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Why Does Fox `news` Operate In Thailand?

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I don't watch Fox News if I can help it and when if I do, I know I can't really believe what they say. When they report things incorrectly, I don't think they care! It drives me insane that they can put "News" in their name.

Often their misreporting is blatantly INTENTIONAL.

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FOX consumes 20 minutes per hour with commercials and, often another 10+ minutes with teasers and book promos. AJ gives you almost a full hour of news and insightful documentaries.


see how long you can watch it without gagging

Some people say Obama is a Muslim terrorist and hates puppies. Heard that on Fox News.

he's not?


what really do you excpect,fox news is from america????

Err, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who drives all the policy behind the brand.

That would make it Americans being subjected to the ravings of an uber-right-wing Aussie robber baron.

Sounds about right to me.

Using the terms "Fox" and "News" in the same phrase is doing a dis-service to the News.


see how long you can watch it without gagging

Some people say Obama is a Muslim terrorist and hates puppies. Heard that on Fox News.

he's not?

Yep, there's a video somewhere of him clubbing baby seals to death too. :whistling:


Take care please.

Let's keep this discussion civilised,

without bashing any person or country!!


Yes Fox News is over hyped nonsense much of the time and has too many idiots on it who talk when theyve nothing to say.

But the basic agenda that the channel is trying to put over of low taxation, small non interfering govt, reversal of the US being a police state and not trotting around the world starting wars (Tea Party policy) is light years ahead of any other news channel.

CNN is utter drivel these days all it goes on about is Global Warming with no debate and offering us the inner feelings of the silver spoon fed journalists who get to see a bit of what goes on in the real world. I bet they see themselves as wonderful dinner party guests (wankas!)


The FOX goal to get republicans elected. Nothing to do with the news.

The most insincere broadcasters in the business with the most ill-informed audience. (FOX viewers will claim Bush did a good job)

The dumb, the poor, the gullible schmuks & uneducated think they are watching news. Unbelievable.

A sham news station set up to get around election law funding?

Somethings wrong.


All the mainstream media outlets are totally pathetic. Fox news is no exception.

Ironically, the only channel I find worth watching is RT (Russian Television). Their program "Capital Account" is the only business program worth watching.


A sham news station set up to get around election law funding?

Oh come all main stream news channels are so far to the left its not even noticed anymore. When one comes up shouting for the other team the lefties resort to the usual name calling.

All Fox news is, is a money making business setup by the exceptional businessman that is Rupert Murdoch.

Its just a pity they use morons who are more into being celebrities then people who can rationally pick the lefts proven bankrupt ideologies apart.


Fox is totally PRO WAR.

More distorted nonsense. They had plenty of guests and some commentators who were against intervening in Libya and the other actions in the Mid-East.


Fox News and the Bush Iraq war were joined at the hip. Fox is totally PRO WAR.

At least you can see they promote low taxation, small non interfering govt. and reversal of the US being a police state.

The first 2 options by default will make being the worlds warmonger a lot more difficult.


You have to love the Left-Wing Sheeple! They scream and shout how terrible Fox News is, saying I have never watched it, and never will watch it; then in same breath recite an entire list of reasons explaining why.

Explain to me how, if you've never watched it, and never will watch it, you've come to this conclusion? It would seem to me that you are reciting the propaganda that your Left-Wing overlords have instructed you to say. Would you rather watch a Left-Wing biased channel where the news anchor says his "legs quiver when ever he hears Obama talk"?

Most of the the world media (including the press) is Left-Wing biased, but I suppose you find nothing wrong with that?


There is a right-wing 'bond' between US and Thailand that goes back to the Cold War/domino theory era.

The guy who runs Fox News was Nixon's press secretary. Long threads going back decades.

The guy who originally ran Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew, is still the same right-wing drum beater he was 50 years ago and occasionally writes about such for Forbes magazine.

To these guys the USA means big armaments and big money, and that's the side they want to be on.

But Fox News isn't so much about reporting the news, as a few have said above, as about fabrication and hyperbole. They have an agenda, and it's GOP (Republican) all the way. And it's run from the top: nothing goes out without the fat man's approval. Notice how when a particular item is the hot topic of the day all the people use the same catch-phrase. I thought of Obama's election in 2008 as a victory over Fox. They like to put themselves out as the victims of the Liberal media, which is complete nonsense -- just ask Bill Clinton how Liberal-biased the US media is.

Used to be BBC was the gold standard of international reporting. It started sliding down hill toward the info-tainment rut. Then a few years ago two women on a reality show had a bitch fight and BBC World ran this as the lead story for FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT! Sickening. I haven't been able to take BBC seriously since.


More distorted nonsense. They had plenty of guests and some commentators who were against intervening in Libya and the other actions in the Mid-East.

The Fox News choir only began voicing against US intervention in Libya AFTER Obama initiated action. Before that they were pro-intervention and denounced the president for not deploying. People have short memories, and Fox plays on this.

Whatever Obama does is wrong according to Fox, even if he does what they said he should do the day before.

There is probably not a country in the world the US right-wing does not want to bomb, other than Israel. Fear sells. Hate sells. Fair & balanced.


You have to love the Left-Wing Sheeple! They scream and shout how terrible Fox News is, saying I have never watched it, and never will watch it; then in same breath recite an entire list of reasons explaining why.

Explain to me how, if you've never watched it, and never will watch it, you've come to this conclusion? It would seem to me that you are reciting the propaganda that your Left-Wing overlords have instructed you to say. Would you rather watch a Left-Wing biased channel where the news anchor says his "legs quiver when ever he hears Obama talk"?

Most of the the world media (including the press) is Left-Wing biased, but I suppose you find nothing wrong with that?

I'm equally critical of all "news" outlets in the US. The liberal bias of media in the US is hardly a secret, with the likes of CBS / Viacom, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CNN all leading viewers to the left of any issue. Unfortunately the right only have Faux News to support their views and they go over the top on every topic.

The only news worth watching, oddly enough, is Al Jazeera.


More distorted nonsense. They had plenty of guests and some commentators who were against intervening in Libya and the other actions in the Mid-East.

The Fox News choir only began voicing against US intervention in Libya AFTER Obama initiated action. Before that they were pro-intervention and denounced the president for not deploying. People have short memories, and Fox plays on this.

Whatever Obama does is wrong according to Fox, even if he does what they said he should do the day before.

There is probably not a country in the world the US right-wing does not want to bomb, other than Israel. Fear sells. Hate sells. Fair & balanced.

This is exactly how I remember events unfolding. When Obama pulled back and allowed NATO to run things they didn't know how to twist it!

I was practically screaming hypocritical c...ts at the screen!


You have to love the Left-Wing Sheeple! They scream and shout how terrible Fox News is, saying I have never watched it, and never will watch it; then in same breath recite an entire list of reasons explaining why.

Explain to me how, if you've never watched it, and never will watch it, you've come to this conclusion? It would seem to me that you are reciting the propaganda that your Left-Wing overlords have instructed you to say.

Funny how they claim to know exactly when Fox supposedly changed their mind about Libya when of course they never watch it.

There were plenty of commentators and guests who were against intervention in Libya well before Obama decided to declare not-war there. As much as some folks like to pretend otherwise, there are lots of opposing opinions about all kinds of issues presented every day.


You have to love the Left-Wing Sheeple! They scream and shout how terrible Fox News is, saying I have never watched it, and never will watch it; then in same breath recite an entire list of reasons explaining why.

Explain to me how, if you've never watched it, and never will watch it, you've come to this conclusion? It would seem to me that you are reciting the propaganda that your Left-Wing overlords have instructed you to say.

Funny how they claim to know exactly when Fox supposedly changed their mind about Libya when of course they never watch it.

There were plenty of commentators and guests who were against intervention in Libya well before Obama decided to declare not-war there. As much as some folks like to pretend otherwise, there are lots of opposing opinions about all kinds of issues presented every day.

I watch it on occasions until the bile starts rising in my throat. The shortest periods I can stand is when that Bill oreily character is on.

I actually watched for quite a long period yesterday because they were interviewing candidates for the most powerful job in the world. The questions were asked by members of their own party and they were given a very easy time. Didn't notice any questions on international affairs. What a bunch of low level, insular, nothings these people are. Reagan and the Bushs' look like supermen in comparison. Despite aspiring to the highest federal job in the land they all insisted they would repeal as many federal statutes as possible and hand everything back to the states. I think several of them want schools to start teaching creationism again.

Not picking on females for the sake of it, but I think the woman candidate is stupider and more dangerous than Palin. She stated she would eliminate the EPA (among other things)and repeal all enviromental legislation in favour of the states. When asked what she would do if an evironmental disaster involved several states, she stated she would make legislation on a case by case basis. :wacko: Whenever a question became hard (for her) she would dive for quotes from the constitution or her bible. One of the male candidates actually whipped his copy of the constitution out of his pocket and sent his microphone flying.

Scary stuff.


what really do you excpect,fox news is from america????

Err, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who drives all the policy behind the brand.

That would make it Americans being subjected to the ravings of an uber-right-wing Aussie robber baron.

Sounds about right to me.

Using the terms "Fox" and "News" in the same phrase is doing a dis-service to the News.

Please NOOOOO.

He used to be an aussie but had to rescind his citizenship to take up US citizenship to buy Fox.

No, we are NOT taking him back, he's all yours now. :D


Not picking on females for the sake of it, but I think the woman candidate is stupider and more dangerous than Palin.

She is far from stupid and either is Palin (even though I am not a fan of either one). Bachmann has three degrees, two law degrees, the latter of which is in tax law. She worked for the IRS for five years and went on to run for State Senator in a primary and won and then won the general election. Four years later in 2004 she became the Assistant Minority leader in the Minnesota State Senate. Two years after that, in 2006, she was elected to the US House of Representatives. You do not accomplish all of that by being stupid no matter how much those on the left would like to paint her that way.


Why does Fox 'News' Operate in Thailand. Hmmmm. Tough one. Let me see hmmmm. I know! Is it anything to do with the intellectual faculties/ability to discern fact from fiction (or lack thereof) of most of the expats here?


The FOX goal to get republicans elected. Nothing to do with the news.

The most insincere broadcasters in the business with the most ill-informed audience. (FOX viewers will claim Bush did a good job)

The dumb, the poor, the gullible schmuks & uneducated think they are watching news. Unbelievable.

A sham news station set up to get around election law funding?

Somethings wrong.

> The FOX goal to get republicans elected.

Huh? Well, I would assume all American elected officials are republicans. After all, the USA is a republic, no state can be a member unless it is also a republic, and the Constitution guarantees that each state will be a republic.

Most would agree this is a good thing, except for the Maoists among us.

> Nothing to do with the news.

The Fox Report is THE news program on Fox. It's mostly American news but touches on international as well. And it's quite good for what it is.

The other programs are commentary on some of the news, again oriented towards the American domestic audience with an interest in domestic political and social issues--and missing moms and children. They don't claim to be news. You might compare them to Oprah or the Chris Matthews Show with a different orientation.

The fundamental misconceptions here at TV are that Fox intends and pretends to be

  • an international news station
  • primarily a station for presenting news

It doesn't. Hence comparing Fox to a truly international station like Al Jazeera is apples/oranges. All such attacks simply reveal a basic misunderstanding. So many of our TV members, esp. the rabid Brits (among our rational Brits), have just been soiling their knickers quite unnecessarily.

You don't like Fox, don't watch it. Simple. I don't much like the Bolshevik Broadcasting Company, so I don't watch it often. But, you see, I don't hate it. It's the nature of leftists to demonize.

> The most insincere broadcasters in the business with the most

> ill-informed audience.

Huh? And your stats for that assertion are . . . .

I suggest you take a look at the criticisms and legal judgements won against the BBC for comparison.

> (FOX viewers will claim Bush did a good job)

Some will, some won't. So? A case can be made either way, whether you want to hear it or not. This simply reflects your knee-jerk demonizing of Bush. Had to get that in there, eh?

> The dumb, the poor, the gullible schmuks & uneducated think they are watching news. Unbelievable.

No, that's simply a self-serving fantasy. And that description doesn't fit me or Ulysses, but I like the O'Reilly, Fox Report, Brett Bair's Special Report, and Fox News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace, excellent programs (but for the American audience). A lot of informed or provocative opinions get aired on those programs that otherwise wouldn't. I also like the business programs like Cashin' In or Cavuto.

> A sham news station set up to get around election law funding?

> Somethings wrong.

Something's wrong alright.

Well, long may you bask in that comfortable feeling of superiority by knowing--knowing--you aren't dumb, poor, gullible, and uneducated, because you don't watch Fox News. (Especially the educated part.) You're hardly alone.


You have to love the Left-Wing Sheeple! They scream and shout how terrible Fox News is, saying I have never watched it, and never will watch it; then in same breath recite an entire list of reasons explaining why.

Explain to me how, if you've never watched it, and never will watch it, you've come to this conclusion? It would seem to me that you are reciting the propaganda that your Left-Wing overlords have instructed you to say. Would you rather watch a Left-Wing biased channel where the news anchor says his "legs quiver when ever he hears Obama talk"?

Most of the the world media (including the press) is Left-Wing biased, but I suppose you find nothing wrong with that?

When I moved to Thailand I saw Fox for the first time. I was mesmerised - it was so awful!

Blind Date had the same effect on me when it was first shown.

Fortunately, (like Blind Date) I got over it after a couple of weeks.

You're right though that bias is everywhere. Its just that most of the time it is not as obvious as Fox 'News'.


FOX new or no FOX news, much of the rhetoric and hate in these replies, are the very same reason the US Congress cannot/will not get any done.

Congratulations, most of you all have just played into the politician's hands. They [the politicians] know they have the voting public eating out of their hands, free to continue with their corrupt ways and policies. Too bad more voters are unable to remain objective.


FOX new or no FOX news, much of the rhetoric and hate in these replies, are the very same reason the US Congress cannot/will not get any done.

Congratulations, most of you all have just played into the politician's hands. They [the politicians] know they have the voting public eating out of their hands, free to continue with their corrupt ways and policies. Too bad more voters are unable to remain objective.

Divide and rule is always the way to go for those in power.

Fox helps them enormously.

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