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09 November 2012

From 12 November 2012 the UK visas applications made in Jakarta will be processed by the UK Border Agency at the British Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand.

There will be no change to the way in which you make your visa application in Jakarta, and you should continue to submit your completed online application forms at the VFS visa application centre in Jakarta.

The transfer of visa processing to Bangkok will not increase turnaround times and you can find further information on current processing times on the Visa processing times in Indonesia page.


Just realized on the e-mail it now includes Indonesia, I wonder if BKK has now started t process for Indonesia also hence the extra delay now?

THAILAND/INDONESIA: documents can be collected from VFS after 2 working days for Thai applicants and 4 working days for Indonesian applicants.

CAMBODIA: documents can be collected from the British Embassy in Phnom Penh in 4 working days.


HCMC: documents will be sent to you within 6 days

Hanoi: documents can be collected from the British Embassy in Hanoi in 4 working days.

So after waiting the full 60 days to get the e-mail you still have to wait a further 2 days to find out if you've been successful ! FIngers crossed you've got the right decision Steve.

Surely taking on extra work has to have an impact on processing times despite what they say above.


Good luck steve not that you need it ! Its in the bag mate. If something was needed or missing they would have mailed you.


Its in the bag mate.

Not so sure about that I'm packing it. These next 6 days are going to be a killer, keep going over things in my head now that I could have done wrong, not that i can change anything but have so much riding on it.


I know how you feel. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy!.

Still think you have it though. They always seem to mail if there is a problem.

Crack a bottle open otherwise its going to be a long 6 sleepless nights


● To prepare for the new world it rained for 40 days and 40 nights

● After the rain stopped, Noah waited 40 days to open the Ark window

● Embalming required 40 days

● Moses stayed on the mountain for 40 days ;

his face shone afterwards

● The spies spent 40 days searching out the promised land

● Goliath challenged for 40 days before being killed by David

● Elijha strengthened by one angelic meal went 40 days to Mt. Horeb

● Jonah warned Nineveh they had 40 days till God overthrew the city

● Jesus fasted and was tempted 40 days in the wilderness

● Jesus was seen on40 days aft the earth His crucifixion Often when God wanted to prepare someone for a truly great destiny, He took 40 days and sent them through an experience somewhat unpleasant to the flesh.

With all this technology After 40 days I am still waiting for a financee visa


Steve - can I ask you what date you submitted your application so I can work out what will be the 60th working day for me. Thanks.

Btw, it is another public holiday here in Thailand of sorts - schools seem to be closed but businesses open. Not sure if it counts as an embassy working day.


Dec figures now up, only 7 applications. 1 was done within 3 days, 1 was done within 15 days & the remaining 5 took took 60 days.

Makes you wonder why a few on here are still waiting when they are near the 12/13 week mark.

Studying these seem to reveal that the ECOs are not working on a first in first out basis.

At the beginning of December we know that they had applications from me, Kiggs and Steve dating back to October.

2 decisions were made in December that must have been from applications submitted November at the earliest i.e. :-

a) 1 decision made in 3 days - so if decision made 1st December then earliest date application submitted is late November.

B) 1 decision made in 15 days - so if decision made 1st December then earliest date application submitted is mid-November.

I can only think that there only possible excuse is that somehow these were emergencies.

Kiggs, Saturday will be 19th January i.e. 3 months and we can email the embassy via VFS. I suggest if we dont hear by then we both send them an email making this point.


Wow I just got an email saying that the decision has been made!!!!!!!!!! They say I can pick it up in 2 working days - now as today is Wednesday would that be Friday or Monday?


Just realized on the e-mail it now includes Indonesia, I wonder if BKK has now started t process for Indonesia also hence the extra delay now?

THAILAND/INDONESIA: documents can be collected from VFS after 2 working days for Thai applicants and 4 working days for Indonesian applicants.

CAMBODIA: documents can be collected from the British Embassy in Phnom Penh in 4 working days.


HCMC: documents will be sent to you within 6 days

Hanoi: documents can be collected from the British Embassy in Hanoi in 4 working days.

So after waiting the full 60 days to get the e-mail you still have to wait a further 2 days to find out if you've been successful ! FIngers crossed you've got the right decision Steve.

Surely taking on extra work has to have an impact on processing times despite what they say above.

They have taken on some staff who were employed in Jakarta ( UK based staff working for the UKBA ). The number of settlement decisions in December for Indonesia is also fairly low - actually 5. It looks like the total number of settlement decisons for Thailand and Indonesia was 12. That is, I think, less than one a working day.


So not only did they do 50% less over the last 60 days they had MORE staff!!!!

They would probably say that they had extra staff but they had a large increase in applications. The actual number of applications was probably down ( visits and settlement ) but the Indonesia numbers added to the Thailand numbers may well have increased the overall figure. Difficult to say without knowing the actual number of staff moved from Jakarta to Bangkok. What they will say, for sure, is that they are still processing applications within their stated service standards. I suspect that settlement application processing times have been sacrificed to deal with the extra visit applications from Indonesia, and that there is not now enough staff to keep the settlement queue short. Hopefully that will be addressed in the future.


Called them!!!!! Never got past the first post.

Told me to call the VFS then to send an email. Told them i had done this and the VFS didnt have a clue and the email went unanswered. So she said i should send a FAX!!!!!


Just called the VFS.... I have to say. What a two bit operation!!! She told me 90days So thats the 1st March....I know i shouldnt have called its just wound me up even more.


Well, we applied earlyish November and are no longer hoping to hear this month, after reading the discussion on this forum. Seems UKBA as a target based organisation maybe faced with future resource cuts/increased workload has no incentive to better its targets, and we all have somehow to deal with our resulting tension and frustrations. Would not be surprised if the ground is being prepared to introduce a premium fee quicker turn round service. On the other hand, in rare, more charitable moments, I wonder if there are background checks with, say, the Thai police that take time to complete- does anyone know?


Kamenrider, what day did you apply? I was 7th Nov, so similar to you. Trying to move my flights to mid-Feb but even that could be optimistic


Ye steve is waiting for postman pat.

Am I right in thinking that they guy that applied on the same day as me has had his application? 19th October.

Can't look I'm on my phone and its playing up something chronic!


Yes they quote a 6 day wait for shipping back to Vietnam, but my wife called the Embassy in Hanoi and they gave her a tracking number, it appears it was on a van to my wifes home town this morning so crossing fingers for tmrw.

Good luck to all still waiting and anyone baout to get there news.


Does anyone know whether an application for settlement is approved or refused have any bearing on the documents returned? do they return all the same in either circumstance? or in one circumstance will they hang onto some?


At least that shows they looked at them!

Regardless of the result of an application, copies of the form and of supporting documents are usually kept on file; which is why they say that if you do not provide copies with the application you may not get the originals back.

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