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What percentage of the population in England is estimated to regularly attend church?

Between 8% and 10%

Between 8% and 11%

Between 8% and 12%

<deleted> is that!!! not only does it offend me that you should know about the church to live in the uk but what a ridiculous f ing question, at least give me a chance, why dont they just have a game of paper scissor stone to see if you can stay or not


The example site is not a UK.GOV or any other official site so I am assuming that these questions were not written by the same people who write the questions used in the official test so can not be a true reflection of the official test.

Seems the number of political questions would indicate the true motive of this site.


Most of the sites mirror the Gov test. They claim they use the same list of questions and then the computer randomly selects the questions for that list to have the questions for a specific test. Sources vary but there seem to be around 1200 to 1500 basic questions.

My wife, who's english is good, read the book, did a few sample tests and passed 1st time (she left school at 13 but is smart). In my view ability in English is the key.


This is cowardice on the part of the UK government, if they don't want foriegn nationals to obtain ILR then they should say so, don't simply make them take a test that even resident nationals have great difficulty with.


As a comparison, here are the tests for Australian.


Scored 100% every time but it is a completly different style.

The choices of questions,could be narrowed down in most cases

My Results were:

1. 4 0f 5

2. 5 of 5

3. 4 of 5

4. 4 of 5

Passed but as a Brit I should have done better I suppose.

No room in the Test for lack of concentration though.


Well, I'd like to know how many Britons living in the UK could pass that test! I reckon not many.

I just had a skim over one of them, but surprisingly didn't see any questions about soccer, LOL.


I scored 79% without even trying, but then I am a Brit now residing in London, although I lived in Chiang Mai for several years. I do agree that the language may be difficult and that some Thais will struggle with this test, but I think this would be mainly due to the complicated English more than how difficult the questions actually are. I have several Thai friends in London whom I'm confident would pass this test, with an adequate amount of time to study.

As others have mentioned, a study book prepares you for this and so putting in a decent amount of effort should ensure a pass. Most of the questions are pretty pointless however - especially the statistics questions. It's not exactly useful knowledge!


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Posted 2012-03-23 18:27:32

Having heard how hard the "Life in Britain Test" is,for Thais seeking a UK Settlement Visa,I decided to find out what kind of Test Papers,they are likely to be given.

This website has over 50 Test Papers,so which one your wife is given at random, is an unknown quantity.

My wife tried 5 different Test papers,and failed them all miserably (her best was 16 out of 24) Next, I did 5 Test Papers,and I must confess I failed 2 out of 5 Tests (17 and 16 right),of them.

I can now see why many Thai ladies can fail as much as 3 times,it seems to me the successful ones would have to do a lot of studying,and learn most of the Questions from memory,to be in with a chance.

Have a go yourself,

personally I think many of the Questions are unfair,and too difficult


It is the same with all exams, one has to study, memorise and generally prepare for any exam. The Life in the UK is no different.

My wife studied from the book that you can buy from which all the exam questions are taken. My wife did this and passed first time. If one did not have to study for exams then they would be completely pointless. It is no different than the Theory Test for driving a car in the UK. You study the Highway Code book and then take the test. When my wife took the Life in the UK exam there were about 20 taking the exam and by the look on their faces most passed. It is not so difficult if one is prepared to spend a few hours each day or evenings for a few weeks studing the book which will be made a lot easier with some help from the husband.


This i cannot understand! A couple of years ago, i was in England and met some Polish families who had been there quite a while. The late middle aged wives of both families could not speak any English and their husbands very little.


Fail. But I am an Aussie

Mate, they don't need you anymore, the Poms have taken all they need from oz...........till they get into another war !


I think its all a load of bureaucratic crap. How can knowing the answers to those questions make you a good person..................tiz bullshit invented by some high and mighty, overpaid academic.


I have just tried the test. One question said

What percentage of the population of England is of ethnic minority decent?

Good job it wasn't a spelling test for the question setter.

The thing that annoys me about this test, apart from the fact that most British people wouldn't pass, is that many Europeans who know very little about Britain don't have to do it before moving and working in Britain.

Thanks, that answers a question i have asked. So are they inviting two classes of people to live in UK. Those who can answer their stupid questions and those who have got "friendly" passports. and telling the rest to go to hell !


What percentage of the population in England is estimated to regularly attend church?

Between 8% and 10%

Between 8% and 11%

Between 8% and 12%

<deleted> is that!!! not only does it offend me that you should know about the church to live in the uk but what a ridiculous f ing question, at least give me a chance, why dont they just have a game of paper scissor stone to see if you can stay or not

WHICH bloody church ?


I think its all a load of bureaucratic crap. How can knowing the answers to those questions make you a good person..................tiz bullshit invented by some high and mighty, overpaid academic.

Its got nothing to do with "make you a good person" its designed to ensure having some knowledge of the Country,so that the immigrant can have less problems of integrating into the English Culture, way of life,and Society.


This i cannot understand! A couple of years ago, i was in England and met some Polish families who had been there quite a while. The late middle aged wives of both families could not speak any English and their husbands very little.

Poland is a member State of the EEC,and in keeping with all the other EEC Countries has the right to enter,and work in the UK.


Its got nothing to do with "make you a good person" its designed to ensure having some knowledge of the Country,so that the immigrant can have less problems of integrating into the English Culture, way of life,and Society.

I do agree that in principle the test is a good idea and in theory such knowledge would help people integrate into society but the questions need to be meaningful, I wonder how many people know off the top of their head when The Church of England was founded, what proportion of people in the UK own their own homes or how many members does the Scottish Parliament have? all very interesting but I would suggest that none of them would be of any benefit to those wishing to settle in the UK.



Its got nothing to do with "make you a good person" its designed to ensure having some knowledge of the Country,so that the immigrant can have less problems of integrating into the English Culture, way of life,and Society.

I do agree that in principle the test is a good idea and in theory such knowledge would help people integrate into society but the questions need to be meaningful, I wonder how many people know off the top of their head when The Church of England was founded, what proportion of people in the UK own their own homes or how many members does the Scottish Parliament have? all very interesting but I would suggest that none of them would be of any benefit to those wishing to settle in the UK.

Yes I agree that the questions need to be carefully vetted to fit the relevance,and need to know,of "Life in the UK" in todays society.

It would be a clever man that could explain the relevance in todays society concerning the "Hugonauts"for example.


Fail. But I am an Aussie

Mate, they don't need you anymore, the Poms have taken all they need from oz...........till they get into another war !

Thats hardly likely,considering Australias ,enormous unmined underground wealth,and still to be discovered.They have only been scratching the surface of the wealth of minerals,oil,etc, still to be mined.


Fail. But I am an Aussie

Mate, they don't need you anymore, the Poms have taken all they need from oz...........till they get into another war !

Thats hardly likely,considering Australias ,enormous unmined underground wealth,and still to be discovered.They have only been scratching the surface of the wealth of minerals,oil,etc, still to be mined.

They are not very bright if they have only been scratching the surface - they will need to go deeper than that. jap.gif


Be aware that these are not the real tests but mock tests, apparently created by Hiren and Pankaj, who are evidently not native speakers of English, not able to write 100% correct English, and not able to write questions or answers that are comprehensible in many cases.

Treat these "tests", therefore, as a bad joke rather than anything really useful. They only test your ability to detect what is a good test and what is a bad test. You can neither pass them nor fail them, because they are ridiculous.


Fail. But I am an Aussie

Perfectly Acceptable reason.

Just trying to estimate if there was a touch of sarcasm in your reply MAJIC.

For fun, I also took the test.

Failed the first time, passed (just) the next time and like kurnell, I'm also an Aussie.

I was surprised how many questions there were about Scottish history, do the Welsh or Northern Ireland get much attention?

Also similarly surprised about the focus on the ethnicity of the UK

Edit Spelling ... Lucky it isn't a spelling test for citizenship ... I'd be an epic fail!

Not a single question about Monty Python, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Bitter or Yorkshire pudding, so where is the relevance? Where is the culture?

Nor could I see a word about Benny Hill. I did three random tests. One passed, the other two failed with the slightest margin. But then I am not British of course.


Good fun but, ridiculous.

The questions are not from an official UK Government source, they're full of spelling mistakes and wrong answers and simply confuse and mislead people, from around the world.

Can a Moderator fron ThaiVisa not see this? Submitted by Hiren and Pankaj...not really British names huh?

Or is ThaiVisa.com trying to drive site hits and thus advertising revenue? Get real people. Please ignore this thread.

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