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Yet, they prefer living here in twisted torture.

Why is this? Truly.

What are the deeper sociological paradoxes that manifest such oddities?

Observations in real life and Thai fora. A growing, fetid circle.dry.png

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Most people like Thai food or their Thai partner.. so i doubt the group your describing hating anything thai is big biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Most...?? I doubt it. Your observation skills most be shaded slightly.

Fancy illusion and blind apologist is what comes to mind.


I don't believe they have a purpose for their hatred,

but probably hate themselves more than anything else and express

their frustration in this way.


But, tortured, twisted and yet living as preferred.

Truly…and why?

How odd, to manifest a deeper paradox that is sociologically such.

A circle, or a fora, only an observation can be real in life.laugh.png

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If he's wondering about the numerous expats who visit this forum to criticise the Thais at every opportunity and generally jump on the TIT bandwagon, I have wondered the same thing.


I think the really obsessive ones don't usually live in Thailand. They're back at home, bitter and angry about being ripped off by some bargirl, and have developed a complex about Thailand and vent their frustration on the internet. Some that do live here seem to be stuck in some backwater equivelent of a redneck trailer park and are very angry about it, and unable to do much about it

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I think the really obsessive ones don't usually live in Thailand. They're back at home, bitter and angry about being ripped off by some bargirl, and have developed a complex about Thailand and vent their frustration on the internet. Some that do live here seem to be stuck in some backwater equivelent of a redneck trailer park and are very angry about it, and unable to do much about it

You’re hit the nail on the head and this really sums it all up.

Many of the Thai people and Thailand bashers on here are those that have been conned by a Thai lady because of they’re love sick naivety and lack of good judgment, living in a make believe never, never land and ripe for exploitation or were not able to hack it up in Thailand through bad planning and of their own incompetence.

In other words total losers that leaves them with a grudge to bear. In many cases the actual reasons for failure goes way above their heads and unable to evaluate their own ineptitudes, but preferring to blame others for the failure to live a particular preferred lifestyle.



To early in the morning and I'm still having my tea.

But go on to the topic about the new education "reforms" proposed.

It's in the teaching in Thailand subbforum.

See what I wrote there about the education system in Thailand being made for a money-and-power elite and it's control of society in Thailand.

That "economic slaves" theory also applies to a lot of other things in Thailand.

It also explains a lot about why Thais "accept" that twisted life style you mentioned.

Actually, they don't accept it...they are simply half-educated by tha system for the benefit of that money-and-power elite.

But they are angry, and getting angrier. As I said there...they are educated as "economic slaves" for a pirpose. But a Pandora's box has been opened, and it can't be closed now.

If you consider that, a lot of things happening now in Thailand, politics included, start to make sense.

Interesting times and changes are coming...how long no one knows...but they are coming here in the land-of (not really) smiles.


P.S. Now if you're talking about farangs...that;s too long a topic to go into this early in the morning.


I think some of the people the OP mentions just have a fairly negative view of life. Their glass is always half-empty with second rate warm flat beer. We're just lucky that they restrict their opinions to Thailand.

And don't get me started on the weather. Look at these shoes, I've only had them three months, but even if you complain, no-one listens, so you might as well not bother...

but they still do. I'm probably the worst. I mean, seriously, look at these shoes... I'll get my next pair from Nottingham, so I will.



I think some of the people the OP mentions just have a fairly negative view of life. Their glass is always half-empty with second rate warm flat beer. We're just lucky that they restrict their opinions to Thailand.

And don't get me started on the weather. Look at these shoes, I've only had them three months, but even if you complain, no-one listens, so you might as well not bother...

but they still do. I'm probably the worst. I mean, seriously, look at these shoes... I'll get my next pair from Nottingham, so I will.


I use velcro. It will save a lot of embarrassment in my advancing years. Imagine my 19 year old fourth wife having to wipe the dribble off my chin. Errrm...


I think the really obsessive ones don't usually live in Thailand. They're back at home, bitter and angry about being ripped off by some bargirl, and have developed a complex about Thailand and vent their frustration on the internet. Some that do live here seem to be stuck in some backwater equivelent of a redneck trailer park and are very angry about it, and unable to do much about it

No no, impossible. They have hiso wives that either have completed doctorates or are noted hairdressers or something really, really important. Plus these farangs are big business honchos owning a beer bar or a guest house.

The negative group is so easy to profile.

I have never seen happily married/partnered people rip into Thais with such gusto as the negative brigade. I have never seen a person with a successful business or a background in the fine arts or sciences exhibit obsessive hatred. I have also never seen anyone under the age of 35 and non "western" demonstrate quite the vitriole. Can anyone recall seeing an outpouring of hate from Russians, South Americans, Africans, Chinese, Indians or even the very loveable Danes? When is the last time anyone under the age of 35 posted anything negative about Thais? They migth take a strip off an activity or a situation, but never target the Thai nation.


I think the really obsessive ones don't usually live in Thailand. They're back at home, bitter and angry about being ripped off by some bargirl, and have developed a complex about Thailand and vent their frustration on the internet. Some that do live here seem to be stuck in some backwater equivelent of a redneck trailer park and are very angry about it, and unable to do much about it

Like for a lot of things, people who have been cheated usually go through 5 phases

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

Unfortunately, it seems the people we are talking about never pass phase two.

For having been through that cycle, I can say phase 5 is a real deliverance when you realize that in the previous phases you were going nowhere but just hurting yourself ... and the people around you who care about you.


There used to be a guy from South London that lived here on Samui though I haven't seen him for a while. he used to rant a lot. he hated the weather, the people, the food Samui especially, not being allowed to own his house in his own name etc. When I asked him why he stayed he said even though he hated most things here it was still better than living back in London now as it was <snip> in his words

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