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I often get quite amazed at how reluctanct Thais are to do any kind of physical exercise. I went down to the celebrations at Thae Pae Gate last night, and I live at Chiang Mai Gate. For anyone who is not familiar it's about a 15 minute walk, one which I do daily. Anyway, I left to go down with 5 Thai friends and they flagged down a Tuk Tuk, which would have been a waste of time as the state of traffic was so bad it would have taken us 30 minutes to get there. So I said, come on let's walk. I had to get the smelling salts out for 2 of the contingent, and the rest went into 7/11 to stock up on supplies for this arduous journey. They then moanedthe face off me all the way down about "Having to walk too far" and kept telling me to slow down, stop, and wait. I'm not exactly a fast walker and these friends of mine are all in their 20's so no excuses. It put me in mind of the first time I took my beautiful 46 kg girlfriend to a nice hotel and we went swimming. After 2 lengths of the pool I had to get out the oxygen bottle for her, and I was seriously thinking this girl must have a heart condition or something, so I sent her to the Doctor who simply prescribed exercise. She was so unfit she couldn't do 2 lengths of the pool without going blue in the face.

So what is it? Is it just the people I know? Or do Thais hate doing exercise?

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The guys I go cycling with can ride me into the ground, several at the running track, parks etc can do the same running and at the pool and a few at the weights the same thing.

We have hundreds of people running, cycling, playing tennis, badmintom filling the parks in Chonburi come 5 O'clock even several at 6/7 am.

But in the main 90 plus per cent in the central cities seem allergic to even walking.


Bit of an open question I think, my observations is of who you know etc etc, my Mrs don't mind walking unless it is very hot.

The Thais I know, I don't see them exercise much maybe sexercise biggrin.png except for some people mostly cops are the only ones, not all, who jog late evening or early morning.

At the local swimming pool there are young Thai guys and girls, that are not stop swimming up and down the length of the olympic size pool as well as playing about.

Only speaking for myself at 65 I don't walk that far because is too bloody hot.

I have a multi gym for gentle workouts and ride a bicycle, most times.


The guys I go cycling with can ride me into the ground, several at the running track, parks etc can do the same running and at the pool and a few at the weights the same thing.

We have hundreds of people running, cycling, playing tennis, badmintom filling the parks in Chonburi come 5 O'clock even several at 6/7 am.

But in the main 90 plus per cent in the central cities seem allergic to even walking.

I certainly recognize that allergic to walking phrase.....I could not believe my friends reaction last night, I think at one point one guy got on his knees and pleaded!!


Bit of an open question I think, my observations is of who you know etc etc, my Mrs don't mind walking unless it is very hot.

The Thais I know, I don't see them exercise much maybe sexercise biggrin.png except for some people mostly cops are the only ones, not all, who jog late evening or early morning.

At the local swimming pool there are young Thai guys and girls, that are not stop swimming up and down the length of the olympic size pool as well as playing about.

Only speaking for myself at 65 I don't walk that far because is too bloody hot.

I have a multi gym for gentle workouts and ride a bicycle, most times.

I go with that too....I remember my first muay thai boxing lesson ( I don't fight, I just do it to keep fit ). I had been out on a bender until 6.00am and I forgot my trainer was collecting me at 7.30. Not wanting to let him down ( you can imagine the state I was in though ) he had me out jogging for 2 kilometres by 8.00am, I've never sobered up so quick in my life!! Heat is a primary factor though, afternoon sessions are a form of torture when the thermometer is high.

Then the gf wants some sexercise and I'm like.....give me peace!!


In my observation, Thais are no more nor less fit than people back in the US, my home country. While people there often exercise, and fitness has become a huge industry (adding a billion dollars of worth in 2011 alone), there are still the people who cannot get off a couch to get a beer without breathing hard. And the US is the 7th most obese nation in the world and I think first among the industrialized nations.

Go to Lumpini Park or the park near Emporium in the early morning or after work, and you will see huge crowds of Thais working out. Go into CaliWow after work and try and get a machine.

The one thing which as struck me is that for the most part, Thai's exercising do not seem to exert themselves as much as you would find in a gym back in the US. Excepting a few, most rarely put much weight on the bars or machines. For the stair steppers, the favorite method seems to be to lean over, and shift the hips back and forth, getting a 2 inch up and down motion with the feet. On the bike, the setting is usually at "1" while the biker doesn't even get up a sweat.

At a gym in the US, people seem to exert themselves more, but in Bangkok, at least, I can't say that Americans exercise much more as a percentage of the population than do Thais. However, I have to point out that this is mere observation. I have no set facts to back this up.


For the most part I enjoy walking and would gladly disappear for a few hours just rambling around somewhere. Living in Bangkok however I rarely walk anywhere because it is just not enjoyable. Pot holes, Soi dogs and random stuff in the pathway does not help to make walking a pleasure.

Perhaps that could be one reason for it. Most of the time even if we don't go to the gym or running etc we still get some exercise. Living in places like Bangkok though if you don't exercise deliberately you get no exercise at all.


The climate could also have something to do with it.

Back home in the UK I'd always walk to work and back, walk to the pub and back etc. Things that I would not consider doing here because I'd need a shower when I arrive at my destination.


Thais? The usual wild generalisation! True of some and not of others; you could say the same about any nationality.

You can make some generalizations. Obviously, WALKING is not a high priority in Thai culture. Just look at the shocking state of the sidewalks or whatever you Brits call them most everywhere (if you can dodge the motorcycles whizzing by on them).

I agree with the post No. 6.

There are many Thais who are fitness concious and do their daily exercise in parks, jogging along roads and tracks and fill up the fitness centres throughout Thailand. In fact I have been surprised to see so many obviously 'middle class' Thais in the provinces do their evening or early morning exercise in public areas.

These days I actually doubt whether the Thai awareness of the need and benefits of exercise is much different to that in the west.

There is however one major difference between most western countries and Thailand. They aren't as hot! Thais never like walking too far because it is hot and humid and they will sweat and smell bad and feel uncomfortable. Thus they get into the habit of using transport to go anywhere other than the shortest of distances. This lack of regular walking, (which most of us do in the west as a matter of course), doesn't help their fitness levels and is a contributory factor as to why some young Thais are so unfit.

But by no means all....

I also think you will find a huge number of young people in the west who are equally unfit, and undoubtedly quite a number of woefully unfit farangs in Thailand, (me included), who slip into the Thai habit of never walking anywhere.

Reason for edit. Several posts have been made since i started writing this post, some of which mention the points I have also raised.


Maybe a precursor to general a lack of fitness, and this is only a personal observation, is that there is no where near the same level of physical education and sport in school curriculum's as in Australia, for example.


Mad dogs and Englishmen...

Those in the samlors that pass me as I walk to the market are genuinely baffled.


i agree it is a wide paint stroke. the odd thing for me about thais is how fit and strong many of them look with low body fat, and six packs but when it comes time to lift something or do some extended labor many of these guys are all looks and no power or stamina. In the west if a guy is unfit he typically looks unfit i dont think the same is true here many out of shape guys look fit.

So what is it? Is it just the people I know? Or do Thais hate doing exercise?

It's called laziness. You obviously don't know me. But I'm a very unfit Farang, although I wouldn't mind a 15 minute walk. smile.png

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Go into CaliWow after work and try and get a machine.

dam_n straight.

What's so infuriating is that most of the 20 minutes it seems to take the average Thai to do 3 sets on a machine is taken up by their interminable f***ing about on their smartphones.

Go into CaliWow after work and try and get a machine.

dam_n straight.

What's so infuriating is that most of the 20 minutes it seems to take the average Thai to do 3 sets on a machine is taken up by their interminable f***ing about on their smartphones.

Stockbrokers? rolleyes.gif

Go into CaliWow after work and try and get a machine.

dam_n straight.

What's so infuriating is that most of the 20 minutes it seems to take the average Thai to do 3 sets on a machine is taken up by their interminable f***ing about on their smartphones.

The advantages of a small home gym are obvious. Too bad its not feasible for everyone. I bought equipment 5 years ago (also went to cali wow in between). Great investment, with a powerrack and an olympic bar you can do a lot.


Thais use a motorbike to cross the street,says it all.

In reply to that; we have 5 parks and exercise areas within 5 kms of our house; every evening they are packed with Thais of all ages, and some local expats - jogging, running, walking, aerobics, badminton, football, takraw. Our little tambon has three separate aerobics groups going on each evening, and they even take part in local competitions at various times.

Says it all?


IMO. The thing with gyms,fitness centers,weight lifting institutions etc. is, they are only available because men (mostly men) have been brainwashed to believe that this is the hip thing to do. Same as the "Twiggy Look" for women before. Any normal activity should be sufficient for a normal healthy person.


have you seen the fat lard <deleted> that live in the Uk. maybe its not just Thailand.

Last time I was there I was surprised at the number of beyond-plump ladies with scrawny-looking blokes.



IMO. The thing with gyms,fitness centers,weight lifting institutions etc. is, they are only available because men (mostly men) have been brainwashed to believe that this is the hip thing to do. Same as the "Twiggy Look" for women before. Any normal activity should be sufficient for a normal healthy person.

First you say your really not fit and then you start commenting over things you "presumably" have no knowledge about. What is normal activity ? I know weight lifting helps me (not as much as watching my food) with weight control. Actually there are many levels of fitness and many are not transferable between sports. (just get a swimmer to jog or a biker to swim)

Its good that there is so much to choose from sports wise as we don't all like the same thing. And for course the most effective thing is the thing you like doing.

I gained too much weight in the past 3 months because i was unable to do exercise (flooding 1,5 month holiday with parents 1mnth). But i know for a fact that with weightlifting and minding my food id be able to loose it in the same time frame.


It appears to me that the vast majority have a BMI that is spot on, if anything they are at the low end ( possibly too low in many cases ), however they are completely lacking in cardiovascular and muscular strength. So they give the appearance of being fit but they are far from it. On the bright side 3 weeks worth of exercise would normally sharpen up their CV strength dramatically, and at least they dont need to lose weight as most of us westerners do.


Can i count our Muay thai camp, all my friends here are super fit obviously.

Don't forget the west has serious obesity issues right now.

When you say "the West" do you mean Glasgow only, or do you also include places like Kilmarnock, Irvine, Greenock?

I find the inhabitants of Ayr and Troon to be relatively fit and healthy.

However, you are quite right; a good friend of mine passed on at an early age, leaving a widow and 3 or 4-year-old daughter, through disease to which rich living may have contributed - "West Coast disease", as the widow put it. So perhaps the jokes about dropping the pizza in the frier are in poor taste...



Can i count our Muay thai camp, all my friends here are super fit obviously.

Don't forget the west has serious obesity issues right now.

When you say "the West" do you mean Glasgow only, or do you also include places like Kilmarnock, Irvine, Greenock?

I find the inhabitants of Ayr and Troon to be relatively fit and healthy.

However, you are quite right; a good friend of mine passed on at an early age, leaving a widow and 3 or 4-year-old daughter, through disease to which rich living may have contributed - "West Coast disease", as the widow put it. So perhaps the jokes about dropping the pizza in the frier are in poor taste...


sorry half those places i have never heard of, but its very sad to see what people are doing to there bodies.

sorry to here about your friends children being left behind. tragic that the poor man did not have the foresight to see what would happen, everyone believes it will never happen to them.

could have had more years with the children.

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