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Let'S Face It -Jomtien Beach Does Not Rule Anymore?


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He's focusing on trivial commercial interactions with Thais rather than the bigger picture, the flavor of the entire TOURIST city has been Russified. It's real. Can we who aren't Russian cope with the flavor change? Probably most of us but some will leave and probably be selling to Russians.

Obviously with a dramatic flavor change like this, the actual specific flavor is going to look and feel different as different cultures are ... different. So if Pattaya had become dominated by Brazilians rather than Russians, we'd see the flavor change but it would have a different feel than a Russian domination.

From expats point of view, many of us thought we were moving to Thailand, not Russia, so if some of us are not thrilled with this big change, I think that is in the realm of a normal human reaction to surprising change.

Who is focusing on the Trivial? Rob or Rab?

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Rob. I thought the context was totally clear.

You know I do understand how discussion of this issue can be problematical. The group which has indeed become the visibly dominant group in Pattaya HAPPENS to be Russian speaking people. It could have been another group, but it isn't. We're talking Russian here. So if people express dislike about this current reality, I would suggest choosing your words carefully. That's because while expressing displeasure is a legitimate feeling, blatant bigotry against Russian speaking people is a different kind of thing and not really defensible. Even if you've had bad personal experience with Russian speakers. I've been robbed twice in my life, both times by Portuguese speakers, but that's no reason to be bigoted against all of them.

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Maybe you all couild use the "Point System".

The Grosse Pointe area was well-known for the point system, in which those deemed undesirable (non-Protestants, Eastern Europeans, etc.) had to amass more points in order to purchase a home. Realtors and the Grosse Pointe Property Owner's Association would sometimes hire private detectives, who would find answers to various questions, including "Appearances - swarthy, slightly swarthy, or not at all?" and "Accents - pronounced, medium, slight, not at all?" The maximum score for the survey was 100, with most prospective residents needing a score of 50. However, according to Michigan Attorney General Paul Adams, "a Pole is expected to have five additional points. An Italian, Yugoslav, Greek, Syrian, Lebanese, Armenian, Maltese, Rumanian, or other southern European is required to have 15 additional points.

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10 years ago Pattaya was clearly dominated by the British. Now it is the Russians.

Agreed. Notice allot less hooligan type troublemakers these days.

The few Russians that I have been able to communicate with were very pleasant and the women(slender ones) add some nice visuals to the scenery.

Like JT, I am a bit concerned the place turning into a Russian town.

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10 years ago Pattaya was clearly dominated by the British. Now it is the Russians.

That's also a negative except for those seeking a British island abroad. A big balanced MIX is the best for the most people.

I notice you are complaining now about the Russians did I miss your complaints about the British when they were the dominant influence? Or were you one of the ones seeking a British island abroad?

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I always find it humorous when one group of expats denigrates another group of expats that happen to be living in the same area. Seems to me someone has forgotten that you are all guests of the Thai government. Your $$$ doesn't spend any better than theirs, so in the eyes of the Thais, you are all equally revolting. Get over it.

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From expats point of view, many of us thought we were moving to Thailand, not Russia, so if some of us are not thrilled with this big change, I think that is in the realm of a normal human reaction to surprising change.

The quote above, for me, captures the essence of the discussion. I departed Pattaya & returned to my home country in 2004 and returned to live in Pattaya a year ago. I was truly surprised with the huge increase in Westerners and people from elsewhere who now visit or live here. For me it has completely changed the character of Pattaya, for the worse. If it wasn't for a commitment to stay here for my wife to be near her family I would move to another part of Thailand.

In reference to Jomtien I was there today for my regular haircut by a lovely Thai woman with whom I share a smile & some jokes. Whilst waiting and having a coffee I sat next to a table with two Russians guys who just emitted an aura of hostility, truly strange behaviour.

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My impression is that the Pattaya is going to get even more Russian dominated before it becomes less Russian dominated.

So here we are on an English language forum about Pattaya.

As the Russianness of the area has become a primary and undeniable characteristic of this area, it seems to me we need to be able to talk about our feelings about that here without overly walking on eggshells. Even if its tricky or sensitive.

Without that, it would be like a forum about San Francisco without being able to discuss the gay or Asian influence there.

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My impression is that the Pattaya is going to get even more Russian dominated before it becomes less Russian dominated.

So here we are on an English language forum about Pattaya.

As the Russianness of the area has become a primary and undeniable characteristic of this area, it seems to me we need to be able to talk about our feelings about that here without overly walking on eggshells. Even if its tricky or sensitive.

Without that, it would be like a forum about San Francisco without being able to discuss the gay or Asian influence there.

Nothing wrong with discussing it, just something wrong with expecting everyone to see it your way. As a non native English speaker i got a different point of view about this. Language wise that is, i don't doubt that many Russians are not that behaved. But not forget English hoolingans... trash is bad where ever it comes from.

But how unusual it is to go to a foreign country and not being able to speak your language. For English speakers it must be real unusual and real frustrating, for us others its something normal. We just learn other languages.

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I always find it humorous when one group of expats denigrates another group of expats that happen to be living in the same area. Seems to me someone has forgotten that you are all guests of the Thai government. Your $$$ doesn't spend any better than theirs, so in the eyes of the Thais, you are all equally revolting. Get over it.

Yes, makes me laugh as well, when I first arrived everyone was moaning about the Germans and how they had taken over Naklua.

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I always find it humorous when one group of expats denigrates another group of expats that happen to be living in the same area. Seems to me someone has forgotten that you are all guests of the Thai government. Your $$$ doesn't spend any better than theirs, so in the eyes of the Thais, you are all equally revolting. Get over it.

Yes, makes me laugh as well, when I first arrived everyone was moaning about the Germans and how they had taken over Naklua.

First the "equally revolting" comment deserves an applause--good one and right on target. Second, I think the frustration comes from a major change from how you (no not you personally) saw the place when you first decided to retire here and how it is now, not at all like your originally saw it. People moved here with a certain cluster of expectations. Now, things have changed so much, they are feeling frustrated. Be honest, back home, say, in Germany, if you were living in a German community would you really be happy if most of the Germans were replaced by people from the Middle East? I think not. There has been a major demographic shift here in the direction of Russians--not a minor shift. Jomtien is now Jomtienski. Pattaya is now Pattaystok. The change has been very fast. I predict an exodus. Where is Bob Marley?

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My impression is that the Pattaya is going to get even more Russian dominated before it becomes less Russian dominated.

So here we are on an English language forum about Pattaya.

As the Russianness of the area has become a primary and undeniable characteristic of this area, it seems to me we need to be able to talk about our feelings about that here without overly walking on eggshells. Even if its tricky or sensitive.

Without that, it would be like a forum about San Francisco without being able to discuss the gay or Asian influence there.

Nothing wrong with discussing it, just something wrong with expecting everyone to see it your way. As a non native English speaker i got a different point of view about this. Language wise that is, i don't doubt that many Russians are not that behaved. But not forget English hoolingans... trash is bad where ever it comes from.

But how unusual it is to go to a foreign country and not being able to speak your language. For English speakers it must be real unusual and real frustrating, for us others its something normal. We just learn other languages.

Please let me know where I said I expected everyone to see it my way. coffee1.gif
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I always find it humorous when one group of expats denigrates another group of expats that happen to be living in the same area. Seems to me someone has forgotten that you are all guests of the Thai government. Your $$$ doesn't spend any better than theirs, so in the eyes of the Thais, you are all equally revolting. Get over it.

Yes, makes me laugh as well, when I first arrived everyone was moaning about the Germans and how they had taken over Naklua.

First the "equally revolting" comment deserves an applause--good one and right on target. Second, I think the frustration comes from a major change from how you (no not you personally) saw the place when you first decided to retire here and how it is now, not at all like your originally saw it. People moved here with a certain cluster of expectations. Now, things have changed so much, they are feeling frustrated. Be honest, back home, say, in Germany, if you were living in a German community would you really be happy if most of the Germans were replaced by people from the Middle East? I think not. There has been a major demographic shift here in the direction of Russians--not a minor shift. Jomtien is now Jomtienski. Pattaya is now Pattaystok. The change has been very fast. I predict an exodus. Where is Bob Marley?

I think many non-Russian speaking expats will move in reaction to the dramatic flavor change in the city but I don't predict a massive exodus at this stage. But I could be wrong. The test will be when the Russification trend grows much more which I think is going to happen. On that I could be wrong as well! As I've said, I wish for more balance. I am cheering for the Iranians, Chinese, Indians, and Arabs to move here more in much larger numbers, neutralizing the dominance of the one group, the Russian speakers.

Something else I have noticed about the Russian demographic here which is just a superficial impression but here it goes. My impression is that majority of the Russian tourists in Pattaya are more conservative Russians, the kind that would support their dictatorial style leader Putin. Contrast that to my superficial impression of the majority of the Iranians here. It is my impression that most of Iranian tourists here are the type that would NOT support their own repressive theocratic regime. So assuming that's true, it's not only about the nationality and language but also the type of people from that country that are coming. Brits were talked about before. Different kinds of Brits aren't there?

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My impression is that the Pattaya is going to get even more Russian dominated before it becomes less Russian dominated.

So here we are on an English language forum about Pattaya.

As the Russianness of the area has become a primary and undeniable characteristic of this area, it seems to me we need to be able to talk about our feelings about that here without overly walking on eggshells. Even if its tricky or sensitive.

Without that, it would be like a forum about San Francisco without being able to discuss the gay or Asian influence there.

Nothing wrong with discussing it, just something wrong with expecting everyone to see it your way. As a non native English speaker i got a different point of view about this. Language wise that is, i don't doubt that many Russians are not that behaved. But not forget English hoolingans... trash is bad where ever it comes from.

But how unusual it is to go to a foreign country and not being able to speak your language. For English speakers it must be real unusual and real frustrating, for us others its something normal. We just learn other languages.

Please let me know where I said I expected everyone to see it my way. coffee1.gif

You are acting like everyone who does not see it your way paints you as a racist. I have no problem to openly discuss it and i don't see you as a racist. I just see you and other English speakers as privileged people who now loose a privilege and need to learn an other language and they moan and bitch about it.

While I don't deny that Russians can be a tough crowd but so can be any other group.

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You are acting like everyone who does not see it your way paints you as a racist. I have no problem to openly discuss it and i don't see you as a racist. I just see you and other English speakers as privileged people who now loose a privilege and need to learn an other language and they moan and bitch about it.

While I don't deny that Russians can be a tough crowd but so can be any other group.

Do you think many non-Russian speaking expats are going to be willing or able to learn Russian in order to blend in Pattaya? Do you think we should do that? Do you think most of the Russian groups would even accept us as in their crowd if we could speak a little Russkie? I get that you see things differently. I happen to disagree with you as I've already said as I don't think this is merely about Thais catering to Russian speakers. It's bigger. It's a sea change, a Russian sea change. This has become an INTERNATIONAL city. The Thais are a given as we're in Thailand.

On the bigotry issue, I don't really care if some people think I am an anti-Russian bigot. As a normal human being, I have personal preferences on lots of matters and there is nothing wrong with that. For example, I would enjoy the dominant Russian crowds more if they seemed to be more of the "Pussy Riot" type Russians rather than the more common type of macho Russians. But clearly they're not.

Similar if it was dominated by Americans, I would prefer Obama base people to bible belt NRA followers.

I DO care if people suggest discussion of these kinds of things should be completely muzzled just because SOME people think any kind of talk about the influence of different nationalities in Pattaya is bigoted by default.

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You are acting like everyone who does not see it your way paints you as a racist. I have no problem to openly discuss it and i don't see you as a racist. I just see you and other English speakers as privileged people who now loose a privilege and need to learn an other language and they moan and bitch about it.

While I don't deny that Russians can be a tough crowd but so can be any other group.

Do you think many non-Russian speaking expats are going to be willing or able to learn Russian in order to blend in Pattaya? Do you think we should do that? Do you think most of the Russian groups would even accept us as in their crowd if we could speak a little Russkie? I get that you see things differently. I happen to disagree with you as I've already said as I don't think this is merely about Thais catering to Russian speakers. It's bigger. It's a sea change, a Russian sea change. This has become an INTERNATIONAL city. The Thais are a given as we're in Thailand.

On the bigotry issue, I don't really care if some people think I am an anti-Russian bigot. As a normal human being, I have personal preferences on lots of matters and there is nothing wrong with that. For example, I would enjoy the dominant Russian crowds more if they seemed to be more of the "Pussy Riot" type Russians rather than the more common type of macho Russians. But clearly they're not.

Similar if it was dominated by Americans, I would prefer Obama base people to bible belt NRA followers.

I DO care if people suggest discussion of these kinds of things should be completely muzzled just because SOME people think any kind of talk about the influence of different nationalities in Pattaya is bigoted by default.

I wonder how many farang here can speak Thai, never mind read or write it.

The only reason many chose Pattaya, its an easy option, no need to learn Thai, and no need ever to eat Thai food.

I have heard it all before, its a beach resort town, the normal rules dont apply, its an international resort blah blah blah.

Get this through your heads, its a bloody Thai town in Thailand, and the Thais will do what suits them, if there is some blowback or collateral damage, so what.

I remember a few years ago the 30 day visa runners were predicting the end of Pattaya as we know it, as usual they were wrong, just bitter and twisted because Pattaya was being cleaned up and they were deemed no longers financially viable.

If you want to live in "Thailand" head down the road to Rayong or Chanthaburi, its Russian free, please take your prejudices with you.

Wonder what the reaction would have been it people were moaning about Jomtien being turned into a gay meat market.

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You are acting like everyone who does not see it your way paints you as a racist. I have no problem to openly discuss it and i don't see you as a racist. I just see you and other English speakers as privileged people who now loose a privilege and need to learn an other language and they moan and bitch about it.

While I don't deny that Russians can be a tough crowd but so can be any other group.

Do you think many non-Russian speaking expats are going to be willing or able to learn Russian in order to blend in Pattaya? Do you think we should do that? Do you think most of the Russian groups would even accept us as in their crowd if we could speak a little Russkie? I get that you see things differently. I happen to disagree with you as I've already said as I don't think this is merely about Thais catering to Russian speakers. It's bigger. It's a sea change, a Russian sea change. This has become an INTERNATIONAL city. The Thais are a given as we're in Thailand.

On the bigotry issue, I don't really care if some people think I am an anti-Russian bigot. As a normal human being, I have personal preferences on lots of matters and there is nothing wrong with that. For example, I would enjoy the dominant Russian crowds more if they seemed to be more of the "Pussy Riot" type Russians rather than the more common type of macho Russians. But clearly they're not.

Similar if it was dominated by Americans, I would prefer Obama base people to bible belt NRA followers.

I DO care if people suggest discussion of these kinds of things should be completely muzzled just because SOME people think any kind of talk about the influence of different nationalities in Pattaya is bigoted by default.

Russian.. what country are you in.. Thailand is it not.. just speak Thai.

I am the first to admit my Thai is far from perfect and i can't read it but i can speak enough to get by and hold conversation. Its makes life easier and then the only problem you have with the Russians is their pres-sense.. they dont influence your interaction with the Thais anymore.

I dont think your a bigot, i think things like this should be discus able just like if people like gays or not. Or if Dutch guys are idiots ect ect.

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If you want to live in "Thailand" head down the road to Rayong or Chanthaburi, its Russian free, please take your prejudices with you.

Wonder what the reaction would have been it people were moaning about Jomtien being turned into a gay meat market.

That's good advice to people seeking a more "pure" Thai experience. Of course, most expats moving to Pattaya are not seeking that and since this is the Pattaya forum ...

On the gay thing, the Russians are squeezing out the long standing gay demographic on the Jomtien beaches. I'm not complaining because I don't personally care, but it is one of the things that has already happened and worth commenting about for people who do care. It's a real thing. The Thais didn't do that. The force of demographics, domination of Russian NUMBERS, did that.

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You are acting like everyone who does not see it your way paints you as a racist. I have no problem to openly discuss it and i don't see you as a racist. I just see you and other English speakers as privileged people who now loose a privilege and need to learn an other language and they moan and bitch about it.

While I don't deny that Russians can be a tough crowd but so can be any other group.

Do you think many non-Russian speaking expats are going to be willing or able to learn Russian in order to blend in Pattaya? Do you think we should do that? Do you think most of the Russian groups would even accept us as in their crowd if we could speak a little Russkie? I get that you see things differently. I happen to disagree with you as I've already said as I don't think this is merely about Thais catering to Russian speakers. It's bigger. It's a sea change, a Russian sea change. This has become an INTERNATIONAL city. The Thais are a given as we're in Thailand.

On the bigotry issue, I don't really care if some people think I am an anti-Russian bigot. As a normal human being, I have personal preferences on lots of matters and there is nothing wrong with that. For example, I would enjoy the dominant Russian crowds more if they seemed to be more of the "Pussy Riot" type Russians rather than the more common type of macho Russians. But clearly they're not.

Similar if it was dominated by Americans, I would prefer Obama base people to bible belt NRA followers.

I DO care if people suggest discussion of these kinds of things should be completely muzzled just because SOME people think any kind of talk about the influence of different nationalities in Pattaya is bigoted by default.

Russian.. what country are you in.. Thailand is it not.. just speak Thai.

I am the first to admit my Thai is far from perfect and i can't read it but i can speak enough to get by and hold conversation. Its makes life easier and then the only problem you have with the Russians is their pres-sense.. they dont influence your interaction with the Thais anymore.

I dont think your a bigot, i think things like this should be discus able just like if people like gays or not. Or if Dutch guys are idiots ect ect.

You fail to get the gist of my point about this being bigger than just the Thai reception to Russians which I have stated multiple times already. Either I didn't communicate it well enough or another reason which I can't possibly guess at; so I give up trying to get the same point across yet again.

If you want to talk about the gay influence, fine. But with the Russian thing, we're talking about a newly DOMINANT demographic that is noticeable citywide in the tourist areas. Gays were never DOMINANT across the touristic area of the city, only in a few TINY pockets. Not the same thing.

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If you want to live in "Thailand" head down the road to Rayong or Chanthaburi, its Russian free, please take your prejudices with you.

Wonder what the reaction would have been it people were moaning about Jomtien being turned into a gay meat market.

That's good advice to people seeking a more "pure" Thai experience. Of course, most expats moving to Pattaya are not seeking that and since this is the Pattaya forum ...

On the gay thing, the Russians are squeezing out the long standing gay demographic on the Jomtien beaches. I'm not complaining because I don't personally care, but it is one of the things that has already happened and worth commenting about for people who do care. It's a real thing. The Thais didn't do that. The force of demographics, domination of Russian NUMBERS, did that.

For Pattaya being Russiafied, dont tell me no-one saw it coming.

I dont live in Pattaya but visit regularly, the changes over the last 10 years are there for all to see, I believe some have been living in the eye of the storm and the slow gradual process has finally come to their attention, as a casual visitor it struck me every time I visited.

As for the Thais, money number 1, you want to see a city being screwed up, take a visit to Hua Hin.

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You are acting like everyone who does not see it your way paints you as a racist. I have no problem to openly discuss it and i don't see you as a racist. I just see you and other English speakers as privileged people who now loose a privilege and need to learn an other language and they moan and bitch about it.

While I don't deny that Russians can be a tough crowd but so can be any other group.

Do you think many non-Russian speaking expats are going to be willing or able to learn Russian in order to blend in Pattaya? Do you think we should do that? Do you think most of the Russian groups would even accept us as in their crowd if we could speak a little Russkie? I get that you see things differently. I happen to disagree with you as I've already said as I don't think this is merely about Thais catering to Russian speakers. It's bigger. It's a sea change, a Russian sea change. This has become an INTERNATIONAL city. The Thais are a given as we're in Thailand.

On the bigotry issue, I don't really care if some people think I am an anti-Russian bigot. As a normal human being, I have personal preferences on lots of matters and there is nothing wrong with that. For example, I would enjoy the dominant Russian crowds more if they seemed to be more of the "Pussy Riot" type Russians rather than the more common type of macho Russians. But clearly they're not.

Similar if it was dominated by Americans, I would prefer Obama base people to bible belt NRA followers.

I DO care if people suggest discussion of these kinds of things should be completely muzzled just because SOME people think any kind of talk about the influence of different nationalities in Pattaya is bigoted by default.

Russian.. what country are you in.. Thailand is it not.. just speak Thai.

I am the first to admit my Thai is far from perfect and i can't read it but i can speak enough to get by and hold conversation. Its makes life easier and then the only problem you have with the Russians is their pres-sense.. they dont influence your interaction with the Thais anymore.

I dont think your a bigot, i think things like this should be discus able just like if people like gays or not. Or if Dutch guys are idiots ect ect.

You fail to get the gist of my point about this being bigger than just the Thai reception to Russians which I have stated multiple times already. Either I didn't communicate it well enough or another reason which I can't possibly guess at; so I give up trying to get the same point across yet again.

If you want to talk about the gay influence, fine. But with the Russian thing, we're talking about a newly DOMINANT demographic that is noticeable citywide in the tourist areas. Gays were never DOMINANT across the touristic area of the city, only in a few TINY pockets. Not the same thing.

JT i could not care less about gays, im actually quite open minded about them and have absolutely no problems with them.

I get it that its a problem the Russians, i been on a diner cruise with a buffet with them. Not a pretty sight biggrin.png I am just saying that its change and you can make your life easier by speaking a bit of Thai. Then you will notice the Russian signs less.

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I first came in 1998. I noticed a few Russian restaurants. That pleased me as I like different restaurants. That was it. Of course, the build up to what's happening now and is likely to happen more built gradually over time. No back in 1998 and even five years after that I would not have predicted the Russian domination of today though it was easy to predict continued growth in the Russian market. I expected more regional tourists to edge out Europeans but I thought there would be more balance, especially from China. The Chinese here mostly seem to be in bus tours so you don't really notice them. I really didn't expect such dramatic domination by any group like we are now seeing from Russian speakers.

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I am just saying that its change and you can make your life easier by speaking a bit of Thai. Then you will notice the Russian signs less.

Again you seem to think this is only about Russian signs. I get your point about something I am not even talking about. Look, we are not communicating well at all. Perhaps as you're not a native English speaker but there's really no point going back and forth talking about different things as if we're talking about the same thing, which we're not. Cheers. Edited by Jingthing
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We are communicating only you don't like the answers. I am pointing out ways to make your life easier. You want to hear your right, and i agree with you but i don't. But what you worry about is that there will only be Russian restaurants Russian ect ect. That might happen, there is a good chance European and American food takes a dive. Its sad but normal economics.

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Let's try to not make this so personal and jump to silly ASSUMPTIONS about other people. The "concern" about reduction in European and American restaurants is something that never crossed my mind even once. Thinking about it now in response, I don't think that is a real concern as many Russians like diverse kinds of foods anyway. Personally I don't love stereotypical American food very much, and my favorite food type is Chinese and there is hardly any Chinese food of merit town anyway, Russians or no Russians. Many of the Russian speakers are coming from more Asian areas of Russia and former Soviet countries. A lot of those people are more likely to be a BIGGER market for Chinese food, so that is a possible optimistic culinary effect of this phenom.

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Personally not living in Pattaya I am basically an outsider looking in. What I really can't get my head around is why anyone would be bothered by a large Russian population. Traveling around I have rubbed shoulders with many none English speakers, they never bother me and I never bother them.

Is it because the Russians are rude, violent or is just because they don't look right?.

Russians have as much right as anyone to be there and if they are not harming you what is the problem. The world is getting a lot smaller, the demographics of my home town has changed ten fold since I was a boy but I have little or no say in it. Being from a multicultural society I learned to live with it.

There will always be English speakers in Pattaya so the only problem I can see is that people actually dislike one group of people.

Sounds like racism to me.

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I, too, was not intending on moving to a Russian city when I moved here. The demographic change has been massive and very abrupt (in terms of the time frame that demographic changes normally take place in). My experience has been that Russians really do not "blend in" at all--they stick with themselves; a very enclosed group. And most do not speak English or Thai. That is a big difference from other ethnic units that have come here in the past, many who could speak English and a few who could speak both English and at least some Thai. The writing is on the wall: the Russians have taken over. Whether that is a good or bad thing is something a lot of people are considering.

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Personally not living in Pattaya I am basically an outsider looking in. What I really can't get my head around is why anyone would be bothered by a large Russian population. Traveling around I have rubbed shoulders with many none English speakers, they never bother me and I never bother them.

Is it because the Russians are rude, violent or is just because they don't look right?.

Russians have as much right as anyone to be there and if they are not harming you what is the problem. The world is getting a lot smaller, the demographics of my home town has changed ten fold since I was a boy but I have little or no say in it. Being from a multicultural society I learned to live with it.

There will always be English speakers in Pattaya so the only problem I can see is that people actually dislike one group of people.

Sounds like racism to me.

Sounds like doesn't mean it is like. So we are not supposed to talk about this huge change that is in your face all over town? I think that's wrong. This has happened, its here to stay, it will probably grow more, so a forum like this seems a great place to talk about it.

If you want to have an informed opinion about this, come here and visit, and be sure to regularly ride the baht buses, especially between Pattaya and Jomtien. Then you will know more about what is happening here.

People moving here NOW yes should know they are moving to a Thai tourist city now dominated by a Russian speaking demographic. Obviously those people know what they are buying into. The people who came before didn't. Similar to if you buy a house near the airport you can't really complain about the airplane noise BUT if you bought in before there were plans for an airport that's a different situation.

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