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3 Foreigners Injured In Bangkok Bomb Explosion


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Its a pity that some posters have to resort to name calling. It would be nice to take the discussion out of the school yard but I have learnt through experiance that this is impossible on TV.

The intricacies of the bomb plot are unclear and there are many permiatations regarding who these people are and what their motives were. (Anyway, why would the contingency of the Iranian woman flying back to Iran exist when everyone is going to point to that as proof that Iran did it? A 3 year old could come up with a better plan than that.)

But one thing is very clear indeed - a worldwide bombing campaign is not to the benefit of Iran and would be just what those hell bent on invading the country would want.

Terror attacks are just not in Iran's interests in the long run.

But Israel is already attacking Iranians inside Iran. The possibility that Israel will attack Iran directly is already being discussed as a high probability event in Washington.

Furthermore, the president of the United States has already declared publicly in his State of the Union speech that:

"no option is off the table in preventing Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, but the situation could still be resolved peacefully if...etc"

This is the clearest possible direct statement to the world that the US has already determined that Iran will be attacked if this appears to be the only way to eliminate their nuclear weapons program. It has no other conceivable meaning.

Why on earth would they need to provide other excuses for what they have already stated they are willing to do on the basis of a political situation that already exists?

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Its a pity that some posters have to resort to name calling. It would be nice to take the discussion out of the school yard but I have learnt through experiance that this is impossible on TV.

The intricacies of the bomb plot are unclear and there are many permiatations regarding who these people are and what their motives were. (Anyway, why would the contingency of the Iranian woman flying back to Iran exist when everyone is going to point to that as proof that Iran did it? A 3 year old could come up with a better plan than that.)

But one thing is very clear indeed - a worldwide bombing campaign is not to the benefit of Iran and would be just what those hell bent on invading the country would want.

Terror attacks are just not in Iran's interests in the long run.

BUT, because of their ''religious'' beliefs they think it does. For the rest of us, hmmmm, we are scratching our heads as to why their book is telling them to kill none believers in their book.

PS. Who wrote their book. ?

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Its a pity that some posters have to resort to name calling. It would be nice to take the discussion out of the school yard but I have learnt through experiance that this is impossible on TV.

The intricacies of the bomb plot are unclear and there are many permiatations regarding who these people are and what their motives were. (Anyway, why would the contingency of the Iranian woman flying back to Iran exist when everyone is going to point to that as proof that Iran did it? A 3 year old could come up with a better plan than that.)

But one thing is very clear indeed - a worldwide bombing campaign is not to the benefit of Iran and would be just what those hell bent on invading the country would want.

Terror attacks are just not in Iran's interests in the long run.

Four Iranians were pursuing a target. That does not mean the Iranian Government was. Like 16 Saudi nationals attacking the twin towers did not mean the Saudi Government did! There are a number of groups in Iran that are on the US State Department Terrorist list. One of them being MEK or sometimes known as MKO. These fella's are actually financially supported by both the US and Israel (strange isn't it!). This Iranian terrorist group would love to see the current regiome kicked out in order they can receive power positioning within Iran. The CIA and their counterpart in Israel, who must not be mentioned are actively using these thugs (do some reading up on the group, it will shock you as to what is going on).

The attacks against India, Georgia and Thailand are all similar with almost identical devices. It has been noted that the devices are the same as those used to kill the Iranian scientists. So using Occams razor, which is more likely?

a.) The iranians decide on some tit for tat killings over their scientists (at a time when to make the wrong move would result in dire consequences not only to their nation but almost certainly the hangmans noose when they inevitably lose and are captured) and decide to use the same devices in some bizarre ritual of saying 'we did to you what you did to us', OR

b.) The attackers in India, Georgia and Thailand are the same as those who killed the Iranian scientists?

Occam's razor says b.) they are one and the same group. I believe that group to be one of the Iranian terrorist organizations receiving considerable financial support from you know who, who want to see the regime removed. Therefore it is simple for these people to get on an aircraft and fly back to Tehran, because thats where they live.

Using ALL the evidence, this is absolutely the most likely scenario with all the current data available at the moment, in fact I will wager a months salary on it (a lot!).

I do not support or defend the Iranian regime, they are a bunch of oxygen thieves, but neither to I endorse or support going to war based on a bunch of manufactured lies..............again.

Oh, and incidentally, nobody on this or any other forum is obliged to answer anyone!

Edited by metisdead
Previously deleted off topic baiting post removed from quoted post.
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Terror attacks are just not in Iran's interests in the long run.

And you're saying this about the Number 1 terrorist sponsor in the world. Get a grip man!

Exactly. Why the need to make up a bunch of nonsense to try to distort the obvious. The Iranian regime is behind this. blink.png

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If Iran's plot had worked, Iran would have benefited by sending a message, but the bomb went off prematurely. Trying to spin this into another nutty conspiracy theory will not work. wacko.png

But how do they benefit?

Say they had blown up 1000 people at Nana or assasinated some Israeli diplomat, how does that really benefit them? Maybe it hurts their perceived enemy a little bit but in the long run it most definately will not benefit them after they get to host an invasion and all the horrors that come with that.

It's like some whimp going up to the local hardman in a pub, pouring a pint over his head and then ending up in hospital. Why would he do that?

Zealots minds don't work as logically as most other peoples do.

Case in point, can't get a Israeli diplomate, blow up a Bangkok taxi.

USA won't invade Iran because Iran agents blow up a Bangkok whore house.

But internally Iran could pose as fighting satanic infidels, and much of Irans

problems are the extra young age and worldliness of it's population,

yearning for greater freedom from the aging mulahs.

Granted I have heard Nana is partly muslim owned so maybe it gets a pass.

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I think everyone boasting about how stupid the Thai officials are and how perfect the American intelligence is should understand that the truth lies somewhere in between.

Was it not the CIA that failed to detect 9/11 ??

Was it not the Thai police who managed to capture suspects last month ??

Get off your horse and face reality.............it has now been proven that there were two active terrorist cells in Sukhumvit area.

Try spending less time crowing on the internet and more time being observant if you live in that area.

Since when did this become a pissing match between the CIA and the Thai government?

I was referring to an earlier post that indicated that the Thai government had been slow / scared to react to the warnings.

Some contributors here seem determined to slag of the Thais at every opportunity......it's ridiculous.

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I think everyone boasting about how stupid the Thai officials are and how perfect the American intelligence is should understand that the truth lies somewhere in between.

Was it not the CIA that failed to detect 9/11 ??

Was it not the Thai police who managed to capture suspects last month ??

Get off your horse and face reality.............it has now been proven that there were two active terrorist cells in Sukhumvit area.

Try spending less time crowing on the internet and more time being observant if you live in that area.

Since when did this become a pissing match between the CIA and the Thai government?

I was referring to an earlier post that indicated that the Thai government had been slow / scared to react to the warnings.

Some contributors here seem determined to slag of the Thais at every opportunity......it's ridiculous.

Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Yes, the Thais have been very fast off their mark. I did mention earlier that they had captured suspects last month too.

Some people here seem to make it their life's work to criticize the Thai police and Thai authorities, as far as I can see they have done very well in regards to these two recent incidents.

Credit where credit is due

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Yes, the Thais have been very fast off their mark. I did mention earlier that they had captured suspects last month too.

Some people here seem to make it their life's work to criticize the Thai police and Thai authorities, as far as I can see they have done very well in regards to these two recent incidents.

Credit where credit is due

The Thai authorities are doing a good job in how they are handling things. I am happy to report that. The Thai government officials on the other hand are handling it like buffoons. The more I hear what they say the less I think I can ever trust anything I hear from them.

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Yes, the Thais have been very fast off their mark. I did mention earlier that they had captured suspects last month too.

Some people here seem to make it their life's work to criticize the Thai police and Thai authorities, as far as I can see they have done very well in regards to these two recent incidents.

Credit where credit is due

The Thai authorities are doing a good job in how they are handling things. I am happy to report that. The Thai government officials on the other hand are handling it like buffoons. The more I hear what they say the less I think I can ever trust anything I hear from them.

OK I'll go with that.......that seems a fair reflection of the situation. At least some credit is being given........

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I find it interesting, based on the pictures after the left the house, that these guys don't appear to be injured by the bomb blast in the house. Usually these types of accidents occur while somebody is fiddling with something and don't happen when the bomb is upstairs and everyone is downstairs. Didn't I read something somewhere that police said they had a 5-second timer? Not a heck of a lot of time to gather your stuff and get out of the house ... which looks like it had its roof, doors and windows blown out on both floors.

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I find it interesting, based on the pictures after the left the house, that these guys don't appear to be injured by the bomb blast in the house. Usually these types of accidents occur while somebody is fiddling with something and don't happen when the bomb is upstairs and everyone is downstairs. Didn't I read something somewhere that police said they had a 5-second timer? Not a heck of a lot of time to gather your stuff and get out of the house ... which looks like it had its roof, doors and windows blown out on both floors.

Agreed.. and also didn't we hear from the taxi driver that refused the pickup since the guy was covered in blood? I don't see any blood on them in any of those pics.

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Yes, the Thais have been very fast off their mark. I did mention earlier that they had captured suspects last month too.

Some people here seem to make it their life's work to criticize the Thai police and Thai authorities, as far as I can see they have done very well in regards to these two recent incidents.

Credit where credit is due

The Thai authorities are doing a good job in how they are handling things. I am happy to report that. The Thai government officials on the other hand are handling it like buffoons. The more I hear what they say the less I think I can ever trust anything I hear from them.

Flood handling is good example is how well they handle it. It is the tops guys that seem to be clueless, the low ranks are the one that do the hard works, get injured, or kill. Look at the situation ins the South. The generals get rich while the low ranks get killed.

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Flood handling is good example is how well they handle it. It is the tops guys that seem to be clueless, the low ranks are the one that do the hard works, get injured, or kill. Look at the situation ins the South. The generals get rich while the low ranks get killed.

You won't hear me arguing with that either.......

There are too many people not giving credit to the foot soldiers that ran towards the terrorists.

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Yes, the Thais have been very fast off their mark. I did mention earlier that they had captured suspects last month too.

Some people here seem to make it their life's work to criticize the Thai police and Thai authorities, as far as I can see they have done very well in regards to these two recent incidents.

Credit where credit is due

The Thai authorities are doing a good job in how they are handling things. I am happy to report that. The Thai government officials on the other hand are handling it like buffoons. The more I hear what they say the less I think I can ever trust anything I hear from them.

Flood handling is good example is how well they handle it. It is the tops guys that seem to be clueless, the low ranks are the one that do the hard works, get injured, or kill. Look at the situation ins the South. The generals get rich while the low ranks get killed.

And where is that not the case ;-)

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Technically you are correct that the Swede/Lebanese guy was arrested within a week of first alert but to be more accurate he was actually arrested the day before the first alert was given.

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Technically you are correct that the Swede/Lebanese guy was arrested within a week of first alert but to be more accurate he was actually arrested the day before the first alert was given.

If that is the case it sounds like it was the Thais work which caused Israel and the US to become aware of the threat here.

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Technically you are correct that the Swede/Lebanese guy was arrested within a week of first alert but to be more accurate he was actually arrested the day before the first alert was given.

If that is the case it sounds like it was the Thais work which caused Israel and the US to become aware of the threat here.

Nope - the Israelis warned Thailand some weeks before that there were terrorists lose in BKK. The chain of events seem to be a bit hazy but there were reports that the USA warned the Thai authorities they were going to go public a day or two before the alert went out. The suspect was arrested at the airport on the Thursday when leaving Thailand but the US still put out the alert on the Friday.

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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Technically you are correct that the Swede/Lebanese guy was arrested within a week of first alert but to be more accurate he was actually arrested the day before the first alert was given.

If that is the case it sounds like it was the Thais work which caused Israel and the US to become aware of the threat here.

Nope - the Israelis warned Thailand some weeks before that there were terrorists lose in BKK. The chain of events seem to be a bit hazy but there were reports that the USA warned the Thai authorities they were going to go public a day or two before the alert went out. The suspect was arrested at the airport on the Thursday when leaving Thailand but the US still put out the alert on the Friday.

Actually, it turns out they were tracking these guys before the arrest and the US issued a warning hours before the arrest ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16543447

I am fairly confident they were also keeping tabs on the latest 3 to be arrested too.

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Nope - the Israelis warned Thailand some weeks before that there were terrorists lose in BKK. The chain of events seem to be a bit hazy but there were reports that the USA warned the Thai authorities they were going to go public a day or two before the alert went out. The suspect was arrested at the airport on the Thursday when leaving Thailand but the US still put out the alert on the Friday.

Actually, it turns out they were tracking these guys before the arrest and the US issued a warning hours before the arrest ... http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-16543447

I am fairly confident they were also keeping tabs on the latest 3 to be arrested too.

The reporting and information flow on these events seems to be pretty poor - there are a number of reports such as this one that say the first one was arrested on the Thursday.


The question of how much the Thai authorities had done prior to the events unfolding is an interesting one as there do seem to be indications that much more has gone on behind the scenes that we are not aware of - the video going back over a week showing people coming and going from the house seems to suggest they were already under surveillance. What I cannot understand is why the Thai authorities have not pointed out that they were already on to them as it would surely reassure the public.

Edited by Orac
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Nope - the Israelis warned Thailand some weeks before that there were terrorists lose in BKK. The chain of events seem to be a bit hazy but there were reports that the USA warned the Thai authorities they were going to go public a day or two before the alert went out. The suspect was arrested at the airport on the Thursday when leaving Thailand but the US still put out the alert on the Friday.

Actually, it turns out they were tracking these guys before the arrest and the US issued a warning hours before the arrest ... http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-16543447

I am fairly confident they were also keeping tabs on the latest 3 to be arrested too.

The reporting and information flow on these events seems to be pretty poor - there are a number of reports such as this one that say the first one was arrested on the Thursday.


The question of how much the Thai authorities had done prior to the events unfolding is an interesting one as there do seem to be indications that much more has gone on behind the scenes that we are not aware of - the video going back over a week showing people coming and going from the house seems to suggest they were already under surveillance. What I cannot understand is why the Thai authorities have not pointed out that they were already on to them as it would surely reassure the public.

Not to mention tracking down a hooker in Pattaya with pictures on her camera of all 3 of them from a few days before .. knowing the 3 different hotels they stayed at while in pattaya ... the response time of the cop in the SUV (not motorbike) getting to the scene after the explosion ... the ability to immediately alert the airport of the guys identity before he boarded an international flight (clearly he had his passport with him and didn't leave it at the house).... they announced they knew "as a fact " who the intended targets were at a time they also said stumpy was still not awake and the other guy was refusing to talk.

However, this isn't the US or UK where you have real investigative journalism or a public that confronts authorities with suspicions .. so, we may never know.

Edit: I think they were really being watched by the Israelis with the Thais assisting. It would be pretty bad to let people know that they didn't take action sooner and it resulted in innocent Thais getting hurt. However, I understand why they would do this in terms of not just building a case but also finding out who else might be involved with them. And lets face it, the Israelis trust nobody (as nobody trust them) when it comes to intelligence/spying type issues and they certainly are not going to trust Thai police who take bribes of $3 with such intelligence.

It is also possible the guy that guy that "slipped away" during the first arrest may have been one of these three.

Edited by Nisa
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Didn't the Thai Officials arrest that Swede/Lebanese guy within like a week of the first alert? And I am still in shock at how quickly they have tied all together the stuff related to this current arrest including cell phone pics from a working girl in Pattaya and the three different rooms they stayed in there.

Yes, the Thais have been very fast off their mark. I did mention earlier that they had captured suspects last month too.

Some people here seem to make it their life's work to criticize the Thai police and Thai authorities, as far as I can see they have done very well in regards to these two recent incidents.

Credit where credit is due

Seems the Thai police can be quite efficient in bringing people to justice if it's not a hiso or politician. cool.png

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Nope - the Israelis warned Thailand some weeks before that there were terrorists lose in BKK. The chain of events seem to be a bit hazy but there were reports that the USA warned the Thai authorities they were going to go public a day or two before the alert went out. The suspect was arrested at the airport on the Thursday when leaving Thailand but the US still put out the alert on the Friday.

Actually, it turns out they were tracking these guys before the arrest and the US issued a warning hours before the arrest ... http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-16543447

I am fairly confident they were also keeping tabs on the latest 3 to be arrested too.

The reporting and information flow on these events seems to be pretty poor - there are a number of reports such as this one that say the first one was arrested on the Thursday.


The question of how much the Thai authorities had done prior to the events unfolding is an interesting one as there do seem to be indications that much more has gone on behind the scenes that we are not aware of - the video going back over a week showing people coming and going from the house seems to suggest they were already under surveillance. What I cannot understand is why the Thai authorities have not pointed out that they were already on to them as it would surely reassure the public.

Not to mention tracking down a hooker in Pattaya with pictures on her camera of all 3 of them from a few days before .. knowing the 3 different hotels they stayed at while in pattaya ... the response time of the cop in the SUV (not motorbike) getting to the scene after the explosion ... the ability to immediately alert the airport of the guys identity before he boarded an international flight (clearly he had his passport with him and didn't leave it at the house).... they announced they knew "as a fact " who the intended targets were at a time they also said stumpy was still not awake and the other guy was refusing to talk.

However, this isn't the US or UK where you have real investigative journalism or a public that confronts authorities with suspicions .. so, we may never know.

Edit: I think they were really being watched by the Israelis with the Thais assisting. It would be pretty bad to let people know that they didn't take action sooner and it resulted in innocent Thais getting hurt. However, I understand why they would do this in terms of not just building a case but also finding out who else might be involved with them. And lets face it, the Israelis trust nobody (as nobody trust them) when it comes to intelligence/spying type issues and they certainly are not going to trust Thai police who take bribes of $3 with such intelligence.

It is also possible the guy that guy that "slipped away" during the first arrest may have been one of these three.

Posted on CNN Friday ... http://edition.cnn.com/2012/02/17/world/asia/thailand-bombings-israel-iran/index.html?hpt=ias_c2

Authorities plan to seek a court warrant for Nikkhahfard Javad, a 52-year-old man who was seen leaving the Bangkok building where the first blast took place on Tuesday, Police Maj. Gen. Anuchai Lekbumrung said Friday

more incredibly fast police work "if" they were not already keeping tabs on these guys.

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It is looking increasingly likely that the police, or other agencies had been keeping tabs on this group for some time, I wonder how many other groups and/or individuals are being monitored at the moment.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

A good Iranian friend of mine who seems to have his ear to the ground told me these people were not terrorists, but were gangsters based in Bangkok. The police had been clamping down on their business' and drug empire a little too much, so they planned a revenge attack on the BiB, nothing more.

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