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Thai Student Nazi Dress-Up Day Causes Outrage


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Ok guys I'm done with the dress up day......hope the Thai students enjoyed it....shame some of you chose to be offended......but I don't feel the need to waste any more of my life on this topic......

Thanks for you input


I can think of worse things than this thread being put out to pasture.

For the record though, and I reckon there are others, I was NOT offended, I was NOT upset or even surprised at all by the parade. Because like the Israeli embassy said, it was clear they were just being ignorant. However, for the sake of Thais, they could do a better job in their schools on MANY subjects, and it does no good for Thailand to be seen as a country whose students are so ignorant they don't realize marching in Nazi dress for fun isn't a cool thing to do. Welcome to globalization, Thailand. Do something like that in public in Chiang Mai and the world is watching and finding your education system wanting.

It's a symptom. Very low English language skills compared to the competition in Asia is also a symptom. The masses here want higher wages and I don't blame them, but there has be fundamentals in human capital behind that

Edited by Jingthing
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Ok guys I'm done with the dress up day......hope the Thai students enjoyed it....shame some of you chose to be offended......but I don't feel the need to waste any more of my life on this topic......

Thanks for you input


I can think of worse things than this thread being put out to pasture.

For the record though, and I reckon there are others, I was NOT offended, I was NOT upset or even surprised at all by the parade. Because like the Israeli embassy said, it was clear they were just being ignorant. However, for the sake of Thais, they could do a better job in their schools on MANY subjects, and it does no good for Thailand to be seen as a country whose students are so ignorant they don't realize marching in Nazi dress for fun isn't a cool thing to do. Welcome to globalization, Thailand. Do something like that in public in Chiang Mai and the world is watching and finding your education system wanting.

It's a symptom. Very low English language skills compared to the competition in Asia is also a symptom. The masses here want higher wages and I don't blame them, but there has be fundamentals in human capital behind that

Do all these things make it an international hub for education? huh.gif

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Ok guys I'm done with the dress up day......hope the Thai students enjoyed it....shame some of you chose to be offended......but I don't feel the need to waste any more of my life on this topic......

Thanks for you input


I can think of worse things than this thread being put out to pasture.

For the record though, and I reckon there are others, I was NOT offended, I was NOT upset or even surprised at all by the parade. Because like the Israeli embassy said, it was clear they were just being ignorant. However, for the sake of Thais, they could do a better job in their schools on MANY subjects, and it does no good for Thailand to be seen as a country whose students are so ignorant they don't realize marching in Nazi dress for fun isn't a cool thing to do. Welcome to globalization, Thailand. Do something like that in public in Chiang Mai and the world is watching and finding your education system wanting.

It's a symptom. Very low English language skills compared to the competition in Asia is also a symptom. The masses here want higher wages and I don't blame them, but there has be fundamentals in human capital behind that

And the word '' ignorant'' doesn't go down well with the Thai face thing does it. ;)

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Reading the story from the Nation, “Of course they knew who Hitler was and knew what his regime did to six million Jews and minority peoples just decades ago. The questions here, therefore, are: What were the girls thinking? What had they learned at school? Does the school think it was all right?” pretty much dismisses what we have been arguing about for 50 pages. Since a Thai newspaper sees this so clearly I wonder why the people here do not.

The question remains in my mind with this story having such long legs why no reporter or at least Thai Visa member has not talked to some of the students. I don't imagine they have all gone into hiding. Although both myself and the Nation are agreed that the teachers knew about it but tried to pass the blame to the students it would be nice to have verification of this cowardly act. (cowardly act = teachers blaming students)

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Now we can all condemn Monty Python too based on pictures ... for that matter lets condemn all things British.



Exactly Nisa.Well said.

So all the nun has to do is re write her letter to explain the students were modeling their sport day performance on Monty Python.

No, all people have to do is accept there was no malice, that their personal interpretation of the parade may well be tainted by their predisposition, that the apology was not an explanation, but an attempt to diffuse the wrath of the 'outraged'......but that will simply not do for some....who appear to wish to dominate the way a people think and express themselves.....isn't that what the Nazi were about?


Except the Nazis who schemed to dominate the way a people think and express themselves. Did it by ridiculing, suppressing, torturing and killing those who opposed their propaganda, and hiding the more unpalatable aspects of their Final Solution. Something those who are outraged by this incident, after reading nearly 50 pages of posts on this thread, haven't even hinted at...

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If the kids were told the whole Nazi truth, in pictures, there would be tears. Some here forget that.

The comedy shows in resent years were taking the piss out of Hitler and his yobs and to remind us of their final destination.

It would also show that the Nazi leader who sent millions to their deaths, was a coward and didn't want the humility of his chum Mussolini's demise. :bah:

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How come this gets 56 pages, when it's just a bunch of kids dressing up, and there are so many things happening, just in LOS, never mind the whole world, that are so much more demanding of people's attention

Time for a little perspective, methinks.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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How come this gets 56 pages, when it's just a bunch of kids dressing up

You're right when I hear of these kind of arguments in the future I will now pretty much automatically assume that it's being massively over exaggerated, especially after reading the Wiesenthal Center press release.

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How come this gets 56 pages, when it's just a bunch of kids dressing up, and there are so many things happening, just in LOS, never mind the whole world, that are so much more demanding of people's attention

Time for a little perspective, methinks.

The Thais know about this story too. You know what response I saw? I went to a hi-so restaurant where the owner is a celeb... musician. His T-shirt had a picture of old Adolf, with the word STAR below it.

I wasn't offended when I read about the school kids, but now I am starting to recognise some very fascist/nationalist/Nazi tenancies among the Thais.

Just this morning I saw a Nazi sticker on a truck... not religious... Nazi. With the words Leaders of the Revolution.

I am sorry. Thais listen to their anthem everyday... twice. I think this is already a bit dangerous, not at all in keeping with modern global trends.

Thailand is unfortunately prone to this type of philosophy, beware... many a truth told in jest???

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How come this gets 56 pages, when it's just a bunch of kids dressing up

You're right when I hear of these kind of arguments in the future I will know pretty much automatically assume that it's being massively over exaggerated, especially after reading the Wiesenthal Center press release.

For some here it is easy to dismiss cos you were not affected, but EVERYONE should know what happened, every generation should know so it doesn't happen again. Some folk here, younger than me, couldn't give a shit about the hundreds and thousands of starved to death women and kids that had to be bulldozed into pit's, Nazi's are being glorifed here, instead of being left in books for the young to learn how easily shit can happen via a political party.

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it was clear they were just being ignorant. However, for the sake of Thais, they could do a better job in their schools on MANY subjects, and it does no good for Thailand to be seen as a country whose students are so ignorant they don't realize marching in Nazi dress for fun isn't a cool thing to do. Welcome to globalization, Thailand. Do something like that in public in Chiang Mai and the world is watching and finding your education system wanting.

More like welcome to PC hell !! I disagree, and find your assumption arrogant. I think Nazis were chosen carefully , not at all in ignorance as they were the epitome of militarizing and glorifying the cult of personality.

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Suggestions for movies to educate my Thai family please. jap.gif Shock value is good thing.

Boy in the striped pyjamas

I showed this movie to a couple of Thai people and it's a fact of life they don't get irony.

In fact they found the whole movie quite boring because the subject matter was alien to them.

It really only has shock value if you know something about life in the camps and what happened to those that were there.

I'd like to recommend Life is Beautiful a superb Italian film about a Jewish man who has a wonderful romance with the help of his humour, but must use that same quality to protect his son in a Nazi death camp. But I doubt very much that it would have any impact either, because of its humour.

Far better to try and obtain some real footage, showing the real horrors. I'm sure everyone would recognise starved dead people being ploughed up and buried after burning. There a horrors too numerous to go into, that are available to show to people.

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History Channel has several documentaries (had one today on the pre concentration camp) Nazi solution in the Ukraine. They even presented some German film and photos which were made before Himmler banned cameras.

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History Channel has several documentaries (had one today on the pre concentration camp) Nazi solution in the Ukraine. They even presented some German film and photos which were made before Himmler banned cameras.

Seen that stuff. Tell me, did you feel real anger, wanted to be alone to think ?. I did. ;)

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you gotta admit the fashion style of the Nazi uniforms was darn spiffy.

I will admit they were striking, but not sure I would use the word spiffy. (Ever.)

Oh, and the death camp uniforms, they had a certain punk je ne sais quoi. I'm sure some felt they wouldn't be caught dead in those outfits ... oh well.

Yeah, I know, bad taste.

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History Channel has several documentaries (had one today on the pre concentration camp) Nazi solution in the Ukraine. They even presented some German film and photos which were made before Himmler banned cameras.

Seen that stuff. Tell me, did you feel real anger, wanted to be alone to think ?. I did. ;)

That's how I felt after seeing a documentary about what the British settlers did to the aborigines in Tasmania. Sickening stuff.

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How come this gets 56 pages, when it's just a bunch of kids dressing up

You're right when I hear of these kind of arguments in the future I will know pretty much automatically assume that it's being massively over exaggerated, especially after reading the Wiesenthal Center press release.

For some here it is easy to dismiss cos you were not affected, but EVERYONE should know what happened, every generation should know so it doesn't happen again. Some folk here, younger than me, couldn't give a shit about the hundreds and thousands of starved to death women and kids that had to be bulldozed into pit's, Nazi's are being glorifed here, instead of being left in books for the young to learn how easily shit can happen via a political party.

I'd get more worked up if people got outraged at ALL atrocities, but there have been a few in my lifetime, and no one gave/ gives a rat's ass about them. More to the point is the current ongoing one ( and I'm not going to say which one it is ), and it's no news at all. Lets not get selective about horror. It's all bad.

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