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It Is Not Illegal To Collect Unemployment While Overseas

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As a contract engineer, I often change assignments and have done so for the last 12 years. I do all my job searching on the internet and via phone calls. There is absolutely no requirement for me to be sitting in my living room while looking for work. Nobody goes around knocking on doors when looking for engineering work. You don't driver over to Boeing and say hire me!

The requirements to qualify for unemployment benefits are quite specific in most states, make so many contacts per week, conduct job searches on line, etc. Some states require you to send in some record or spreadsheet listing the places or agencies or people you have contacted. I use CE Weekly and their job search and email system nicely records all your outgoing job searches and submittals.

DISCLAIMER: This is subject to many different national, state, or other jurisdictional laws and the legalities will vary widely.The laws in the OP's jurisdiction may vary greatly from yours.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

Same is true in Switzerland. You must report to the job center every two to four weeks (depending on your consultant) and you must be available for interviews within a short timeframe (not more than 10 days) in case an employer is interested in you...


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

Same is true in Switzerland. You must report to the job center every two to four weeks (depending on your consultant) and you must be available for interviews within a short timeframe (not more than 10 days) in case an employer is interested in you...

It's the smae in most US States if not all of them. They want to see you in person.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

Same is true in Switzerland. You must report to the job center every two to four weeks (depending on your consultant) and you must be available for interviews within a short timeframe (not more than 10 days) in case an employer is interested in you...

It's the smae in most US States if not all of them. They want to see you in person.

While I do not doubt that some states may require regular in person visits, I do not know of any US state that requires anything in person on a regular basis. I never had to. I have collected in several states. In fact, usually I collect in my home state even though I worked in a different state. Florida handles the inter state claims easily and seamlessly. I have collected while living in California, Alabama, Colorado, Florida, and know first hand about North Carolina, Rhode Island and a few other states. None ever required me to attend a job seminar or report anywhere. In the recent past I filed online with Florida, by phone in Alabama, and probably will be doing California shortly. Although CA seems easier to do in person to initially start the claim. AFter that, all you do is every two weeks send back the paper. Silly California does not currently have weekly phone in or internet reporting. Gee, no wonder they are broke.

I have jetted back twice from Thailand to start my next contract. In fact, since I work all over the USA, I have flown back from Thailand in one day to the city where the work was, and that was quicker than me taking a week to drive there from. Some of the agencies I deal with are nitwits and say "we don't recruit overseas" while I am talking to them on the phone! I try to explain I can be home in one day and that airplanes fly very fast. Oh well. That is why they are recruiters and I am one year from full retirement.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

That's Social Security you're talking about not Unemployment Benefit.

UB was sent to you by cheque during your period of entitlement.

SS you had to go to the dole office and sign on for.

Due to the high number of unemployed on Maggie's Farm they scrapped the signing on requirement as they can't handle the thousands a day at the offices but the SS will occasionally call you in for an interrogation to prove you have been looking for a job.

I don't think job centres exist anymore? In any case they were scapped as being part of the initial registration for the signing on process over 20 years ago.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

That's Social Security you're talking about not Unemployment Benefit.

UB was sent to you by cheque during your period of entitlement.

SS you had to go to the dole office and sign on for.

Due to the high number of unemployed on Maggie's Farm they scrapped the signing on requirement as they can't handle the thousands a day at the offices but the SS will occasionally call you in for an interrogation to prove you have been looking for a job.

I don't think job centres exist anymore? In any case they were scapped as being part of the initial registration for the signing on process over 20 years ago.

I think 'topt' is talking about 'Job Seekers Allowance' not SS, and as he said, you have to or had to report to the Job Centre fortnightly!


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

That's Social Security you're talking about not Unemployment Benefit.

UB was sent to you by cheque during your period of entitlement.

SS you had to go to the dole office and sign on for.

Due to the high number of unemployed on Maggie's Farm they scrapped the signing on requirement as they can't handle the thousands a day at the offices but the SS will occasionally call you in for an interrogation to prove you have been looking for a job.

I don't think job centres exist anymore? In any case they were scapped as being part of the initial registration for the signing on process over 20 years ago.

I think 'topt' is talking about 'Job Seekers Allowance' not SS, and as he said, you have to or had to report to the Job Centre fortnightly!

Job Seekers Allowance is just the new jargon for the same thing.


As I understand the situation, an unemployment benefit claimant has to be available to physically attend job interviews at all times, at a moments notice, not only online.

I think the OP is trying to find some loopholes here, but I would say; go and tell it to the Social Security and see what they have to say regarding the OPs comments, as there is no point in trying to justify this to us. I’m sure they will be amused.


It's rather irresponsible on a site with such a wide readership to post such a blanket claim. I've added a disclaimer to the original post to clarify things a bit.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

Same is true in Switzerland. You must report to the job center every two to four weeks (depending on your consultant) and you must be available for interviews within a short timeframe (not more than 10 days) in case an employer is interested in you...

It's the smae in most US States if not all of them. They want to see you in person.

That may be the case long ago but it's not that way anymore. Everything gets done via automated call center. If you have a problem, good luck looking for help. You have to report into the call center on assigned day every 2 weeks. It's better and faster in some way but it a pain if you missed that deadline.

Many of my friends used this service, Thank god I don't need it.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

That's Social Security you're talking about not Unemployment Benefit.

UB was sent to you by cheque during your period of entitlement.

SS you had to go to the dole office and sign on for.

Due to the high number of unemployed on Maggie's Farm they scrapped the signing on requirement as they can't handle the thousands a day at the offices but the SS will occasionally call you in for an interrogation to prove you have been looking for a job.

I don't think job centres exist anymore? In any case they were scapped as being part of the initial registration for the signing on process over 20 years ago.

I think 'topt' is talking about 'Job Seekers Allowance' not SS, and as he said, you have to or had to report to the Job Centre fortnightly!

I thought JSA replaced unemployment benefit. When I last signed on, a couple of years ago, the Job Centres had been renamed Job Center Plusses, and far from being scrapped, were flourishing ;)

The only people I've ever come across in recent times who didn't have to sign on every 2 weeks were mentally ill or similar, where the DHSS (now DWP unless it's been rebranded *again*) had essentially given up on them.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

Yea, I had a teacher friend out of work in the US a couple of years ago and he had to do the same thing, weekly, go down and fill out a form where he applied and other stupid things. However, all that changed when they figured out half the population didn't have a job ! and .... it's not getting any better.


This thread makes me wonder about the quality of the sorts of farangs residing in Thailand and also how they are managing to stay here?

After the recent case of the farang who robbed a bank in Chiang Mai, it appears that many are literally prepared to cheat, beg, borrow and steal in order to remain here.

Of course all this puts the authorities on the alert, that are not so stupid as many may perceive and adds to the tightening up of visa regulations, year by year.

In other words, these people are not doing themselves or us any favours by their actions.


For those Brits that are arguing over who gets what and what its called, follow THIS link and all will be revealed:


Then click the link on that page reffering to "Changes In Circumstances" Where it goes on to list things that affect entitlement thus

Changes you need to report

You must report any change in your circumstances to your local benefit office as soon as it happens, whether or not you think the change is directly related to your benefits.

Some examples of the changes you need to report include:

* getting married, entering into a civil partnership or moving in with a partner

* moving house

* getting a new job, whatever hours you work or pay you receive

* getting a pay rise

* inheriting or unexpectedly coming into money

* taking in a lodger

* no longer being sick or ill

* travelling or moving abroad

The last line kind of nails it




I didnt know americans got unemployment benefit? I thought in the states if you have no money you are out on the street and have to go out looting or sell your arse?

ARE YOU KIDDING?...There's all kinds of freebies here in the states. It's becoming more of socialistic society anymore. People are waiting for the gov't to bend over to help them on a permanent bases.

You can get: bridge card, food stamp, welfare,latchkey, housing subsidies...etc

I opposed long-term aid as many of these type programs, but it's there for anyone who needs to use it or take advantage of it. No wonder this country is going to <deleted>.


The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

The same is still true,to claim "Jobseekers Allowance" in Britain you must be available for work and Resident in the UK,and certainly would not be paid,if one was Resident in Thailand,or any other Country outside the European Union. and it is illegal to collect any form of Benefit while living in another Country apart from State Retirement Pension.

However I'm not sure if Seeking work is also covered for British "Jobseekers Allowance" and payable if the intended jobs are based in EEC Countries,as well?

European legislation changes so quickly these days?


Amazing that the US government continues to pay out unemployment benefits without question. As someone already mentioned, no wonder they're freakin broke. Clearly, the purpose of said benefits is to assists individuals temporarily out-of-work so they can get by while they seek new employment. It shouldn't be paid to those freeloading in foreign countries. For what it's worth, I've never received unemployment benefits in my life. I wouldn't even know how to go about applying for it.


Amazing that the US government continues to pay out unemployment benefits without question. As someone already mentioned, no wonder they're freakin broke. Clearly, the purpose of said benefits is to assists individuals temporarily out-of-work so they can get by while they seek new employment. It shouldn't be paid to those freeloading in foreign countries. For what it's worth, I've never received unemployment benefits in my life. I wouldn't even know how to go about applying for it.

In UK UB is an entitlement which you have paid for yourself while in employment and while it may be to assist individuals temporarily out-of-work there is nothing to stop you seeking new employment while you are in a foreign country through the use of the internet.


Amazing that the US government continues to pay out unemployment benefits without question. As someone already mentioned, no wonder they're freakin broke. Clearly, the purpose of said benefits is to assists individuals temporarily out-of-work so they can get by while they seek new employment. It shouldn't be paid to those freeloading in foreign countries. For what it's worth, I've never received unemployment benefits in my life. I wouldn't even know how to go about applying for it.

In UK UB is an entitlement which you have paid for yourself while in employment and while it may be to assist individuals temporarily out-of-work there is nothing to stop you seeking new employment while you are in a foreign country through the use of the internet.

You do see how easily this could be abused by people not really looking for work....or are you ok with that?


Amazing that the US government continues to pay out unemployment benefits without question. As someone already mentioned, no wonder they're freakin broke. Clearly, the purpose of said benefits is to assists individuals temporarily out-of-work so they can get by while they seek new employment. It shouldn't be paid to those freeloading in foreign countries. For what it's worth, I've never received unemployment benefits in my life. I wouldn't even know how to go about applying for it.

In UK UB is an entitlement which you have paid for yourself while in employment and while it may be to assist individuals temporarily out-of-work there is nothing to stop you seeking new employment while you are in a foreign country through the use of the internet.

As long as you can make yourself available for an Interview in the UK if necessary. As has already been stated.



Amazing that the US government continues to pay out unemployment benefits without question. As someone already mentioned, no wonder they're freakin broke. Clearly, the purpose of said benefits is to assists individuals temporarily out-of-work so they can get by while they seek new employment. It shouldn't be paid to those freeloading in foreign countries. For what it's worth, I've never received unemployment benefits in my life. I wouldn't even know how to go about applying for it.

In UK UB is an entitlement which you have paid for yourself while in employment and while it may be to assist individuals temporarily out-of-work there is nothing to stop you seeking new employment while you are in a foreign country through the use of the internet.

You do see how easily this could be abused by people not really looking for work....or are you ok with that?

UB is not an indefinite benefit. That's the SS.

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