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3 Foreigners Injured In Bangkok Bomb Explosion

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RT veen_NT: Just watched police interview on #NationTV- 3 explosions and 1st at the bombers' house. 2nd thrown at taxi and 3rd in front of the school.

Does this sound more like a nutter lone wolf to anyone else?


Wow genius, with a whole day more info you managed to work that out ! - sheesh try looking at the posted time - the post I made was just an hour after it happened and info was sketchy and indeed did sound like a nutter - the other two were not known at this point nor was the Iranian connection - just some idiot throwing bombs at taxis and blowing himself up.

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Well someone asked a long way back if the bomber that lost both legs was alive or dead, the answer is. He is alive and is now being treated at Chulalongkorn hospital. Worst luck. I hope he goes through excrusiating pain and problems all of his miserable life, if only for the Thai people he put into hospital this time. God knows what other bombs he has made and maimed and killed before.

Further the other one that escaped to Malaysia has been caught by Malaysian Police and Immigration. Now he will get his on his return, one would hope.


Although you would kill many westerners if you attacked one of the red light districts, I'm not sure it would have the desired effect. I'm guessing many people back home would not be that outraged or terrorized by a group perceived to be killing sexpats. And not sure how many victim's families would want the name of their loved one being in the press or on some memorial commemorating the attacks where there loved one was killed upstairs of a working girl bar while in a short time room.

now your true prejudices are showing.

Please explain because I am completely lost at where somebody would be capable of reading prejudice into this comment.

This particular post of yours, as are some recent others i have read recently are filled with an underlying tone of judgement. You are projecting your own distaste for what happens at Nana on to the families of anyone who would there die were the area were a target.

Furthermore, you are claiming that everyone in this area is a sexpat, and somehow managing to completely overlook the fact that some may be curious tourists, couples, locals out for a drink or dinner in many of the standard bars, pubs or restaurants in the area. You also ignore that beyond the first few hundred meters are hotels, condos and private homes far in excess of the bars at the mouth of the soi. These are inhabited by Thai citizens expats who work and live in the area and may be passing through at any given point in time. In short, your own bias against the area is heavily skewed and you are attributing that to the rest of the world.

My daughter used to attend a daycare on soi 4, and i jog through the area on a loop from soi 10 through the tobacco monopoly grounds. Are we sexpats?

Where do you get off saying the rest of the world would be uninterested or embarrassed if their father, brother, son, cousin or any other relation, male or female, were to perish during a terrorist act in the area? I mean really, the problem is yours, and yours alone. The judgement is yours alone.

And for the record I had lunch with my daughter in a pub the other day, i have already read your judgments on that.

In other words, one has to be a bit delusional to believe there was anything prejudice about my post.



But. Who, exactly, is this 'they'? A purported (no, stop haha), amount of (worthless outside of Iran) currency and three 'passports' aside? Hell. I know where to 'acquire' a passport of any nationaility ... today

I thought better to inject laughter than outright declare how dense one must be to continually assert a lack of organization predicated solely upon the desperate acts of dude trying to flee. Maybe it's just the IRA incognito as Iranians. Or perhaps, we have the CRIPs fromthe good ole US in Thailand to cause havoc and using Iranian passports to draw less attention.

To imply that one would use a fake Iranian passport to draw less attention while hiding out to make bombs and blow stuff up is great logic.


Now the Thai government is saying the bombers were not "terrorists" but "assassins".Now there's one for discussion , when is a terrorist not an assassin or vice versa? O Dear what they will do in the country to play down a major incident.


That is what I said last night, I.e., these guys were probably targeting individuals they wouldn't necessarily have access to in non-third world countries who deny need to protect against terrorism. Assaisans versus terrorism is somewhat sematics as innocent losses occur even during surgical strikes. If any veracity here, they are probably way more organized than anyone cares to admit due to their intelligence capability and materials found.


Now the Thai government is saying the bombers were not "terrorists" but "assassins".Now there's one for discussion , when is a terrorist not an assassin or vice versa? O Dear what they will do in the country to play down a major incident.


Difference is significant enough. If they where targeting (example) specific israeli or US officials, then its assasinations. If they where just there to blast a bomb and kill US or Israeli citizens in general, then its terrorism.

No matter if assasins or terrorists, it would be interesting to know the connections to various government sponsored organizations in Iran.


I know that place very well. I used to walk from my apt. on Soi 43 to the Mosque near Soi 31. They had many mixed nationalities there, mostly Pakistani, other arabs, but why target a Muslim neighborhood if those who attacked that area are Muslim. Now I knew many of the people around that area, most of them were the motocycle taxi's who would provide really good service.

The school at Soi 13 which is right across from Soi 12 where a bomb exploded at, I used to work there.

- - - - - - - - -

Interesting you mention that school.

Okay...here's what I believed happened.

They were assembling an explosive device in their house.

They made a mistake, and the explosives went off.

Two people were not hurt in that original explosion. They fled.

The third guy was injured but still able to walk around.

He tried to hail a taxi to go to a hospital or doctor...and the taxi driver wanted no part of this bleeding guy especially when he knew there had been an explosion. So tried to get away.

The injured third guy then threw a bomb or grenade at the taxi...damaging the taxi.

#3 then went out to the end of that soi where he saw a policeman. He paniced, and threw another explosive of some type at the policeman...but that bomb somehow bounced back toward him and exploded...taking his legs off.

And yes, my personal opinion is that the original target of the bomb they were trying to assemble that blew up in their house....was that school.

And yes, that's a scary thought.


I'm curious as to why you think the school was the target? What is leading you to that conclusion? Was something official posted that detailed their plan?


At this point it is highly speculative and actually a bit illogical to assume Iran has anything to do with this. Hezbollah is not Iran and is not even Iran based regardless of what Israel wants people to believe. It is a based in Lebanon and always has been. The only ties to Iran is the accusation that Iran provides financial support as does Syria as well as Muslims in general who provide most of its funding. It is a terrorist group whose main goal is/was ridding Lebanon of Israelis and Israeli influence ... though they seemed to have expanded this to wanting to see Israel wiped off the map. Their purpose is not to serve Iran and Iran's suspected support is due to believing in their extreme Islamic cause and not because Iran pulls their strings. By no means is Hezbollah a political tool of Iran but it does follow the extreme Islamic teachings of the late Ayatollah Khomeini.

Much like entering a movie theater 20 minutes after the show started, you have missed quite a bit in 700+ posts. Iranian passports found at the scene and on the bad guys. Iranian currency found in the safe house. It's all in the thread. Please do try to keep up.

Much like somebody with huge comprehension issues you fail to grasp, in my very clear post, that the Iranian government and citizens of Iran are two different things as Hezbollah is yet a third.. And yes, I missed any news reports of 3 passports found in the apartment or that any currency was found in the apartment. I did read that both Iranian and American (maybe working for the USA?) currency was found on the blown up guys pants along with his passport. Another man was caught at the airport attempting to leave the country but I guess he must have had another passport with him since you say his was at the house. The final unidentified man is on the run, I guess it is just taking time for officials to translate his name and copy his photo from his passport in order to provide these details to the public.

You are already in the "moonbats over Motenegro" category, so why stop with irrational thought and continue to interject hyperbole. I expect no less.

I mentioned NOTHING about Hezbollah. That's you attempting to spin the story, again. These individuals are IRANIAN. Spin it any way you want, but we both know that if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it sure as hell isn't a Platipus.


you guys are nuts if you think a solo "terrorist" with a couple pipe bombs is the intel the US was warning about. teens make pipe bombs in the US and bring them to school. if anything this was a CIA setup to advance the war on terror. amazing how many fools still believe the hype of the war machine. even expats. sad.


I completely agree with Vahack-it stinks of a set up. Problem/reaction/solution.

I would like to direct you to the theorem of Occam's Razor.

Occam's razor, also known as Ockham's razor, and sometimes expressed in Latin as lex parsimoniae (the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness), is a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.

To summarize, the simplest, most plausible evidence is usually correct in any scenario. No need to interject some fantasy boogeyman when the evidence is quite clear. That is unless you have some agenda which you are not sharing.

In this case, the evidence and everything surrounding it indicates that these were Iranian terrorists engaged in the activity of bomb making in Bangkok. The notion that some other nation is involved is simply assinine.


It's not usually the terrorist leaders and masterminds who carry out the attacks or decide to blow themselves up...

Needless to say, they more often recruit

They often purposely recruit bombers that are mentally deficient..

It makes me chuckle, but seems much like the process by which the US goes about selecting presidential candidates.


And this nutter is any better? I'm not chuckling, I'm laughing.



They are planning bombings in six major provinces including chiangmai and chiangrai. Everybody should lay low!

I keep wondering why Patong has never been targeted.

Couldn't get a tuk tuk as the prices were too high. They tried jet skis too, but wound up being scammed.


I completely agree with Vahack-it stinks of a set up. Problem/reaction/solution.

I would like to direct you to the theorem of Occam's Razor.

Occam's razor, also known as Ockham's razor, and sometimes expressed in Latin as lex parsimoniae (the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness), is a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.

To summarize, the simplest, most plausible evidence is usually correct in any scenario. No need to interject some fantasy boogeyman when the evidence is quite clear. That is unless you have some agenda which you are not sharing.

In this case, the evidence and everything surrounding it indicates that these were Iranian terrorists engaged in the activity of bomb making in Bangkok. The notion that some other nation is involved is simply assinine.

Given the facts as known now, it is asinine to state as fact that any nation was "involved" in the attack and plot.

It is rational to believe they are part of a terrorist "group" and not acting alone but there is absolutely nothing to indicate they were working at the direction of any nation. Just because people have a certain citizenship it doesn't make sense to believe their illegal actions or at the direction of their government. The suspect terrorist arrested a few weeks back in Thailand was a Swedish citizen but I highly doubt he was working for the Swedish government. There is still no evidence, but plenty to suggest the opposite, that the 15 Saudi citizens who took part in the 9/11 attacks were working for Saudi Arabia.

Edit: And although I am fairly confident that these guys will be confirmed to be Iranians, this still has yet to be confirmed and authorities are still working (last I read) to verify their identities are the same as what is listed on the passports.

The only thing we can no for sure is that you cannot trust much of the details reported in the news that is initially reported in stories like this and is part of the reason for so much speculation ... including my personal suspicions that authorities already had these 3 under surveillance at the time of the explosions.


I would like to direct you to the theorem of Occam's Razor.

Occam's razor, also known as Ockham's razor, and sometimes expressed in Latin as lex parsimoniae (the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness), is a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.

To summarize, the simplest, most plausible evidence is usually correct in any scenario. No need to interject some fantasy boogeyman when the evidence is quite clear. That is unless you have some agenda which you are not sharing.

In this case, the evidence and everything surrounding it indicates that these were Iranian terrorists engaged in the activity of bomb making in Bangkok. The notion that some other nation is involved is simply assinine.


So applying Occam's razor to 9/11 we have 16 Saudi Arabian Terrorists hijack aircraft, blow up some buildings and kill 3000+ people. Therefore which nations is responsible??????? (remembering that the ONLY flights permitted out of US airspace in the following 72 hours were.......Saudi Arabian!!) Yes that's right, Afghanistan and Iraq unsure.png


It's not usually the terrorist leaders and masterminds who carry out the attacks or decide to blow themselves up...

Needless to say, they more often recruit

They often purposely recruit bombers that are mentally deficient..

It makes me chuckle, but seems much like the process by which the US goes about selecting presidential candidates.


And this nutter is any better? I'm not chuckling, I'm laughing.


Leader: Iranian Nation to Hit Heavy Blow at Enemy in March Elections http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=9010174926

I get the feeling this is another show of strength by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the lead up to the Iranian elections.


American currency is not worth that much at the moment. I'd prefer Aussie to American or euro, get more for your dollar.

That may be so but Iranians (and many other nationalities) trying to get traveling currency in Iran before leaving to Thailand buy American dollars. Fact of life.

Much easier to get Euros in Iran and the exchange rate is better. Iran replaced the dollar with the Euro a number a years ago for foreign exchanges. There again is nothing to connect them leaving Iran with US dollars. I don't even think it has been when the last time they were even in Iran was. They could have spent a number of months or years in Lebanon training with Hezbollah ... which is actually more likely.

Whew, this makes me feel better. After months of training, the best they could do was to blow up their safe house and then themselves.

So now you are changing your story? No more false flag and these were actually Iranians sent to BKK on a mission? Que rico! You flip-flop more than a Nana bargirl jacked up on yaba.


The suspect terrorist who was arrested in Bangkok a few weeks ago was a Swedish Citizen and held a Swedish passport ... He must have been working for the Swedish Government. jerk.gif

Please stop. You're killing me with your banal rhetoric. No one is this thick, not even you, so stop the dis-information campaign. The only one looking silly here is you.



So applying Occam's razor to 9/11 we have 16 Saudi Arabian Terrorists hijack aircraft, blow up some buildings and kill 3000+ people. Therefore which nations is responsible??????? (remembering that the ONLY flights permitted out of US airspace in the following 72 hours were.......Saudi Arabian!!) Yes that's right, Afghanistan and Iraq unsure.png

Perhaps you should do a fact-check prior to making false assertions.


The suspect terrorist who was arrested in Bangkok a few weeks ago was a Swedish Citizen and held a Swedish passport ... He must have been working for the Swedish Government. jerk.gif

Please stop. You're killing me with your banal rhetoric. No one is this thick, not even you, so stop the dis-information campaign. The only one looking silly here is you.

Mmmmm I'm not so sure he is "the only one looking silly around here" KeyserSoze01. Now about my post number 930!


It's not usually the terrorist leaders and masterminds who carry out the attacks or decide to blow themselves up...

Needless to say, they more often recruit

They often purposely recruit bombers that are mentally deficient..

It makes me chuckle, but seems much like the process by which the US goes about selecting presidential candidates.


And this nutter is any better? I'm not chuckling, I'm laughing.


Well, is Obama mentally deficient since we had selected him as our president?



So applying Occam's razor to 9/11 we have 16 Saudi Arabian Terrorists hijack aircraft, blow up some buildings and kill 3000+ people. Therefore which nations is responsible??????? (remembering that the ONLY flights permitted out of US airspace in the following 72 hours were.......Saudi Arabian!!) Yes that's right, Afghanistan and Iraq unsure.png

Perhaps you should do a fact-check prior to making false assertions.

Now you have my attention! I am all ears. Just what fact check would you like me to do eh? And after you have thrown those at me to check, can you explain how Occam's razor does not seem to have been applied to the Saudis? What 'false assertions' have I made?? I need to know.



So applying Occam's razor to 9/11 we have 16 Saudi Arabian Terrorists hijack aircraft, blow up some buildings and kill 3000+ people. Therefore which nations is responsible??????? (remembering that the ONLY flights permitted out of US airspace in the following 72 hours were.......Saudi Arabian!!) Yes that's right, Afghanistan and Iraq unsure.png

Perhaps you should do a fact-check prior to making false assertions.

Now you have my attention! I am all ears. Just what fact check would you like me to do eh? And after you have thrown those at me to check, can you explain how Occam's razor does not seem to have been applied to the Saudis?

Osama bin Laden was a Saudi, along with most of his accomplises. It was a covert operation carried out by Saudis. Did it have the backing of the Saudi government, I doubt it, as they know which side their bread is buttered on.

My disagreement was with your last statement concerning flights out of the US and their destinations. You are incorrect in your assertion of how many flights there were and the destinations.


There is the "reasonable person" theory of society. Any society predicated on the rule of law (and the codes of ethics which law per se does not directly address) relies on what the reasonable person thinks or believes. Given Iran's belligerence of late, to include threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, and the view of the UN, its IAEA, the European Union, the United States, Israel and other responsible governments that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program is consistent with what a resonable person in society can believe. This is not a matter of WMD, i.e., Words of Mass Deception which we learned so bitterly from Bush and his neocons back some years ago in Iraq. The Arab states are more mortified by Iran having a nuclear weapons capability than by Israel's undeclared, ready to go nuclear arsenal.

The tourism industry is of vital importance to Thailand. But Thailand needs to grow up. A false sense of economic security is no excuse for Thais to stick their heads in the sand concerning the real possibility that Thailand presently (as in the past concerning Israel) is but one target among many nations designated by Iran for payback due to the direct impact of sanctions taken against it because it its nuclear programs. Iran is recognized as the chief state sponsor or terrorism. The United States has taken the radical and seldom used action of isolating Iran's central bank which expands the standard sanctions into a new dimension of impact, similar to the bite of a pit pull. We have the presence of Hezbollah in Thailand yet the PM is off touring provinces while the defense minister has one thumb in his mouth and the other where the sun don't shine, playing "ready switch" while bombs are being stored, made and detonated in Bangkok. Near a school no less. What's next while the country's leaders bumble, stumble and fumble all over one another while denying all reality?

Thailand can continue in its self created mythology, i.e., the country and the people haven't any enemies in the world which would harm it. But Thailand lives this fantasy at its and our own peril. I'm spending 99.9% of the time I give to this situation reading my country's embassy website rather than listen to and watch a collection of buffaloes.

I edit this to note the CIA, MI6, French and other leading intelligency agencies have thoroughly interviewed, interrogated and examined terrorists under proper clinical conditions, concluding that terrorists are not necessarily sociopaths or psychopaths; rather, they are from a closed world view that is inbred, inborn and ingrown - to which I would add retarded in respect to history and civilizational development over the past millennium.


I completely agree with Vahack-it stinks of a set up. Problem/reaction/solution.

I would like to direct you to the theorem of Occam's Razor.

Occam's razor, also known as Ockham's razor, and sometimes expressed in Latin as lex parsimoniae (the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness), is a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.

To summarize, the simplest, most plausible evidence is usually correct in any scenario. No need to interject some fantasy boogeyman when the evidence is quite clear. That is unless you have some agenda which you are not sharing.

In this case, the evidence and everything surrounding it indicates that these were Iranian terrorists engaged in the activity of bomb making in Bangkok. The notion that some other nation is involved is simply assinine.

Given the facts as known now, it is asinine to state as fact that any nation was "involved" in the attack and plot.

It is rational to believe they are part of a terrorist "group" and not acting alone but there is absolutely nothing to indicate they were working at the direction of any nation. Just because people have a certain citizenship it doesn't make sense to believe their illegal actions or at the direction of their government. The suspect terrorist arrested a few weeks back in Thailand was a Swedish citizen but I highly doubt he was working for the Swedish government. There is still no evidence, but plenty to suggest the opposite, that the 15 Saudi citizens who took part in the 9/11 attacks were working for Saudi Arabia.

Edit: And although I am fairly confident that these guys will be confirmed to be Iranians, this still has yet to be confirmed and authorities are still working (last I read) to verify their identities are the same as what is listed on the passports.

The only thing we can no for sure is that you cannot trust much of the details reported in the news that is initially reported in stories like this and is part of the reason for so much speculation ... including my personal suspicions that authorities already had these 3 under surveillance at the time of the explosions.

The Swedish government has not declared itself to be an enemy of the US or Israel.

The Saudi government's position is that the Saudi state is a strong ally of the United States.

In complete contrast, the Iranian government declares that Iran is an enemy of the US and of Israel.

This is why a rational person weighing up the available evidence would find it reasonable to suspect the Iranian state of involvement in terrorist attacks on Israeli or US targets carried out by Iranian citizens, but would find the involvement of the Swedish or Saudi state in similar attacks carried out by Swedish or Saudi citizens to be markedly improbable.

This is not difficult.

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Osama bin Laden was a Saudi, along with most of his accomplises. It was a covert operation carried out by Saudis. Did it have the backing of the Saudi government, I doubt it, as they know which side their bread is buttered on.

My disagreement was with your last statement concerning flights out of the US and their destinations. You are incorrect in your assertion of how many flights there were and the destinations.

But your first sentence goes completely against Occam's razor, which you have decided to apply in the case in Bangkok, but not in the Saudi case....why? Can you explain that?

As for the flights out, I am not wrong, but was slightly incorrect in that some of the flights were allowed out nearly 2 weeks later as well. Many flights departed on September the 13th.

From the 9/11 commission report no less.

The facts stated are well documented and are based entirely on the findings contained in the 9/11 commission draft report, which states, "After the airspace reopened, six chartered flights with 142 people, mostly Saudi Arabian nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24. One flight, the so-called Bin Ladin flight, departed the United States on September 20 with 26 passengers, most of them relatives of Usama Bin Ladin." National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Threats and Responses in 2001, Staff Statement No. 10, The Saudi Flights, p. 12

The destinations of all the flights above was Saudi Arabia. Now what are my 'false assertions'?


Don't be too shocked, but aside from Thailand's internal terror events, which have been many, Thailand HAS been spared major external terror events in recent history. (Of the Bali, Mumbai, and Argentina Hezbollah massacre variety.) So, why? Luck only? Have they done something right? I don't know.


Just to let y'all know, this totally off topic discussion about 9-11 is totally boring. Current events please.


Actually in terms of setting precedence, the decision making process surrounding 9/11 and who was responsible is completely relevant, and are we only allowed to discuss things as long as you don't find them boring? We have to put up with your diatribe, so how about you slope off elsewhere or put up with ours. Can't you bare the fact that there may be information you can't refute? My, I bet you have been hitting the report button all night. What is it you are fond of saying .....'Deal with it'.

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