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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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And one more stroke against Thailand being the fun place we love to go.

Just the "normal" fear mongering the US like in order to justify their crazy martial law jurisdiction at home. Enjoy Thailand. I avoid gatherings of farang as a matter of course anyway ...

Nice to know there are skeptics, who view the status quo with suspicion. Unfortunately anyone really paying attention now knows that US govt is corrupt, and the fear-mongering is just a part of the gameplan to keep people depending on them.

right, same with southern Thailand, it is safe, don't listen to all those reports of Buddhist Thais being targeted and executed, that is just more fear mongering, good one

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Its very popular with Israeli tourists. Operations in Israel (thanks to the wall), the USA, and Europe are much, much more difficult. How many times does SOFT TARGETS need to be posted here?

Weak argument.

There are allegation that Hezbollah run a cigarette-smuggling ring in North_Carolina, USA in order to raise money for the organisation. If they are able to do that they should be also able to park a car in Brooklyn.

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"the people associated with any of these so-called Muslim terror groups that bomb and maim people are not representatives of that religion"

you must be saying the founder of this organization back in over 1400 years ago must not be "representative of that religion" then, considering he did all the same things as these terrorists groups, but you knew that already

If I really have to spell it out I will - anyone who uses violence to defend, promote or expand a religion that has peace and goodwill to others as a central tenet (which both Christianity and Islam do) is not and never can be a representative of that faith, regardless of what they might claim - they are just hypocrites, and criminal ones at that. And don't start quoting all that baloney about 'holy wars' and 'jihads' because they are deliberate misinterpretations of what the Q'ran (and other religious texts) actually preaches. I am an atheist but that doesn't stop me seeing and hating how religions are used and abused by evil people for their own ends. I include in this the US Government, European Governments, actually pretty much every government come to think of it, the Catholic Church and pretty much all organisations controlling their religion, along with all the 'terrorist' organisations - their manipulation of facts and religions to garner funds and support knows no bounds, and it is high time more people rejected them. They all use fear to try and control people.

i guess that explains the founder raping plundering and pillaging and calling it a religion, and why they practice all the rights, ceremonies and rituals of the hindu, not judaism nor christian, you need to do more research

btw, its members are only suppose to be peaceful to other members, not non members, but you knew that already

Theologians much better read in these matters than I disagree on what you are writing and believe, and as no one alive today knows exactly what Muhammad did or didn't do or say, it is a waste of time having this discussion; I didn't come on this thread to defend Islam or any religion as i despise the way all of them have been manipulated, and how the words written by the 'founders' have been interpreted or reinterpreted by either side of an argument to be used to create conflict. At the heart of most major religions (possibly all religions), I believe, was an attempt by good men to bring peace to their world and lay down moral guidelines to help this. These were done in times of great tribal and military conflict, but the men that put these guidelines together were just men who either claimed to be or were hailed as prophets, to help get their message across in times where the idea of one 'God' was seen as a kind of blasphemy by the powers that be. It was a different world, and attempting to win an argument about the likelihood of a terrorist attack in Bangkok or the character of people planning such an attack by bringing up the unproven behaviour of Muhammad about 1400 years ago defies belief - I think the term is called 'scraping the barrel'. And no, it is not true that those of the Muslim faith are only meant to be good to others of the same faith - I suggest you do some reading outside of biased anti-Muslim books or websites; you may also want to read up on the Inquisition carried out by the Catholic Church to see how Christianity stacks up in comparison. A plague on all their houses.

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"the people associated with any of these so-called Muslim terror groups that bomb and maim people are not representatives of that religion"

you must be saying the founder of this organization back in over 1400 years ago must not be "representative of that religion" then, considering he did all the same things as these terrorists groups, but you knew that already

If I really have to spell it out I will - anyone who uses violence to defend, promote or expand a religion that has peace and goodwill to others as a central tenet (which both Christianity and Islam do) is not and never can be a representative of that faith, regardless of what they might claim - they are just hypocrites, and criminal ones at that. And don't start quoting all that baloney about 'holy wars' and 'jihads' because they are deliberate misinterpretations of what the Q'ran (and other religious texts) actually preaches. I am an atheist but that doesn't stop me seeing and hating how religions are used and abused by evil people for their own ends. I include in this the US Government, European Governments, actually pretty much every government come to think of it, the Catholic Church and pretty much all organisations controlling their religion, along with all the 'terrorist' organisations - their manipulation of facts and religions to garner funds and support knows no bounds, and it is high time more people rejected them. They all use fear to try and control people.

i guess that explains the founder raping plundering and pillaging and calling it a religion, and why they practice all the rights, ceremonies and rituals of the hindu, not judaism nor christian, you need to do more research

btw, its members are only suppose to be peaceful to other members, not non members, but you knew that already

Theologians much better read in these matters than I disagree on what you are writing and believe, and as no one alive today knows exactly what Muhammad did or didn't do or say, it is a waste of time having this discussion; I didn't come on this thread to defend Islam or any religion as i despise the way all of them have been manipulated, and how the words written by the 'founders' have been interpreted or reinterpreted by either side of an argument to be used to create conflict. At the heart of most major religions (possibly all religions), I believe, was an attempt by good men to bring peace to their world and lay down moral guidelines to help this. These were done in times of great tribal and military conflict, but the men that put these guidelines together were just men who either claimed to be or were hailed as prophets, to help get their message across in times where the idea of one 'God' was seen as a kind of blasphemy by the powers that be. It was a different world, and attempting to win an argument about the likelihood of a terrorist attack in Bangkok or the character of people planning such an attack by bringing up the unproven behaviour of Muhammad about 1400 years ago defies belief - I think the term is called 'scraping the barrel'. And no, it is not true that those of the Muslim faith are only meant to be good to others of the same faith - I suggest you do some reading outside of biased anti-Muslim books or websites; you may also want to read up on the Inquisition carried out by the Catholic Church to see how Christianity stacks up in comparison. A plague on all their houses.

they brag about the founder doing all these things, it is highly doubtful he did not,

besides, it does not matter what he said or did, only what they claim he said or did and believe it, and they claim and believe he said and did these things, and the results of what was apparently done are quite obvious, to pretend otherwise is quite naive, and btw, judaism/old testament as well as the quran sanctions killing all that are not your members, neither believe jesus was anything of any great importance, but what is said about what jesus said and did and professed was as you say, peace to everybody, but judaism and islamism do not follow those teaching, they teach peace only among their members and death to all others when you are able

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Its very popular with Israeli tourists. Operations in Israel (thanks to the wall), the USA, and Europe are much, much more difficult. How many times does SOFT TARGETS need to be posted here?

Weak argument.

There are allegation that Hezbollah run a cigarette-smuggling ring in North_Carolina, USA in order to raise money for the organisation. If they are able to do that they should be also able to park a car in Brooklyn.

I just saw a show on the cigarette joint being busted by the FBI. All funds were frozen and all bank accounts overseas were frozen, including the $20,000-00 US he was about to mail to the middle east.

Edited by OZEMADE
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Bragging and truth very rarely bear any correlation to each other. The truth is a very slippery beast, particularly in modern times where history gets rewritten to suit whoever is rewriting it. I can easily believe that there are some, possibly many Muslims, who believe some of the claims made about the founder of their religion, because I know there are plenty of Christians who believe every word that is in the Bible; however that doesn't mean that either all of them do, or that any of them go out and follow suit. The Muslims have been made into the current demon to be afraid of, following a well trodden path of other races, groups or religions that have been demonised by governments and media - Jews, blacks, Communists, Japanese, etc etc.

As I have already said, the interpretations of religious texts are as varied and manifold as can be, and historical facts follow close behind. These things were not written in the language we are using now, and there is a constant stream of alterations made to all such texts as researchers uncover mistakes or corroborating evidence for alternative theories as to what was meant. All that matters now is that (in my opinion) people all over the world are fed the version that their governments deem acceptable to them and their goals, and as it stands now it suits the western powers to have everyone believe that the Muslims are as you state.

Please let this thread get back to the matter at hand, so my last word on this is a kind of joke - All generalisations are stupid, so you go ahead and keep making them.

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Bragging and truth very rarely bear any correlation to each other. The truth is a very slippery beast, particularly in modern times where history gets rewritten to suit whoever is rewriting it. I can easily believe that there are some, possibly many Muslims, who believe some of the claims made about the founder of their religion, because I know there are plenty of Christians who believe every word that is in the Bible; however that doesn't mean that either all of them do, or that any of them go out and follow suit. The Muslims have been made into the current demon to be afraid of, following a well trodden path of other races, groups or religions that have been demonised by governments and media - Jews, blacks, Communists, Japanese, etc etc.

As I have already said, the interpretations of religious texts are as varied and manifold as can be, and historical facts follow close behind. These things were not written in the language we are using now, and there is a constant stream of alterations made to all such texts as researchers uncover mistakes or corroborating evidence for alternative theories as to what was meant. All that matters now is that (in my opinion) people all over the world are fed the version that their governments deem acceptable to them and their goals, and as it stands now it suits the western powers to have everyone believe that the Muslims are as you state.

Please let this thread get back to the matter at hand, so my last word on this is a kind of joke - All generalisations are stupid, so you go ahead and keep making them.

their actions have made themselves into the demon to be afraid of, as they have repeatedly on almost a daily basis at many places across the planet over the short term history and over the long term history, they have no one to blame but themselves for how the human rights abuses of non members of their organizations, but also the human rights abuses of their members, they have worked hard to earn their status and are proud of it, they are and are proud of it, it is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer,

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There's a chilling report on an Iraeli oriented news website that says the terrorist plot here in BKK was a major operation aimed at bombing and taking hostages at the Jewish Chabad House and at restaurants on Khao San Road....

Hizballah planned Mumbai-style attack on Habad Bangkok, Khao San restaurants

DEBKAfile Special Report January 16, 2012, 1:22 PM (GMT+02:00)


Hizballah suspect Atris Hussein

The Thai police's capture of a Lebanese-Swedish Hizballah suspect, who was charged Monday, Jan. 16, thwarted a terrorist attack on Bet Habad in Bangkok, involving the taking of hostages and blowing up the building. It was to have followed the same lines as al Qaeda's 2008 assault on the Mumbai Habad center which killed 8 Israelis and Jews - only more ambitious.

The Habad Bangkok is much larger: its hostel has rooms for dozens of lodgers. A second team was to have hit the Khao San Road restaurants popular with Israelis and Americans in a coordinated operation.

This is the first time Western and Israeli agencies have found evidence of the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah using and training operatives in the same terrorist methods as al Qaeda.

MORE: http://www.debka.com/article/21654/

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The US issued warnings AFTER the Israeli government. It only goes to show who runs the USA.

That's the proof then, is it? You aren't very demanding.

Could it be, perhaps ... that Israel has special knowledge about HEZBOLLAH given their geographical proximity and the political situation in the middle east?

It's no secret Israel and the USA are very close allies or that the Israeli lobby is strong in the US. However, this meme that Israel "runs" America is quite frankly, the kind of lie that inspires racial hatred.

Edited by Jingthing
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Actually, I believe the U.S. went public with its warning first.... and then was followed by Israel....

Israel reportedly contacted Thai authorities to tip them off to the plot back around Dec. 22... But they didn't go public with anything about it at that time...

It was the U.S. that burst the bubble late last week... I guess that goes to show who runs the USA.

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It really makes little difference who made the first warning.

If Mossad warned CIA and together they warned Thailand,

and Thailand ignored it for the usual obtuse reasons;

that EITHER Israel or USA gave me a warning,

and that 'some one showed the Thais' there was a actual bomb plant,

this is a big world class thumbs up from me.

It could have been the French or the Pakistanis for that matter.

Winge on all you like, they did right and your whining doesn't diminish that a jot.

Edited by animatic
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There's a chilling report on an Iraeli oriented news website that says the terrorist plot here in BKK was a major operation aimed at bombing and taking hostages at the Jewish Chabad House and at restaurants on Khao San Road....

Hizballah planned Mumbai-style attack on Habad Bangkok, Khao San restaurants

DEBKAfile Special Report January 16, 2012, 1:22 PM (GMT+02:00)


Hizballah suspect Atris Hussein

The Thai police's capture of a Lebanese-Swedish Hizballah suspect, who was charged Monday, Jan. 16, thwarted a terrorist attack on Bet Habad in Bangkok, involving the taking of hostages and blowing up the building. It was to have followed the same lines as al Qaeda's 2008 assault on the Mumbai Habad center which killed 8 Israelis and Jews - only more ambitious.

The Habad Bangkok is much larger: its hostel has rooms for dozens of lodgers. A second team was to have hit the Khao San Road restaurants popular with Israelis and Americans in a coordinated operation.

This is the first time Western and Israeli agencies have found evidence of the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah using and training operatives in the same terrorist methods as al Qaeda.

MORE: http://www.debka.com/article/21654/

Yeah, I just read this story independently from your post and wanted to share it too and I think it sounds very interesting, seems like the threat not over yet...

Sources familiar with the investigation report a major manhunt in progress for Hossein's confederates in Thailand, Europe and the Middle East. Some of those sources suspect the advance team members who prepared the explosives materials managed to escape, either by plane from Bangkok or by crossing into Laos and catching a flight there, although others believe they are still hiding out in Thailand waiting for another chance to strike.

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When the world gives you lemons make lemonade.

For years I have wondered why Southern Thailand separtists hadn't targeted Patpong - seems a likely target is the unemployed young Islamicists are looking to do as in Bali.

Things change. My question is "how can I *profit* from this situation?' Well, the supply and demand for bar girls will change dramatically. Prices will fall for the brave.

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So, Chalerm declared, a couple days ago, 'There is no problem' .....and now we find out there was a giant potential problem. Just another proof (as if another was needed) that all Chalerm (and Thaksin) declare publicly are either lies or obfuscations.

Is the man shown in the news clip - the same man who was, a few days ago, excused by Thai authorities, to return home to his Middle East hovel - with nary a slap on the wrist?

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So, Chalerm declared, a couple days ago, 'There is no problem' .....and now we find out there was a giant potential problem. Just another proof (as if another was needed) that all Chalerm (and Thaksin) declare publicly are either lies or obfuscations.

Is the man shown in the news clip - the same man who was, a few days ago, excused by Thai authorities, to return home to his Middle East hovel - with nary a slap on the wrist?

Police all over the world will try to calm the situation by saying no problem, even thought they knew that the shit is about to hit the fan.

This is standard, Even in the US, Europe, Japan, etc, so people don't panic.

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The US issued warnings AFTER the Israeli government. It only goes to show who runs the USA.

Ahh yes, the good ole jew people controling the world conspiracy is brought out. Tell you what braniac, take your unsubstantiated conspiracy notion and crawl back under the rock from which you dragged it out.

I'm sure you'll be able to squeeze back in between the masons/pope/ and House of Windsor conspiracy theories too.

What's next, a claim that aliens visited your trailer park and undertook an anal probe?

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The US issued warnings AFTER the Israeli government. It only goes to show who runs the USA.

That's the proof then, is it? You aren't very demanding.

Could it be, perhaps ... that Israel has special knowledge about HEZBOLLAH given their geographical proximity and the political situation in the middle east?

It's no secret Israel and the USA are very close allies or that the Israeli lobby is strong in the US. However, this meme that Israel "runs" America is quite frankly, the kind of lie that inspires racial hatred.

It would seem that Mr Balls has given himself the appropriate moniker.

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So, Chalerm declared, a couple days ago, 'There is no problem' .....and now we find out there was a giant potential problem. Just another proof (as if another was needed) that all Chalerm (and Thaksin) declare publicly are either lies or obfuscations.

Is the man shown in the news clip - the same man who was, a few days ago, excused by Thai authorities, to return home to his Middle East hovel - with nary a slap on the wrist?

If you want to drag Thaksin into it, you are doing it all wrong. The UAE has some major issues with Iran and thereby the defacto militia Hizbollah. Iran has grabbed some UAE land and the Emirates want it back. Mr. Thaksin is in Dubai. I'd expect that Mr. Thaksin would not be friendly to anything Iranian, considering that his Sunni Arab hosts despise the non Arab Shiite aggressors. Please get your conspiracy notions consistent.

Edited by geriatrickid
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So, Chalerm declared, a couple days ago, 'There is no problem' .....and now we find out there was a giant potential problem. Just another proof (as if another was needed) that all Chalerm (and Thaksin) declare publicly are either lies or obfuscations.

Is the man shown in the news clip - the same man who was, a few days ago, excused by Thai authorities, to return home to his Middle East hovel - with nary a slap on the wrist?

If you want to drag Thaksin into it, you are doing it all wrong. The UAE has some major issues with Iran and thereby the defacto militia Hizbollah. Iran has grabbed some UAE land and the Emirates want it back. Mr. Thaksin is in Dubai. I'd expect that Mr. Thaksin would not be friendly to anything Iranian, considering that his Sunni Arab hosts despise the non Arab Shiite aggressors. Please get your conspiracy notions consistent.

They are business people in UAE, they don't bother Thaksin what some Sunni cleric might say about Hezbollah.

Thailand has good ties with Iran and no issue with the Republic there. Nor would Iran to tease Thailand into doing something that they actually not want or to fight a proxy war for someone else. And remain with everyone friendly.

You will fail if you want push your war goals onto Thailand.

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All the people in the U.S believe the government's propaganda

that anyone outside the U.S. is a dangerous terrorist!

It's a generality, of course, but I've found that statements laden with such words as "all", "always", "never", "anyone" and such are not to be taken seriously. In this case I can state as a fact that the quoted statement is total manure. (But you knew that already, didn't you?)

Yes - I know it's "manure" - but I don't disregard the 90% because of the 10% that's "in-exception." Would you prefer that I had said,

"Most of the people..." - ? Fair enough - I stand corrected

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they have not removed it yet

Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Possible Terrorist Threat

This message alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future.


Thailand Country Specific Information


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