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Your Chance To Quiz UK Ambassador To Thailand


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Your chance to quiz UK envoy

The Nation


Anything to complain about your UK visa request? Wondering what London's policy toward Thaksin Shinawatra is nowadays? Wanting to know updates on the UK economy in light of the on-going European turmoil? And yes, the infamous recent street riots. What has happened since then?

It is your chance to quiz the UK ambassador about those issues, and more. To mark the birthday of England's Queen on October 19, His Exellency Asif Ahmad is utilizing the social media to get to know what you are thinking and what you are wondering about. Send your questions to veen_t [at] hotmail.com and we will convey them to him in an interview for Asean TV (True 99) for Monday night broadcast. The whole interview will also be put on our website.

The ambassador told us he is ready for any sort of question. So, please fire away.


-- The Nation 2011-10-15

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Please can you explain exactly why the British Embassy in Bangkok is a money extortion service?

A new British passport (from Thailand) is DOUBLE the cost of a passport from the UK office.

in the UK (for half the price) you can get a guaranteed 10 day - or less) service.

in Thailand (up until a year ago), it was a 10 day service (if you are lucky).. TWICE my passport took more than 10 days (despite me requesting it be done quickly) - the staff always say "ok, we will do our best", yet you get the opposite!

and now you have sub-contracted the passport off to Hong Kong and it takes ONE MONTH!!!! and DOUBLE the cost of a standard UK -issued passport.

If you enter Thailand on a 30 day visa and apply for a passport.. - it takes ONE MONTH...

- People are FORCED by the embassy to OVERSTAY!!!

i think its an absolutely GREEDY and appalling service.

I am sure that anyone who has ever had a passport done in Thailand will surely agree... its a rip off and pure greed, (especially for the lousy service you get).

how can it be DOUBLE the cost...? (even when it was being done in bangkok,, it was still double the cost).

I would love to hear a good explanation.

Thank you,

Edited by easybullet3
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Why does the Consular Office in Jomtien ......and the British Embassy in Bangkok, continue to use an exchange rate of 50 baht to the pound (sterling)?. On the face of it, it looks as the exchange rate is in favour of the public, but when a person is paying locally in baht for something that is priced in pounds at source, then it's far from favourable and totally unfair.

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Please can you explain exactly why the British Embassy in Bangkok is a money extortion service?

A new British passport (from Thailand) is DOUBLE the cost of a passport from the UK office.

in the UK (for half the price) you can get a guaranteed 10 day - or less) service.

in Thailand (up until a year ago), it was a 10 day service (if you are lucky).. TWICE my passport took more than 10 days (despite me requesting it be done quickly) - the staff always say "ok, we will do our best", yet you get the opposite!

and now you have sub-contracted the passport off to Hong Kong and it takes ONE MONTH!!!! and DOUBLE the cost of a standard UK -issued passport.

If you enter Thailand on a 30 day visa and apply for a passport.. - it takes ONE MONTH...

- People are FORCED by the embassy to OVERSTAY!!!

i think its an absolutely GREEDY and appalling service.

I am sure that anyone who has ever had a passport done in Thailand will surely agree... its a rip off and pure greed, (especially for the lousy service you get).

how can it be DOUBLE the cost...? (even when it was being done in bangkok,, it was still double the cost).

I would love to hear a good explanation.

Thank you,

Did you post this to veen_[email protected] as stated in the article?

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1. How can you justify the costs for Passports, Pension Letters, Affirmations etc when we here other Embassies are charging a realistic price?

2. We have to show evidence to get a pension letter however the letter to Immigration has changed from "we have seen evidence" to "Mr X has stated he receives" Why has this wording changed?

3. On two separate occasions I have emailed the Embassy for answers to some queries they may have been able to assist me with, on both occasions I did not receive a reply WHY?

Thank You

emailed to 1. How can you justify the costs for Passports, Pension Letters, Affirmations etc when we here other Embassies are charging a realistic price?

2. We have to show evidence to get a pension letter however the letter to Immigration has changed from "we have seen evidence" to "Mr X has stated he receives" Why has this wording changed?

3. On two separate occasions I have emailed the Embassy for answers to some queries they may have been able to assist me with, on both occasions I did not receive a reply WHY?

Thank You

Edited by Tafia
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With the the greatest of respect easybullett3, you have asked a reasonable question, then given The Ambassador a get-out.

The question about the high cost of applying for a passport whilst overseas is valid, especially as the passports are now produced and delivered directly from the UK is valid, but by adding that if you enter Thailand with a passport that is about to expire the UK Embassy is forcing you to overstay is a nonsense, any traveller would surely ensure that their passport is valid for such a trip before leaving the UK, and in any case you probably wouldn't even make it to Thailand with a passport that's about to expire. I'm sure that The Ambassador, or at least one of of communication team members will pick up on this.

So my question to you, Mr Ambassador, is: I recently asked the IPS why the cost of producing and delivering passports from the UK to overseas "customers" is double the cost of producing and delivering a passport to the UK, I also asked if and when applications can be be made on-line, as outlined in the IPS Business Plan, will the cost be the same, plus the extra cost of delivery? The IPS advised me to ask the FCO who in turn advised me to ask the IPS, can you give me a definitive answer please?

Thank you

Edited by theoldgit
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Why are UK pensions fixed at the date of retirement when you live in Thailand and not recieve increases as they would if you lived in say Spain?

This is discrimination something which I'm sure you know something about.

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With the the greatest of respect to the above poster, you have asked a reasonable question, then given The Ambassador a get-out.

The question about the high cost of applying for a passport whilst overseas is valid, especially as the passports are now produced and delivered directly from the UK is valid, but by adding that if you enter Thailand with a passport that is about to expire the UK Embassy is forcing you to overstay is a nonsense, any traveller would surely ensure that their passport is valid for such a trip before leaving the UK, and in any case you probably wouldn't even make it to Thailand with a passport that's about to expire. I'm sure that The Ambassador, or at least one of of communication team members will pick up on this.

So my question to you, Mr Ambassador, is: I recently asked the IPS why the cost of producing and delivering passports from the UK to overseas "customers" is double the cost of producing and delivering a passport to the UK, I also asked if and when applications can be be made on-line, as outlined in the IPS Business Plan, will the cost be the same, plus the extra cost of delivery? The IPS advised me to ask the FCO who in turn advised me to ask the IPS, can you give me a definitive answer please?

Thank you

I don't think you'd be allowed into Thailand unless you have at least 6 months validity remaining on your passport....So the bitching about forced overstay is complete rubbish....

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I'm grateful for these opportunities but I have yet to see any feedback, I was not able to watch the webcast with the judge and I haven't seen the promised transcript yet, did I miss it?

There is also the Q&A session with the new immigration boss, has that taken place yet?

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When I applied for a settlement visa for my wife of 18 years I was told that my income would not entitle me to a visa for her....I receive the UK state pension only. If OAP's are expected to live in the UK on this amount as stipulated by the government why does the embassy inform me that I do not have enough income to support myself and my wife?

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How can you justify the charge of Bt 2,250 for a finance letter? My Thai bank charges Bt 100 for a similar letter.

How can you justify not giving me the increases to my State Pension? After all, I was fully paid-up when I retired. With respect, just because I live in Thailand doesn't mean I'm rich!

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Ambassador, The passport renewal arrangements are far from satisfactory. Why on earth Hong kong ?? why not F.C.O. Bangkok, the reasons given are far from satisfactory.

On the passport issue problem, again why cannot we have extra pages on top of the max number???.........not being able to get my 1 year Non Immigrant 0 visa from U.K..( travel distance is not poss at this time) a stupid 90 day visa run to Vientiane is my option. The 10 year passport is used in 4 years because every 90 days 3 pages at least are used.

An alternative retirement visa 800,000 in the Thai bank and report every 90 days is about the same as being in the rural area I have distance to travel to report, so I may as well go for cat 0 visa (non Im).

My last 2 questions have been answered before but replies are not helpful. 1). Why on earth are we doing 90 day visa runs.????.... If we are of a certain age and have bought property here to live in, and have the said papers for, living off our pensions, My suggestion is give our types of live in expats, a year visa with NO restrictions. or even to benefit Thailand, pay say 10,000 baht a year for it.

2). Our beloved pension that we thought was our own, and upgraded % every year. Paid into our direct debit bank in the U.K............ Our own country is discriminating against it's own people, by freezing the increment increases. unless we live in certain areas abroad. Here in Thailand my pension is not transferred to a Thai bank if it is I could understand the reason. Let us live how our government once told us. CHOICES was the operative word, OURS not The governments. Please be reasonable for a change, consider your people who actually pay your wages. Thanks.

Edited by ginjag
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So my question to you, Mr Ambassador, is: I recently asked the IPS why the cost of producing and delivering passports from the UK to overseas "customers" is double the cost of producing and delivering a passport to the UK, I also asked if and when applications can be be made on-line, as outlined in the IPS Business Plan, will the cost be the same, plus the extra cost of delivery? The IPS advised me to ask the FCO who in turn advised me to ask the IPS, can you give me a definitive answer please?

Thank you

I'd also like to see this answered. However, if it helps I may be able to offer an explanation and potentially a solution.

I figured that, if a small, printed book linked to a record in UK government computer database manages to cost an overseas British Citizen 128 quid a piece in the first place, how come exactly the same book with an extra 16 blank pages costs another 26.50!! For 8 more sheets of paper?! Doesn't sound right to me.

So, I figured that at 3.31 per page, the main material cost of a basic 32-page passport, assuming that the IPS aren't attempting to profit from a monopoly position in a specialised printing industry, must be around 105.92. That doesn't appear to leave much in it for the IPS to cover their staff and other operational costs, and delivery. In that light, the 48-page passport represents exceptional value for money!

So, my suggestion to the IPS is to find a cheaper source of paper. The pages in my wife's Thai passport are just as nice, but less than a fraction of the cost. Try asking Thailand where they get their paper from!


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As if the UK ambassador would like to get questions like: Why did you declared Thaksin persona non grata, while supporting a PM with a UK passport who mass murdered Thai citizens during a peaceful protest. His answer should be something like: Well we always think business not people, that is why the funny bomb-scanners could not be sold in the UK, Iran or Afghanistan were UK soldiers were present but we had no objection selling them to Thailand or Pakistan.

The Uk is not a friend of the Thai people, it is a friend of the business interest, just like 99% of all countries out there.

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How can you justify the charge of Bt 2,250 for a finance letter? My Thai bank charges Bt 100 for a similar letter.

Blimey! That's the best part of fifty quid.

That must be some real fancy paper that the embassy are using to print these letters on?! Imported from the UK was it?

I'd list to suggest to the ambassador to the same advice I suggested earlier regarding passports and have the FCO find a cheaper supplier of paper! :lol:

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I like others am a fully paid up member of the welfare system. Like others I save the system a fortune by being absent from the U.K.. The government it seems is at ease in funding inane wars with it seems a bottomless money chest, indeed it has no qualms in cheating and stealing from its older retired non residents, easy meat and no voting voice either. .

The United Kingdom happily supports third world European bankrupt economies and failed states, bankers and the Brussels money pit, along with expenses for our elected members.

Yet they can't pay me and many others like me our rightful pension entitlement.

Why is this abhorrent age discrimination and residential discrimination allowed to continue at the behest of a judgement of the European kangaroo court?

So sorry I was tax payer who worked all his life, born in England served England but now a piece of ex pat trash as far as your paymasters are concerned Mr. Ambassador.

Proud of yourself and your paymasters are you.Will your nice civil service pension be capped one asks? No it will not in fact it will be indexed linked won't it.

your voice will never be heard it is but a wonderful exercise in deceit as per usual.

Strangely enough we are not mushrooms fed bullshit and kept in the dark whilst you and your counterparts enjoy your cosy little sinecures.

Drop the facade of concern it isn't working .

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MR Ambassador. Why do you have an uneducated man with conflicting business interests. ie Media running your Jomtien consulate.

This individual is not giving correct advice and has cost me money and wasted time by giving incorrect information and literature

regarding obtaining a passport for my daughter .

Mr Ambassador please tell him that no you dont need to pay nearly 10,000baht to register the birth to obtain a British passport,

and also tell him that the Embassy in BKK only accepts applications during the morning and not afternoons as the literature he gave me said, hence making me

have to travel to Bangkok twice.

And i second that passports and letters are way too expensive. Maybe you are giving to many Ferero rochey chocs away free at your parties. lol

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As if the UK ambassador would like to get questions like: Why did you declared Thaksin persona non grata, while supporting a PM with a UK passport who mass murdered Thai citizens during a peaceful protest. His answer should be something like: Well we always think business not people, that is why the funny bomb-scanners could not be sold in the UK, Iran or Afghanistan were UK soldiers were present but we had no objection selling them to Thailand or Pakistan.

The Uk is not a friend of the Thai people, it is a friend of the business interest, just like 99% of all countries out there.

Did someone come down in the last rain storm

Or come with the flood

Please give us details on the peaceful protest you are writing about

and on what facts do you state the last PM murdered people

Sorry I should never argue with an idiot. They only drag me down to their level - then beat me with experience.

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  • For a nominal fee (or for free as we are UK citizens), why can't we get pages added to our passports?
  • Why are passports so expensive?
  • Why can't embassy working hours for UK citizens be longer (8am - 5pm everyday)?

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