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New Thai Immigration Commissioner From October 1, 2011

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In 2001 I was blacklisted for "selling lemons" (description in the passport). Before I signed final papers in Immigration I was told by the officer (in the precense of my embassy) that I could return. This proved not to be correct. Is there a procedure to change this decision? My 2 children still live in Thailand. I have contacted the Immigration by email, but I have not received any reply

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90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days and Re-entry permit

I think the Soi 5 Immigration Office at Jomtien Beach do a good job. They are always helpful and civil if not somewhat aloof but that is expected. I think however that the 90 day reporting requirements for Annual Visa Hiolders for Retirement Visa holders are unnecessary abd could be relaxed. Further the re-entry charges for single and multiple re-entry into Thailand are too expensive. Thank you for asking for comments.

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Annual extension for under 50s not qualifying under existing rules

I start with a question submitted by our Visa mods:

What plans do Immigration have to accommodate genuine long term stayers who:

- are under 50

- are not married to Thai

- do not work

- do not have 10M baht for Investment visa

Good Question George. I am one. + being Gay is a double whammy.

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Annual extension for under 50s not qualifying under existing rules

My question.

Will there be any consideration of the possibility of a visa for unmarried opposite sex partners who can demonstrate years of support for their Thai opposite sex partners.

In my specific case, although I now over 50 and qualify for a retirement visa/extemsion, I have supported my Thai female partner for nearly 30 years. Despite supporting her and her children by her previous marriage for all that time, because we were not married I could not qualify for a long term stay visa until I reached 50 years of age and qualified for a visa by reason of retirement.

Therefore, I would like to suggest that a Foriegner who is not married to a Thai opposite sex partner...but can demonstrate at least 5 years financial support for that partner and her children (by a joint Bank account in a Thai bank and a record of monthly deposits from his home country bank to that joint Thai bank account) be allowed to apply for a long term extension in order to live in Thailand with his partner and her children in the same way a married person would be allowed.

In short there shoild be no discrimination btween a foriegn man who supports his married female partner and another foriegn man who provides the same support for his unmarried female partner and her children.

Thank you.

Edited by Maestro
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90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days

90 Day Reporting

There is a requirement that visitors to Thailand report every time they change the place they are staying. In the spirit of that regulation, why can't long stay retired persons living in the same home for years, report only when they move to a new residence?

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Annual extension for under 50s not qualifying under existing rules

it's a big problem for me to keep getting new type o visas instead of simply extending them like everyone else in my situation.

to extend i have to either get married or goto court to become legitimate father of my thai daugher - which i can't afford to do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

should n't it be better , for a huge city as Bangkok (some countries are smaller and even more countries have less inhabitants :P) to have more than 1 immigration office?? They could be much smaller and close to the BTS please :P

Or they could be handled at area police stations. Just think how much money they'd make out of farangs turning up on bikes without helmets.

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