed by the United Nations in which they stated that they fear that the government's anti-drug campaign could lead to human rights violations or to extra-judicial killings by police.

Always interesting when people bother more about the human rights of the crooks than of the victims...

If there is no judicial process, are they crooks or victims?

They get caught with drugs, they are crooks. They don't care about the lives of ther "customers"... all they care about is money... it is no human right to sell drugs for money... it's a crime. of course their shall be a judical process, but it should be a short one NOT bothering too much about their human rights.

Look what happens here in Europe: Small dealers - mainly Africans for example in Zurich - sell drugs, get caught... first time they get 6 months on probation... second time one year... third time maybe 2 years... but of course, they are asylum seekers... "lost" their passport during their travel to Switzerland... can't be sent back to their home country... don't even remember what nationality they are... and of course, they learn fast... they only collect the money but don't carry the drugs... they use their underage children (<14y) to carry the drugs and do the exchange... because they know their children can't be punished...

F*** their human rights... build a prison, throw them in and keep them on minimum food, no TV, no books, no visits, no work, no salary... until they remember where they came from and decide to go back home on their own. I love the US states where a crook gets life in prison when he gets caught doing the same crime for the third time...

That happens so much here in the UK, be an illegal, get caught, no passport means no deportation?? Is this also the case in Switzerland? I thought it just happened under barmy EU rules, which the Swiss are not a part of.

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Arrest them, send them to prison so that they can learn to sell drugs (even sell from inside) and join networks of criminals and learn how not to get caught again once they are released. Makes sense to me.

Sorry, I am not shedding too many tears for these scumbags who get shot. I have a friend whose life was made a living hell by a son-in-law who was a drug addict, dealer, thief and local criminal. No matter what opportunities he was given, he always went towards the easy money in drugs and theft. He is serving time now and we hoped and prayed they wouldnt let him out any time soon to terrorize the family and neighbourhood. Alas, he is due to be released in December after barely a year behind bars.

i'm not gonna get into a debate because we're obviously on two completely diferent wavelengths but to say you have no sympathy for many of the drug ADDDICTS who were shot in cold blood, then you must be pretty cold blooded yourself.

and yes i'm fully aware of the damage drugs cause to individuals and those around them and have seen it first hand.

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That happens so much here in the UK, be an illegal, get caught, no passport means no deportation?? Is this also the case in Switzerland? I thought it just happened under barmy EU rules, which the Swiss are not a part of.

This has nothing to do with EU rules... this has to do with whatever country (UK, Switzerland, Germany etc.) being able to prove to the country of origin, that the crook is their legal citizen and that they must take him back. If they can't (no passport...), why should any African country be interested to take somebody back who they know is a crook? They only do when they get money... Switzerland is paying dearly on the many contracts they have for returning those crooks to their home countries...

EU rules (rather Schengen rules which do not apply to the UK) only deal with asylum seekers that must be dealt with by the first country where they crossed the boarder / entered their first asylum request.

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i want to make a point on this topic

about drug

drug dealer cannot sale drug is there is no customer

most the time customers are from the good socity and like (cocaine)

or good boy and girls born from the same people(but they like better GRASS)don't walk on smoke it

u know those in full moon party

or the midle class trying to be a small rebel

i will forgive poor peoples,teen and prostitutes


or only menace them they are chicken

release the drug dealers they can be good pharmaciste :lol:

VERY IMPORTANT i don't use drug and only drink 1or 2 beer in party NO miss undertanding THANKYOU


You are assuming addicts will act rationally, but addicts cannot act rationally when it comes to drugs, that is the definition of being an addict! Not even the death penalty can scare them off, because the idea of being without there drugs is far scarier than any punishment, even death.

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While we are talking about junkies, can we please stop treating these diseased patients, like they are all criminals. They are sick, and EVEN if they feel that they need to rob and steal, just to get high, then they should get help, they are still capable of a drug free responsible life.

Bullocks, I lived 18 months with a heroin junkie, she was not sick, believe me.

She understood her life was ruined and opted for a drug-free life and emptied my booze bar in the first month of living away from the city.

I now live a booze free life also, stopped smoking 11 years ago, never will go back to drinking/smoking days.

She was offered the help of a psychologist and told him "why should I talk to you? I have nothing to say" Exit the psy.

Any one who thinks "drugs are good for me" is an idiot.

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