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Right, got the correct switch from Kamphaeng Phet.

I may have called in to the wrong pump shop-there are 2 separated by about 100M on the LHS of the road that passes Big C in KPP. I called into the first one we passed who were good enough to return my money when I gave them back the switch that didn't fit.

Then went to the second one and they had the correct switch. In the process I learnt that the 2kpa specification on the pump refers to the minimum pressure( I had taken it to be the maximum), the pump had no other information relating to cut in/cut out presssure. Cut out is actually 2.6kpa.

I will install once the outside temperature drops below boiling point.

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Right, got the correct switch from Kamphaeng Phet.

I may have called in to the wrong pump shop-there are 2 separated by about 100M on the LHS of the road that passes Big C in KPP. I called into the first one we passed who were good enough to return my money when I gave them back the switch that didn't fit.

Then went to the second one and they had the correct switch. In the process I learnt that the 2kpa specification on the pump refers to the minimum pressure( I had taken it to be the maximum), the pump had no other information relating to cut in/cut out presssure. Cut out is actually 2.6kpa.

I will install once the outside temperature drops below boiling point.

Well done you Maybe it was my directions, note to self never give out those while trying to get through Big C check out.

Good on you for doing it yourself, as stated before never let a Thai do electric or water as that's both on a water pump you'll be completely buggered.

Come on Bill once the temp: has dropped it couldn't be the fact that you have been playing golf in Pitso for the last few days could it.

Hope to see you at Mike's tonight.


H/M has been catching up on his American lingo for the last few days, there's a new cooking program on CTH and the peep's mother and son that are presenting it are from the south of said place with every other word being You'all Mumma and Boyee I might need a hand translating the other bit's later. That's if I can be bothered as most of their food seems to contain huge amount's of fat butter and grease Oh and heavy cream I think that's double cream to us Brits.

H/M might have to go to N/S soon as need to do my 90 day report, I cant do it by post as might not get the paper work back in time for my orf on the 16th. You'll all be glad to hear that I shall be giving a full report on the so called heavenly city upon my return.


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Y'all is a contraction commonly used in the some parts of the southern US to address two or more people. As far as Mumma and Boyee I don't have a clue and would need to see how/where it was being used. Boyee could be an abbreviation of the exclamation "oh boy" but without seeing how it is used I'm just guessing. Mumma could be slang for mother.

The beast is on ithe final leg of it's cruise and has just passed Koh Tao due to be in Bangkok late tonight. Then the fun begins!

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H/M might have to go to N/S soon as need to do my 90 day report, I cant do it by post as might not get the paper work back in time for my orf on the 16th. You'll all be glad to hear that I shall be giving a full report on the so called heavenly city upon my return.

Might be an opportunity to redeem yourself by visiting and reporting on, one of these massage parlours near the bus station that HP patronises but fails to describe. It would pass an hour or two and may possibly sweeten your nature:).

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Where you can find good massage in Nakhon Sawan? There were 2 good place near busstation but those are now full of 18yo iphone teenagers who only want give you happy oil massage. Just need someone to work on my back and shoulders.

Going up Dawadeong (with Fairyland behind on the left) at the second 7/Eleven the road forks with Dawadeong going right-ish, go a bit to the left, (in between the food carts) and lesss than a hundred yards up, just after the hotel is a quite respectable looking massage place. Never been in there so cannot vouch for their quality or integrity, but have noticed that they do not seem to offer an oil massage. Sorry do not know the name of the soi or hotel.

Don't go too sharp left as this will take you into Soi Champ.

Hah, I missed this message. I know hotel, it's Home Resort and I'm quite sure massageplace you told is the place where this hotel gets their massage service, and yes, incall in hotel it was good. Too bad every hotel was full last saturday, this one too, so I could not get in to it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</scrip

H/M might have to go to N/S soon as need to do my 90 day report, I cant do it by post as might not get the paper work back in time for my orf on the 16th. You'll all be glad to hear that I shall be giving a full report on the so called heavenly city upon my return.


Might be an opportunity to redeem yourself by visiting and reporting on, one of these massage parlours near the bus station that HP patronises but fails to describe. It would pass an hour or two and may possibly sweeten your nature:).

Redeem myself, Redeem myself, only hope you not referring to my factual reports of N/S.

Don't do massage places glad to say.

As far as sweeten my nature go's I can assure you that H/M is the sweetest thing north of BKK. Well that's what Mrs H/M says that is after I offer her a few bt or several thou.


They refer to each other as Mumma and Boyee all in a southern drawl yes seems that they say you'all when referring to us peep's that are watching, sound's like young children talking.

Update on last night's show yes sad to say I watched it not all but some while waiting for Mr's H/M to sort the dog out.

They cooked a dish some sort of corn thing start's off with a very large chunk of butter in a pan followed by several slices of cut up fatty bacon and diced onion then loads of corn freshly cut from the corn husk's just to make it a bit more palatable half a pint/well over a cup of heavy/double cream all simmered till cooked through. This was served with a bloody great fried Pork chop all sound's very south to me no wonder the world's fattest woman topping out at 765lb lives in America.

Just read an article on same with her doctors telling her she need's to lose a bit of weight, cant for the love of me imagine why.

So the beast is nearly here well done you.

Had a drink with Bill/Chilon last night and the beast came up in conversation, he was just wondering what it could do and what you were going to use it for also what part of N/S province you lived. Sorry to say I couldn't enlighten him on same.

An update and snap's of same later would be great.

In the mean time I shall keep all entertained with H/M Quips "facts" about the allying districts (Massage parlours indeed) also recipes from the southern US of A.

All a bit hectic at H/M mansions today the local Uni is having an open day and I'm not best pleased with all the car coming past at one time I thought someone had moved my Mansion overnight to N/S, started at before 7am Buddha only knows what time it'll end.

Just remembered they the southern peeps also refer to Mozzarella cheese as Mots I could understand if they were Thai but there not so why Mots. Over to you.


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The recipe sounds like corn chowder.. As far as young children talking it would be very interesting to watch a TV cooking program that originated in Scotland, a part of the British Empire, and expect anybody to understand what they were talking about! I could take you to some towns in the bayous south of Laffite Louisiansa wher the spoken language is cajun, a language all to its own, part French, part English with a local input. I once had a boat with a bent prop repaired there, pulled into the boat yard expecting it to be hoisted out of the water. That didn't happen, a diver jump into the water connected to an air supply on the dock and there was a guy with a 30/30 (rifle) standing on the end of the dock in case one of the local gators was hungry.

The beast has now completed its voyage and is on dry, I guess, land in the Unithai Container Terminal in Samat Phrakan awaiting for the customs blessing next week. For Bill/Chilon, I live in the southeastern part of NS province, corn, sugar cane and bean country and the beast will be used to harvest corn and beans, normally sunflowers. The corn has been planted and will be mature in about 110 days and then will have to dry before harvesting. So I have plenty of time to put the beast together and if it's not working by the time it's needed, it probably never will.


1 & 2 after the last harvest, 3 what it looked like before it was harvested.

I have never heard of Mozerrella being referred to as Mots, only "smeely eye taal-yan " cheese.

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The recipe sounds like corn chowder.. As far as young children talking it would be very interesting to watch a TV cooking program that originated in Scotland, a part of the British Empire, and expect anybody to understand what they were talking about! I could take you to some towns in the bayous south of Laffite Louisiansa wher the spoken language is cajun, a language all to its own, part French, part English with a local input. I once had a boat with a bent prop repaired there, pulled into the boat yard expecting it to be hoisted out of the water. That didn't happen, a diver jump into the water connected to an air supply on the dock and there was a guy with a 30/30 (rifle) standing on the end of the dock in case one of the local gators was hungry.

The beast has now completed its voyage and is on dry, I guess, land in the Unithai Container Terminal in Samat Phrakan awaiting for the customs blessing next week. For Bill/Chilon, I live in the southeastern part of NS province, corn, sugar cane and bean country and the beast will be used to harvest corn and beans, normally sunflowers. The corn has been planted and will be mature in about 110 days and then will have to dry before harvesting. So I have plenty of time to put the beast together and if it's not working by the time it's needed, it probably never will.


1 & 2 after the last harvest, 3 what it looked like before it was harvested.

I have never heard of Mozerrella being referred to as Mots, only "smeely eye taal-yan " cheese.

They wouldn't dare to put any Scottish peep's on English TV but I've no doubt that they do have them on their own set up's. Re the bit I said that they sound like children mummy/mumma is how they say it in Blighty when they are babies.

Great story about the southern folk's have seen them on the TV and they seem quite crazy characters.

I used to deliver boats around the Med: and many a time have had to dive under the thing's to clear prop's of fish nets lucky enough there wasn't any crocks about.

The worst trip I ever did was trying to get through the hundred's nay thousand's of nets that the Italian fishermen had put out trying to catch Tuna as luck would have it never got caught in any of those, as they the Italians came out and met us and led us through the lot but it did put several hour's on our journey.

Thanks for the update on the Beast and what you are going to use it for, I see my recipe has arrived just in time. Not to sure about the chowder bit as they used it to garnish the pork chop and it wasn't soupy just slightly wet. It'll more than likely be on again some time and I'll try and find out what they call it. How to block up you arteries more than likely.

Just been outside to have a look at the car situation and our Private road look's more akin to N/S Big C car park on a Saturday, and there still arriving at 2.30pm so far they haven't blocked my driveway but I wouldn't put it past the plonkers.


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The recipe sounds like corn chowder.. As far as young children talking it would be very interesting to watch a TV cooking program that originated in Scotland, a part of the British Empire, and expect anybody to understand what they were talking about! I could take you to some towns in the bayous south of Laffite Louisiansa wher the spoken language is cajun, a language all to its own, part French, part English with a local input. I once had a boat with a bent prop repaired there, pulled into the boat yard expecting it to be hoisted out of the water. That didn't happen, a diver jump into the water connected to an air supply on the dock and there was a guy with a 30/30 (rifle) standing on the end of the dock in case one of the local gators was hungry.

The beast has now completed its voyage and is on dry, I guess, land in the Unithai Container Terminal in Samat Phrakan awaiting for the customs blessing next week. For Bill/Chilon, I live in the southeastern part of NS province, corn, sugar cane and bean country and the beast will be used to harvest corn and beans, normally sunflowers. The corn has been planted and will be mature in about 110 days and then will have to dry before harvesting. So I have plenty of time to put the beast together and if it's not working by the time it's needed, it probably never will.


1 & 2 after the last harvest, 3 what it looked like before it was harvested.

I have never heard of Mozerrella being referred to as Mots, only "smeely eye taal-yan " cheese.

They wouldn't dare to put any Scottish peep's on English TV but I've no doubt that they do have them on their own set up's. Re the bit I said that they sound like children mummy/mumma is how they say it in Blighty when they are babies.

Great story about the southern folk's have seen them on the TV and they seem quite crazy characters.

I used to deliver boats around the Med: and many a time have had to dive under the thing's to clear prop's of fish nets lucky enough there wasn't any crocks about.

The worst trip I ever did was trying to get through the hundred's nay thousand's of nets that the Italian fishermen had put out trying to catch Tuna as luck would have it never got caught in any of those, as they the Italians came out and met us and led us through the lot but it did put several hour's on our journey.

Thanks for the update on the Beast and what you are going to use it for, I see my recipe has arrived just in time. Not to sure about the chowder bit as they used it to garnish the pork chop and it wasn't soupy just slightly wet. It'll more than likely be on again some time and I'll try and find out what they call it. How to block up you arteries more than likely.

Just been outside to have a look at the car situation and our Private road look's more akin to N/S Big C car park on a Saturday, and there still arriving at 2.30pm so far they haven't blocked my driveway but I wouldn't put it past the plonkers.


Just looked up food network Asia and at present cant find the name for the dish above. But the program is hosted by Bobby Deen a self proclaimed Geogia Boya has a upside down v above the A so H/M got it wrong it's not Boyee and it's not Mumma it's mama but pronounced Mumma with a southern drawl.

All getting rather complicated what.


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The beast arrived yesterday morning at 7am. Of course the thais decided not to use the location that i wanted to uload and created their own after the thing arrive. The container was uNloaded and the final drives and wheels installed by 3pm. My goal is to get up and running in 3 days starting with cleaning and de-rusting. I've included a few pics for your amusement

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The beast arrived yesterday morning at 7am. Of course the thais decided not to use the location that i wanted to uload and created their own after the thing arrive. The container was uNloaded and the final drives and wheels installed by 3pm. My goal is to get up and running in 3 days starting with cleaning and de-rusting. I've included a few pics for your amusement

Well done you on getting it there I thought that it would take a lot longer to get it through customs, Oh H/M of little faith, did like the way you got the rear wheel's fixed on other than the cab + a few bit's looks well on it's way to start earning it's living. Update and a few more snaps later would be appreciated.

H/M went to N/S immigration today and all went Ok only took a few minutes to do my 90 day report even though they were very bizzy due to the fact that they had closed yesterday. My trip was first class well except for the normal traffic snarl up's that was as usual horrendous.

H/M did have to do some shopping and decided to pop into The Walk gave it a good going over from top to bottom and must admit it was very nice, very clean and good service even had a bite to eat in their food hall must say for a snack fit for the purpose, 100% better than the old Big C.

H/M did on the way out look for and American type donut I saw the other night being prepared on CTH that went something like this. A very large ring shaped donut covered in sugar that had been injected with a sauce made of butter double/heavy cream icing sugar and Maple syrup then topped with several slices of crispy bacon yet more of the sauce plastered over the top finally a liberal dusting of white chocolate pieces, but sad to say they didn't have anything that resembles same. Might be and opening for a local entrepreneur.

The road going north 1 is getting there so far so good looks like a month or two and all should be fine.

For all you doubters H/M doesn't always run things down if I find something nice to say about any place I will say so but if there's something below par well.


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Took GF plus her father, 2xnieces and 1xnephew to Krabi for a few days. Driving down to BKK we saw only one minor accident up until we got on the <9> southbound about 60km from BKK. Then the rain started and the accident rate picked up-3 in 20km, the most spectacular was a jack nifed articulated truck that seemed to have been clipped by a pickup. The pickup was in the middle of the road and the truck trailer was face forward hard up against a 3 metre concrete wall with the prime mover at right angles . The truck driver was lucky to escape being driven into the wall inside the prime mover.

I encountered the rudest security staff person at the airport I have ever met, and that includes US immigration who generally take some beating. I went to put my bag on the X-ray belt and he swatted it away, apparently he wanted me to put it in a basket in front of him. Had a touch of the red mist before I caught myself. I forgot to get his ID I was that p1ssed off.

Thai Airways flight was pretty full in economy but only 3/42 seats in business class occupied. They are flying old wide body Airbus 330's and I'm guessing haven't reconfigured the seating-it can't be helping their finances.

The offshore islands at Krabi were beautiful and pretty tidy but crawling with tourists. However the town was spoiled by the rubbish lying around and the smell in parts. I had a run in with a bunch of monkeys who were loitering near the rubbish and blocking my path. I swung a casual foot at one of them and the b@stard turned on me. Luckily I was wearing a pair of sturdy flip flops and could beat a fighting retreat.

However in a somewhat hopeful sign the GF was interviewed by Channel 3 who were filming some of the crap lying around and wanted some tourist comments. Maybe something will be done someday.

The return trip was uneventful( this time Thai business class had 6/42 seats occupied) and when I got back the bloody pump was still working...........!!

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Took GF plus her father, 2xnieces and 1xnephew to Krabi for a few days. Driving down to BKK we saw only one minor accident up until we got on the <9> southbound about 60km from BKK. Then the rain started and the accident rate picked up-3 in 20km, the most spectacular was a jack nifed articulated truck that seemed to have been clipped by a pickup. The pickup was in the middle of the road and the truck trailer was face forward hard up against a 3 metre concrete wall with the prime mover at right angles . The truck driver was lucky to escape being driven into the wall inside the prime mover.

I encountered the rudest security staff person at the airport I have ever met, and that includes US immigration who generally take some beating. I went to put my bag on the X-ray belt and he swatted it away, apparently he wanted me to put it in a basket in front of him. Had a touch of the red mist before I caught myself. I forgot to get his ID I was that p1ssed off.

Thai Airways flight was pretty full in economy but only 3/42 seats in business class occupied. They are flying old wide body Airbus 330's and I'm guessing haven't reconfigured the seating-it can't be helping their finances.

The offshore islands at Krabi were beautiful and pretty tidy but crawling with tourists. However the town was spoiled by the rubbish lying around and the smell in parts. I had a run in with a bunch of monkeys who were loitering near the rubbish and blocking my path. I swung a casual foot at one of them and the b@stard turned on me. Luckily I was wearing a pair of sturdy flip flops and could beat a fighting retreat.

However in a somewhat hopeful sign the GF was interviewed by Channel 3 who were filming some of the crap lying around and wanted some tourist comments. Maybe something will be done someday.

The return trip was uneventful( this time Thai business class had 6/42 seats occupied) and when I got back the bloody pump was still working...........!!

Glad to see you had a good time albeit those bloody monkeys yes sorry to say that Krabi has got rather dirty over the years the resorts and island's are still good but when you venture outside it's all down hill.

I cant see it getting any better I remember Phuket 20+ years ago and it was a joy now it's a rich man's Pattaya and we all know what that's like now.

And what's all this only going Business class what's wrong with First class as befits us upper class peeps and to top it all Thai air very pore show if you ask H/M.

Enjoy your golf today hope to see you for a coffee or two later.


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KPP golf course fairways are 50% baked clay and 50% dead grass at the moment so it presents various challenges. It was also bloody hot so we only got as far as the nearest coffee shop afterwards, about 100M down the road where my GF's one toothed auntie's son's daughter works..

I forgot to mention going through security at Krabi airport. The GF's nephew( 11yo) had a sandwich in his pocket wrapped in cling wrap. As he went through the metal detector it was spotted by an eagle eyed staff member. Security were not happy with it.

As far as I know sandwich's are not the preferred weapon choice of professional terrorists but in their view it clearly presented a mortal danger to the flying public( even though it had the crusts cut off) so It had to be X-rayed. We were then treated to the risible sight of a lone sandwich on the X-ray belt disappearing into the machine and emerging on the other side.

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KPP golf course fairways are 50% baked clay and 50% dead grass at the moment so it presents various challenges. It was also bloody hot so we only got as far as the nearest coffee shop afterwards, about 100M down the road where my GF's one toothed auntie's son's daughter works..

I forgot to mention going through security at Krabi airport. The GF's nephew( 11yo) had a sandwich in his pocket wrapped in cling wrap. As he went through the metal detector it was spotted by an eagle eyed staff member. Security were not happy with it.

As far as I know sandwich's are not the preferred weapon choice of professional terrorists but in their view it clearly presented a mortal danger to the flying public( even though it had the crusts cut off) so It had to be X-rayed. We were then treated to the risible sight of a lone sandwich on the X-ray belt disappearing into the machine and emerging on the other side.

Let me get this right you take the mob away and they had to bring their own food, What H/M would like to know was the problem with a sarny that it had to be put through a radar scanner bit over the top if you ask me.

Pity that they the Thai's cant find anyone with a dodgy passport but a dodgy sarny my Buddha that's hitting the high note's didn't have any of that fermented fish inside did it???

Did I tell you or not that the golf course Pitch and putt in K.P.P was at best rubbish why does no one listen to H/M.

Much better me think's if you go to your normal place Borneo to play. Just a bit of name dropping.

It would be rather nice if you don't mention the one toothed family member again unless of course she get's a new set of chomper's not to good for the old image of us upper class set.


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The beast arrived yesterday morning at 7am. Of course the thais decided not to use the location that i wanted to uload and created their own after the thing arrive. The container was uNloaded and the final drives and wheels installed by 3pm. My goal is to get up and running in 3 days starting with cleaning and de-rusting. I've included a few pics for your amusement

Well done you on getting it there I thought that it would take a lot longer to get it through customs, Oh H/M of little faith, did like the way you got the rear wheel's fixed on other than the cab + a few bit's looks well on it's way to start earning it's living. Update and a few more snaps later would be appreciated.

H/M went to N/S immigration today and all went Ok only took a few minutes to do my 90 day report even though they were very bizzy due to the fact that they had closed yesterday. My trip was first class well except for the normal traffic snarl up's that was as usual horrendous.

H/M did have to do some shopping and decided to pop into The Walk gave it a good going over from top to bottom and must admit it was very nice, very clean and good service even had a bite to eat in their food hall must say for a snack fit for the purpose, 100% better than the old Big C.

H/M did on the way out look for and American type donut I saw the other night being prepared on CTH that went something like this. A very large ring shaped donut covered in sugar that had been injected with a sauce made of butter double/heavy cream icing sugar and Maple syrup then topped with several slices of crispy bacon yet more of the sauce plastered over the top finally a liberal dusting of white chocolate pieces, but sad to say they didn't have anything that resembles same. Might be and opening for a local entrepreneur.

The road going north 1 is getting there so far so good looks like a month or two and all should be fine.

For all you doubters H/M doesn't always run things down if I find something nice to say about any place I will say so but if there's something below par well.


HM King Freddie also forgot to mention that his time at NS Immigration took so long getting out of bed that morning.

Freddie had his mate with him (also an early riser like me) who was a really nice guy who booted Fred from his bed and made him get a move on.

I was there before 10 and my visit took a couple of hours because I needed the visas in my passport changing over to my new passport. There was a Thai guy there with 3 other farangs who I think were either teachers or something similar and I think they were getting work permits or something similar.

The lady that dealt with me asked if HMG had sent a letter with my passport confirming that it was an original as this is a newish rule being enforced by the Immigration Police nationwide and it IS something to bear in mind if you have to do this later on.

One girl wanted photocopies of ALL pages of my old passport and told me to go off site to get them but her boss looked and said that only 4 pages were needed and told the girl to do it in house and I was charged only 20 for the service. They also did my 90 day report at the same time.

For lunch I came out of immigration and turned right to find the restaurant that Dave mentioned. I did find it above the 7/11 with parking down the side soi.

It is a pizza place which does western and Thai food also and is "owned" by an American..

I had the fish and chips which was very good. The sauce was a sort of brown colour but tasty, the fish was in breadcrumbs and good but cod or haddock it ain't. There were not that many chips but I had to push myself to finish it. There were about 40 seats in the place and it was half full and the staff were working hard.

The one mistake I made was not waiting for my iced lemon drink as I took a bite of the fish and found it too hot with nothing to instantly drink to cool it down.

Overall I think it is good value for money.

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The letter has been required for some time. The US Embassy gives you one automatically when you get a new passport, but it seems that the Brits have to "beg" for one. I'm surprised that she did it without the letter.

As far as your directions to the pizza place, if you turn right when you exit immigration you;ll end up in the river! Even though you said that it wasn't bad, why would you order fish and chips in a pizza place in NS Thailand and expect it to be good? That's like going to Mumbai and ordering fresh salmon.

The asembly of the beast is on hold but will resume shortly. The rain has turned on the planting of the corn and sugar cane.

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The beast arrived yesterday morning at 7am. Of course the thais decided not to use the location that i wanted to uload and created their own after the thing arrive. The container was uNloaded and the final drives and wheels installed by 3pm. My goal is to get up and running in 3 days starting with cleaning and de-rusting. I've included a few pics for your amusement

Well done you on getting it there I thought that it would take a lot longer to get it through customs, Oh H/M of little faith, did like the way you got the rear wheel's fixed on other than the cab + a few bit's looks well on it's way to start earning it's living. Update and a few more snaps later would be appreciated.

H/M went to N/S immigration today and all went Ok only took a few minutes to do my 90 day report even though they were very bizzy due to the fact that they had closed yesterday. My trip was first class well except for the normal traffic snarl up's that was as usual horrendous.

H/M did have to do some shopping and decided to pop into The Walk gave it a good going over from top to bottom and must admit it was very nice, very clean and good service even had a bite to eat in their food hall must say for a snack fit for the purpose, 100% better than the old Big C.

H/M did on the way out look for and American type donut I saw the other night being prepared on CTH that went something like this. A very large ring shaped donut covered in sugar that had been injected with a sauce made of butter double/heavy cream icing sugar and Maple syrup then topped with several slices of crispy bacon yet more of the sauce plastered over the top finally a liberal dusting of white chocolate pieces, but sad to say they didn't have anything that resembles same. Might be and opening for a local entrepreneur.

The road going north 1 is getting there so far so good looks like a month or two and all should be fine.

For all you doubters H/M doesn't always run things down if I find something nice to say about any place I will say so but if there's something below par well.


HM King Freddie also forgot to mention that his time at NS Immigration took so long getting out of bed that morning.

Freddie had his mate with him (also an early riser like me) who was a really nice guy who booted Fred from his bed and made him get a move on.

I was there before 10 and my visit took a couple of hours because I needed the visas in my passport changing over to my new passport. There was a Thai guy there with 3 other farangs who I think were either teachers or something similar and I think they were getting work permits or something similar.

The lady that dealt with me asked if HMG had sent a letter with my passport confirming that it was an original as this is a newish rule being enforced by the Immigration Police nationwide and it IS something to bear in mind if you have to do this later on.

One girl wanted photocopies of ALL pages of my old passport and told me to go off site to get them but her boss looked and said that only 4 pages were needed and told the girl to do it in house and I was charged only 20 for the service. They also did my 90 day report at the same time.

For lunch I came out of immigration and turned right to find the restaurant that Dave mentioned. I did find it above the 7/11 with parking down the side soi.

It is a pizza place which does western and Thai food also and is "owned" by an American..

I had the fish and chips which was very good. The sauce was a sort of brown colour but tasty, the fish was in breadcrumbs and good but cod or haddock it ain't. There were not that many chips but I had to push myself to finish it. There were about 40 seats in the place and it was half full and the staff were working hard.

The one mistake I made was not waiting for my iced lemon drink as I took a bite of the fish and found it too hot with nothing to instantly drink to cool it down.

Overall I think it is good value for money.

Point of order Bill I was up at the crack of dawn 7am for the off at 9.30 Tony arrived at 8,45am so we indulged in a cupper or two. We don't get to N/S till around 11am as it would be to early for lunch and what can you do in N/S except traffic watch till that time.

Right what was a 'brown sauce' doing on your fish and chip's never heard of that before must be an American thing, they do seem to put allsorts of gloopy sugary thing's on their food.

We had Thai (No brown sauce) and must say it was very nice.


Question what do you do with the stem's of the corn I know that there are many uses for the maize just wondering it there was anything that you can use/sell it for.

Press on with the beast well are all waiting for the snap's of the thing roaring into action.

H/M and mob was out last night for dinner tried a new well new to us Thai restaurant and must say that it was very good only problem a family that sat near us had the most hateful child (boy) I have ever come across, H/M soon put pay to him by saying that I was a nasty Farang man and put badly behaved children on the cooker to eat later. I don't think the family liked it to much but it seemed to work.

You will all be pleased to hear I've no doubt that H/M will be orf on Friday week to BKK ready for my flight back on the 18th so wont be on TV for a few day's don't panic H/M will return. Now where did I hear that before???


Fred to the locals.

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Don't blame the Americans for brown sauce for fish and chips, It was either brown or gray gravy wherever I went in the UK and it didn't matter what you had on your plate it was just added to kill the taste of what was underneath. Fried fish in the bayous of the southern US is not mormally served with a sauce but if it is it's usuaally a red sauce with cayenne pepper or horseradish. The fish is normally skinned fresh pond raised catfish. You get chips but also hushpuppies, a deep fried "dumpling" made with cornmeal.

I use the stems of the corn to light charcoal. I soak them in diesel and just make sure that it is all burned off before doing any open barbequing. The others are just plowed into the ground to add textrure to the soil.

The assembly of the beast is on hoid. We are now in full swing to complete the planting of the corn and sugar cane because of the recent rain. The beast won't be required ultil it's ready to be harvested.

Have a pleasant and safe trip. I would ask you to bring me sometihng back with you, but honestly I can't think of anything that I would want unless you could find and conceal a good parma ham in you bag and avoid the sniffer dogs at Swampy!

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The letter has been required for some time. The US Embassy gives you one automatically when you get a new passport, but it seems that the Brits have to "beg" for one. I'm surprised that she did it without the letter.

As far as your directions to the pizza place, if you turn right when you exit immigration you;ll end up in the river! Even though you said that it wasn't bad, why would you order fish and chips in a pizza place in NS Thailand and expect it to be good? That's like going to Mumbai and ordering fresh salmon.

The asembly of the beast is on hold but will resume shortly. The rain has turned on the planting of the corn and sugar cane.

Regarding my passport, she did it for me because I am a handsum man, just oozing charm and tact underlying th fact that it would take a week to get it sorted out plus a trip to BKK visiting the puzzle palace. A place which is hated by all Brits known as The UK Embassy. I avoid it like the plague unless I really HAVE to go there which sadly I do in July to get a letter proving my income from my pensions so that I can extend my visa. I also use the time in BKK buying things that are unobtainable upcountry and partaking of social evenings in the sultry flesh........................ enough of that now.

You are correct. I should have said turn left but I was so excited at getting my TOT internet back after 6 days my sense of direction was totally confused. Please accept my apologies.

The restaurant isn't really a pizza place but a general sort of restaurant which has a good selection of both western and Thai food.

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The beast arrived yesterday morning at 7am. Of course the thais decided not to use the location that i wanted to uload and created their own after the thing arrive. The container was uNloaded and the final drives and wheels installed by 3pm. My goal is to get up and running in 3 days starting with cleaning and de-rusting. I've included a few pics for your amusement

Well done you on getting it there I thought that it would take a lot longer to get it through customs, Oh H/M of little faith, did like the way you got the rear wheel's fixed on other than the cab + a few bit's looks well on it's way to start earning it's living. Update and a few more snaps later would be appreciated.

H/M went to N/S immigration today and all went Ok only took a few minutes to do my 90 day report even though they were very bizzy due to the fact that they had closed yesterday. My trip was first class well except for the normal traffic snarl up's that was as usual horrendous.

H/M did have to do some shopping and decided to pop into The Walk gave it a good going over from top to bottom and must admit it was very nice, very clean and good service even had a bite to eat in their food hall must say for a snack fit for the purpose, 100% better than the old Big C.

H/M did on the way out look for and American type donut I saw the other night being prepared on CTH that went something like this. A very large ring shaped donut covered in sugar that had been injected with a sauce made of butter double/heavy cream icing sugar and Maple syrup then topped with several slices of crispy bacon yet more of the sauce plastered over the top finally a liberal dusting of white chocolate pieces, but sad to say they didn't have anything that resembles same. Might be and opening for a local entrepreneur.

The road going north 1 is getting there so far so good looks like a month or two and all should be fine.

For all you doubters H/M doesn't always run things down if I find something nice to say about any place I will say so but if there's something below par well.


HM King Freddie also forgot to mention that his time at NS Immigration took so long getting out of bed that morning.

Freddie had his mate with him (also an early riser like me) who was a really nice guy who booted Fred from his bed and made him get a move on.

I was there before 10 and my visit took a couple of hours because I needed the visas in my passport changing over to my new passport. There was a Thai guy there with 3 other farangs who I think were either teachers or something similar and I think they were getting work permits or something similar.

The lady that dealt with me asked if HMG had sent a letter with my passport confirming that it was an original as this is a newish rule being enforced by the Immigration Police nationwide and it IS something to bear in mind if you have to do this later on.

One girl wanted photocopies of ALL pages of my old passport and told me to go off site to get them but her boss looked and said that only 4 pages were needed and told the girl to do it in house and I was charged only 20 for the service. They also did my 90 day report at the same time.

For lunch I came out of immigration and turned right to find the restaurant that Dave mentioned. I did find it above the 7/11 with parking down the side soi.

It is a pizza place which does western and Thai food also and is "owned" by an American..

I had the fish and chips which was very good. The sauce was a sort of brown colour but tasty, the fish was in breadcrumbs and good but cod or haddock it ain't. There were not that many chips but I had to push myself to finish it. There were about 40 seats in the place and it was half full and the staff were working hard.

The one mistake I made was not waiting for my iced lemon drink as I took a bite of the fish and found it too hot with nothing to instantly drink to cool it down.

Overall I think it is good value for money.

Point of order Bill I was up at the crack of dawn 7am for the off at 9.30 Tony arrived at 8,45am so we indulged in a cupper or two. We don't get to N/S till around 11am as it would be to early for lunch and what can you do in N/S except traffic watch till that time.

Right what was a 'brown sauce' doing on your fish and chip's never heard of that before must be an American thing, they do seem to put allsorts of gloopy sugary thing's on their food.

We had Thai (No brown sauce) and must say it was very nice.


Question what do you do with the stem's of the corn I know that there are many uses for the maize just wondering it there was anything that you can use/sell it for.

Press on with the beast well are all waiting for the snap's of the thing roaring into action.

H/M and mob was out last night for dinner tried a new well new to us Thai restaurant and must say that it was very good only problem a family that sat near us had the most hateful child (boy) I have ever come across, H/M soon put pay to him by saying that I was a nasty Farang man and put badly behaved children on the cooker to eat later. I don't think the family liked it to much but it seemed to work.

You will all be pleased to hear I've no doubt that H/M will be orf on Friday week to BKK ready for my flight back on the 18th so wont be on TV for a few day's don't panic H/M will return. Now where did I hear that before???


Fred to the locals.

Up at 7am? The sun was scorching your eyeballs at that time as my drill instrctor used to say when I was serving the real Queen in the 1960s.

In that pizza and most other things place they have nade a concession for us Brits and they have real brown sauce HP, by name.

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Don't blame the Americans for brown sauce for fish and chips, It was either brown or gray gravy wherever I went in the UK and it didn't matter what you had on your plate it was just added to kill the taste of what was underneath. Fried fish in the bayous of the southern US is not mormally served with a sauce but if it is it's usuaally a red sauce with cayenne pepper or horseradish. The fish is normally skinned fresh pond raised catfish. You get chips but also hushpuppies, a deep fried "dumpling" made with cornmeal.

I use the stems of the corn to light charcoal. I soak them in diesel and just make sure that it is all burned off before doing any open barbequing. The others are just plowed into the ground to add textrure to the soil.

The assembly of the beast is on hoid. We are now in full swing to complete the planting of the corn and sugar cane because of the recent rain. The beast won't be required ultil it's ready to be harvested.

Have a pleasant and safe trip. I would ask you to bring me sometihng back with you, but honestly I can't think of anything that I would want unless you could find and conceal a good parma ham in you bag and avoid the sniffer dogs at Swampy!

There is a Chang Mai company that does decent smoked ham very similar to Parma, I get it from Mike our local German restaurant chap, it's come vacuum packed very thinly sliced. I'll try and get you the peep's name they do send by bus in chiller box's but might work out a bit pricy if you only want a bit.

On the other hand if your ever this way I can order some for you and you can pick it up yourself from Mike direct he does allow American peep's in his restaurant well he has to as previously stated he's German. But saying that he is a great bloke and his restaurant is first class, one of the best thing's is he doesn't sell anything that resembles Thai food.

H/M will be going tomorrow for a beer or two, if any of us upper class are about will see you there.

Still working on Bill's brown sauce with fish and chips tartar sauce yes but brown cant see it almost as bad a English mustard with same. Just show's you what your palate is like once you've spent some time with drill instructors.

I can see you now in BKK being sorted out by the local Thai ladies dressed in black plastic after you have been to the house of horrors to wit the B/Embassy. Any way you enjoy.

I know H/M will next Friday oh and Saturday come to that.



Edited by fredob43
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Don't blame the Americans for brown sauce for fish and chips, It was either brown or gray gravy wherever I went in the UK and it didn't matter what you had on your plate it was just added to kill the taste of what was underneath. Fried fish in the bayous of the southern US is not mormally served with a sauce but if it is it's usuaally a red sauce with cayenne pepper or horseradish. The fish is normally skinned fresh pond raised catfish. You get chips but also hushpuppies, a deep fried "dumpling" made with cornmeal.

I use the stems of the corn to light charcoal. I soak them in diesel and just make sure that it is all burned off before doing any open barbequing. The others are just plowed into the ground to add textrure to the soil.

The assembly of the beast is on hoid. We are now in full swing to complete the planting of the corn and sugar cane because of the recent rain. The beast won't be required ultil it's ready to be harvested.

Have a pleasant and safe trip. I would ask you to bring me sometihng back with you, but honestly I can't think of anything that I would want unless you could find and conceal a good parma ham in you bag and avoid the sniffer dogs at Swampy!

There is a Chang Mai company that does decent smoked ham very similar to Parma, I get it from Mike our local German restaurant chap, it's come vacuum packed very thinly sliced. I'll try and get you the peep's name they do send by bus in chiller box's but might work out a bit pricy if you only want a bit.

On the other hand if your ever this way I can order some for you and you can pick it up yourself from Mike direct he does allow American peep's in his restaurant well he has to as previously stated he's German. But saying that he is a great bloke and his restaurant is first class, one of the best thing's is he doesn't sell anything that resembles Thai food.

H/M will be going tomorrow for a beer or two, if any of us upper class are about will see you there.

Still working on Bill's brown sauce with fish and chips tartar sauce yes but brown cant see it almost as bad a English mustard with same. Just show's you what your palate is like once you've spent some time with drill instructors.

I can see you now in BKK being sorted out by the local Thai ladies dressed in black plastic after you have been to the house of horrors to wit the B/Embassy. Any way you enjoy.

I know H/M will next Friday oh and Saturday come to that.



H/M has now found possible the worst food in the world and no it's not from the land of the colonist's but north England Scotland to be precise. There I was the other night looking at Anthony Bourdain on CTH an American Chef Writer and he was trying out food in the afore mentioned place.

Things like.

Pizza, Mars bars, pickled eggs (hard boiled and left in white vinegar for a few months) Haggis, Black/white pudding, reconstituted pork !!! meat pies various, all bar none covered in Batter and deep fried. Oh and the obligatory fish and chips. Then to round this orf salt malt vinegar + Bill's Brown sauce plonked on top all washed down with Irn Bru a fizzy drink that according to him resembles Coloured/Colored 'AM' mouth wash.

So now I know where Bill get's his brown sauce with Fish and chip's from his Instructor must have been a Scott's man.

Orf on Friday to BKK some time next week will have a new internet connection so an update on what the UK is like now will duly follow.



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Don't blame the Americans for brown sauce for fish and chips, It was either brown or gray gravy wherever I went in the UK and it didn't matter what you had on your plate it was just added to kill the taste of what was underneath. Fried fish in the bayous of the southern US is not mormally served with a sauce but if it is it's usuaally a red sauce with cayenne pepper or horseradish. The fish is normally skinned fresh pond raised catfish. You get chips but also hushpuppies, a deep fried "dumpling" made with cornmeal.

I use the stems of the corn to light charcoal. I soak them in diesel and just make sure that it is all burned off before doing any open barbequing. The others are just plowed into the ground to add textrure to the soil.

The assembly of the beast is on hoid. We are now in full swing to complete the planting of the corn and sugar cane because of the recent rain. The beast won't be required ultil it's ready to be harvested.

Have a pleasant and safe trip. I would ask you to bring me sometihng back with you, but honestly I can't think of anything that I would want unless you could find and conceal a good parma ham in you bag and avoid the sniffer dogs at Swampy!

There is a Chang Mai company that does decent smoked ham very similar to Parma, I get it from Mike our local German restaurant chap, it's come vacuum packed very thinly sliced. I'll try and get you the peep's name they do send by bus in chiller box's but might work out a bit pricy if you only want a bit.

On the other hand if your ever this way I can order some for you and you can pick it up yourself from Mike direct he does allow American peep's in his restaurant well he has to as previously stated he's German. But saying that he is a great bloke and his restaurant is first class, one of the best thing's is he doesn't sell anything that resembles Thai food.

H/M will be going tomorrow for a beer or two, if any of us upper class are about will see you there.

Still working on Bill's brown sauce with fish and chips tartar sauce yes but brown cant see it almost as bad a English mustard with same. Just show's you what your palate is like once you've spent some time with drill instructors.

I can see you now in BKK being sorted out by the local Thai ladies dressed in black plastic after you have been to the house of horrors to wit the B/Embassy. Any way you enjoy.

I know H/M will next Friday oh and Saturday come to that.



I don't want to intrude on your NS chatter since I live in P-Lok and find it a bit hard to follow, but could it be Malt Vinegar which is Brown and delicious on fried fish and on chips as well. Myself being an American that delights in good Fish n Chips w/malt vinegar and since I'm living in P-Lok I pass thru NS frequently going to bkk I would love to lunch on said Fish n Chips if you can give me google map directions to this restaurant that serves only farang food. thanks in advance.

oh and from the sound of it I'd like to try the pizza too.... maybe lunch or dinner on the way back to Phitsanulok.

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The sauce that came with the fish and chips was mayonaise with a brown sauce, possibly HP and a little spicy and tasty though an odd colour.

If you come down from Pitlok on the route 117 stay on it all the way into Nakhon Sawan as though you are going through to BKK.

There is a crossroads with a clock tower just before the bridge with BigC on you right corner. Turn right there and go straight up Sawanvithee and not the uturn to BigC.

Stay on that road past the police station on your left at soi 49 at 2 or 300 metres past that on theopposite side of the road is a big 7/11 with a small soi just before it.

The pizza/western food place is above the 7/11 and parking is down the soi.

As best as I remember it and on Gogle Earth it is not shown on street view the grid ref is N 15.686404 E 100.107565.

I didn't have a GPS with me.

The owner is an American and the only time I have been in there te fish and chips I ordered was great. Make sure you get a cool drink before you eat as the food is cooked to order and piping hot.

Enjoy and let us know what you think.



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The sauce that came with the fish and chips was mayonaise with a brown sauce, possibly HP and a little spicy and tasty though an odd colour.

If you come down from Pitlok on the route 117 stay on it all the way into Nakhon Sawan as though you are going through to BKK.

There is a crossroads with a clock tower just before the bridge with BigC on you right corner. Turn right there and go straight up Sawanvithee and not the uturn to BigC.

Stay on that road past the police station on your left at soi 49 at 2 or 300 metres past that on theopposite side of the road is a big 7/11 with a small soi just before it.

The pizza/western food place is above the 7/11 and parking is down the soi.

As best as I remember it and on Gogle Earth it is not shown on street view the grid ref is N 15.686404 E 100.107565.

I didn't have a GPS with me.

The owner is an American and the only time I have been in there te fish and chips I ordered was great. Make sure you get a cool drink before you eat as the food is cooked to order and piping hot.

Enjoy and let us know what you think.



Thanks Bill it'll be easy to find, I've been down that way before and now I'm looking forward to going back.


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The sauce that came with the fish and chips was mayonaise with a brown sauce, possibly HP and a little spicy and tasty though an odd colour.

If you come down from Pitlok on the route 117 stay on it all the way into Nakhon Sawan as though you are going through to BKK.

There is a crossroads with a clock tower just before the bridge with BigC on you right corner. Turn right there and go straight up Sawanvithee and not the uturn to BigC.

Stay on that road past the police station on your left at soi 49 at 2 or 300 metres past that on theopposite side of the road is a big 7/11 with a small soi just before it.

The pizza/western food place is above the 7/11 and parking is down the soi.

As best as I remember it and on Gogle Earth it is not shown on street view the grid ref is N 15.686404 E 100.107565.

I didn't have a GPS with me.

The owner is an American and the only time I have been in there te fish and chips I ordered was great. Make sure you get a cool drink before you eat as the food is cooked to order and piping hot.

Enjoy and let us know what you think.



Thanks Bill it'll be easy to find, I've been down that way before and now I'm looking forward to going back.


I am not due that way until July.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update from H/M.

I leave you lot for a few days and what happens coups, no TV (Back now so I hear) arrests, army on the streets, home by 10pm, in short a disaster.

But if its any consolation Blighty has been hell.

Cold raining almost every day, a short £4 a pint some places cheaper but not lot's of those about, eating out forget it. Try a small pizza 'not that I eat them' £10 and that's for a take away.

I'm not going down the cost of fuel Diesel etc road.

Just one delish thing I can report is we now have Jersey mid's. For the colonists they are allegedly the best potato's in the world, at £3kl not cheap but H/M think's well worth it.

Only 3 week's to go now till my return and I cant wait will be nice to be able to go out without a jacket and winter clothes on.

Even living in N/S would seem like heaven. Na just joking on that bit.

Just take care not long now and I'll be back to sort things out.



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Started the beast last Friday afternoon after having filled it up with all of the life fluids. To my amazement it started on the first turn of the key and at least the drive train and hydraulics seem to be working fine, Took it for a spin around the field but no corn to harvest as it's still being planted. Would post pictures but recently have been unable to upload pictures to TV but upload to email works fine, a coup thing?

The Police checkpoint near me that turned into an Army bunker about a month ago is now manned by both police and Army but only during the day and closes before 9:30 pm. Maybe they think that the curfew applies to them also.

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