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Lampang Monk Disrobed After Being Discovered In Bed With Woman


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I am never going to understand why any religion would ask a man or woman to exist without having sex. It is natural and we were made to do it. If we were not intended to have sex we would not have been born with the parts or the urges.

O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!

And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio... wink.png

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Well, two consenting adults were caught breaking the rules, and he has lost his high position....rightly so. With the never ending news about pedophiles in other houses of worship being coddled, protected and kept in the flock...this is actually a refreshing story.

It is of some interest to me that his name is missing from the story... 10,000 M in a village full of poor hard working people...that is the real insult.

The OP states name as Wisit Sathukarn and lists the house as costing 10 million baht.

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at least he was with a WOMAN, which is far better than some Catholic monks have been doing...

Why, would it be worse if he was with a man?

also wonder if he will give the house back to the people.

I think you should do a simple google for Catholic priests and you will know what Yoknapatawpha was talking about.
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He did so well with donations that he was able to construct a golden teak wood accommodation for himself with a budget of 10 million baht.

Oh,embezzling donations for own enrichement is classified as doing well these days?

In my time it was considered fraud.

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Sounds like he was already disrobed

No, his fantasy was to make love in this attire.

And maybe the 35 years old woman wore a Japanese school girl uniform.

Moderator, if you are disgusted, you can delete.


Sounds like he was already disrobed

No, his fantasy was to make love in this attire.

And maybe the 35 years old woman wore a Japanese school girl uniform.

Moderator, if you are disgusted, you can delete.


Perhaps he did not expect things to go so far. When she propositioned him, he said that it was alright as long as she did not get into the habit.giggle.gif

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To all the guys that get upset about the 10 million Baht villa. The villa is on the grounds of the temple and does NOT belong to this monk personally. He just had it built with money from donations that the temple got through him. Therefore he didn't embezzle anything.

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at least he was with a WOMAN, which is far better than some Catholic monks have been doing...

Why, would it be worse if he was with a man?

also wonder if he will give the house back to the people.

Mate, the house stands on the grounds of the temple and does NOT belong to this monk personally, but to the temple. He just had it built with donations the temple got through him.

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He did so well with donations that he was able to construct a golden teak wood accommodation for himself with a budget of 10 million baht.

Oh,embezzling donations for own enrichement is classified as doing well these days?

In my time it was considered fraud.

Mate, the villa stands on the grounds of the temple and belongs to the temple and NOT to this monk. It was built with donations the temple got through him. Therefore it's neither fraud nor embezzlement. Since he's been disrobed now he's gotta move out anyway.

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wasn't he already disrobed?

Yes according to our Vinaua ( Monks rules) when a Bhikkhu penetrates the orrafic of woman,man,animal to the extent of a sesame sead he is automaticly disrobed. But as in this case, so many will cover it up (remain silent) to others.

Really??? Penetrates to the extent of a sesame seed??? Just that much???

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A monk with a 10 million Baht mansion! How absurd. ohmy.png

A flagrant betrayal of the principles of Buddhism and the local population, bringing the priesthood into shame and disrepute.

It looks like embezzlement was also involved. Isn't that illegal? mad.gif

There are many, many monks in Chiang Mai that are multi-millionaires.

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Unbelievable - this must be a bad joke. No monk would never do such, no, no, no! We need defenitely to see some close-up action pictures or preferably a HD video clip to make sure that this really happened. Otherwise this monk is defenitely innocent.

Now looking forward to seeing some pictures ´n VDO.

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I have a lot of time for Buddhism, but like catholicism, it is absurd that both expect male priests/monks to remain celibate (or is that "sell a bit"?), and both feign shock when it isn't so. The only way to fix the problem is to throw open the doors and free monks and priests to marry. It would seem a better solution than having them sneaking round like teenagers, climbing through windows to 'asssist' their flock, laying each other, altar boys, novice monks, soi dogs, etc.

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This monk makes us all look bad. But of course it happens. The Buddha always cautioned his monks about their dealings with women, saying that women were the #1 problem monks will have in their practice. This Phra Kru isn't the first and most definitly won't be the last to fall due to lust.

How does this make us all look bad? Meaning your a monk?

With all do respect i believe you missed the mark when you stated "Saying women were the #1 problem for monks will have in their practice" That would be impossible for the Buddha to externalize one's own desire. The Buddha is within not out there somewhere. Buddha is a state of being not a human being as such. Show me where Buddha blames even one thing for making humans act out accordingly to their own desires (Vital or Spiritual) But I get your point anyways. Robes and temples does make one a monk. it's all happening on the insidejap.gif

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A monk with a 10 million Baht mansion! How absurd. ohmy.png

A flagrant betrayal of the principles of Buddhism and the local population, bringing the priesthood into shame and disrepute.

It looks like embezzlement was also involved. Isn't that illegal? mad.gif

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that there isn't a vow of poverty for Buddhist monks as there is for Christians.

Many temple abbots are personally very very wealthy, and the Thais don't see anything wrong with that. Except for the occasional one caught dealing in arms or providing burial grounds for aborted foetuses.

In this case his offense wasn't in how he became rich, just having sex - assuming he wasn't being paid for it 8-)

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This monk makes us all look bad. But of course it happens. The Buddha always cautioned his monks about their dealings with women, saying that women were the #1 problem monks will have in their practice. This Phra Kru isn't the first and most definitly won't be the last to fall due to lust.

Not the monk, it's the religion that makes you look bad.


Much (Baap) negative energy to you who blames this on the religion and not the monk for his actions

Edited by daak
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at least he was with a WOMAN, which is far better than some Catholic monks have been doing...

Why, would it be worse if he was with a man?

also wonder if he will give the house back to the people.

I can not answer for the poster, but I did not read it this way as being homophobic.... Catholic monks (at least in US and Australia) were doing it with school age boys under their guardianship, I think that was the gist of what he was trying to say... ie, at least he was doing it with an adult.

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A monk with a 10 million Baht mansion! How absurd. ohmy.png

A flagrant betrayal of the principles of Buddhism and the local population, bringing the priesthood into shame and disrepute.

It looks like embezzlement was also involved. Isn't that illegal? mad.gif

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that there isn't a vow of poverty for Buddhist monks as there is for Christians.

From wiki

"Monks and nuns may own only the barest minimum of possessions due to their samaya as renunciates (ideally, three robes, an alms bowl, a cloth belt, a needle and thread, a razor for shaving the head, and a water filter). In practice, they often have a few additional personal possessions."

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A monk with a 10 million Baht mansion! How absurd. ohmy.png

A flagrant betrayal of the principles of Buddhism and the local population, bringing the priesthood into shame and disrepute.

It looks like embezzlement was also involved. Isn't that illegal? mad.gif

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that there isn't a vow of poverty for Buddhist monks as there is for Christians.

Many temple abbots are personally very very wealthy, and the Thais don't see anything wrong with that. Except for the occasional one caught dealing in arms or providing burial grounds for aborted foetuses.

In this case his offense wasn't in how he became rich, just having sex - assuming he wasn't being paid for it 8-)

The Buddha gave teachings on how the eight precepts are to be practiced, and on the right and wrong ways of practicing the eight precepts.

  • I undertake to abstain from causing harm and taking life (both human and non-human).
  • I undertake to abstain from taking what is not given (for example stealing, displacements that may cause misunderstandings).
  • I undertake to abstain from sexual activity.
  • I undertake to abstain from wrong speech: telling lies, deceiving others, manipulating others, using hurtful words.
  • I undertake to abstain from using intoxicating drinks and drugs, which lead to carelessness.
  • I undertake to abstain from eating at the wrong time (the right time is after sunrise, before noon).
  • I undertake to abstain from singing, dancing, playing music, attending entertainment performances, wearing perfume, and using cosmetics and garlands (decorative accessories).
  • I undertake to abstain from luxurious places for sitting or sleeping, and overindulging in sleep.

Ten Precepts

The Ten Precepts (Pali: dasasila or samanerasikkha) refer to the precepts (training rules) for Buddhist samaneras (novice monks) and samaneris (novice nuns). They are used in most Buddhist schools.

  • Refrain from killing living things.
  • Refrain from stealing.
  • Refrain from un-chastity (sensuality, sexuality, lust).
  • Refrain from lying.
  • Refrain from taking intoxicants.
  • Refrain from taking food at inappropriate times (after noon).
  • Refrain from singing, dancing, playing music or attending entertainment programs (performances).
  • Refrain from wearing perfume, cosmetics and garland (decorative accessories).
  • Refrain from sitting on high chairs and sleeping on luxurious, soft beds.
  • Refrain from accepting money.

Edited by Reasonableman
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A monk with a 10 million Baht mansion! How absurd. ohmy.png

A flagrant betrayal of the principles of Buddhism and the local population, bringing the priesthood into shame and disrepute.

It looks like embezzlement was also involved. Isn't that illegal? mad.gif

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that there isn't a vow of poverty for Buddhist monks as there is for Christians.

Many temple abbots are personally very very wealthy, and the Thais don't see anything wrong with that. Except for the occasional one caught dealing in arms or providing burial grounds for aborted foetuses.

In this case his offense wasn't in how he became rich, just having sex - assuming he wasn't being paid for it 8-)

The Buddha gave teachings on how the eight precepts are to be practiced, and on the right and wrong ways of practicing the eight precepts.

  • I undertake to abstain from causing harm and taking life (both human and non-human).
  • I undertake to abstain from taking what is not given (for example stealing, displacements that may cause misunderstandings).
  • I undertake to abstain from sexual activity.
  • I undertake to abstain from wrong speech: telling lies, deceiving others, manipulating others, using hurtful words.
  • I undertake to abstain from using intoxicating drinks and drugs, which lead to carelessness.
  • I undertake to abstain from eating at the wrong time (the right time is after sunrise, before noon).
  • I undertake to abstain from singing, dancing, playing music, attending entertainment performances, wearing perfume, and using cosmetics and garlands (decorative accessories).
  • I undertake to abstain from luxurious places for sitting or sleeping, and overindulging in sleep.

Ten Precepts

The Ten Precepts (Pali: dasasila or samanerasikkha) refer to the precepts (training rules) for Buddhist samaneras (novice monks) and samaneris (novice nuns). They are used in most Buddhist schools.

  • Refrain from killing living things.
  • Refrain from stealing.
  • Refrain from un-chastity (sensuality, sexuality, lust).
  • Refrain from lying.
  • Refrain from taking intoxicants.
  • Refrain from taking food at inappropriate times (after noon).
  • Refrain from singing, dancing, playing music or attending entertainment programs (performances).
  • Refrain from wearing perfume, cosmetics and garland (decorative accessories).
  • Refrain from sitting on high chairs and sleeping on luxurious, soft beds.
  • Refrain from accepting money.

Ordained monks are subject to 227 precepts.


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A monk with a 10 million Baht mansion! How absurd. ohmy.png

A flagrant betrayal of the principles of Buddhism and the local population, bringing the priesthood into shame and disrepute.

It looks like embezzlement was also involved. Isn't that illegal? mad.gif

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that there isn't a vow of poverty for Buddhist monks as there is for Christians.

Many temple abbots are personally very very wealthy, and the Thais don't see anything wrong with that. Except for the occasional one caught dealing in arms or providing burial grounds for aborted foetuses.

In this case his offense wasn't in how he became rich, just having sex - assuming he wasn't being paid for it 8-)

The Buddha gave teachings on how the eight precepts are to be practiced, and on the right and wrong ways of practicing the eight precepts.

  • I undertake to abstain from causing harm and taking life (both human and non-human).
  • I undertake to abstain from taking what is not given (for example stealing, displacements that may cause misunderstandings).
  • I undertake to abstain from sexual activity.
  • I undertake to abstain from wrong speech: telling lies, deceiving others, manipulating others, using hurtful words.
  • I undertake to abstain from using intoxicating drinks and drugs, which lead to carelessness.
  • I undertake to abstain from eating at the wrong time (the right time is after sunrise, before noon).
  • I undertake to abstain from singing, dancing, playing music, attending entertainment performances, wearing perfume, and using cosmetics and garlands (decorative accessories).
  • I undertake to abstain from luxurious places for sitting or sleeping, and overindulging in sleep.

Ten Precepts

The Ten Precepts (Pali: dasasila or samanerasikkha) refer to the precepts (training rules) for Buddhist samaneras (novice monks) and samaneris (novice nuns). They are used in most Buddhist schools.

  • Refrain from killing living things.
  • Refrain from stealing.
  • Refrain from un-chastity (sensuality, sexuality, lust).
  • Refrain from lying.
  • Refrain from taking intoxicants.
  • Refrain from taking food at inappropriate times (after noon).
  • Refrain from singing, dancing, playing music or attending entertainment programs (performances).
  • Refrain from wearing perfume, cosmetics and garland (decorative accessories).
  • Refrain from sitting on high chairs and sleeping on luxurious, soft beds.
  • Refrain from accepting money.

Ordained monks are subject to 227 precepts.


I don't know any monks around here that would be able to follow the first 8, let alone 227.

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