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Paradise Turns To Hell When You Learn The Thai Language


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I think you wrong on the one detail,when the Thai call you farang kee nok it because bird shit is white and fall from the sky just like when you fall from plane and land in thailand

another think...I always to eat lot of cheap food on street and no person call me the kee niow name.maybe your clothes are old and make you to look poor :lol:

He read in Lonely Planet that you must haggle everywhere. So he tries to get the noodles for 20 Baht instead of 30.

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As a Thai, I'd say most of my friends and families view foreigners, and a lot of locals for that matter with indifference. For a lot of folks though, that's worse than being disliked or hated.


You're not a backwards 3rd world thai though. The simple fact of the matter is that dumb people are generally racist or prejudist, it's a way of protecting themselves against the things they don't understand. Dumb people are also usually poor. There's a lot of dumb and poor people in Thailand. Then there's the intelligentsia such as myself whom recognize that some cultures suck more than others, but that's another discussion.

All in all, if I come back to Thailand next year in a good job and with my own business I will do all I can to avoid the average local and only associate with other well-off farangs and internationally minded Thais. There are some Thais who have actually spent time outside their soi.

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There's a lot of dumb and poor people in Thailand. Then there's the intelligentsia such as myself whom recognize that some cultures suck more than others, but that's another discussion.

I can tell that you are part of the intellectual elite by fair, impartial, quality posts like this one. :thumbsup:

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Thai men don't like me-probably cause their women do. Lol.

I know enough thai to get by but not like one of those geeks that knows every word but hasn't a clue of the 'real world' usage.

You know the types, that walk into 711 and for no apparent reason says "krap pom". Sounds cool in some classroom I guess but you never here a thai use it in such a way.

Back on topic- thai men generally suffer from inferiority complex-especially security guards, motorbike taxis and the like. Hence the predictably 12 year old language and giggles amongst buddies after you walk by.

It used to wind me up (and you don't want to do that) but now I just brush it off knowing that my dick will always be bigger than theirs ;)

Tune in tomorrow when we discuss a hot topic "is your flight attendant a bird, a plane or superman".

Thai guys have very small dicks ?

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Girls are taught to be subservient and respectful and men are taught to be demanding and obnoxious.


If you hear kee niew and kee ngok(not nok as in bird)you must really be a stingy tight arse.

Are you an English teacher by any chance?

I been beaten up once in 20 years here and due to been drunk, new and not knowing the cultural differences.

Learning Thai gave me a freedom that I couldn't imagine not having now.

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maybe it was because i came here when i was very young but i never had a honeymoon period. i guess the older guys come here and have not spoken to or been touched by a young woman in 20 years so it goes to their head like heroin and they start running around like a headless chicken, but for me, when i first came here it was less of a honeymoon than it is now because i could not speak the language. i was never into any of the bar type venues as it was like my grandpa and his friends drunk + very ugly and desperate women with tattoos and stretch marks and ugly horrible scars like they got in a fight with a lion. I would say that when first coming to Thailand the whole bar scene was the most depressing thing about the country because as a tourist you see ALOT of it and when you first come it is pretty gross.

once i got out of the tourist zone i was totally relieved and much happier. basically i find the tourist scene in Thailand unbearable. it is funny i guess that some guys get depressed when they find out that the tourist scene is fake cause they enjoy it so much whereas for me, when i found out the tourist scene was not all Thailand had to offer i was much happier.

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Where are you living, maybe you should try another part of Thailand. I am not surprised if you in a tourist place, a few get the majority a bad name and then you get tarred with the same brush, interesting observations non the less.

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Good with the bad.. it all a balance.. what did you really expect those kids in the internet cafe to say... what if it was a thai guy who went into an internet cafe on western outskirts of Sydney....... I daresay he'd be lucky to come out in one piece....

Very Good point - 2 weeks before we left the UK my son - 13 - was beaten up in a racially motivated attack.

This was in a small town in South Oxfordshire where he had lived and gone to school all of his young life.

Amongst bruises and a few cuts he also had the word ' Paki C*unt' scrawled on his face.

He looks more European than Thai - but is no doubt different to the usual kids , and different isn't appreciated in the UK these days.

The fact we had decided to move away from the UK was not due to this, but I feared this sort of incident would happen sooner than later.

In our village in Isaan, a few days after arriving, my son and I were walking through and came across a bunch of 10-15 year olds playing football.

We were called 'Baaksida' and a few other choice words were flung in our direction.

My son looked at me and said ' Bloody hell Dad, can we go to a place that I DO fit in ? '

I guess the difference is that these kids' parents were then spoken to by my wife - and now my son joins in ( with the football, not the 'Baaksida chants ' )

In the last month or so my son has grown up a lot, I'm proud of him and ashamed of my own Country.

sorry to read that mate,some igorant people in this world,sure your lad will be stronger by the experience,and his families support,wish him well.

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The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

I agree. It only becomes a problem if you let it become one.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me

-- and there was no one left to speak for me.

Beautiful verse and thanks for speaking for me brother but I can defeat an army of machine gunned cowards with a few lines of my own home cooked brave honesty..

Its amazing how many of you make attacks, judgements and assumptions of my life because I come online to blow off some steam and express the way I feel. I didn't know a stream of consciousness needed a gudamn paragraph. Oh sheite I just mis-spelled the word God, maybe I will be discriminated against once again for my inferior intelligence or lack of grammar? I would hate to see a man with down syndrome attempt to post a forum on this site? Just imagine how great you would feel about yourself after belittling a man because he was born handicapped? Or what if a man used this site who originated from inner city chicago and didn't get the same opportunity to learn at a private school as some of you did. Does that make you feel a sense of empowerment to judge and criticize others like an online bully with balls the size of insect eggs?

Hmmmm it's quite humorous to me to find the type of degrading discriminatory reactions I received from so many of you under a topic of DISCRIMINATION of thai-speaking foreigners in Thailand. Some of you assumed I was poor and didn't shower, uneducated, english teacher, loser, ugly, victim of a thai whore, cheated, old and some of you even went as far as to assume I was raping the sisters of Moto-taxi's to cause Thai people to attempt to murder me! Well let me tell you fellaz a little something about Assumptions, not only are they the rapists of truth they are also the profiteers of propaganda and the child molesters of dignity. I have more metaphors than the number of rich whores at Suvarnabuttfukk airport. So if u want to make a calumny of my character and play the insult game U can take your banana and go bulldoze a band-wagon of bull sh!t. I don't have time to engage in your childish infantile masturbation.

That's why I stay away from Sukhumvit or Kao San road and it's also why I didn't give specific details of my problems or even what country I am from or what I do for a living because than I would just be judged and stereotyped even moreso than from my vague rant on the discrimination of foreigners in Thailand.. People being Indifferent to me would be a dream come true and its the same whether I'm anywhere in Bangkok or the outskirts of Udon or the inner city of Hat Yai people look at me as if I'm an animal at a zoo or a disfigured midget at a freak-show. I've been here for a bit over 3 years and know more about Thailand and her language than half of you morons who have been here for over 20 years. I keep an open mind and I always try to be compassionate and I've GIVEN a lot more to the Thai's and there country then I've ever taken from them. I have a few real friends who are thai and they are probably the reason I'm still alive.

I love Thailand and many aspects of this country are truly amazing, wonderful and that is why I want to make a positive impact on this country but the problems here are only going to get worse and thats the truth that hurts me the most. Oh and going to China? Where innocent westerners go missing everyday and are never found again for joining human rights movements?? No thanks. I'm just a man trying to be a figment of the solution and not an addition to the problems caused by the sh*t stains of society. SO should I smile and put on my headphones and ignore others while they are attempting to murder me while I'm sleeping in my own bed?

I'd rather die on my feet with pride today than live on my knees and hide for the rest of eternity.....

Edited by metisdead
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The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

I agree. It only becomes a problem if you let it become one.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me

-- and there was no one left to speak for me.

Beautiful verse and thanks for speaking for me brother but I can defeat an army of machine gunned cowards with a few lines of my own home cooked brave honesty.. Its amazing how many of you make attacks, judgements and assumptions of my life because I come online to blow off some steam and express the way I feel. I didn't know a stream of consciousness needed a gudamn paragraph. Oh sheite I just mis-spelled the word God, maybe I will be discriminated against once again for my inferior intelligence or lack of grammar? I would hate to see a man with down syndrome attempt to post a forum on this site? Just imagine how great you would feel about yourself after belittling a man because he was born handicapped? Or what if a man used this site who originated from inner city chicago and didn't get the same opportunity to learn at a private school as some of you did. Does that make you feel a sense of empowerment to judge and criticize others like an online bully with balls the size of insect eggs?

Hmmmm it's quite humorous to me to find the type of degrading discriminatory reactions I received from so many of you under a topic of DISCRIMINATION of thai-speaking foreigners in Thailand. Some of you assumed I was poor and didn't shower, uneducated, english teacher, loser, ugly, victim of a thai whore, cheated, old and some of you even went as far as to assume I was raping the sisters of Moto-taxi's to cause Thai people to attempt to murder me! Well let me tell you fellaz a little something about Assumptions, not only are they the rapists of truth they are also the profiteers of propaganda and the child molesters of dignity. I have more metaphors than the number of rich whores at Suvarnabuttfukk airport. So if u want to make a calumny of my character and play the insult game U can take your banana and go bulldoze a band-wagon of bull sh!t. I don't have time to engage in your childish infantile masturbation.

That's why I stay away from Sukhumvit or Kao San road and it's also why I didn't give specific details of my problems or even what country I am from or what I do for a living because than I would just be judged and stereotyped even moreso than from my vague rant on the discrimination of foreigners in Thailand.. People being Indifferent to me would be a dream come true and its the same whether I'm anywhere in Bangkok or the outskirts of Udon or the inner city of Hat Yai people look at me as if I'm an animal at a zoo or a disfigured midget at a freak-show. I've been here for a bit over 3 years and know more about Thailand and her language than half of you morons who have been here for over 20 years. I keep an open mind and I always try to be compassionate and I've GIVEN a lot more to the Thai's and there country then I've ever taken from them. I have a few real friends who are thai and they are probably the reason I'm still alive.

I love Thailand and many aspects of this country are truly amazing, wonderful and that is why I want to make a positive impact on this country but the problems here are only going to get worse and thats the truth that hurts me the most. Oh and going to China? Where innocent westerners go missing everyday and are never found again for joining human rights movements?? No thanks. I'm just a man trying to be a figment of the solution and not an addition to the problems caused by the sh*t stains of society. SO should I smile and put on my headphones and ignore others while they are attempting to murder me while I'm sleeping in my own bed?

I'd rather die on my feet with pride today than live on my knees and hide for the rest of eternity.....

OK - bit too cranky now.........

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The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

I agree. It only becomes a problem if you let it become one.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me

-- and there was no one left to speak for me.

Beautiful verse and thanks for speaking for me brother but I can defeat an army of machine gunned cowards with a few lines of my own home cooked brave honesty.. Its amazing how many of you make attacks, judgements and assumptions of my life because I come online to blow off some steam and express the way I feel. I didn't know a stream of consciousness needed a gudamn paragraph. Oh sheite I just mis-spelled the word God, maybe I will be discriminated against once again for my inferior intelligence or lack of grammar? I would hate to see a man with down syndrome attempt to post a forum on this site? Just imagine how great you would feel about yourself after belittling a man because he was born handicapped? Or what if a man used this site who originated from inner city chicago and didn't get the same opportunity to learn at a private school as some of you did. Does that make you feel a sense of empowerment to judge and criticize others like an online bully with balls the size of insect eggs? Hmmmm it's quite humorous to me to find the type of degrading discriminatory reactions I received from so many of you under a topic of DISCRIMINATION of thai-speaking foreigners in Thailand. Some of you assumed I was poor and didn't shower, uneducated, english teacher, loser, ugly, victim of a thai whore, cheated, old and some of you even went as far as to assume I was raping the sisters of Moto-taxi's to cause Thai people to attempt to murder me! Well let me tell you fellaz a little something about Assumptions, not only are they the rapists of truth they are also the profiteers of propaganda and the child molesters of dignity. I have more metaphors than the number of rich whores at Suvarnabuttfukk airport. So if u want to make a calumny of my character and play the insult game U can take your banana and go bulldoze a band-wagon of bull sh!t. I don't have time to engage in your childish infantile masturbation.

That's why I stay away from Sukhumvit or Kao San road and it's also why I didn't give specific details of my problems or even what country I am from or what I do for a living because than I would just be judged and stereotyped even moreso than from my vague rant on the discrimination of foreigners in Thailand.. People being Indifferent to me would be a dream come true and its the same whether I'm anywhere in Bangkok or the outskirts of Udon or the inner city of Hat Yai people look at me as if I'm an animal at a zoo or a disfigured midget at a freak-show. I've been here for a bit over 3 years and know more about Thailand and her language than half of you morons who have been here for over 20 years. I keep an open mind and I always try to be compassionate and I've GIVEN a lot more to the Thai's and there country then I've ever taken from them. I have a few real friends who are thai and they are probably the reason I'm still alive.

I love Thailand and many aspects of this country are truly amazing, wonderful and that is why I want to make a positive impact on this country but the problems here are only going to get worse and thats the truth that hurts me the most. Oh and going to China? Where innocent westerners go missing everyday and are never found again for joining human rights movements?? No thanks. I'm just a man trying to be a figment of the solution and not an addition to the problems caused by the sh*t stains of society. SO should I smile and put on my headphones and ignore others while they are attempting to murder me while I'm sleeping in my own bed?

I'd rather die on my feet with pride today than live on my knees and hide for the rest of eternity.....

My I suggest you get down off your soapbox now....:whistling:

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Good with the bad.. it all a balance.. what did you really expect those kids in the internet cafe to say... what if it was a thai guy who went into an internet cafe on western outskirts of Sydney....... I daresay he'd be lucky to come out in one piece....

Very Good point - 2 weeks before we left the UK my son - 13 - was beaten up in a racially motivated attack.

This was in a small town in South Oxfordshire where he had lived and gone to school all of his young life.

Amongst bruises and a few cuts he also had the word ' Paki C*unt' scrawled on his face.

He looks more European than Thai - but is no doubt different to the usual kids , and different isn't appreciated in the UK these days.

The fact we had decided to move away from the UK was not due to this, but I feared this sort of incident would happen sooner than later.

In our village in Isaan, a few days after arriving, my son and I were walking through and came across a bunch of 10-15 year olds playing football.

We were called 'Baaksida' and a few other choice words were flung in our direction.

My son looked at me and said ' Bloody hell Dad, can we go to a place that I DO fit in ? '

I guess the difference is that these kids' parents were then spoken to by my wife - and now my son joins in ( with the football, not the 'Baaksida chants ' )

In the last month or so my son has grown up a lot, I'm proud of him and ashamed of my own Country.

sorry to read that mate,some igorant people in this world,sure your lad will be stronger by the experience,and his families support,wish him well.

Appreciated - Thanks :)

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Agree the Thai you quote says it all -"Bar Thai" and maybe they the "bar girls" listen to your nonsense no way deep down do they accept it (more likely thinking "Creepy Farang again") and who would blame them for harbouring such thought Simple answer Not Me for one.

Why do I say "Bar Thai" - simply from your translation ( to eat is a generalised term not suited to individual actions such as drink or suckle etc) and why "Bar" once again only a "bar girl" would put up with such crap I am sure a Waitress and patrons of a simple beer/sports bar would give you the heave ho in quick time.

If I might just point out, your knowledge of Thai appears to be poor.

'soup koy' is the generally used term (smoke, as in Soup buree)

Almost everyone says 'gin' for eat or drink, 'duam' is rarely used except in speech.

Bar girls speak 'Engrish' not Thai.

Engrish is ok and I agree - gin/duem & doot for suckle. (excuse the poor translation to Ungrit).

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Thai men don't like me-probably cause their women do. Lol.

I know enough thai to get by but not like one of those geeks that knows every word but hasn't a clue of the 'real world' usage.

You know the types, that walk into 711 and for no apparent reason says "krap pom". Sounds cool in some classroom I guess but you never here a thai use it in such a way.

Back on topic- thai men generally suffer from inferiority complex-especially security guards, motorbike taxis and the like. Hence the predictably 12 year old language and giggles amongst buddies after you walk by.

It used to wind me up (and you don't want to do that) but now I just brush it off knowing that my dick will always be bigger than theirs ;)

Tune in tomorrow when we discuss a hot topic "is your flight attendant a bird, a plane or superman".

Your exactly the type of farang that makes your people look bad.

One bad apple can indeed spoil the entire batch.

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Well let me tell you fellaz a little something about Assumptions, not only are they the rapists of truth they are also the profiteers of propaganda and the child molesters of dignity. I have more metaphors than the number of rich whores at Suvarnabuttfukk airport. So if u want to make a calumny of my character and play the insult game U can take your banana and go bulldoze a band-wagon of bull sh!t. I don't have time to engage in your childish infantile masturbation.

The reasons for your tough time in Thailand have become apparent. You're a couple of cans short of a sixpack, mate.

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Thai men don't like me-probably cause their women do. Lol.

I know enough thai to get by but not like one of those geeks that knows every word but hasn't a clue of the 'real world' usage.

You know the types, that walk into 711 and for no apparent reason says "krap pom". Sounds cool in some classroom I guess but you never here a thai use it in such a way.

Back on topic- thai men generally suffer from inferiority complex-especially security guards, motorbike taxis and the like. Hence the predictably 12 year old language and giggles amongst buddies after you walk by.

It used to wind me up (and you don't want to do that) but now I just brush it off knowing that my dick will always be bigger than theirs ;)

Tune in tomorrow when we discuss a hot topic "is your flight attendant a bird, a plane or superman".

Your exactly the type of farang that makes your people look bad.

One bad apple can indeed spoil the entire batch.

But he's still right about nearly everything he said. ;)

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Well ive been here 15+ years happily married 2 kids and rest and although at times ive learnt to speak passable Thai give up due to laziness and because most Thais dont bother to listen unless your Thai is 100% perfect. We live in a Thai village with me as only forang and while im sure theirs some who don't like me most act same asneighbor's would in UK or USA. Were invited to most parties but I think thatwas more as a novelty and since we fell out with head of village and stopped going anyway aren't invited so much. Their all still very friendly to ourchildren but it is a 99% total red shirt place and my wife had made it clearwhat she and by implication think of Taksin and his thugs so I reckon that's one of reasons we don't get invited to so many of dos in village. I think they have always thought of me as some form of oddball. However via our maid andgardener who are both local neighbor's I can guarantee theirs more bad said against each other than about us. In fact when we had a particularly nasty dispute with a neighbor not long ago several of our neighbor's came to police station with us to support our case.They were incensed with police when basically it was obvious no way would the police or powers to be in village support a forang against a Thai. Now contract that with our trips to UK and USAAustralia and some of Europe where it had been made pretty obvious by locals weare not welcome and thought of as some form of vermin with hardly concealed abuse and verbal aggression. This was of course not in main cities but in smallplaces in countryside and worst cases where in so called gentle parts of UK. Onother hand in UK and USA when we where with very poor people or very richpeople their seemed to be no problem. Our children have experienced absolutely no racism in their schools here with Thai children in fact quite the opposite.

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Good with the bad.. it all a balance.. what did you really expect those kids in the internet cafe to say... what if it was a thai guy who went into an internet cafe on western outskirts of Sydney....... I daresay he'd be lucky to come out in one piece....

Very Good point - 2 weeks before we left the UK my son - 13 - was beaten up in a racially motivated attack.

This was in a small town in South Oxfordshire where he had lived and gone to school all of his young life.

Amongst bruises and a few cuts he also had the word ' Paki C*unt' scrawled on his face.

He looks more European than Thai - but is no doubt different to the usual kids , and different isn't appreciated in the UK these days.

The fact we had decided to move away from the UK was not due to this, but I feared this sort of incident would happen sooner than later.

In our village in Isaan, a few days after arriving, my son and I were walking through and came across a bunch of 10-15 year olds playing football.

We were called 'Baaksida' and a few other choice words were flung in our direction.

My son looked at me and said ' Bloody hell Dad, can we go to a place that I DO fit in ? '

I guess the difference is that these kids' parents were then spoken to by my wife - and now my son joins in ( with the football, not the 'Baaksida chants ' )

In the last month or so my son has grown up a lot, I'm proud of him and ashamed of my own Country.

Come to America in my hometown, there really is not that many problems with race here. Where I live, there are some of the kindest and most accepting people I have come across.

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The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

I agree. It only becomes a problem if you let it become one.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me

-- and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemoller must be spinning in his grave at such a ridiculous use of his words.

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