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We're nearly through it: PM

Lite Beer

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Looking at the current satellite photos shows water area 3 times the size of what is around Bangkok waiting up country to move south to the sea. Hard to imagine that will jzst evaporate before it arrives in the next 2-3 weeks. This way beyond being overly optimistic.

Here is a link I found for 2 different time lines, 1 now and 1 in 2008 from Nasa so should be accurate. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=76204

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PM calls for special Cabinet meeting today to discuss escalating flood crisis in capital/TAN_Network

BANGKOK, 31 October 2011 (NNT)-Prime Minister Yingluck Shinnawat expressed her beliefs that after tomorrow the flooding situation will start to ease, provided that there are no major downpours or rising sea water level.

Strange she said," we're nearly through it." Do any of these "expert' who are running this three ring circus have any concept of reality and truth coupled with sincerity and honesty. We now see that relief supplies donated by others have been "hoarded" by F.R.O.C .If this is true there are indeed explanations needed.

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PM calls for special Cabinet meeting today to discuss escalating flood crisis in capital/TAN_Network

Strange she said," we're nearly through it."

Don't believe we're almost through this. That's a huge lie and will come back to bite her in the ass I can almost guarantee that. If you look at the maps and the recent expansion of the flooding you'll see that it's just beginning to come into inner bangkok.

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Water expert Tanawat on radio this morning: Bangkok starts a critical period from today until the next three days. via @suthichai/via@veen_TN

They keep changing the "critical period". :annoyed:

Peak high tides were yesterday and today. Tide levels from this point on will be decreasing and therefore reduce the stress on Bangkok's protective measures.

I think the real critical concern from here on out will be the health of the people throughout the flooded regions.

Edited by BuckarooBanzai
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You could always inform the employer of the originator of that phrase:

"Such a stupid bitch, she is!"

Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

I was more referring to stuff like this.

She has my sympathy. There is nothing that can be done to stop the deluge that is befalling the country. Whatever could have been done, would never be done by politicians. Politicians simply lack the expertise and will to handle a natural disaster.

The true test will be the aftermath of the current disaster.

She is a lot stronger than I thought she was. The fact that she has continued to hang in there during these extremely stressful times is amazing.

She has the Power...! stupid bitch..

Apprently he works for an NGO. With an emphasis on the NG part judging by his turn of phrase. :D

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^^ That's exactly what she means because a few days ago it was perhaps a month/6 weeks... you have 16 billion cubic metres being drained at 50 million m3 per day. Do the maths, Yingluck, and tell people how it is.

If you are going to be snide, get your numbers right.

It WAS 16 billion cbm, everyday more of that drains. At a total drainage rate of 400million cbm per day.

That is drainage from the whole basin. Tha Chin, Chao Praya, Bang Pakong rivers and various canals.

Last time I saw any numbers about volume left to drain, it was more like 6 to 8 billion cbm.

They said at the start of the Bangkok flood crisis that it would take 30 to 40 days to drain. What date do you take as start?

Who knows? Oct.1st? Oct.15th?

Um, from when they said it'd take 30-40 days when there was 16Bm3 backed up (that backed up amount is always being topped up, btw), so from around last week. And, yes, I did get the numbers wrong, 50 million should have been 500, though any nitwit could have spotted the slip of a '0' without having to be an ass. The point being, the lady is saying we're nearly through it, when clearly we're not.

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Having left Thailand after the riots, I'm watching this from afar, reading this forum a couple of times a day, checking CNN (etc.) online, and getting some info from Thai friends in Thailand. Seems to me you've all gone through several stages in this crisis:

Stage 1: There's no problem. We're managing the water upcountry.

Stage 2a: A little secret -- we know this is going to be bad, but we won't admit it because we don't want to discourage tourists from coming even in the midst of widespread flooding and we don't want foreign investors to question their presence and/or plans to move into Thailand (although trust me, it's only cheap labor that attracts those foreign investors, not any faith in the Thai nation). But, mai pben rai.

Stage 2b: I'm a Thai official and I will say whatever comes to my mind. I might say something completely different 2 hours from now, but I have to keep my face in front of the public, even though I don't really know what I am talking about. But, mai pben rai.

Stage 3: We're in deep shit...and about to be in really deep water. This is worse than we knew, even when we knew it was going to be bad, but couldn't quite tell the truth about it.

Now every once in a while in this forum a discussion comes along about whether Thailand is a third world country. I have somewhat of a background in hydrology. There are 2 types of hydrologic events. One type is sudden onset, which isn't very predictable -- a hurricane whose path you don't know, for example Hurricane Agnes back in the 1970s. The second type of hydrologic event is one that builds for many days or weeks or even months. And that is what has happened in Thailand this year with the monsoon rains. It was not a sudden onset, it has been building over time. And a first world country would have a relatively reliable prediction system for that type of hydrologic event. Here in the States we had that sort of snow melt in the mid-West this year, and predictions about times and extent of crests were remarkably accurate. Steps were taken to moderate problems. But instead, the Thai government (whichever government it happens to be at the time), simply lurches from one crisis to another, whether it be a coup or a flood or riots or...well, you name it...lurch, lurch, lurch...but never solve much of anything. Even in historical Thailand, the rivers (and their annual flooding) shaped Thai history and geography. It's not exactly a new issue. And another fear I have for Thailand is that after the flooding is over, they will rebuild what was, but do nothing new and it will just all happen all over again.

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^^ That's exactly what she means because a few days ago it was perhaps a month/6 weeks... you have 16 billion cubic metres being drained at 50 million m3 per day. Do the maths, Yingluck, and tell people how it is.

If you are going to be snide, get your numbers right.

It WAS 16 billion cbm, everyday more of that drains. At a total drainage rate of 400million cbm per day.

That is drainage from the whole basin. Tha Chin, Chao Praya, Bang Pakong rivers and various canals.

Last time I saw any numbers about volume left to drain, it was more like 6 to 8 billion cbm.

They said at the start of the Bangkok flood crisis that it would take 30 to 40 days to drain. What date do you take as start?

Who knows? Oct.1st? Oct.15th?

Um, from when they said it'd take 30-40 days when there was 16Bm3 backed up (that backed up amount is always being topped up, btw), so from around last week. And, yes, I did get the numbers wrong, 50 million should have been 500, though any nitwit could have spotted the slip of a '0' without having to be an ass. The point being, the lady is saying we're nearly through it, when clearly we're not.

Oh, I am supposed to know what you are thinking? I am to understand that it was a slip of the finger? If only it was 500million cbm a day. Did I call you names? No, instead you call me a nitwit and ass. You could call me pedantic.

Regarding your last sentence, I agree.

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The Shinawatras are talented at big numbers. Lets say the country has 16 Billion Baht and every day you can cheat 50 Million from it: how long do you need to stay as PM to have everything.

I am sure she or her brother can answer it in 1 second.

It's amazing.

The slightest prospect of a little bit of good news generates posts consisting of bile and venom.

Or do I mean vile and benom???



It's truly amazing how some people aren't happy unless they're bitching from the sidelines but what really grates is the repetitive, puerile armchair analysis from the same pundits.

I recognise that, as a result of the flooding, some people really have nothing else to do but sit at their computers all day refreshing their browsers but it's so fuc_king tiresome reading the same <deleted> about Thaksin this or Yingluck that whenever a glimmer of hope slices through the media gloom.

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As we are nearly through it, I was wondering why the FROC released apparently the attached graphic recently?

And more curiously I was wondering which area in Eastern Bangkok the experts of the FROC consider to be near to the Chao Phraya river? ;-)


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^^ That's exactly what she means because a few days ago it was perhaps a month/6 weeks... you have 16 billion cubic metres being drained at 50 million m3 per day. Do the maths, Yingluck, and tell people how it is.

If you are going to be snide, get your numbers right.

It WAS 16 billion cbm, everyday more of that drains. At a total drainage rate of 400million cbm per day.

That is drainage from the whole basin. Tha Chin, Chao Praya, Bang Pakong rivers and various canals.

Last time I saw any numbers about volume left to drain, it was more like 6 to 8 billion cbm.

They said at the start of the Bangkok flood crisis that it would take 30 to 40 days to drain. What date do you take as start?

Who knows? Oct.1st? Oct.15th?

No need to throw facts into the asylum of ranting barstool generals that Thavisa News section have become. Any facts will be dismissed and overlooked, and normal ranting resumed in next post.

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It would be slightly amusing for the PM's more, shall we say, "vocal" detractors to actually have a chance to call her a "stupid bitch" to her face. Basically despite her monumental f#ckups, broken campaign promises, ulterior motives towards her brother and basic mismanagement of everything she touches IMHO calling her a bitch is beyond the pale.

You could always inform the employer of the originator of that phrase:

"Such a stupid bitch, she is!"

Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.


And I can imagine Buchholz is keening and wailing with self loathing as we speak as he realises that he has omitted the context of the above phrase giving the impression that the Good Fellow was the originator of such a phrase against the Thai PM and not merely using the phrase as an example of the bile (particularly popular on this forum) that sets itself out as political comment whilst discussing the floods. For those that care about context the OP was entitled Even this national disaster is being used as a political weapon

and could well be a critique of some of this Forums' members IMHO.

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It would be slightly amusing for the PM's more, shall we say, "vocal" detractors to actually have a chance to call her a "stupid bitch" to her face. Basically despite her monumental f#ckups, broken campaign promises, ulterior motives towards her brother and basic mismanagement of everything she touches IMHO calling her a bitch is beyond the pale.

You could always inform the employer of the originator of that phrase:

"Such a stupid bitch, she is!"

Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.


And I can imagine Buchholz is keening and wailing with self loathing as we speak as he realises that he has omitted the context of the above phrase giving the impression that the Good Fellow was the originator of such a phrase against the Thai PM and not merely using the phrase as an example of the bile (particularly popular on this forum) that sets itself out as political comment whilst discussing the floods. For those that care about context the OP was entitled Even this national disaster is being used as a political weapon

and could well be a critique of some of this Forums' members IMHO.


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It would be slightly amusing for the PM's more, shall we say, "vocal" detractors to actually have a chance to call her a "stupid bitch" to her face. Basically despite her monumental f#ckups, broken campaign promises, ulterior motives towards her brother and basic mismanagement of everything she touches IMHO calling her a bitch is beyond the pale.

You could always inform the employer of the originator of that phrase:

"Such a stupid bitch, she is!"

Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.


And I can imagine Buchholz is keening and wailing with self loathing as we speak as he realises that he has omitted the context of the above phrase giving the impression that the Good Fellow was the originator of such a phrase against the Thai PM and not merely using the phrase as an example of the bile (particularly popular on this forum) that sets itself out as political comment whilst discussing the floods. For those that care about context the OP was entitled Even this national disaster is being used as a political weapon

and could well be a critique of some of this Forums' members IMHO.

You have a vivid, as well as inflammatory, but ultimately, erroneous imagination.

I posted the originator of a particular phrase.

The link was provided in order for members to see the context.

Try a different attack.

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See above and below.

Either of you could validate your feigned outrage by criticizing those posting in the thread:

Sukhumbhand Finds Predictions Of Bangkok Flooding 'Inconceivable'

or is dumbass somehow all that less derogatory than stupid bitch?

Double standards, and all that.


Edited by Buchholz
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I posted the originator of a particular phrase.

The link was provided in order for members to see the context

You really do believe what you say at times," the link was provided in order for members to see the context " You slay me Buchholz..................

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I posted the originator of a particular phrase.

The link was provided in order for members to see the context

You really do believe what you say at times," the link was provided in order for members to see the context " You slay me Buchholz..................

your stalking disturbs me, phiphidon

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It's truly amazing how some people aren't happy unless they're bitching from the sidelines but what really grates is the repetitive, puerile armchair analysis from the same pundits.

I recognise that, as a result of the flooding, some people really have nothing else to do but sit at their computers all day refreshing their browsers but it's so fuc_king tiresome reading the same <deleted> about Thaksin this or Yingluck that whenever a glimmer of hope slices through the media gloom.

Rumour has it that some after having been flooded out of their home, flee to the nearest Internet shop still open and just continue :whistling:

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It would be slightly amusing for the PM's more, shall we say, "vocal" detractors to actually have a chance to call her a "stupid bitch" to her face. Basically despite her monumental f#ckups, broken campaign promises, ulterior motives towards her brother and basic mismanagement of everything she touches IMHO calling her a bitch is beyond the pale.

You could always inform the employer of the originator of that phrase:

"Such a stupid bitch, she is!"

Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.


And I can imagine Buchholz is keening and wailing with self loathing as we speak as he realises that he has omitted the context of the above phrase giving the impression that the Good Fellow was the originator of such a phrase against the Thai PM and not merely using the phrase as an example of the bile (particularly popular on this forum) that sets itself out as political comment whilst discussing the floods. For those that care about context the OP was entitled Even this national disaster is being used as a political weapon

and could well be a critique of some of this Forums' members IMHO.


It seems that simply putting the quote into it's original context on here is beyond him.

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^^ That's exactly what she means because a few days ago it was perhaps a month/6 weeks... you have 16 billion cubic metres being drained at 50 million m3 per day. Do the maths, Yingluck, and tell people how it is.

In a country where even Assistant directors of schools need a calculator to subtract 39 from 100 baht. Are you really sure that they'll understand it?......

The Shinawatras are talented at big numbers. Lets say the country has 16 Billion Baht and every day you can cheat 50 Million from it: how long do you need to stay as PM to have everything.

I am sure she or her brother can answer it in 1 second.

Unfortunately, that's the point, exactly.

Their private priorities are light-years from where 1/3 of the country puts/needs them right now.

Here lies the pathetic.


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We're nearly through it: PM

I would really like to believe that, but looking at posts in "Thai Live Sunday" topic, believing ain't easy. BTW what part of Bangkok is considered "Inner Bangkok" and to remain flood free?

#79: Bangkok Metropolitan Admin Sun.declared sub-districts of Chim Pli,Taling Chan,Bang Ramad as special watch flood zones/via@Biz_TheNation

#79: FROC wants special flood holidays extended to facilitate govt floods prevention and relief activities/via@Biz_TheNation

#83: TR @jeerapong_nna: FROC: public holiday won't be extended, believe the flooding situation wouldn't worsen/via@Juarawee

#86: 10 Flood evacuee centers in Bangkok shut down due to rising floodwater

#89: 30/10 2:35pm (2) highest water level is 60cm at MuangTong 1 village, some residents still not evacuate. via @news1005fm /via@ThaiFloodEng

#90: PM: No extension for special holiday after Oct 27-31; confident flood crisis will ease after Monday, inner Bangkok can be protected from flooding/MCOT

#94: BMA issues evacuation order for Chimphli, Taling Chan and Bang Ramat sub-districts of Bangkok's Taling Chan District./TAN_Network

#97: Bangkok governor warns residents in Taling Chan district to be prepared for evacuation

NOTE: lists areas on watch, or in process of flooding

#99: High tide in Bangkok (Navy HQ) is at 7:10pm, start overflowing an hour before /via@RichardBarrow

#103: Charoen Krung Rd in Yanawa district,Bangkok 50cm submerged/via@Biz_TheNation

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Why should we believe her now. So far she has been wrong at most every turn. She even located the control center in Don Muang and had to move it because it got flooded out.

It just goes to prove you can not successfully manage water control and relief efforts from Dubai.

Ha HA Well put----------love it !!!

Edited by metisdead
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Thai woman elected because of her surname.

Cabinet selected for who they were not what they could do.

The proof of the pudding has been in the eating - and the Thai people have had to eat a lot of government-induced misfortune.

FROC and the PM started this whole thing by underestimating, doing the wrong thing and miscommunicating.

The key thing was getting people whose homes were no longer inhabitable to safe havens with food and clothes. Instead they were moved to the wrong places and moved again.

The second key thing was getting the aid to the people who were flooded in. Failed miserably and allowed tonnes to waste.

Where they could have made some wise decisions, they made stupid ones. Warehousing the donated aid in Don Muang was one, failing to move it when it was clear it was at risk was a disgrace.

The map still shows a huge amount of water coming down from the north and Bangkok even more surrounded on the east and west.

The industrial zones at Lad Krabang are still hugely at risk - Suvarnabhum is shortly going to be surrounded and is protected by mounds of earth. These berms have not really been successful so far.

The water from Don Muang is heading south in the direction of FROC's new HQ

But we've gone from "this will fill Bangkok with a metre of water that will last 6 weeks" to "it's all over this Sunday - back to mormal" in just a few days? something wrong there.

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Thai woman elected because of her surname.

Cabinet selected for who they were not what they could do.

The proof of the pudding has been in the eating - and the Thai people have had to eat a lot of government-induced misfortune.

FROC and the PM started this whole thing by underestimating, doing the wrong thing and miscommunicating.

The key thing was getting people whose homes were no longer inhabitable to safe havens with food and clothes. Instead they were moved to the wrong places and moved again.

The second key thing was getting the aid to the people who were flooded in. Failed miserably and allowed tonnes to waste.

Where they could have made some wise decisions, they made stupid ones. Warehousing the donated aid in Don Muang was one, failing to move it when it was clear it was at risk was a disgrace.

The map still shows a huge amount of water coming down from the north and Bangkok even more surrounded on the east and west.

The industrial zones at Lad Krabang are still hugely at risk - Suvarnabhum is shortly going to be surrounded and is protected by mounds of earth. These berms have not really been successful so far.

The water from Don Muang is heading south in the direction of FROC's new HQ

But we've gone from "this will fill Bangkok with a metre of water that will last 6 weeks" to "it's all over this Sunday - back to mormal" in just a few days? something wrong there.

Very good summation of the past weeks.

Thank you.


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Thai woman elected because of her surname.

Cabinet selected for who they were not what they could do.

The proof of the pudding has been in the eating - and the Thai people have had to eat a lot of government-induced misfortune.

FROC and the PM started this whole thing by underestimating, doing the wrong thing and miscommunicating.

The key thing was getting people whose homes were no longer inhabitable to safe havens with food and clothes. Instead they were moved to the wrong places and moved again.

The second key thing was getting the aid to the people who were flooded in. Failed miserably and allowed tonnes to waste.

Where they could have made some wise decisions, they made stupid ones. Warehousing the donated aid in Don Muang was one, failing to move it when it was clear it was at risk was a disgrace.

The map still shows a huge amount of water coming down from the north and Bangkok even more surrounded on the east and west.

The industrial zones at Lad Krabang are still hugely at risk - Suvarnabhum is shortly going to be surrounded and is protected by mounds of earth. These berms have not really been successful so far.

The water from Don Muang is heading south in the direction of FROC's new HQ

But we've gone from "this will fill Bangkok with a metre of water that will last 6 weeks" to "it's all over this Sunday - back to mormal" in just a few days? something wrong there.

Very good summation of the past weeks.

Thank you.


So far the government has really screwed up by not taking the time to talk with people in the other provinces. This lack of communication is starting to take its toll. People are getting angry seeing all the efforts made to save Bangkok only, and are taking it out on the barriers and dykes to save their own homes. I understand their anger very well. It seems that everything is and has been about Bangkok only and to hell with your homes and lives in the other provinces. While I understand the need to try and divert the water around the city, there plenty that don't. I would love to see some FROCing heads roll when this is over.

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It's amazing.

The slightest prospect of a little bit of good news generates posts consisting of bile and venom.

Or do I mean vile and benom???


I recognise that, as a result of the flooding, some people really have nothing else to do but sit at their computers all day refreshing their browsers but it's so fuc_king tiresome reading the same <deleted> about Thaksin this or Yingluck that whenever a glimmer of hope slices through the media gloom.

You people are missing the point by a country mile and are wasting bandwidth. Last week they were saying to prepare for floods for 4-6 weeks, and now 'we're nearly through it'! Agree, the political drivel on here is annoying but it's comments like this from the PM that sets them right up. Either 'we're nearly through it' is tosh, is mainly focused on Inner Bangkok, is lost in translation, or, most unlikely, the bulk of the 16Bm3 of water has mysteriously passed through already.

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