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Changing Diet Due To High Uric Acid?


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After my check up at the hospital I have been informed that my uric acid is quite high and I've been told to alter my diet with less Purine in it.

It also explains the foot problem I had recently... It was gout, not cellulitis.

Does anyone have any tips on what diet would best suit someone on a low purine diet? I don't even know what purine is found in!

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See this resource http://www.mayoclini...ut-diet/MY01137

Uric acid is formed by the breakdown of purines, which are a type of organic compound which are naturally occurring in the human body but also found in high concentration in red meats, shellfish and some other foods. Contrary to what many lay people assume, high uric acid levels are not caused by the consumption of acidic foods nor by the body being insufficiently alkaline. It has nothing to do with pH in the body whatsoever, and in any even body pH never varied above or below a very narrow range unless you are in major organ failure.

Although alcohol does not contain purines, it interferes with uric acid elimination and thus intake needs to be minimized.

If you have ever seen a TV show or movie scene of Henry VIII at a Banquet, that is pretty much exactly what you need to avoid. (He suffered from gout quite badly, BTW!)

Drinking a lot of water is also helpful for the elimination of uric acid

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I had the same and the had to syringe the fluid out of my knee it was very swollen. For me alcohol seemed to trigger attacks regardless of my diet. i know this because stopped drinking 6 weeks ago and ALL aches and pains have gone inc gout.

Just google purine there are endless examples

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Over 50 years old and I've met more people suffering from gout in my last 7 months in Thailand than the rest of my years combined.

Is there something about Thai food (and other food you'd eat here, Thai or not) that brings on gout, or is it a case of overdiagnosis? Or maybe few people in the west suffers from gout because it's caught sooner and treated? Or perhaps I'm just a poor listener?

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I am 32,I have suffered from gout since the age of 28,started in the big toe,usual suspects hereditary, to much beer,red meat etc etc,been on allopurinol for 4 years now,works a treat,brings the levels down,sadly I didn't pack enough this trip I'm here until march,3 days ago my left knee starts to hurt,I know it's gout had it to many times,fortunately I have my 50 mg indomethacin tablets,but it's no cure.

Can I buy allopurinol over the counter here ?

I need to take them again missed only 5 days and now this,I believe there is a thread running from way back but nothing about over the counter.

Edited by stoneyboy
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Following a gout diet can help you limit your body's uric acid production and increase its elimination. It's not likely to lower the uric acid concentration in your blood enough to treat your gout without medication, but it may help decrease the number of attacks and limit their severity.

Above is from that web site and how I have found it as my first attacks were more than 20 years ago with family history of all males on fathers side having and have not had another since starting daily allopurinol pill. I still can eat a little liver in my BBQ Plaza visits but such organ meat is the primary food to avoid I believe. Treatment of gout is not something you want to do if you can avoid with preventative and for me allopurinol has been a life saver. And levels are always normal in checks.

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I am 32,I have suffered from gout since the age of 28,started in the big toe,usual suspects hereditary, to much beer,red meat etc etc,been on allopurinol for 4 years now,works a treat,brings the levels down,sadly I didn't pack enough this trip I'm here until march,3 days ago my left knee starts to hurt,I know it's gout had it to many times,fortunately I have my 50 mg indomethacin tablets,but it's no cure.

Can I buy allopurinol over the counter here ?

I need to take them again missed only 5 days and now this,I believe there is a thread running from way back but nothing about over the counter.

Yes it can be obtained from any drug store but you should not take until current bout is over from my understanding as it is not treatment (indomethacin tablets are but not without danger).

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I am 32,I have suffered from gout since the age of 28,started in the big toe,usual suspects hereditary, to much beer,red meat etc etc,been on allopurinol for 4 years now,works a treat,brings the levels down,sadly I didn't pack enough this trip I'm here until march,3 days ago my left knee starts to hurt,I know it's gout had it to many times,fortunately I have my 50 mg indomethacin tablets,but it's no cure.

Can I buy allopurinol over the counter here ?

I need to take them again missed only 5 days and now this,I believe there is a thread running from way back but nothing about over the counter.

Yes it can be obtained from any drug store but you should not take until current bout is over from my understanding as it is not treatment (indomethacin tablets are but not without danger).

Ok thanks for the info,I fully understand that when one has an attack allopurinol won't cure it,indomethacin will I know,not sure what the dangers are,I know It can play up the stomach and cause a few other nasties but it's prescribed in the UK,it's a NSAID I know.

What is the likely cost of a two month subscription of allopurinol based on 200 mg a day ?

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Cost will depend on if they have local tablets available. The band name is quite expensive (for Thailand) and is what they will normally provide a foreigner. It has been many years since I last bought in drug store so have no idea of current price. At private hospital I paid 420 discounted to 378 baht for 60 x 300mg this month.

As for indomethacin it has the normal NSAID issues plus very serious side effects for many - you may find some listed here - it is a very potent drug:


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Over 50 years old and I've met more people suffering from gout in my last 7 months in Thailand than the rest of my years combined.

Is there something about Thai food (and other food you'd eat here, Thai or not) that brings on gout, or is it a case of overdiagnosis? Or maybe few people in the west suffers from gout because it's caught sooner and treated? Or perhaps I'm just a poor listener?

The doctor informed me that high uric acid is very common here in Thailand and it is mainly to do with the amount of alcohol intake and diet. Then again after looking at what purine is found in... It pretty much is most things that I love eating and a very common diet in Thailand.

I have also been prescribed allopurinol so hopefully it will help. I'm going to have a hard time changing my diet as I'm a very fussy eater. I used to see a food therapist in the UK.

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Self-education is key, phuturatica.

I've had over 100-200 attacks. I asked for help and info on this board and I got lots of helpful information.

I've been gout free for 2 1/2 years (except for 1 attack that was my fault in diet and beer).

I tried Alloprurinol for 1-2 months but stopped it and take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the AM and PM, and I drink about 4 liters of water throughout the day to eliminate the uric acid in my system.

Everyone is different, as we know.

I do avoid large amounts of purine-high foods at one sitting, or over the course of say, 2-3 days.

For example, I would not eat a lot of seafood on Friday, legumes beer on Saturday, and Sunday eat more purine-rich foods.

It's worked for me so far.

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ermm.gif I am already prescribed sodium bicarbonate and have been since 2008. I take it twice a day, morning and evening. Surely I wouldn't need to take baking soda too?

So far I have found the information on this board extremely helpful and I've only had one attack of gout so far in my life. To be fair - I am only 24 so I feel like I'm too young to be suffering from this but high uric acid is sometimes common with people with kidney malfunction.

My diet is extremely poor and rubbish and I'm embarrassed to say what I eat sometimes. However I was diagnosed with an eating disorder when I was 13 years old and I'm still suffering from it slightly. I don't like textures of alot of foods and most of them being vegetables. :ermm:

My diet mainly consists of meat, fish, bread, rice, pasta and cheese...

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The doctor informed me that high uric acid is very common here in Thailand and it is mainly to do with the amount of alcohol intake and diet. Then again after looking at what purine is found in... It pretty much is most things that I love eating and a very common diet in Thailand.

I have also been prescribed allopurinol so hopefully it will help. I'm going to have a hard time changing my diet as I'm a very fussy eater. I used to see a food therapist in the UK.

Thanks for the kind response.

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ermm.gif I am already prescribed sodium bicarbonate and have been since 2008. I take it twice a day, morning and evening. Surely I wouldn't need to take baking soda too?

So far I have found the information on this board extremely helpful and I've only had one attack of gout so far in my life. To be fair - I am only 24 so I feel like I'm too young to be suffering from this but high uric acid is sometimes common with people with kidney malfunction.

My diet is extremely poor and rubbish and I'm embarrassed to say what I eat sometimes. However I was diagnosed with an eating disorder when I was 13 years old and I'm still suffering from it slightly. I don't like textures of alot of foods and most of them being vegetables. ermm.gif

My diet mainly consists of meat, fish, bread, rice, pasta and cheese...

Goggle this "jiaogulan tea benefits" & try to differentiate the fact from the fiction but there is a wealth of information proclaiming its health benefits one of which I believe is helpful in controlling uric acid.

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Guys ANY medication you take does nothing but mask the symptoms. It certainly does not effect any cure.

The ONLY cure is a healthy alkaline diet.......ie vegetables and fruit. Plus drinking alkalised/ionised water that has a PH value of 8.5 or higher.

I have been doing months of research and have accumulated a huge wealth of knowledge from proven medical research. Far too much to attempt to include or add links from here, but PM me if you want further info.

Gout is just one of the many results from an acidic diet. The body pushes the fatty acids as far from your vital organs as possible......feet and legs!

Everyone in Thailand drinks filtered water, often from reverse osmosis. Dont take my word for it, check the PH level. You will find it about PH 5 to 6 there fore adding to your already acidic intake.It is also stripped of vital minerals.

Neutral PH is 7 PH 6 is 10 times more acidic than 7, 5 is 100 times more!

For a guide...the popular cola drinks consumed in great quantities with meals....have a PH of 2.4. They are straight poison!! it takes 25 glasses of alkalised water just to offset one cola drink!! Want to kill your kids?.......give them a cola drink. more insidious and painful than if you thrust a knife into them!!

Your blood is kept between PH 7.35 and 7.4 by your bodies internal workings......regardless almost of what you consume. The difference is made up from the stored minerals in your body. How long do you think those storage levels last if not replenished?? So what happens when there are no minerals left......right...disease in one form or other will manifest telling you your body cannot cope any longer.

Guys you have a choice.....Alkalise or die!! melodramatic? No.... it is a proven medical reality. If you value your life and those of your loved ones, buy a water alkaliser/ioniser and only drink that water.

Northeast Thailand has a huge epidemic of stomach cancer .......caused by everyone constantly consuming nam blah. Extremely acidic and fermented. Cancer is just waiting for that.

Sugar.....every spoonful you consume is another pull of the trigger, how many empty chambers do you have before that shot turns life into oblivion?

Dairy products. The countries with lowest breast cancer are non dairy consuming countries! What other mammal continues feeding on breast milk after weaning??? What mammals suffer from osteoporosis......ONLY humans But we drink milk for the calcium.....but what little calcium is in milk largely passes thru the body without absorbing that calcium. Eat your spinach and kale and they are full of calcium and IS absorbed by the body because of the included minerals and enzymes. Google "Green Smoothies"......extremely nutritional and great tastes. Your kids will rave for more!

Why did I do the research? Well it started off by a bump on my arm, that started a chain of events that led to advanced stage 4 metastases melanoma. (uncontrollable spreading of cancer) last Feb I had major surgery removing large sections of large and small colon. That took care of the immediate problem and gave me time but the cancer was still there and increasing over time. Doctors gave me but a few months, 6 months tops! I knew chemo and radiation was a death sentence, so i started doing my research. Now it is almost 1 year since my op, and 6 months more than the Docs opinions on my demise. However i could tell the spread of cancer had started again so I needed to find my own cure. hence the research.

What I have found out is staggering. Too extensive and far too libellous to write here.

I am now into my self cure and have no doubt I am getting better....day by day I am regaining strength and health......beating my cancer by diet the alkalised water and readily available inexpensive drugs that the medical fraternity wont tell you about......because they are not patentable therefore no money in it for them. I will be CURED of cancer....not just in remission.

As I mentioned, PM me for further info if you are interested.

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The fact that you get a gout attack at age 24, have high uric acid levels, take daily doses of 'bicarb' and have been prescribed Allopurinol idicates you have a problem worthy of professional help. See a qualified specialist doctor before you are crippled with white puss oozing out of your toe joints. Sorry, but that's the reality.

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Welcome to the party. You have a life long health issue which can be managed. High uric acid levels start in the liver as it no longer produces the enzymes needed to digest the compounds that increase uric acid. There are some natural herbal products that will assist your liver and return it to better health. In the past I took a herbal product called Solaray Liver Blend SP-13. During several years of consuming this product I didn't have any gout attacks. You can google natural control of gout and will find many products.

Coltracine(spelling) is also good for controlling gout it is a natural product produced from the crocus flower but in too high doses it can cause bowel irritation. Lots of water of course keepd you hydrated. De-hydration is really the cause of many aches and pains.Also have your thyroid levels checked. I lowered my thyroid a few years ago and had no problems for a while but after a couple of years started having gout attacks again raised my thyroid levels and now an ocassional twinge and just drink a bunch of water and take a Ibeprofum.

I eat what ever I want and also drink what ever but by following my own protocol have had great sucess in my control of gout and high uric acid levels. Good luck you will have to decide what works for you. I would also recommend a daily dose of 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of critic acid mixed in water and consumed at bed time.

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Over 50 years old and I've met more people suffering from gout in my last 7 months in Thailand than the rest of my years combined.

Is there something about Thai food (and other food you'd eat here, Thai or not) that brings on gout, or is it a case of overdiagnosis? Or maybe few people in the west suffers from gout because it's caught sooner and treated? Or perhaps I'm just a poor listener?

Same for me but it was two causes; too much beer and not enough water. I lost a lot of water thru persperation, I needed more water to pee out the uric acid. Any ways, I ended up taking allopurinol 100mg tablet everyday , drinking more water (4 16 oz bttls a day) and kept beer the same.

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Over 50 years old and I've met more people suffering from gout in my last 7 months in Thailand than the rest of my years combined.

Is there something about Thai food (and other food you'd eat here, Thai or not) that brings on gout, or is it a case of overdiagnosis? Or maybe few people in the west suffers from gout because it's caught sooner and treated? Or perhaps I'm just a poor listener?

Same for me but it was two causes; too much beer and not enough water. I lost a lot of water thru persperation, I needed more water to pee out the uric acid. Any ways, I ended up taking allopurinol 100mg tablet everyday , drinking more water (4 16 oz bttls a day) and kept beer the same.

I've heard that excessive consumption of alcohol and barbecued meats could be a cause.

additional reading...




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The fact that you get a gout attack at age 24, have high uric acid levels, take daily doses of 'bicarb' and have been prescribed Allopurinol idicates you have a problem worthy of professional help. See a qualified specialist doctor before you are crippled with white puss oozing out of your toe joints. Sorry, but that's the reality.

I already know I have health problems. I am a kidney failure patient and high uric acid is in CKD patients is common but my diet has also not helped since being here and my uric acid has gone up.

I found out my high uric acid result from seeing a renal specialist. So I'm one step ahead of you!

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Vinegar/molasses drink against arthritis

My wife and I have been taking a vinegar drink every day for 30 years and our arthritis has not advanced at all during that time. The drink keeps a person’s uric acidity level low, which is vitally important to prevent arthritis from worsening. We also have not had any pain or discomfort during all those years. However, when we stop taking the drink (when traveling) the pain returns in approximately 2 weeks. Apart from that, our uric acidity levels are always around pH 4.0 – 4.5 which is a very nice, low figure! (The range for males is pH 3.5-8.5.)

Over the years we have advised several other people with arthritis to take the drink and all seem to have benefited from it.

Perhaps most significantly, a few years ago we had an opportunity to discuss this subject with an extremely knowledgeable, American professor of Alternative Medicine. This lady confirmed that the drink, when taken in the morning on an empty stomach, was exceptionally useful in keeping the uric acidity level low.

The ingredients for this black drink are:

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (no other kind of vinegar will do!!!);

1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses;

1 teaspoon of honey;

add a little water.

Daily dose: we have been taking 100 ml (4 ozs) of the drink + about 100 ml (4 ozs) of water – all these years; once a day, on an empty stomach, ½ hour before breakfast.

However, we make a large quantity (without the water) which we keep in a big bottle in the refrigerator. It will keep very long and this is much more convenient than mixing a small quantity of the ingredients every morning. I add the water to the daily dose just before I drink it.

For a larger quantity, the ratio is:

Vinegar : molasses : honey = 1 : 0.5 : 0.5. A little water should be added to the daily dose just before taking the drink.

The apple cider vinegar can be purchased at many places:

The major supermarkets, including the one at the Airport Plaza, the Rimping supermarkets and the Kasem stores (see below). Tesco-Lotus at Kamtieng also stocks it.

As for molasses, this is not so easy to find. However it is available at:

Kasem Store, 19 Rachawong Road, T. Chang Moi, A. Muang, Chiangmai, 053 234986,

Kasem Store, 8/4 Nimmanhemin Road, A. Muang, Chiangmai, 053 400112 and

Baan Suan Pak Store, 221 Rachawong Road, T. Chang Moi, A. Muang, Chiangmai, 053 233317. (Cheaper than Kasem Store).

Honey is, of course, no problem as it can be bought at many stores, including the above ones.

Look after yourself!

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I have attacks of gout in toes/ knees and shoulders of all places. Its not fun , we all know that allopurinol is not good for the body and quite frankly only so -so in terms of effectiveness.

I cottoned on to a natural remedy a few years ago and it works, it bloody well works...

Take black cheery extract or alternatively if you feel an attack coming on then get a can or two of black cheery cake or pie filling and eat the lot. There is a powerful compound ( flavanoid) in black cherry that disrupts the uric acid formation pathway.

ist all natural and wont hurt.... everyone who has tried it is a convert and I by the way do not have any commercial or related or indeed unrelated interests in posting this other than I know what it hurts like.

Avoid offal/ organ meats and shellfish during times when you having an attack and as posted here triple your water intake but do NOT do NOT take distilled water as I have seen posted elsewhere as it only causes additional problems. DI water is not goof for you full stop

here are some links which may help



Handy tip.. if you do get cans of black chery in syrup or juice empty the can into a container and mash the cherries then refrigerate and eat while you have attack or feel attack coming on.. the mashing releases more flavanoids and increases effectiveness...

I now use a black cheery concentrate pill .... from GNC link below


I hope it works for you and you get some relief.. gout is a nightmare both the the attack and traditional treatments.. I haven't had a serious attack now in years..

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Thank you very much for all the advice guys. :)

I have taken some steps to change my diet and taken a few tips from the ones mentioned above.

  • I have now switched to mineral water rather than distilled and oxidized water and doubled my intake - Although I need to be careful of this because I am on a fluid restriction due to my kidneys. (I am only supposed to drink 3 litres a day max.)
  • I am only have one portion of meat in one meal a day. I don't eat organ meats anyway. (Urgh!) and I am limiting the shellfish to every so often. I actually had shellfish the other day and the next day I had a gout attack in my foot (different foot from last time)
  • Doubled my fruit intake.
  • I'm trying to eat all vegetables which are put on my plate with every meal I get rather than leave them - This is an ongoing food disorder I have had since I was a child and it's about time I get over it as I'm sick of it at my age.
  • I'm not drinking any beer at all.
  • I've cut down my drinking to one night a week only.
  • I've ordered some black cherry extract. (waiting on delivery)
  • The vinegar/molasses drink sounds interesting - However I am already taking an herbal remedy drink from the Monks - which tastes horrible so I'm not sure I could handle another bitter tasting drink that I'd have to drink every day!

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Thank you very much for all the advice guys. smile.png

I have taken some steps to change my diet and taken a few tips from the ones mentioned above.

  • I have now switched to mineral water rather than distilled and oxidized water and doubled my intake - Although I need to be careful of this because I am on a fluid restriction due to my kidneys. (I am only supposed to drink 3 litres a day max.)
  • I am only have one portion of meat in one meal a day. I don't eat organ meats anyway. (Urgh!) and I am limiting the shellfish to every so often. I actually had shellfish the other day and the next day I had a gout attack in my foot (different foot from last time)
  • Doubled my fruit intake.
  • I'm trying to eat all vegetables which are put on my plate with every meal I get rather than leave them - This is an ongoing food disorder I have had since I was a child and it's about time I get over it as I'm sick of it at my age.
  • I'm not drinking any beer at all.
  • I've cut down my drinking to one night a week only.
  • I've ordered some black cherry extract. (waiting on delivery)
  • The vinegar/molasses drink sounds interesting - However I am already taking an herbal remedy drink from the Monks - which tastes horrible so I'm not sure I could handle another bitter tasting drink that I'd have to drink every day!

Do let us know how it goes and good luck.. think positive thought about what you are doing.. Im convinced that the mind can help considerably cure us and while i don't subscribe to mind cures everything I believe a little bit of self reinforcement goes along way.

Nice to see TV forum so supportive and helpful.... good job by all if I may say

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All should have the brand name Zyloric (which when I used years ago was quite expensive for what should be cheap medication). Only larger places will have non branded version as is sold in very large bottles so most would not be able to turn over in time so do not stock.

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All should have the brand name Zyloric (which when I used years ago was quite expensive for what should be cheap medication). Only larger places will have non branded version as is sold in very large bottles so most would not be able to turn over in time so do not stock.

I've asked for Zyloric and Allopurinol but they always say "mai mee" and try to give me Colcichine (spelling?) I've been to over 10 pharmacists now. I may just have to take a trip to Bangkok hospital and use the pharmacy there.

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I obtain from my normal Vejthai hospital visits and last time was about 3 weeks ago with blister packs Puride 300 brand. Have not tried to obtain in market for years but it should be available and Zyloric was always available (but price high). You should never be told to take Colcichine as a replacement for allopurinol as it is a very potent poison used for gout pain attacks - not to prevent.

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All should have the brand name Zyloric (which when I used years ago was quite expensive for what should be cheap medication). Only larger places will have non branded version as is sold in very large bottles so most would not be able to turn over in time so do not stock.

I've asked for Zyloric and Allopurinol but they always say "mai mee" and try to give me Colcichine (spelling?) I've been to over 10 pharmacists now. I may just have to take a trip to Bangkok hospital and use the pharmacy there.

You've been unable to find allopurinol in pharmacies in Bangkok? I find that very hard tio believe.

Have you shown them the name written down (often they don't understand the way foreigners pronounce things)? And were this large pharmacies?

Shouldn't be a problem to get it at Fascino's or the other large pharmacies near it, nor at the pharmacies across from the hospital near Victory Minument, nor at the large pharmacy on Suk near Soi 2.

As for the pharmacies that tried to sell you colchicine, never go back to them.

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