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Yingluck Likely To Skip Controversial Session Today


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Really she should be in parliament for all these sessions which are fallout from her own corrosive bills.

She could have an underling deal with the flood-prevention visit as she is not an expert in flood-prevention anyway. Her visit when she paid out flood-compensation was filmed and will be televised, unfortunately the films of her government delaying flood response, failing to drain-out the northern runoff to Bangkok etc.etc., these films about PTP criminal negligence before and during the floods will never be seen but you will be able to see the new film of smiling Yingluck handing out money compensation on TV. How lovely. One side of the story - you can have this.

Really Yingluck's tawdry lie that "my schedule is too tight" to deal with the most pressing issues of state, is absolutely shameful. She uses her schedule as a shield from facing the music, instead of how other people use schedules as a fluid process which can be changed to prioritise and deal with emergencies and respond to the consequences of their actions.


It wouldn't be so bad if she was doing some thing she knew any thing about. All these supposedly important things can be handled by much more knowledgeable people and reports turned into her using words she can understand. Does she spend any time at all in her office?

Seems to me her last tour of the North she gave orders for reforestation to be done in the next three months. Result zip But she didn't have to attend a parliament session.

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At the risk of being controversial.....so what?

The Thai parliament seems to spend all it's time on variations of these legalese debates, I'd be skipping them too if I was her.

Anyway, it's kicking on for a year in power for Yingluck, the sky hasn't fallen in, there hasn!t been a coup, there hasn't been mass civil protests, no airports have been occupied, and shock development, her brother isn't back.

In the topsy turvy world of Thai politics, that looks like a result to me.

And in the same year, the Education budget has been decimated, the rice export industry has been decimated, the populist policies are on the verge of bankrupting the country, just do the maths as they wont tell you. Inflation is increasing and the Government denies it, which does not bode well for business and the economy, Election promises have not /can not be implemented. All political effort is being diverted into absolving criminals in their own families of any wrongdoing, whilst globally important bills such as those concerning money laundering and anti terrorism remain on the back burner. Result.....come on theblether, you are being naughty! The only result is Poor 0 - Elites 7 (I know the scoreline should be much bigger but I just had to think of a number ).

All very valid points however!!

TiT, things could be a lot lot worse, in fact all we've seen on TV are a series of dire predictions over the past year.

Some of these bills that are on the back burner don't make one blind bit of difference to the average Thai.

Yes they care about food prices and inflation is a real issue, however a lot of that is out of the hands of the Thai government.

Thai politics has been a basket case from the day dot, my expectations are low and my fears high. Every day that goes past without some of the predicted crisis and dramas is a small victory in my book.

Maybe my expectations are too low, maybe others expect too much. I don't know, but I do know that today it could be much much worse.

And Yingluck is doing all she can to make that happen.

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I think there is a possibility you are all reading this the wrong way, for me these actions by the PM are damaging to the cause so why is it happening

I honestly think there may be a rift between Yingluck and her brother to the extent she has told him - I want nothing to do with this madness, I'm pretty sure she has a mind of her own and not be the Pawn that everyone thinks she is and further she most likely doesn't like the people she's being forced to work with in the cabinet - prime example being Charlerm

Just a thought and possibly not inconceivable

Well It does have it's points but she is the leader and if she wants she can reshuffle the cabinet and bring in responsible people to fill the positions and certainly as the leader demonstrate a bit of control over her party. Not every one in the Party is a big fan of Thaksin and would welcome a real leader. Even some of the opposition would be more agreeable to cooperation for the well being of the whole country.

But alas she hasn't got what it takes to be a leader.

We are stuck with all her brother could afford.

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But alas she hasn't got what it takes to be a leader.

We are stuck with all her brother could afford.

I think their plan is working out perfectly. He's got somebody in the PM seat whom he can control, she's doing great at staying out of the line of fire and doing what she is told. Letting others take the flack and do the dirty work. From Thaksin's point of view, how could it be any better? Other than for him to be back as PM with a boatload of Baht restored to his accounts. A lot of Thailand really likes Yingluck.

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I think there is a possibility you are all reading this the wrong way, for me these actions by the PM are damaging to the cause so why is it happening

I honestly think there may be a rift between Yingluck and her brother to the extent she has told him - I want nothing to do with this madness, I'm pretty sure she has a mind of her own and not be the Pawn that everyone thinks she is and further she most likely doesn't like the people she's being forced to work with in the cabinet - prime example being Charlerm

Just a thought and possibly not inconceivable

Well It does have it's points but she is the leader and if she wants she can reshuffle the cabinet and bring in responsible people to fill the positions and certainly as the leader demonstrate a bit of control over her party. Not every one in the Party is a big fan of Thaksin and would welcome a real leader. Even some of the opposition would be more agreeable to cooperation for the well being of the whole country.

But alas she hasn't got what it takes to be a leader.

We are stuck with all her brother could afford.

A good point. There's a thread about about a threat to overthrow the government. But that doesn't seem to be true. It's only when the drive to get Thaksin off the hook that tempers flare. I'm pretty sure there could be some agreement with the more responsible Democrats if the PTP was also lead by more responsible MPs.

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Well this seems about par for the course and it really is a shame....

I would have a whole lot more respect for her is she just stood up and said, hey he's my brother, of course I am going to try and help him

This game of running away and hiding anytime there is a controversial discussion in the cabinet or parliament, just so she can tell reporters that she does not know what was discussed because she wasn't there is a bit of a joke....

It PM is supposed to be the leader of their party and their government. If anything controversial is happening it is her responsibility to be there and be informed

I don't understand why reporters never ask the million dollar follow question when she plays this game...

"as the PM and leader of the government, at the end of the day isn't your responsibility to be aware of what is going on and step in if needed"

At the end of the day the PM is a leadership position, she should either step up, take control and lead or if she doesn't want to be a leader, should be honest and step aside and let some one else step up to lead

This game of running away and hiding is not the act of a leader

Running the country isn't the same as being president of your brother's telecoms corporation where it doesn't really matter whether you are at work or not.

She is effectively the country's top civil servant, there to serve the country when and where's she needed.

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At the risk of being controversial.....so what?

The Thai parliament seems to spend all it's time on variations of these legalese debates, I'd be skipping them too if I was her.

Anyway, it's kicking on for a year in power for Yingluck, the sky hasn't fallen in, there hasn!t been a coup, there hasn't been mass civil protests, no airports have been occupied, and shock development, her brother isn't back.

In the topsy turvy world of Thai politics, that looks like a result to me.

And in the same year, the Education budget has been decimated, the rice export industry has been decimated, the populist policies are on the verge of bankrupting the country, just do the maths as they wont tell you. Inflation is increasing and the Government denies it, which does not bode well for business and the economy, Election promises have not /can not be implemented. All political effort is being diverted into absolving criminals in their own families of any wrongdoing, whilst globally important bills such as those concerning money laundering and anti terrorism remain on the back burner. Result.....come on theblether, you are being naughty! The only result is Poor 0 - Elites 7 (I know the scoreline should be much bigger but I just had to think of a number ).

All very valid points however!!

TiT, things could be a lot lot worse, in fact all we've seen on TV are a series of dire predictions over the past year.

Some of these bills that are on the back burner don't make one blind bit of difference to the average Thai.

Yes they care about food prices and inflation is a real issue, however a lot of that is out of the hands of the Thai government.

Thai politics has been a basket case from the day dot, my expectations are low and my fears high. Every day that goes past without some of the predicted crisis and dramas is a small victory in my book.

Maybe my expectations are too low, maybe others expect too much. I don't know, but I do know that today it could be much much worse.

I'm not much worried about today IT'S TOMORROW I'm worried about :(

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

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At the risk of being controversial.....so what?

The Thai parliament seems to spend all it's time on variations of these legalese debates, I'd be skipping them too if I was her.

Anyway, it's kicking on for a year in power for Yingluck, the sky hasn't fallen in, there hasn!t been a coup, there hasn't been mass civil protests, no airports have been occupied, and shock development, her brother isn't back.

In the topsy turvy world of Thai politics, that looks like a result to me.

And in the same year, the Education budget has been decimated, the rice export industry has been decimated, the populist policies are on the verge of bankrupting the country, just do the maths as they wont tell you. Inflation is increasing and the Government denies it, which does not bode well for business and the economy, Election promises have not /can not be implemented. All political effort is being diverted into absolving criminals in their own families of any wrongdoing, whilst globally important bills such as those concerning money laundering and anti terrorism remain on the back burner. Result.....come on theblether, you are being naughty! The only result is Poor 0 - Elites 7 (I know the scoreline should be much bigger but I just had to think of a number ).

All very valid points however!!

TiT, things could be a lot lot worse, in fact all we've seen on TV are a series of dire predictions over the past year.

Some of these bills that are on the back burner don't make one blind bit of difference to the average Thai.

Yes they care about food prices and inflation is a real issue, however a lot of that is out of the hands of the Thai government.

Thai politics has been a basket case from the day dot, my expectations are low and my fears high. Every day that goes past without some of the predicted crisis and dramas is a small victory in my book.

Maybe my expectations are too low, maybe others expect too much. I don't know, but I do know that today it could be much much worse.

I have to agree with you every day without a civil war is a good day

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I think there is a possibility you are all reading this the wrong way, for me these actions by the PM are damaging to the cause so why is it happening

I honestly think there may be a rift between Yingluck and her brother to the extent she has told him - I want nothing to do with this madness, I'm pretty sure she has a mind of her own and not be the Pawn that everyone thinks she is and further she most likely doesn't like the people she's being forced to work with in the cabinet - prime example being Charlerm

Just a thought and possibly not inconceivable

Not inconceivable, but why would she not pull out an excuse from her repertoire and step down as PM ??

As long as she is PM she has the potential to call the shots, the PTP government is currently controlled by Thaksins ex, she has stated she wont give up this advantage for the club, (the 111 ex TRT politicians). with Yingluck onside Potjaman can dictate the make up of cabinet and keep her teams snout firmly in the trough.

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For once the topic title seems to have been fairly accurate and by now could even be modified into something like

Yingluck Skips Controversial Session Today

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I think there is a possibility you are all reading this the wrong way, for me these actions by the PM are damaging to the cause so why is it happening

I honestly think there may be a rift between Yingluck and her brother to the extent she has told him - I want nothing to do with this madness, I'm pretty sure she has a mind of her own and not be the Pawn that everyone thinks she is and further she most likely doesn't like the people she's being forced to work with in the cabinet - prime example being Charlerm

Just a thought and possibly not inconceivable

I agree with you to a certain extent, she is showing signs of cracking up a bit emotionally and she looks very frightened sometimes. Rabbit in the headlights. She obviously is completely out of her depth in the arena of political debate and opinion-development and articulation. I agree she doesn't want to be leader or even in politics.

I would say she is not a pawn to the extent she is an adult with money in the bank and could have told Thaksin to get lost, instead she said yes to running for office, and could have resigned early on if her convictions changed. She is also getting 900m bloodmoney for her work on pushing these bills through, and no doubt more money in future.

My sympathies do not rest at Yinglucks feet but are entirely with the current and future victims of her governments' blundering mismanagement, deception and strong-arming.

Good post!wai.gif
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Well it looks like Yingluck has listened to the whingers on Tvisa and forgone the bill to help 'one man'.......in contrast going out to assist the people and flood victims, also check on the flood defence actions, as suggested.....so are the Tvisa whingers pleased?

Er no...they are now having a whinge that she is not present persuing the interests of one man....blink.pngcoffee1.gif

Edited by 473geo
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Well it looks like Yingluck has listened to the whingers on Tvisa and forgone the bill to help 'one man'.......in contrast going out to assist the people and flood victims, also check on the flood defence actions, as suggested.....so are the Tvisa whingers pleased?

Er no...they are now having a whinge that she is not present persuing the interests of one man....blink.pngcoffee1.gif

Interesting way of looking at things, truly.

'forgone the bill to help one man'? Strictly speaking lots here were only complaining the PM would again not be in parliament, even somewhat independent of what the heck would be discussed.

As for the PM going out to assist people, flood victims and so, let's be fair. Only if it can be done without getting dirty and only when sufficient opportunities are created to make nice photo's. smile.png

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I read now that Yingluck turned up in Parliament.

Oh well this topic was a bust

Just sayin

Gotta admit I'm surprised! Well that's one foot through the door. Now all she has to do is participant instead of being decoration. But ya know when they get around to voting on it next week, she won't be there ;).

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Well it looks like Yingluck has listened to the whingers on Tvisa and forgone the bill to help 'one man'.......in contrast going out to assist the people and flood victims, also check on the flood defence actions, as suggested.....so are the Tvisa whingers pleased?

Er no...they are now having a whinge that she is not present persuing the interests of one man....blink.pngcoffee1.gif

Ah ha, no wonder why you're head over heels with Yingluck and her administration... you obviously lack the ability to grasp the problem. So here let me explain it to you:

It's not about her supporting or not supporting the 'one man' at all. It's about her not being able to commit herself to anything other than running away from controversial issues. When was the last time you've heard her contribute to anything? I'd like to see her pursuing the interest of one man if she actually shows up to debate and take responsibility. So actually, by her going out to meet the flood victims furthers our disgust for her because she comes up with another excuse.

I'm glad Yingluck is Thaksin's sister and as clueless as she is. If she had at the very least, the brains and courage of Abhisit, Thaksin would probably be back by now. I'm saying at the very least because I know a lot of you think negatively of him. For someone who has an MPA (Masters of Public Administration) she hasn't show any of it. I still recall the first few weeks of her premiership where the media said Yingluck was tough and had a CEO style of leadership. Laughable.

Usual useless flawed logic, if her presence in parliament will make no difference, why not check the important anti flood progress, after all when the dams are full and the rain comes it is too late........perhaps Abhisit should have taken more interest and released a sensible amount of water early in the year, then we may not have endured the floods at all, it would appear it was not I that had the inability to grasp the problem.

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Well it looks like Yingluck has listened to the whingers on Tvisa and forgone the bill to help 'one man'.......in contrast going out to assist the people and flood victims, also check on the flood defence actions, as suggested.....so are the Tvisa whingers pleased?

Er no...they are now having a whinge that she is not present persuing the interests of one man....blink.pngcoffee1.gif

You can not actually believe that her touring the country side and knowing nothing about what she is looking at will help Thailand more than sitting in her office going over reports from experts and formulating policies from them.

You may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but do you think she is going to go door to door asking people did you get your flood relief money. No she will look at reports she could have looked at in her office. Or gone to Parliament and read them there. That would accomplish two things

1 It would get some people to think she really cares and 2 She might learn some thing.

Look at the genius work she did in her last tour of the North. She ordered reforestation in three months. Outcome more days not doing her job. Not a tree one

The PM showing a publicised interest in any project or topic is encouraging to the participants, which is benefical, it also brings a little gentle pressure to bear on the managers to deliver, and if any floodwater is controlled this year? ask those that were submerged if this topic is more important.......

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I read now that Yingluck turned up in Parliament.

Oh well this topic was a bust

Just sayin

Gotta admit I'm surprised! Well that's one foot through the door. Now all she has to do is participant instead of being decoration. But ya know when they get around to voting on it next week, she won't be there wink.png.

A shame for Abhisit his coalition was so fragile he had to maintain a permanent vigil, and I guess his vote assisted the tally, must have been frustrating to miss out on those little trips to show the people he cared

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