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Singaporean Boss Murders Wife's Lover In Bangkok


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The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

There is a crisp clear message in there...!

Well, seems to be the "go" in this country, one may assume after all she did not love the "singaporean" much, except his material support.... and some may even think that they are "clever", agreed, she should have been "iced".. :rolleyes:

Edited by Samuian
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One poster suggested he should get 30 days. I think that is too long

In a country where there are 100's of thousands of beautiful single woman. many of whom would love to have a steady boyfriend, this character decides to have it off with a married woman.

Maybe he was a long term boyfriend, could be she was his sugar daddy and he was lapping it up, maybe he loved her or maybe he just liked the idea of bonking someone else's wife, who the hell knows?

No matter the reason there's no excuse for her behavior or his.

Just imagine you finding out someone you had dedicated your life to was screwing around.

Nothing justifies murder but this comes close as it gets.

What's most annoying is she walks free.

She drove her husband to this and there should be a law that implicates her through irresponsible behaviour so she is prosecuted.

This was in the most part her fault, If she had been a loyal wife or if she had left him this would never have happened.

This was a crime of passion plain and simple and hopefully this guy will get a light sentence, his wife will get hit by a bus and he can start a new life with someone decent..

Some of your logic is well...illogical. :blink:

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She...calls me 3-4 times during the day to let me know where she is, where she's going, who she will be with, and to make sure I'm ok, that I've eaten, and see if I need anything.

What a horrible way to live. Sounds like a child.

She's letting u know these things so you don't go a looking...hahaha.

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

I'm fast coming to the same conclusion TBird

Depends on the girl.This was his wife. If you wouldn't send your wife money then you shouldn't marry her in the first place. It's odd that there are so many farangs that come to Thailand to chase Thai women but have no respect for them and no trust. There are many decent women in Thailand, but most of the old and fat farangs don't know where to find them because their social lives revolve around hanging around bargirls. Why shouldn't a bargirl have a young boyfriend on the side. Do you think she enjoys having sex with fat farangs? No. It's a job and she's entitled to have sex with younger and better looking men.

Yeah...ahm...it's still wrong, IMHO!

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The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

There is a crisp clear message in there...!

Well, seems to be the "go" in this country, one may assume after all she did not love the "singaporean" much, except his material support.... and some may even think that they are "clever", agreed, she should have been "iced".. :rolleyes:

The guy was and is a fool, he could have tossed out the boyfriend (or not) and tossed the girlfriend out of the window...suicide!

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I do agree, the woman should suffer more than the man, but the couple of guys I have destroyed who were playing around with my women in the past, sure gave me a nice kick... and I still had the women to amuse me!

Most likely, the Thai guy was around from the beginning and let his woman out to get as much dosh as she could, and the Singaporean guy should be given a round of applause (as should anyone else in a similar situation).

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There are so many available women, why go for one that's got a husband??? The guy probably thought he could cheat the woman out of her car and some money. Old saying - Never touch another man's food, or his wife.

THE LESSON IS. Never sign a house or appartment to any wife or girlfrend. Buy a a car yes, but do not sign it in she name, keep the book yourself . Then if they want play outside the grid, the penalty is heavy , No House or car to rip off...

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Amazed that the majority of posters are defending the murderer or wishing he had killed the girl. Infidelity is bad, but not worth killing someone over.

I bet many of the posters defending the murderer take the odd bar girl behind their wife/girlfriend's back, yet when a woman cheats on a man who gives her money this is somehow much worse? Maybe he had previously cheated on her, and this was a revenge lay, who knows?

If you get involved with a woman you cannot trust, you only have yourself to blame. You cannot 'buy' someone else's fidelity, even for 70k p/m.

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While we always hear about the "bad ones", as far as I'm concerned, overall they are the minority. At least in my opinion and experience. My own story - I was married for 28 wonderful years to the most incredible woman I've ever known. She died in 1999 of cancer, which left me devastated. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would ever love or marry again.

In 2006 I came to Thailand on vacation, as I'd done before with my wife, but this time came north to Chiang Mai, where I'd never been before. At the hotel where i was staying I met a beautiful woman who, I thought, was about 30, but turned out to be 47, 10 years younger than me. We talked, and when I returned to Arizona, we kept in contact by messenger, emails and phone calls. I made two more trips here to see her over the next 6 months. On the 3rd one we got married and bought a house. I had to go back to the States for a while to straighten some things up with the VA and SS over my pensions, but came back in Jan of 2007 and have been here ever since.

My wife, while lacking a college degree, is one of the top sales reps/agents for Siam Commercial Life in all of Chiang Mai province. We have a beautiful home, car, motorbikes, and everything a man could want or need. We have a marriage, and relationship, that is almost as good as the one I had with my first wife, with respect for each other, as well as total trust in one another. And I'm not alone in this, as I know others who have found their "perfect wife" as well, and couldn't ask for a better life. So, hats off to the good ones we never hear about.

I am very happy for you to have met 2 wonderful woman. Would u say it was luck? Or good things just happen to good people?

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this subject has struck a chord with the TV membership

11,017 views and 5 pages of comments to view,discuss and deliberate over the demise of a cheating wifes lover

2 year old abused Thai boy beaten to death get 2,053 views

not even a full page of comments

shame on you

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this subject has struck a chord with the TV membership

11,017 views and 5 pages of comments to view,discuss and deliberate over the demise of a cheating wifes lover

2 year old abused Thai boy beaten to death get 2,053 views

not even a full page of comments

shame on you


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this subject has struck a chord with the TV membership

11,017 views and 5 pages of comments to view,discuss and deliberate over the demise of a cheating wifes lover

2 year old abused Thai boy beaten to death get 2,053 views

not even a full page of comments

shame on you

Yeah...shame that, but I doubt if there would be any debate or discussion about that case. String the fcuker up I would imagine to be the unanimous post.

The cheatin slag on the other hand, is something that either has or possibly could affect most of the good folks on here and as such, is very likely to get much more in the way of attention. String her up too might not be a bad idea.....:whistling:

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It's obvious she wouldn't have told the 26yr lover about her singaporan cash cow. The guy should have wasted her and and sent the other guy on his way.

You can't say it's the lovers fault for what happened. Hope he has a good lawyer to get him off. Then go after her.

Some people just don't realise how good they have it until it's to late. !!

IMO. :blink:

For all of you on this tangent, if you follow the link it states that they did know each other. That the singaporean had hired the driver to be a chauffer for his wife (who did drive her, indeed).

So one may have been stupid for delivering the fox to the chicken, but this particular fox knew what he was doing was wrong.

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While we always hear about the "bad ones", as far as I'm concerned, overall they are the minority. At least in my opinion and experience. My own story - I was married for 28 wonderful years to the most incredible woman I've ever known. She died in 1999 of cancer, which left me devastated. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would ever love or marry again.

In 2006 I came to Thailand on vacation, as I'd done before with my wife, but this time came north to Chiang Mai, where I'd never been before. At the hotel where i was staying I met a beautiful woman who, I thought, was about 30, but turned out to be 47, 10 years younger than me. We talked, and when I returned to Arizona, we kept in contact by messenger, emails and phone calls. I made two more trips here to see her over the next 6 months. On the 3rd one we got married and bought a house. I had to go back to the States for a while to straighten some things up with the VA and SS over my pensions, but came back in Jan of 2007 and have been here ever since.

My wife, while lacking a college degree, is one of the top sales reps/agents for Siam Commercial Life in all of Chiang Mai province. We have a beautiful home, car, motorbikes, and everything a man could want or need. We have a marriage, and relationship, that is almost as good as the one I had with my first wife, with respect for each other, as well as total trust in one another. And I'm not alone in this, as I know others who have found their "perfect wife" as well, and couldn't ask for a better life. So, hats off to the good ones we never hear about.

Yes, but the reality is i have know a few white guys who thought they were married to a 'perfect wife' when in fact their 'perfect wife' had bfs/giks on the side. One of their wives was inviting my mate over to her and her husbands house in the afternoon (while hubby was working) for a nice romp regularly; i felt very bad for the husband because he was a nice guy and he sincerely, 100% trusted his wife. If you want to have a chance of marrying a Thai lady who wont cheat, then marry someone your own age or older, any farang who marries a thai lady 10 yrs + younger than him should expect that his wife has other guys on the side (at least this has been my experience after knowing dozens of such couples over the years in Asia...).

^^^ This pretty much.

Or go for a woman over 35 as no Thai man will be interested. I've only ever known one Thai guy go for a woman older than him and it's the younger the better for gigs and Mia nois.

All my wifes single friends over 35 even most over 30 don't expect to ever meet anyone and basically don't expect to get laid again. All financially independent. The ironic thing is if they were bar girls they could probably end up with a Farang husband.

Anyone that has to pay their girlfriend money or a salary and buy expensive presents really needs to wake up as to why they are with them. It doesn't matter whether the woman is Thai or not it happens all over the world (very often here though to farang and Thai) or the guy is old or young, fat or slim, white skinned or dark skinned, farang or Asian. If the woman is only with you for the money that's all she is with you for. She either doesn't fancy you or is just a nasty piece of work out to milk every guy she can.

This guy probably could have paid half the girls in a gogo bar and had a gang bang every night of the month for the money he must have been paying her and for her condo and car and still got the same amount of love in return.

Did he have a place in Thailand already ? If so want on earth did he think the woman wanted the condo for ?

And no not all Thai women are the same, find a financially independent woman your own age that finds you attractive and you can satisfy sexually that has been brought up with morals and she will most likely never cheat on you or ask you for money. Or even a girl that genually what's someone to look after them. Just be careful who you choose, but if she is younger than you then don't be surprised if she too likes younger lovers.

Edited by arthurwait
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"Women! You can't live with them, you can't do most positions without them." - Dan Fielding (from the 'Night Court' television series)

"Women. You can't live with 'em. Pass the beernuts." - Norm 'Cheers' (1982)

"Women: You can't live with them, and you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy little Nazi costume and beat you with a warm squash or something." - Emo Philips

"Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't kill 'em!" - Gib 'True Lies' (1994)

"What was I thinking when I said "I do"? I'd already had sex with her; I didn't need that again." - Al 'Married with Children' (TV Series 1987–1997)

"You've put me off women. I'm gay now. And not just a little gay-full on, Liberace gay." - Seth 'Love Stinks' (1999)

Sometimes the best sex in the world...just isn't worth it,,,

a canine beyotch, man's best friend,,, a human beyotch, man's worst nightmare,,,

trying to find a good woman is like trying to find santa claus or the easter bunny,,, you will never find them,,, because they are all figments of your f'ng imagination,,,

women are the predator,,, men are the prey,,,

the BEST thing about a woman is herpussy,,, the worst thing about a woman is EVERYTHING ELSE,,,

for women, men are dogs,,, HELL, men would love to be treated as well as women treat their DOGS,,,

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Feel bad for the Singaporean dude, ruining his life over a 2 satang biatch. Also feel sorry for the lover, amazing how much a lay could cost some nowadays...

Exactly my toughs as well. When you hear your lover shagging someone else behind closed door there are only 2 smart choices one can make: open the door and try to join in a 3-some


I wonder how this story would have ended up if he kicked down the door, pulled his pants down with a big sh*t eating grin, and yelled out "hey wait for me!"


Probably depends on which one he was saying it to.

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It said in the full article he was giving her $2900 a month living allowance, Can you spell StUpId? ha hablink.gif

Gosh with buying her a condo then giving her that kind of spending money its a wonder he did not find Taksin in his bed!rolleyes.gif

I didn't think that it would be possible to get Thaksin into this thread ---- but you did it !!!!!!!

He makes an appearance in every thread. A bit like a Alfred Hithcock movie, he is always lurking in a shot somewhere.:D

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"Women! You can't live with them, you can't do most positions without them." - Dan Fielding (from the 'Night Court' television series)

"Women. You can't live with 'em. Pass the beernuts." - Norm 'Cheers' (1982)

"Women: You can't live with them, and you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy little Nazi costume and beat you with a warm squash or something." - Emo Philips

"Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't kill 'em!" - Gib 'True Lies' (1994)

"What was I thinking when I said "I do"? I'd already had sex with her; I didn't need that again." - Al 'Married with Children' (TV Series 1987–1997)

"You've put me off women. I'm gay now. And not just a little gay-full on, Liberace gay." - Seth 'Love Stinks' (1999)

Sometimes the best sex in the world...just isn't worth it,,,

a canine beyotch, man's best friend,,, a human beyotch, man's worst nightmare,,,

trying to find a good woman is like trying to find santa claus or the easter bunny,,, you will never find them,,, because they are all figments of your f'ng imagination,,,

women are the predator,,, men are the prey,,,

the BEST thing about a woman is herpussy,,, the worst thing about a woman is EVERYTHING ELSE,,,

for women, men are dogs,,, HELL, men would love to be treated as well as women treat their DOGS,,,

...and now, you are off to Nana?

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She...calls me 3-4 times during the day to let me know where she is, where she's going, who she will be with, and to make sure I'm ok, that I've eaten, and see if I need anything.

What a horrible way to live. Sounds like a child.

She's letting u know these things so you don't go a looking...hahaha.

spot onwink.gif

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