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Taken To The Cleaners - Scrubbed Squeaky Clean

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I keep hearing horror stories of westerners getting all or most of their cash/assets stolen by Thai g/f's and wives.......not through divorce etc but scammed to their last bean in times of sickness or while outside the country.

Common occurance in L.O.S. ?

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I don't know if common is the correct term, but it seems to happen more times than it should.


You might want to say the there is a line up of ex pat's waiting to be scammed just so they can have some female company.

Common sense goes out the door. Loneliness and thinking with the wrong head can lead to no money very easily.

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Are you lineing up to be scammed. It is like any other relationship it takes two too tango and some people have a propensity to select what they want.


Yes, there are also farangs involved that help administer the paperwork such as VA (Veterans Administration) and SS (Social Security) benefits to be given to the Thai wives possibly for a cut. These same people also seem to be a little more biased on the side of the thai wife than they should be.

Foregoing any acknowledgement of existing family members outside of thailand. - and acquiring the ongoing benefits of VA and SS for the thai wife after the husband is deceased by utilizing power of attorney or by declaring them mentally unfit.

When an old farang is in hospital thats when they go in for the attack, usually when in ICU, doped up and incoherant. A usual trick is to keep them medicated and under their control and to make them feel dependent. Neglect is then administered to further accelerate the demise of senior citizens who are bound to a wheelchair. This is when the farangs mentioned above usually step in and suggest a will is drawn up and explains the benefits that are up for grabs after death and are usually the ones who draw up the will in perfect english and coincidentally appoint themselves as 'primary' executor of the will.dry.png

Even after 10 years of marriage it is not uncommon for the wife to change perspective and to expedite the demise of her cash cow. This timing usually coincides with the wife going through menopause ensuring further psychotic activity.

My advice is to make a will before you are put in a situation requiring ICU and heavy medication, but not while you are in your peak of whoremongering. Have atleast 3 executors of the will in the event executor 1 doesn't follow through, and never appoint anyone that is affiliated with an organization that will disperse your benefits.

This is Thailand, no one 20 years younger is going to marry you for your looks or charm, its all about the benjamins, wake up or turn over in your grave.


Can happen with women from anywhere.... saai.gif



Chai! In fact, I would even say less so here in Chiang Mai than other areas of Thailand making this topic unrelated to Chiang Mai mak mak. Please consider moving to a more relevent forum.


Usually happens to guys that leave the door open for it. A guy once told me that his wife went and borrowed money using his truck as collateral which really pissed him off. In fact the truck was registered in her name so was hers by law. He had the strange idea that it was his because he paid for it!

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I heard one guy's wife ran him over with a 4x4 then paid off the cops.Also one guy was stuck in bed sick and the new g/f of 6 months emptied the coffers.Yes, it can happen anywhere but I hear the corruption is particularly entreanched across the board in L.O.S.


Well there is one pissed off Danish bloke at our golf club. Sent over a sum of money last year for car payments and on arrival this time for Christmas no Vios on the drive way, finance company had taken it back. Wife had used the money for something more important than the loan payments.

Can happen with women anywhere as some bod pointed out.



I think there is a bias to the Thai female getting away with it from what I've heard...almost "serves you right sunshine" rather than pin her in jail till the money is traced !


Can happen with women from anywhere.... saai.gif



Chai! In fact, I would even say less so here in Chiang Mai than other areas of Thailand making this topic unrelated to Chiang Mai mak mak. Please consider moving to a more relevent forum.

I disagree...Chiang Mai has an extremely large community of retired expats. Probably more so than Bangkok alone.


I know a few guys who have been relieved of mega cash and a friend now that after 14 years of marriage is walking away because of wifey looking for more farang cash and threats from her village heavy mob. angry.png

Do not send big cash to pay for something, find a way to pay yourself if possible.


No man with any modicum of sense and his wits about him would be stupid enough to get financially involved with the type of Thai woman who would try to knock him. You can't say, "Well you don't know at the beginning" because you DO know. If you're in your mid-50s up, aesthetically-challenged and possessed of stones that aren't regularly discharged by a third party and she's 20 years or more your junior, first, she'll be perfectly aware of your susceptibility and, second, there's a bloody good chance she'll be after your readies.

Evne without the klaxons and flashing light-warnings, you just KNOW !!

This shit simply doesn't happen to guys who are clued up about women in general and Thai women in particular.


No man with any modicum of sense and his wits about him would be stupid enough to get financially involved with the type of Thai woman who would try to knock him. You can't say, "Well you don't know at the beginning" because you DO know. If you're in your mid-50s up, aesthetically-challenged and possessed of stones that aren't regularly discharged by a third party and she's 20 years or more your junior, first, she'll be perfectly aware of your susceptibility and, second, there's a bloody good chance she'll be after your readies.

Evne without the klaxons and flashing light-warnings, you just KNOW !!

This shit simply doesn't happen to guys who are clued up about women in general and Thai women in particular.

even if your clued up, and been here a while,they can change pretty quick,(women)thai or otherwise,there 2 family influanc

ed,here and family comes first


No man with any modicum of sense and his wits about him would be stupid enough to get financially involved with the type of Thai woman who would try to knock him. You can't say, "Well you don't know at the beginning" because you DO know. If you're in your mid-50s up, aesthetically-challenged and possessed of stones that aren't regularly discharged by a third party and she's 20 years or more your junior, first, she'll be perfectly aware of your susceptibility and, second, there's a bloody good chance she'll be after your readies.

Evne without the klaxons and flashing light-warnings, you just KNOW !!

This shit simply doesn't happen to guys who are clued up about women in general and Thai women in particular.

even if your clued up, and been here a while,they can change pretty quick,(women)thai or otherwise,there 2 family influanc

ed,here and family comes first



Reminds me of a fellow in court two years ago trying to get possession of a house he thought he owned.

Turned out in court that he had already bought another house for a lady. Some people just don't learn or for that matter want to learn.


Everyone always writes bad stories about Thai women.

My wife must be one of the few good ones. She devorced her previous husband due to break down of the relationship. Her ex has lots of money and property. She never took a penny from him. I know this because i have spoken to him.


it doesnt matter how many times you tell guys dont get 2 involved with your tee raks,every one thinks, says,it wont happen 2 me,i love her,she loves me,well as long as your paying above your weight,thinks will be rosy,but one day i can assure you,the straw that broke the camels back will occour,(done it been there got the t shirt).


I agree it can happen anywhere.......

The thing about Thailand though is how quickly men become financially embroiled with the ladies, I have not seen this phenomenon anywhere else.....on top of that Thai law can be opaque when it comes to ownership issues, especially in connection with houses/

Another Thaivisa member put it well yesterday, ( apologies I cant remember who ) when he said something along the lines of many men smirk with pleasure as they blatantly lie to the authorities about where the cash is coming from to buy the house, then run screaming for a lawyer when it all goes wrong and they lose everything. The member pointed out that Thai law is there to protect you. I wonder how many houses here have been bought without people lying from the get go? Not many I would suggest.

If you cant own it legally, then dont buy it, dont lie to the authorities, and dont leave yourself open to abuse. Easier said than done, there is some elixir in the water here that has people doing things that they would never dream of doing in their own country.

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Oh dear !! another true guru of knowing everything about Thailand.coffee1.gif

Not a guru on Thailand by any stretch but I know about women and, unlike much of the Thaivisa demographic, I didn't rock up here looking for pussy.

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