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Are You Scared, Worried, Or Feel Like It'S Pointless To Live In Thailand?


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So what reason does a backpacker,a criminal on the run or people without an income have to be in the country then.

Others i think have no problem to obtain a visa in Thailand.

Which country are you talking about?

We are in Thailand aren't we,are haven't you noticed that this kind of people frequent Thailand in big numbers?

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So what reason does a backpacker,a criminal on the run or people without an income have to be in the country then.

Others i think have no problem to obtain a visa in Thailand.

Which country are you talking about?

We are in Thailand aren't we,are haven't you noticed that this kind of people frequent Thailand in big numbers?

It might have escaped your attention that you replied to two quotes that were referring to China, so instead of getting snotty try reading what you are replying to. As for backpackers I think they are more than welcome, and I envy them their ability to travel the world during ( normally ) their gap year. I wish I had that option when I was younger.

As for criminals on the run, I think you'll find that in most countries, it's not exclusive to Thailand. People's income level is nothing to do with you either, it is a matter for the authorities to implement their own laws.

The point is that there a lot of good upstanding ex-pats in Thailand that are forced to jump through hoops every few weeks for the " right " to remain to stay in Thailand. The policy is too tight. It may be that the policy for entry to the country is too loose, but be careful of suggesting a change to that policy.......beware of the law of unintended consequences.

Amongst other things, the OP is talking about how secure people feel living here. I am suggesting that following the lead set by Malaysia would be a good start. If I was retiring just now, I would seriously consider basing myself in Penang ( Malaysia ) and taking frequent trips into Thailand.

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So what reason does a backpacker,a criminal on the run or people without an income have to be in the country then.

Others i think have no problem to obtain a visa in Thailand.

Which country are you talking about?

We are in Thailand aren't we,are haven't you noticed that this kind of people frequent Thailand in big numbers?

It might have escaped your attention that you replied to two quotes that were referring to China, so instead of getting snotty try reading what you are replying to. As for backpackers I think they are more than welcome, and I envy them their ability to travel the world during ( normally ) their gap year. I wish I had that option when I was younger.

As for criminals on the run, I think you'll find that in most countries, it's not exclusive to Thailand. People's income level is nothing to do with you either, it is a matter for the authorities to implement their own laws.

The point is that there a lot of good upstanding ex-pats in Thailand that are forced to jump through hoops every few weeks for the " right " to remain to stay in Thailand. The policy is too tight. It may be that the policy for entry to the country is too loose, but be careful of suggesting a change to that policy.......beware of the law of unintended consequences.

Amongst other things, the OP is talking about how secure people feel living here. I am suggesting that following the lead set by Malaysia would be a good start. If I was retiring just now, I would seriously consider basing myself in Penang ( Malaysia ) and taking frequent trips into Thailand.

My reply was intended to the line in your first post " Once again why can't Thailand see the sense in that?"

I don't know about which kind of foreigners visit China,but i know what i see around here ( and read the stories in the newspapers),after all I'm living here for the past 17 years.

And when i consider all this,I think on many occassions that the Thai government is still to lenient on their visa policy.

Regarding Malaysia,I have read many times about the retirement visa conditions which are better than Thailand,but you should take everything in consideration.Do a search on this forum as there have been several topics already about this option where the pro's and contra's are discussed.

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OP mentioned government and stability. The main focus of those in power in Thailand is maintaining the status quo. i.e For them the unstable and insecure life styles of the masses is OK, as long as they retain their money, wealth, power and status etc

If you're expecting to be part of society and to be able to change the country, then yes I expect it could all feel pointless. Generally most of the foreigners I know here who are happy, accept that they aren't really viewed by most locals as part of the hierarchy and society, although they are well tolerated.

Accept you're not Thai, never really will be, and that you'll always be a guest. Then you've a good chance of being happy and finding some meaning in other pursuits.

"and that you'll always be a guest"

A "Paying Guest" which will never be the same as a real welcome guest!

Bit too much bitterness there..........

How rough a ride have you had??

Not Bitterness,Fact!

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As a teacher, I'm quite sad for my students, seeing their potential and their energy wasted for no good reason at all. Most of those who can afford it try to go abroad to look for education and work, and I encourage them to do this- Thailand deserves brain drain until the political 'powers' grow up and decide to make a go of really taking care of the people and the country.

On a personal level, I enjoy living here more and more. I am hoping that this pattern of having an 'annual disaster' will not become a permanent institution, but at the moment I am willing to live with it.

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Thailand will never be a completely secure and stable country; situations can turn here either for better or for worse within a moment.

It has always been this way. The Thailand is a Disneyland for cheapskates crowd never seem to get this and keep trying to change it into a PC Western country.

I would add that the Thailand is a Disneyland for the rich are trying to change it into a PC Western country. The are three things that really are getting to me: 1) people pollution, 2) crime and 3) skyrocketing cost of living. These are the things that I have to deal with each day as opposed to some "crisis" which does not happen each day. But, it is worth nothing, that I live in sin city, which is, to many, the worst place to be and to others the best place to be.

1 Go live in Brixton uk

2 Go live in Brixton uk

3 Go live in UK

Nuff Said !!

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Thailand will never be a completely secure and stable country; situations can turn here either for better or for worse within a moment.

It has always been this way. The Thailand is a Disneyland for cheapskates crowd never seem to get this and keep trying to change it into a PC Western country.

I would add that the Thailand is a Disneyland for the rich are trying to change it into a PC Western country. The are three things that really are getting to me: 1) people pollution, 2) crime and 3) skyrocketing cost of living. These are the things that I have to deal with each day as opposed to some "crisis" which does not happen each day. But, it is worth nothing, that I live in sin city, which is, to many, the worst place to be and to others the best place to be.

1 Go live in Brixton uk

2 Go live in Brixton uk

3 Go live in UK

Nuff Said !!

Which was, in part, my unstated point: the place has become way too similar to what we wanted to get away from!

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You work as a teacher, yet don't know how to use 'losing' in a sentence?

Is 'loosing' even a word?

Bl**dy H*ll....The English police are on patrrol early this morning....:whistling:

I think an English teacher complaining about education priority in Thailand is fair game, don't you?

The obvious error I noticed was the use of 'effected' rather than 'affected'.

Come and work in Vietnam. You'll earn double what you earn in Thailand with similar living expenses.

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I'll take that as a "yes" then?

I'm reminded of the joke about the Bosnian footballer whose family who go through torrid times at home, I'll not bore you with the full story, I'm sure you've all heard it before, but the punch line is

"Well, I blame you, son, for bringing us to Glasgow."


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I'll take that as a "yes" then?

I'm reminded of the joke about the Bosnian footballer whose family who go through torrid times at home, I'll not bore you with the full story, I'm sure you've all heard it before, but the punch line is

"Well, I blame you, son, for bringing us to Glasgow."


I hope that there are no "scotch" (they just hate being called that) contributors as they might just be irked by the likes of you and me :jap:!!!

I think I'm going to get my apology in first.

"I'm extremely sorry if I've offended you (just kidding!! and I've got my fingers crossed) Ha Ha Ha!!!! By the way I've just discovered how difficult it is to type with your funfets cridder!!!!B).

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OK ---I know how you feel but in my circumstance I have sunk all i had,which wan't a lot into my new life here.I too am in isaan----udon Thani----- living on a pension and with a lovely lady for the last 4 yrs.Sure life is not the best i could have hoped for,but I am still better off and a lot less stress tha in my home country---NZ----.I take every day as it comes. I hope you can find the kind of peace ,friendship and comfort that I have------Dougal

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OK ---I know how you feel but in my circumstance I have sunk all i had,which wan't a lot into my new life here.I too am in isaan----udon Thani----- living on a pension and with a lovely lady for the last 4 yrs.Sure life is not the best i could have hoped for,but I am still better off and a lot less stress tha in my home country---NZ----.I take every day as it comes. I hope you can find the kind of peace ,friendship and comfort that I have------Dougal

Can I ask who you are retorting to!!! Your surname isn't Mcdonald by any chance, is it??? If so, then that probably narrows it down to me and Streetcowboy......unless of course if your middle name is Ronald whereby you called be corresponding with "a Yank" - oh dear!!! there is some more irking going on, on my part !!!

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I suppose it was Wade Dooley that destroyed my faith in the Good English Police...


Not sure about his police credentials but he was a fine rugby player though!!! I imagine that if 1 part-time policeman alone can destroy your faith in the English "bobby" then you didn't rate him as a "rugger player" either then!!!!!;). Whatever did he do to you to deserve so much blame, I wonder????

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It is ironic to read your concerns. I am in the process of retiring as a teacher in MInnesota and moving to Pattaya, Thailand. You may not be keeping track of what is going on in the USA, but I can assure you it is much worse than what is going on in Thailand. Millionaires and billionaires pay less percentage tax than teachers and many others and the Republicans think that is OK. Congress refuses to work together on any issue of importance. Many people have lost their jobs and houses. The biggest increase in pay I have ever had in my career was 3%, Education is not supported by states and the federal government. Most kids can no longer afford college and even if they could there cannot find jobs if they do graduate. When New Orleans was flooded the state and federal government totally screwed things up. I can't wait to get to Pattaya! All the guys in the Ex Pat club there that I have talked to love living in Pattaya!

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It is ironic to read your concerns. I am in the process of retiring as a teacher in MInnesota and moving to Pattaya, Thailand. You may not be keeping track of what is going on in the USA, but I can assure you it is much worse than what is going on in Thailand. Millionaires and billionaires pay less percentage tax than teachers and many others and the Republicans think that is OK. Congress refuses to work together on any issue of importance. Many people have lost their jobs and houses. The biggest increase in pay I have ever had in my career was 3%, Education is not supported by states and the federal government. Most kids can no longer afford college and even if they could there cannot find jobs if they do graduate. When New Orleans was flooded the state and federal government totally screwed things up. I can't wait to get to Pattaya! All the guys in the Ex Pat club there that I have talked to love living in Pattaya!

Congratuations on your decision to move to Thailand - I do keep track of whats happening in America, my home country (England) and the rest of the world for that fact, so I am well versed on the current goings on.

I retired nearly 4 years ago at the age of 51 to Sichon, Nakhonsithammarat in Southern Thailand. I can honestly say that it was the best decision I have ever made!!!! I hope that it turns out well for you as well!!!

One word of warning though, you must keep your "sensible head" on at all times and think deeply about making "life changing" decisions in Touristy areas (especially Pattaya and Phuket) as there are some clever and devious females in that "neck of the woods" that are more "worldy wise" than you!!! Don't let your heart rule your head and you should be OK!!!

Best of luck, anyway!!!:jap:.

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The next time I stay up all night reading the news, I will make sure I triple check my post. It was awfully inconsiderate of me to ask you to read such a poorly written post. I apologize.

I don't think you need to. If you'd carefully read those posts where you were ridiculed, I'm sure you'd have found mistakes in one or two of them.

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Most of the people here will do anything to to justify they're life in Thailand, and one way of doing it is by demonizing their old country..........that is a truism in most countries though. No one likes admitting that they left their old lives to live in a new country and made a mistake. These are the same types that when the going gets tough they slink back to their homeland and start demanding their rights because they paid some tax in 1971.

You've made your bed so lie in it......one thing that Thailand is good at that though is making sure you know you're not wanted, by ensuring that the vast majority of ex-pats need to attend immigration every 90 days.

Not really as you can always post your 90 day report to them.

Every time I have been to Immigration nobody has made me feel uncomfortable or unwanted.

Perhaps it is that I wear rose tinted glasses or perhaps it may be because I am polite and pleasant and I mostly have a good attitude and outlook on life.

But that's just me I suppose but I have no need to justify to anybody about my life in Thailand.

I chose it and I will be here until I die and I only whinge a little bit.

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I definitely get annoyed about what goes on in this country, but if I was back home i'd be annoyed at something there too.

My situation in Thailand is really great, I am a 23yr old running my own IT/Web/eMarketing Thai registered company with a few full time employees with an ok office and a nice condo. Every year I have multiple holidays within Thailand, other countries and I go home once a year. This year I spent 3 weeks in Japan, 2 weeks Pattaya, 1 week Koh Chang, 1 week Udon Thani and I will go to New Zealand for 1 month with my gf, who is a pleasant educated girl with a good job.

If I was back home I couldn't do the same thing or it'd definitely be hard, it would be to expensive to setup my own business and working full time only allows for a certain amount of time off per year.

So being in my situation I can see myself here for the foreseeable future. If I have to move out of Thailand I would look to other countries that are affordable.

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What about the double "and" in "She's Thai and and..." and the extra "e" in "judgement"?

We done as the first prize you have been awarded another week on your rotation...:D

Don't see any extra "e" in "Judgement" is this an American spelling thing.

Just maybe the guy learnt how to spell using correct Queens English not some Bastardised USA version.:whistling::cheesy:

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is that Queens English as in Queens New York

or is that Queen's English as in the BBC

What about the double "and" in "She's Thai and and..." and the extra "e" in "judgement"?

We done as the first prize you have been awarded another week on your rotation...:D

Don't see any extra "e" in "Judgement" is this an American spelling thing.

Just maybe the guy learnt how to spell using correct Queens English not some Bastardised USA version.:whistling::cheesy:

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What about the double "and" in "She's Thai and and..." and the extra "e" in "judgement"?

We done as the first prize you have been awarded another week on your rotation...:D

Don't see any extra "e" in "Judgement" is this an American spelling thing.

Just maybe the guy learnt how to spell using correct Queens English not some Bastardised USA version.:whistling::cheesy:

:cheesy: How can you disagree with Arnold and Terminator II Judgment Day....:cheesy:

Wish it was :burp: time, but still a few weeks to go.

NB: Are you by any chance a friend of "phaethon"? See his comment here (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/511656-record-flood-measurements/page__p__4839569__fromsearch__1#entry4839569).

Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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