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Hit And Run In Thailand. What Are The Penalties?


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It seems that hit and run is almost the norm when it comes to serious accidents in Thailand. The penalties for this must be almost non-existent, just a heavy fine perhaps. I don't know about other countries (I know the USA comes down hard) but in Australia you are looking at some serious jail time if you flee the scene of an accident, especially if someone has been badly injured. Does anyone know what the penalties here are?

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Depends if you get caught and also how much tea money you can give if you are caught.

Really though, there do not seem to be any set guidelines and it depends if you are white, Thai, rich, poor etc.

Totally agree. I see a hit and run on Thai news, Mini Cooper with unlicenced 18 yo driver, hits two people (one in coma) who were assisting another motorist, flees scene. Police have the car involved, know who the driver is (wealthy family) but appear to do nothing. Compensation will be paid to those injured by the family. Case closed.

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dunno but many farang have posted stories about killing people on the road here and paying their way out of it.

For a farang, paying your way out may well send you bankrupt.

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dunno but many farang have posted stories about killing people on the road here and paying their way out of it.

Many Farang have killed someone and paid their way out of it ? really ? any details ?

Posted stories, where?

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dunno but many farang have posted stories about killing people on the road here and paying their way out of it.

Just another troll...

Recently a foreigner killed a member of my Thai family, in a car accident, and tried to "pay his way out". Pattaya police turned him down and now awaiting trail whilst out on bail. He cannot leave Thailand as passort held by police, info lodged with Immigration and his embassy advised so that he cannot obtain new passport. Also did not have 1st Class insurance so had to post cash for bail.

Edited by simple1
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I think many people are missing out on understanding some basic cultural differences here, looking at things as if the way we do things back home is the only right way.

First of all, life is cheap here. And if you're poor, your life is worth a lot less than a wealthy person. That's not even different from many western countries, where civil compensation is based on the victim's earning capacity.

And paying a fine or compensation directly to the victim ('s family) is considered adequate in most cases. That is justice here.

But when the money is paid to the police so that the perpetrator doesn't have to pay the victims, then of course you then get into the whole area of corruption, and that everyone agrees is a huge problem and one that isn't likely to be solved anytime soon. But the above differences are completely different from corruption issues - when you pay money to those that suffered from your mistake, you are being justly punished here, things that would get jail time back home in many cases aren't considered that bad here, and it's their country up to them right?

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Recently I was driving to the Airport on the expressway travelling behind a car in the fast lane doing around 120kmh,at an intersection a motobike sensed that he could get across the 3 lane in time !!unfortunlately the car in front of me hit him and the poor guy was launched into the road !! I stopped my car and helped the guy into the "hard shoulder" but the guy was no longer with us!! I waited with the Guys untill the Police came to try to help with the enquiries,this was a mistake as they started to look at me as the perpetrator ,I explained that I stopped as I was a witness to the fatality,in future I will never do that again !

I will drive away!!

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