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Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy


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At St Joseph Convent years ago I did "The Diary of Anne Frank" with the G8 Students. They were literally horrified at what happened and just could not understand why it had happened. It was one of the most interesting classes I have ever been involved in and just proves that it is normally never taught about in Thai schools. Also did MLK with G7: similar response.

I also know many Thais mistake the Nazi Swastika with the Buddhist one, they are hardly to blame, the Thai education system is.

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Seems it's OK for Che to be cool but not Adolf. Che was a despot too.

As for Hitler chic, it's just another round of the elder generation being upset with those crazy kids. The younger generation always pushed the boundaries and long may that continue.

Your grandparents probably shook their heads about rock n' roll the same way you are shaking your heads about this.

Storm in a teacup.

You sir, fit right in with the ignorant Thais. You are comparing the nazi politics with rock music. That just shows the level of your education and knowledge. Zilch. You do not even have more sense than parading your ignorance openly.

As for Guevara, whatever he was, he was not responsible for the killing of millions. Your ignorance shows again.

So, I take you would have no problem with the promotion of Bin Laden symbols because he wasn't responsible for killing millions either? Or is it the type of people that were killed that you have a problem with? Or perhaps you have just fell into this trap of losing any rational thought when discussing a subject such as this where laws in numerous countries are passed that radically limit discussion. I couldn't even imagine a law being passed against theorizing on 9/11 conspiracies regardless of how offensive or ignorant they may seem and this too was another incident that produced extreme emotions to the point of illogical thinking.

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It is a big difference to watch Hogan's Heroes at home than running around with an Adolf Kitty printed on your shirt.

Over the last 15 odd years, I have seen some of the weirdest stuff printed on Thai's shirts. From a very dark-skinned lass wearing a White Power slogan to a reprint of a Hallmark Sympathy Card - In Deepest Sympathy followed by a truly awful poem. None of then realise how truly inappropriate their shirt is, or intend any offense.

I treat it with amusement.

So do I Mick.

Hung outside a ladies clothes shop on the main street through a small town near where we are, there was a ladies shirt with the words" People Are Sh*T" ( not edited ) across the front in big letters.

All very innocent really.

As you all know, at any major crossing with traffic lights, there will be vendors of those garlands to hang from your mirror; my favourite incident was the pretty young teenager selling these protective religious symbols while wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the message "I fuc_ked your boyfriend"

Maybe Thais do have a sense of irony or maybe she didn't understand what it said

Lucky boyfriend ... LOL licklips.gif

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Seems it's OK for Che to be cool but not Adolf. Che was a despot too.

As for Hitler chic, it's just another round of the elder generation being upset with those crazy kids. The younger generation always pushed the boundaries and long may that continue.

Your grandparents probably shook their heads about rock n' roll the same way you are shaking your heads about this.

Storm in a teacup.

You sir, fit right in with the ignorant Thais. You are comparing the nazi politics with rock music. That just shows the level of your education and knowledge. Zilch. You do not even have more sense than parading your ignorance openly.

As for Guevara, whatever he was, he was not responsible for the killing of millions. Your ignorance shows again.

The Japanese committed many atrocities in Asia but their symbol does not offend. Nor Soviet symbols though millions died in Gulags including plenty of Jews and Gays...Why is Nazi symbolism so offensive after all these years. Ghengiz Khan is as bad as Hitler.. Best accept it as Provocative art of the youth generations and see the humour in it.

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I asked my girlfriend if she new about the history of Germany and England, she said you won two world wars and one world cup, i said good girl.

And lost much of the uk empire. I don't think the brits won ww1 & 2, they were merely holding their own until the yanks joined in. Stupid yanks, should let Europe fight their own civil wars.

The British and Commonwealth offensive of 1918 consisting of British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand forces managed to break through the formidable Hindenburg line and led to the Germans seeking terms for an Armistice. Hollywood obviously has it`s own slant. In WW2 the Americans bore the brunt of the war against the Japanese but In Europe they were one of a number of allies with the Soviet Union defeating the majority of the German field army. At sea the Germans were defeated by the British and Canadian navies.

WW2 in Europe was won, IMO, by the overwhelming manpower of the Soviet Army coupled with the bombing campaign of the US and UK air forces on German cities that terrorised the civilian population into despair and defeatism.

Hitler's big mistake,like Napoleon's was taking on the Russians and opening up a second front. In the political situation at that time, had he ignored the rest of Europe and gone for Russia first, he would have been supported by most Western powers which were as vehemently opposed to Soviet Communism as he was.

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A lot of time passed since the days of Adolf Hitler, so let's relax a bit and be less hypocritic! This includes the Israeli ambassador who should just shut up as Israel is not doing much better with the Palestinians these days...

I think the shirts are really cute, is not just an image of Adolf but making something else out of it, great imagination really! And making the link with Ronnie McDonald the symbol of imperialistic US is of course great! Hats of to the guy thinking of this.

Let's laugh instead of being too rigid, wearing such a T-Shirt is not going to make Thais becoming Nazis!

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One school of thought, is that it is better to remember Hitler and the Nazi regime of 80 years ago, with ridicule, than to forget that sad period of recent history totally. From what we have seen, none of these current representations of Hitler glorify him or his actions. It could be worse, he might have been represented in the same way that many have glorified the terrorist and murderer, Che Guevara. Let people depict Hitler as a Telly-Tubby or 'Adolf' McDonald. It wont last !

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A lot of time passed since the days of Adolf Hitler, so let's relax a bit and be less hypocritic! This includes the Israeli ambassador who should just shut up as Israel is not doing much better with the Palestinians these days...

I think the shirts are really cute, is not just an image of Adolf but making something else out of it, great imagination really! And making the link with Ronnie McDonald the symbol of imperialistic US is of course great! Hats of to the guy thinking of this.

Let's laugh instead of being too rigid, wearing such a T-Shirt is not going to make Thais becoming Nazis!

I don't think they are particularly cute but I don't think that they are offensive any more than the Che Guevara poster/t-shirt is offensive (mainly to Americans - it was extremely popular elsewhere) or the CND badges that were so fashionable in the 1960s. I suspect that posters on here have no memory of Hitler since that war ended a long time ago.

Why they get so uptight about a historical horror event that took place before they were born puzzles me.

Edited by pastitche
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It is a big difference to watch Hogan's Heroes at home than running around with an Adolf Kitty printed on your shirt.

Over the last 15 odd years, I have seen some of the weirdest stuff printed on Thai's shirts. From a very dark-skinned lass wearing a White Power slogan to a reprint of a Hallmark Sympathy Card - In Deepest Sympathy followed by a truly awful poem. None of then realise how truly inappropriate their shirt is, or intend any offense.

I treat it with amusement.

So do I Mick.

Hung outside a ladies clothes shop on the main street through a small town near where we are, there was a ladies shirt with the words" People Are Sh*T" ( not edited ) across the front in big letters.

All very innocent really.

As you all know, at any major crossing with traffic lights, there will be vendors of those garlands to hang from your mirror; my favourite incident was the pretty young teenager selling these protective religious symbols while wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the message "I fuc_ked your boyfriend"

Maybe Thais do have a sense of irony or maybe she didn't understand what it said

I have asked my wife to explain the meaning of the words written on some t-shirts that have been worn by people of all ages, nine times out of ten the people are shocked and rushed home to change.

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Using the swastika image, as the Chiang Mai students did some time ago is one thing since it's an ancient religious symbol, but glorifying Hitler and using Ronald McDonald as a Hitler image is a bit much. I expect McDonalds Corp., to sue soon.

Thai ignorance of history is just stunning. No doubt some politicians will soon be seen sporting the Little Dictator moustache.


Perhaps some young ignorant soul with cash to splash here will open a slimming spa called Buchenwald Bodyworks. Pathetic.annoyed.gif

Actually the swastika image is not an ancient religious symbol.

It is the backward of an ancient Hindu symbol.

Hitler taunting Hinduism.

I find this entire thing disgusting .

I understand that they are ignorant, teach them.

Natzism (sp?) and fascism are not laughing matters.

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A lot of time passed since the days of Adolf Hitler, so let's relax a bit and be less hypocritic! This includes the Israeli ambassador who should just shut up as Israel is not doing much better with the Palestinians these days...

I think the shirts are really cute, is not just an image of Adolf but making something else out of it, great imagination really! And making the link with Ronnie McDonald the symbol of imperialistic US is of course great! Hats of to the guy thinking of this.

Let's laugh instead of being too rigid, wearing such a T-Shirt is not going to make Thais becoming Nazis!

I am appauled !

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One school of thought, is that it is better to remember Hitler and the Nazi regime of 80 years ago, with ridicule, than to forget that sad period of recent history totally. From what we have seen, none of these current representations of Hitler glorify him or his actions. It could be worse, he might have been represented in the same way that many have glorified the terrorist and murderer, Che Guevara. Let people depict Hitler as a Telly-Tubby or 'Adolf' McDonald. It wont last !

Good point.

Thanks !

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True, the "Hitler" look in Thailand seems to be the lack of education in the schools about what has happened in past history. My Thai friend (from the North) knows very little about world history or even geography. This is not his fault but the schools that he attended. I have no idea if the public schools in BKK would be better.

But we all make mistakes of such. I once pointed with my foot to a series of books at a book store (located on the bottom shelf) and was told later by my Thai friend how rude it was.

Then there is the USA military that seems to be "clueless" about the high sensitivity of burning certain holy books in Afganistan.

You must be the stupidest foreigner in town. Pointing with your foot to a book might be rude but killing 6 million jews and millions of Russians, homosexuals and gypsies is really something different. I bet that Thais would love to take the smell of your socks over the gas chamber.

Foot pointing is both ignorantly rude and unacceptable. Everyone knows nose picking then touching the book you wish to point out is the way to go.

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Sorting through the stupid noise on this thread, there seems to be two distinct criticisms of Thais around this topic.

On the one hand, people are accusing them of being disrespectful by using Hitler's image and Nazi chic as a fashion item. On the other hand, people are saying they're ignorant of world history and don't know what Hitler did.

How can the two views be reconciled?

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Sorting through the stupid noise on this thread, there seems to be two distinct criticisms of Thais around this topic.

On the one hand, people are accusing them of being disrespectful by using Hitler's image and Nazi chic as a fashion item. On the other hand, people are saying they're ignorant of world history and don't know what Hitler did.

How can the two views be reconciled?

I think one way would be through education.

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Seems it's OK for Che to be cool but not Adolf. Che was a despot too.

As for Hitler chic, it's just another round of the elder generation being upset with those crazy kids. The younger generation always pushed the boundaries and long may that continue.

Your grandparents probably shook their heads about rock n' roll the same way you are shaking your heads about this.

Storm in a teacup.

You sir, fit right in with the ignorant Thais. You are comparing the nazi politics with rock music. That just shows the level of your education and knowledge. Zilch. You do not even have more sense than parading your ignorance openly.

As for Guevara, whatever he was, he was not responsible for the killing of millions. Your ignorance shows again.

The Japanese committed many atrocities in Asia but their symbol does not offend. Nor Soviet symbols though millions died in Gulags including plenty of Jews and Gays...Why is Nazi symbolism so offensive after all these years. Ghengiz Khan is as bad as Hitler.. Best accept it as Provocative art of the youth generations and see the humour in it.

There are plenty on here who are accusing the Thais of ignorance, having basic lack of knowledge and education, but by reading many of the posts, it appears the ignorance and lack of education goes a lot further than just Thailand.

The answer is: that there is no excuses or justifications for this sort of crap, under any circumstances. The Holocaust that keeping in mind 5 million non-Jews were also murdered is only a part of the events of the Second War World. But for those of you that can view any of this as humorous, or as an art form, can find justifications for the slaughter of millions of men, women and children in what became known as the Holocaust, must be mentally disturbed or just plain psycho and should seek treatment.

I strongly suggest that some of you do your research before you begin making comments on a subject you seem to know nothing about, have any understanding of and what was actually involved during that shitty war, a legacy that some nations are still carrying with them today.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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True, the "Hitler" look in Thailand seems to be the lack of education in the schools about what has happened in past history. My Thai friend (from the North) knows very little about world history or even geography. This is not his fault but the schools that he attended. I have no idea if the public schools in BKK would be better.

But we all make mistakes of such. I once pointed with my foot to a series of books at a book store (located on the bottom shelf) and was told later by my Thai friend how rude it was.

Then there is the USA military that seems to be "clueless" about the high sensitivity of burning certain holy books in Afganistan.

You must be the stupidest foreigner in town. Pointing with your foot to a book might be rude but killing 6 million jews and millions of Russians, homosexuals and gypsies is really something different. I bet that Thais would love to take the smell of your socks over the gas chamber.

Foot pointing is both ignorantly rude and unacceptable. Everyone knows nose picking then touching the book you wish to point out is the way to go.

Foot pointing is both ignorantly rude and unacceptable. True true.

But doesn't hold a candle to genocide in anyones reckoning.

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Sorting through the stupid noise on this thread, there seems to be two distinct criticisms of Thais around this topic.

On the one hand, people are accusing them of being disrespectful by using Hitler's image and Nazi chic as a fashion item. On the other hand, people are saying they're ignorant of world history and don't know what Hitler did.

How can the two views be reconciled?

How about,stupid idiots?
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Seems it's OK for Che to be cool but not Adolf. Che was a despot too.

As for Hitler chic, it's just another round of the elder generation being upset with those crazy kids. The younger generation always pushed the boundaries and long may that continue.

Your grandparents probably shook their heads about rock n' roll the same way you are shaking your heads about this.

Storm in a teacup.

Somehow I don't think it was kids that made the Ronald McHitler. And for Flood Relief? That is really sick. It would have been better for a Ronald McThaksin.

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Seems it's OK for Che to be cool but not Adolf. Che was a despot too.

As for Hitler chic, it's just another round of the elder generation being upset with those crazy kids. The younger generation always pushed the boundaries and long may that continue.

Your grandparents probably shook their heads about rock n' roll the same way you are shaking your heads about this.

Storm in a teacup.

You sir, fit right in with the ignorant Thais. You are comparing the nazi politics with rock music. That just shows the level of your education and knowledge. Zilch. You do not even have more sense than parading your ignorance openly.

As for Guevara, whatever he was, he was not responsible for the killing of millions. Your ignorance shows again.

The Japanese committed many atrocities in Asia but their symbol does not offend. Nor Soviet symbols though millions died in Gulags including plenty of Jews and Gays...Why is Nazi symbolism so offensive after all these years. Ghengiz Khan is as bad as Hitler.. Best accept it as Provocative art of the youth generations and see the humour in it.

There are plenty on here who are accusing the Thais of ignorance, having basic lack of knowledge and education, but by reading many of the posts, it appears the ignorance and lack of education goes a lot further than just Thailand.

The answer is: that there is no excuses or justifications for this sort of crap, under any circumstances. The Holocaust that keeping in mind 5 million non-Jews were also murdered is only a part of the events of the Second War World. But for those of you that can view any of this as humorous, or as an art form, can find justifications for the slaughter of millions of men, women and children in what became known as the Holocaust, must be mentally disturbed or just plain psycho and should seek treatment.

I strongly suggest that some of you do your research before you begin making comments on a subject you seem to know nothing about, have any understanding of and what was actually involved during that shitty war, a legacy that some nations are still carrying with them today.

Your first paragraph.

Where I live it's true, including the mrs. and the family.

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Once again Thailand hits a homerun for ignorance.

It's not ignorance but being completely uninformed. I've seen swastikas on helmets and flags and posters a million times. I even saw a Thai nazi ones completely with shaved head, bomber jacket and boots with white laces. If they only knew that they wouldn't have made it a second in the Third Reich.

I actually do not believe it's as innocent as we would like to beleive.

The nazis have some attraction to Thais. Thais, I believe, would like to think that there have a leading role to play in the world, which of course, is total nonsense if, as they continue to display, they are not prepared to play the "global game". However, they are not averese to applying dictats to any other country.

What worries me is the daily strutting of total nonentities with huge medallions suggesting that they beleive they are already figures of major importance. This goes some way to explaining why they can dispose of people who get in their way, and with total impunity.

As much as I would like to see this country move forward, I'm afraid that I see my future here as being quite limited...!!

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