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Locked Up In Mixed Cells And Forced To Bribe Guards So I Could Eat: Englishwoman Tells Of Thai Horror Ordeal...


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What I find interesting is this:

1. Those residing in Thailand, including myself, basically think this birds a muppet and som nam na lol.

2. Those who don't reside in Thailand feel affronted/shocked/horrified at what she went through.

Say no more. Yawn.

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Think about it:

The Daily Mail, and out of work actress......................................

Too many clues rakers....biggrin.gif

It does make one wonder about humanity smokie

There's a fair few pages left in this one yet.

"Francesca Salt" love it...reeks of Tom Sharpe that does! biggrin.gif

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Definitely something not right here.

A trip to Indonesia, dodgy passport and unsustainable details.

Her statement that.she was treated like a criminal is untrue, but rather as a suspect criminal in which the police were quite within their rights to do so.

Who knows? She could be into drug dealing, prostitution or anything.

This woman should consider herself lucky that she was only detained for 30 hours. As a matter of fact the Thai authorities had every right to hold her until she could provide reasonable proof that her passport was valid and her reasons for staying in Thailand.

Out of interest, Francesca Salt quotes on her website that she is willing to perform nude professionally. So we are not dealing with some do gooder missionary here, although I wouldn`t mind being locked up with her for 30 hours for an audition.


]She fits right in then!

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You're obsession with the Daily Mail is beginning to grow on me.

i get the pm more now ....

people only make things out to what that make it to be in thier own eyes ....

as this is not OTB, lets try to keep it all on topic

but i agree with one poster, this could be some PR stunt for her to be in the next big brother, xfactor ect ect , maybe even jeremy Kyle wannabe, but the facts still remain unclear and hopelfully Andrew Drummond shall report further

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You're obsession with the Daily Mail is beginning to grow on me.

i get the pm more now ....

people only make things out to what that make it to be in thier own eyes ....

as this is not OTB, lets try to keep it all on topic

but i agree with one poster, this could be some PR stunt for her to be in the next big brother, xfactor ect ect , maybe even jeremy Kyle wannabe, but the facts still remain unclear and hopelfully Andrew Drummond shall report further

Oh yes...updates on Ms Salt please Andrew!

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Definitely something not right here.

A trip to Indonesia, dodgy passport and unsustainable details.

Her statement that.she was treated like a criminal is untrue, but rather as a suspect criminal in which the police were quite within their rights to do so.

Who knows? She could be into drug dealing, prostitution or anything.

This woman should consider herself lucky that she was only detained for 30 hours. As a matter of fact the Thai authorities had every right to hold her until she could provide reasonable proof that her passport was valid and her reasons for staying in Thailand.

Out of interest, Francesca Salt quotes on her website that she is willing to perform nude professionally. So we are not dealing with some do gooder missionary here, although I wouldn`t mind being locked up with her for 30 hours for an audition.

From the Daily Snail....

"out of work student actress with no teaching qualifications possibly working illegally in the Kingdom is detained with mutilated passport for a day and a bit"

Miss cassandra X, age 24 from England, was detained against her will today after trying to return from a visa run with a damage passport and haircut. Officials determined that hair samples and the offending documents had been snipped with the same scissors and so invited Miss X, to reside in the multi cultural centre adjacent to the airport while her true identity was established.

an unaccomplished actress and recent convert to teaching, Miss X was returned to her home country where, after meeting with her lawyer and publicicst, Mr. Max Thanet, they determined that if she could just make a mountain out of a molehill and detract from her possible illegal work activity, she might get the story in the Daily Snail and get an interview for east enders.

Police are still searching for the offending hair dresser

Full nudity available on a professional basis ;)

Edited by TommyDee
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Thai immigration would not deface another countries passport, it may in fact be illegal.....Swiss immigration would only punch holes through a Swiss passport not another nations passport.....A passport does not belong to an indiviudal, it belongs to a goverment of specific country

And a passport belongs to a Government because?..........

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Pages dont go mysteriously missing from a Passport.There certainly is something the Miss forget to tell.

Agree, seems that she's not telling the whole story.

Most people keep their passport under close watch.

Why would another person remove a page from this lady's passport?

Surely she would know if a page had been torn out?

Many questions.

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Well what are the odds, this woman just happens to be an aspiring actress!


And it appears that 22 is not her actual age but her 'playing age'

Just goes to show there are always at least two sides to a story.

The poster who mentioned a possible ploy for a future acting role may be closer to the truth than we think.

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How can pages of passports be torn out, how can a passport be so badly damaged? I'm travelling a lot and when I had to change my old passport after expiry (10 years), it was still in very good condition.

How can somebody not realize that a page in a passport is missing / torn out? Or if it was realized, how can somebody be so stupid and not know that the passport is now invalid and not immediately contact their nearest Embassy for issuing of a new / emergency passport

Tend to agree, seems a good chance something dodgy was going on here. The headline is a bit sensational too.

The title says: Forced To Bribe Guards So I Could Eat

The fine prijnt says: 'I had to pay the guards for something to eat as the food offered was inedible.'

The guards have no responsibility to buy food from outside for prisoners. She's lucky they accepted to run out to KFC or wherever 3 times a day just for her. No real story here except knowing the truth about that missing page.

Edited by canopy
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I will state again Thai immigration will not cut the corner off another countries passport....I will refer you to note 6 in a British passport...I quote....."this passport remains the property of her majestys goverment in the United kingdom and........blah blah...It should not be tampered with......"

Therefore this is a legal goverment document and Thai immigration has absolutely no legal right to tamper with said document....

I recently went to immigration at chaeng wattana to transfers stamps from my old passport to my new one. Once i recieved both my passports back a thai immigration offical handed me a pair of scissors to cut the corner off my old passport. Wonder what would of happened if i refused..........

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Well what are the odds, this woman just happens to be an aspiring actress!


And it appears that 22 is not her actual age but her 'playing age'

nice find

Even nicer, is that she will take nude roles. :whistling: (scroll down).

I liked the Daily Mail part : 'It spoiled the end of my trip - a wonderful experience otherwise - cost me a huge amount of money and made me suffer the [humiliation] of being marched through an airport with guards who were laughing at the state of my hysteria.'

She does have a flair for the dramatic. When's the last time anyone saw a Thai official march a deportee? These guys can't even do a quick march in unison. So she thinks they were laughing at her hysteria? Usually, Thais are embarrassed when a westerner becomes unhinged. The Thai way of reacting is to smile or laugh. If she was a teacher in thailand, surely she observed that aspect of the culture. I can picture her the airport when she became hysterical.

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I really doubt immigration threw her in jail for no reason. I'd bet good money she got mouthy with them and uttered either "<deleted>" or "chinkies" at one point or another. Your usual brit lass acts like a princess when abroad and this time it caught up with her.

Plus her passport just screams drug trafficking. An out of work actress needs to supplement her party income somehow. She had all the red flags so she shouldn't be complaining.

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At Mumbai Airport last week there was a woman complaining about the male only queue. She was letting rip at a man carrying an assault rifle! She looked around for support and everyone just looked away. I think they would have been justified in "detaining" her. But they were so polite and the man never lost his temper until she blew out her own rage and joined the much longer queue.

When in Rome, people... please.

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For all we know this event may never even have happened.

Don't forget, this is the very same paper that was recently caught making up quotes.

The way to read the Daily Mail is as follows:

Anything surrounded in quote marks (unless it's a literal quotation of what someone said) is made up.

Any sentence that begins 'a senior source..., friends of the..., a minor official' etc. is made up.

Any sentence that includes the words 'an expert says' without actually naming the expert is made up.

Discount all the above and you're probably left with 50% of the paper which may, just may, be somewhere near the truth.

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For all we know this event may never even have happened.

Don't forget, this is the very same paper that was recently caught making up quotes.

The way to read the Daily Mail is as follows:

Anything surrounded in quote marks (unless it's a literal quotation of what someone said) is made up.

Any sentence that begins 'a senior source..., friends of the..., a minor official' etc. is made up.

Any sentence that includes the words 'an expert says' without actually naming the expert is made up.

Discount all the above and you're probably left with 50% of the paper which may, just may, be somewhere near the truth.

And watch as people still continue to believe their nonsense even all after this has been spelled out to them.

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