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Thai Govt In Damage Control On Terror

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So... American and Israeli intelligence warned thai officials of a threat over a month ago and they chose not to tell anybody...

Then the US Embassy send out a warning to its citizens abroad. Something that they not only SHOULD do but is their DUTY to do...

Then the US gets slammed for making alarmist comments and people are told not to worry...

After which 2 suspects are found and one arrested who CONFESSES to planning a terrorist attack leading to finding a warehouse full of bomb making chemicals.

Can someone please explain to me where the US embassy was in the wrong for what they did and why anyone would be upset that the israeli mossad gave information leading to the capture of said terrorists.

Am I reading this all correctly or has someone slipped LSD into my coffee.

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PM Affirms Terrorist Threat under Control

The prime minister ensures that the government has the terrorist threat under control and urges members of the public not to panic over the situation.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has urged members of the public not to overly panic about the terrorist threat report after many foreign embassies in Bangkok have issued travel warnings for Thailand.

The PM said the authorities have already arrested a suspected member of a foreign terrorist group and added she has ordered the National Police Office to closely monitor the situation.

The prime minister also asked the public to be confident in the government's measures to tackle the situation, while instructing all relevant agencies to clarify the situation with foreign countries.

The premier pointed out that the government is unable to reveal further details on the case as it involves national security.

More details on the matter will be unveiled to the public once the investigation is completed.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-16



"The detained man told police about the Hezbollah plot."

If there was a Hezbollah plot, involving Thailand, how does that make a statement that Bangkok is a POTENTIAL target alarmist non-sense scare tactics.

What WAS the plot?

Seems it was a language problem and the Hezbolla guy said he had come to Bangkok for a Blow-up..... He got the second word wrong...!!! Bad Job...!

No .... he said he came for "boom boom."


Chalerm's sangfroid will be the best course of action unless or until a terrorist does something really bad, like shooting a policeman in the face.

Chalerms son shoot a police in the face and got away with it.


If it was not for the Yanks, you would probably not be speaking English, possibly German or Japanese.

As for the warning, better to get it out there than no warning at all.

and if it wasn't for the French, the Yanks would still be singing Rule Britannia..........

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How many times have you gone to a restaurant like McDonalds or Food court in paragon (for example), and seen someone place a bag on a table to reserve it and walk away, what would happen if that bag contained a bomb.

People need to be educated about terrorism, maybe things like this will help educate them, but I very much doubt it.

Unlike Americans and Brits Thai's aren't brick scared of empty bags in public places probably because they don't have enemies.

But seems Terrorism has now been imported into to Thailand so I would really advice avoiding places like McDonalds or where US citizens hang out.

Do you read the Newspapers do you known how to read?

What is happening in South ThaIland do you blame it on the Americans or Brits?


"The detained man told police about the Hezbollah plot."

I think the above statement says it all... For all of you who trust the Thais to handle the situration you walk through life with your eyes closed. I would bet that the Thais were doing nothing and maybe even forgot about it when America said enough is enough and took some action to stop a possible deadly attack. Bombs are going off all the time in Bangkok so you think the Government can stop these guys...55555

Thank you America for stopping this plot from happening. Who knows how many lives you have saved.

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Governments in most countries including US do not inform the public of Terrorists plots. Why?

To avoid mass panic just like what happened in Thailand.

P.s. when was the last terrorist attack in Thailand aimed at foreign tourists?

dam_n, I missed the mass panic.

Did it happen anywhere else other than on TV?


PM Affirms Terrorist Threat under Control

The prime minister ensures that the government has the terrorist threat under control and urges members of the public not to panic over the situation.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has urged members of the public not to overly panic about the terrorist threat report after many foreign embassies in Bangkok have issued travel warnings for Thailand.

The PM said the authorities have already arrested a suspected member of a foreign terrorist group and added she has ordered the National Police Office to closely monitor the situation.

The prime minister also asked the public to be confident in the government's measures to tackle the situation, while instructing all relevant agencies to clarify the situation with foreign countries.

The premier pointed out that the government is unable to reveal further details on the case as it involves national security.

More details on the matter will be unveiled to the public once the investigation is completed.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-16


I do hope you're right Prime Minister. I recall the time when you said the floods were under control also. Oops.


So... American and Israeli intelligence warned thai officials of a threat over a month ago and they chose not to tell anybody...

Then the US Embassy send out a warning to its citizens abroad. Something that they not only SHOULD do but is their DUTY to do...

Then the US gets slammed for making alarmist comments and people are told not to worry...

After which 2 suspects are found and one arrested who CONFESSES to planning a terrorist attack leading to finding a warehouse full of bomb making chemicals.

Can someone please explain to me where the US embassy was in the wrong for what they did and why anyone would be upset that the israeli mossad gave information leading to the capture of said terrorists.

Am I reading this all correctly or has someone slipped LSD into my coffee.

Your brain is intact...

some others I can rightly be not so sure.


A number of off-topic posts and replies have been deleted. This thread is not about whether the USA can/should be called America or about WW I & II.

Please stick to the topic.



How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

ABSOLUTELY agree with every word here - only one thing PLEASE... do not call the USA America. My friends in Brasil and Colombia hate it...so do the other Americans - South America is America too...so is Canada, even if it is a Part of the USA

Hope the USAmerican authorities are not to pi...d too much about the ThaiGovernment officials and proving them wrong with all the power they have, would not be the first time.

Definition of AMERICAN


an American Indian of North
or South America


a native or inhabitant of North America or South America


a citizen of the United States

I've noticed that when I call Canadians "Americans" they don't like it. In fact it's a sure fire way to trigger a series of anti-American rants.

That's cause people from Canada are called Canadians and NOT Americans. Try calling someone from New Zealand an Aussie or visa-versa and see how they react. Or better yet, call and Aussie a brit and see how that goes over.


Governments in most countries including US do not inform the public of Terrorists plots. Why?

To avoid mass panic just like what happened in Thailand.

P.s. when was the last terrorist attack in Thailand aimed at foreign tourists?

dam_n, I missed the mass panic.

Did it happen anywhere else other than on TV?

To monkfish: this threat was real. We know that now. It's not as if the US embassy issues such a red alert everyday. This is the FIRST one I am aware of in Thailand. They were right on the money. Thank you to the US embassy for doing the right thing.
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PM Affirms Terrorist Threat under Control

The prime minister ensures that the government has the terrorist threat under control and urges members of the public not to panic over the situation.

I wish the Thai government types could at least TRY to get their varied stories straight...

Wasn't it the National Police Chief just earlier today, in a report posted here, who was assuring everyone that Thailand wasn't the subject of a terrorist threat...and the alleged terrorists were just passing through...but surely not intending to harm any peace-loving Thais...

Threat? No threat? Threat under control? Threat out of control?

I think, government out of control is the more likely scenario.

And more of the same:

Defense Minister: "I would like to confirm that Thailand is [not] a terrorist target,"

Police Chief: "The suspect asked me to tell Thai people not to worry because there would indefinitely be no terrorism attack in Thailand," he said.

Prime Minister: Following the mobile meeting, Yingluck pledged to ensure safety for the tourism industry and foreign visitors. She said the police, military and National Security Council were working around the clock to foil any terrorist plots.


If it was not for the Yanks, you would probably not be speaking English, possibly German or Japanese.

As for the warning, better to get it out there than no warning at all.

and if it wasn't for the French, the Yanks would still be singing Rule Britannia..........

And more importantly, eating mayonnaise with french fries.

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How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

Again, I have to ask this question. Why is it wrong for America to warn it's citizens of a potential threat? Isn't that what governments are suppose to do? What would you have them do? Say noting? Ignore the threat? Maybe they should just let their citizens be attacked and killed as punishment for perceived past transgressions and crimes of the United States? Would that please you? Why do you have such a visceral immediate hate for America? America didn't issue a blanket warning to "all people" in Bangkok, America issued a warning to it's citizens. Secondly, a real problem is trying to defend yourself against your "cry wolf" accusations. How many terrorist attacks have been averted by these warnings and subsequent increased security? Hard to tell isn't it? But I'd be willing to bet you'd be the first blame the United States if an attack was successful and they had not put out a warning.


How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

My sentiments EXACTLY... Thank you...

I would just like to ask those anti-American posters the following:

1. Do you not believe that every embassy in Thailand has the right and responsibly to notify its citizens of any threat to their safety? If not, why not?

2. Do you not think that, had the US embassy not issued its warning, that the Thai authorities would have informed the Thai public of this threat?

3. Do you trust that Thai Government will act for the benefit of its citizens, or for that matter, any foreigner living here.

4. Would any of you buy a used car from this mob?

I am not an American but I do believe in fair play.


Hopefully, the Israeli and US embassies are getting intolerant of Thai mendacity, complacency, and coverups in their announcements regarding serious situations. It was the Israeli Mossad, supposedly the most proficient and respected intelligence organization in the world, that initially warned the Thais of a planned attack in the making on December 22 now indicated to be as early as the 8th. Probably after repeated cautions and warnings by the Israelis and the US without a diligent Thai security response, the Israelis and the US agreed that an announcement would perhaps motivate the Thais to take some action.

Why would a Thai official, as quoted in the article, "reprimand" the US for announcing that Bangkok specifically was potentially a terrorist target, when it was the Israelis who notified the Thais originally and then teamed with the US on security? Why would this same Thai official refer to Bangkok as a "soft target in intelligence jargon," when everyone knows that a "soft target" refers to a vulnerable , undefended target likely to have people? It was as if the Thai official wasn't aware of the real meaning of "soft target" and was hoping that people would infer that his remark denoted something along the lines of "not high profile." His comments were preposterous.

The US and the Israelis obviously know, as do other nations, that Thailand is lax on security, a very suspect high risk country and region, and fertile for terrorist infiltration and activity whether planning or action. just look at the airport closing, the south of Thailand, and the flood security of its own citizens and residents. Thai corrupt immigration and police and social structure, as well as lack of regulation and adherence to law give rise to all sorts of potential underground, dark, and potentially terrorist activities. It's great that the US took the step forward to announce the threat and alert in the interest of its citizens and citizens of other nations residing and traveling to and in Thailand. Hopefully other nations will follow 'the right thing to do" and begin demanding, by similar announcements, that Thailand shape up and get its act together, be truthful, do the right thing, and stop shilling for its sex trade tourist business at the expense of the safety of people.

I sure hope you don't live in the land of smiles. To speak of the Thai Government as you have is distressing. Perhaps you can explain how you became such authority on Thai Government. It is hard for me to believe that anyone in this day and age would or could believe the Mos sad or the US is here to help. Go ahead and tell us how much the CIA or the Mas sad is helping the world. You might also mention how you would have handled 2/3 Thailand being flooded.

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Mark the date. I will have to agree with Yingluck on this one. No reason to panic. If you want a good reason to panic, think about crossing any busy urban road in Thailand.

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If it was not for the Yanks, you would probably not be speaking English, possibly German or Japanese.

As for the warning, better to get it out there than no warning at all.



i did read that there were 11 other embassies that issued warnings, so they were all wrong, i hope so or that the warnings had some effect on the plans of the prospective murderers


i did read that there were 11 other embassies that issued warnings, so they were all wrong, i hope so or that the warnings had some effect on the plans of the prospective murderers

How do you reckon they were wrong?angry.png

Further to my post above, it would seem from the reports of what the Thai FM, Chalerm, Kovit and others that they only care about saving face rather than saving the lives of not even their own citizens. They do not give a dam_n about the foreigners living here. We are the last thing that they care about and they don't really want us here. All they want is the FI and foreign currency we bring in. And don't foul mouth me by telling me that if I feel this way, I should get out. I have been here for over thirty years because of my Thai wife (who, incidentally feels the same way that I do) and the Thai people generally. It's the arrogance of the Thai phuyai that sickens me.

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