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3 children die in Gaza candle fire amidst energy crisis


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3 children die in Gaza candle fire amidst energy crisis

2012-04-03 06:22:49 GMT+7 (ICT)

GAZA STRIP (BNO NEWS) -- Three Palestinian children were killed on late Sunday night when a candle accident set their room ablaze, local media reported on Monday, as the energy crisis continues in the Gaza Strip.

The accident occurred on late Sunday night in the town of Deir Balah, located in the central Gaza Strip, when the children's room caught fire due to a candle, which was lighting the room.

Adham Abu Selmiya, a spokesman for emergency services in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, told Ynet News that three children aged two, five and six were killed. A fourth child, who is only six months old, suffered serious burn injuries and was rushed to a local hospital.

The energy crisis in the Gaza Strip continues as the only power station in the coastal area was shut down last week when it ran out of fuel, only two days after receiving (118,877 US gallons) of fuel from Israel.

However, protesters and local authorities have blamed the Israeli government for the energy crisis since it has been conducting a blockade to the strip. In addition, in June 2006, Israel destroyed the region's main power station. In 2008, Israel restricted pumping into the area after considering the Hamas-led area a hostile entity.

Last week, the Red Cross said it will be delivering emergency supplies to help Gaza's worst energy crisis, which is also affecting medical services.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-04-03

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Nice Propaganda coup for Hamas and no doubt will be milked for all its worth ,which will then be fed and eagerly consumed by the left wing Anti Jewish "bleeding heart" brigade.

Such compassion.

You are a light in the universe.

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Nice Propaganda coup for Hamas and no doubt will be milked for all its worth ,which will then be fed and eagerly consumed by the left wing Anti Jewish "bleeding heart" brigade.

Such compassion.

You are a light in the universe.

LOL. One never knows the actual story. One could ask, why was a candle left unattended with children? Why was it not placed in a tin can or similar container?

whatever happened to parents taking responsibility for their actions?

Whenever I have a power failure and have to use a candle, i never leave it unattended in a room.

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Sad accident is all it is. However, it is fact that the Israeli blockade of Gaza is effecting its power supply.

And the Israelis have a blockade there just because they are big meanies? Might they have a REASON to take action against Gaza, which elected a government dedicated to the destruction of Israel?
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Apparently the blockade does not include candles. Perhaps it should.

Let's stick to the topic. Three children have lost their lives. They will not be participating in the destruction of anything.

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The OP in the topic clearly mentions blaming the Israelis for the deaths, yes? So that is OK to stand without rebuttal? Dead children are always a tragedy, anywhere, anytime. But again, read the OP. BLAME is clearly talked about. If the topic is restricted to dead children equals bad, we can't talk about the politics, might as well forget it. Who would disagree with that?

Edited by Jingthing
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Certainly a tragedy. No idea how people go on after something like this happens. Hope the baby will make it alive.

I'm not quite sure this could be chalked up the situation in Gaza - sadly, those kind of stories tend to ignore borders: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/6-family-members-including-5-children-killed-in-fire-in-central-israel/2012/03/26/gIQAB44fcS_story.html (that's about 80km away). Blaming politics, parents and statisitcal chances might work for some, personally my mind tends to stall after reading the first three words of such headlines.

You can stop reading here, the rest is just details and politics.

Israel is required, under international law and bilateral agreements, to provide the Palestinian Authority with means to produce (or to have) energy (this covers both electricity and fuel).

Since both Hamas and Israel don't recognize each other as legitimate, of course there's an issue.

Hamas denouncing both the PA and any agreements with Israel, made a go-around solution even harder, especially as Egypt was not very receptive to the ideas of it taking over Israel's place or fully opening its border pass with Gaza.

Even with Egypt clamping down on Illegal oil smuggling to Gaza (which cut off the "independent" line of supply for the Hamas), the Hamas refused get the oil direct from Israel or via the PA, and insisted on Egypt supplying it through the Egyptian border pass.

Hamas used this situation to rile the population against Israel and the PA, with the focus just recently shifting to blaming Egypt. Seems like not all locals are buying this, though, as there were some attempts to demonstrate etc. - which did not go very far, yet.

Apparently, there is already a temporary solution in place - basically just make pretend with nominally no official contact between Israel and the Hamas.

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Certainly a tragedy. No idea how people go on after something like this happens. Hope the baby will make it alive.

I'm not quite sure this could be chalked up the situation in Gaza - sadly, those kind of stories tend to ignore borders: http://www.washingto...4fcS_story.html (that's about 80km away). Blaming politics, parents and statisitcal chances might work for some, personally my mind tends to stall after reading the first three words of such headlines.

You can stop reading here, the rest is just details and politics.

Israel is required, under international law and bilateral agreements, to provide the Palestinian Authority with means to produce (or to have) energy (this covers both electricity and fuel).

Since both Hamas and Israel don't recognize each other as legitimate, of course there's an issue.

Hamas denouncing both the PA and any agreements with Israel, made a go-around solution even harder, especially as Egypt was not very receptive to the ideas of it taking over Israel's place or fully opening its border pass with Gaza.

Even with Egypt clamping down on Illegal oil smuggling to Gaza (which cut off the "independent" line of supply for the Hamas), the Hamas refused get the oil direct from Israel or via the PA, and insisted on Egypt supplying it through the Egyptian border pass.

Hamas used this situation to rile the population against Israel and the PA, with the focus just recently shifting to blaming Egypt. Seems like not all locals are buying this, though, as there were some attempts to demonstrate etc. - which did not go very far, yet.

Apparently, there is already a temporary solution in place - basically just make pretend with nominally no official contact between Israel and the Hamas.

Mean while the ordinary Citizen in Gaza who look to Hamas to take care of their interests and welfare Continue to struggle with every day life ,how much money is pouring in to the Hamas coffers from world wide "sympathizer,s" is any ones guess !!.
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Unfortunately like it or lump it" the same old shit" is falling cos it just happens to be the truth ,Hamas was elected with one thing in mind ,the total destruction of the Country of Israel and the Jews which should be replaced by an Islamic state , this is plainly stated in Hamas's Charter or Covenant I suggest you read it in its entirety , then give yourself a break and try and face reality coffee1.gif .


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Here is a Hamas spokesman ranting on about Egypt's failure to provide them with fuel. He does make a couple of points that Hamas apologists may struggle to explain though, especially concerning the origin of the fakestinians. smile.png


The Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security in Gaza, Fathi Hammad, wants more petrol from Egypt and makes two points that few in the anti-Israeli lobby will want to hear.

First, he wants the help of Arab nations so that Gaza can wage “jihad” against Israel so “Zionists” will be “annihilated”. (From 1:15)

Second, the people of Gaza are not originally from Israel - “Brothers, half the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.” (From 1:45.)

Edited by Steely Dan
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Here is a Hamas spokesman ranting on about Egypt's failure to provide them with fuel. He does make a couple of points that Hamas apologists may struggle to explain though, especially concerning the origin of the fakestinians. smile.png


The Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security in Gaza, Fathi Hammad, wants more petrol from Egypt and makes two points that few in the anti-Israeli lobby will want to hear.

First, he wants the help of Arab nations so that Gaza can wage “jihad” against Israel so “Zionists” will be “annihilated”. (From 1:15)

Second, the people of Gaza are not originally from Israel - “Brothers, half the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.” (From 1:45.)

Can you say oooopie.

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Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

Says it all does'nt it !

Doesn't quite say it all. Perhaps worth bearing in mind that the Presidents of France and The USA were caught on camera recently agreeing with each other that based on their dealings with Mr Netanyahu, he was a bare faced liar!
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Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

Says it all does'nt it !

Doesn't quite say it all. Perhaps worth bearing in mind that the Presidents of France and The USA were caught on camera recently agreeing with each other that based on their dealings with Mr Netanyahu, he was a bare faced liar!

Of course he is. So what? Does that change the need Israelis feel to defend their nation's right to exist from clear and present threats?
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Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

Says it all does'nt it !

Doesn't quite say it all.

Nonsense. Nicolas Sarkozy said it, but he's been known to tell a few tall tales himself.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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