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Why Do Thai People Hate Monkeys So Much?


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I have several monkey stories but I am too lazy to tell them. To sum it up, I don't like them either. They are stinking vicious and destructive beside being thieves.

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I have several monkey stories but I am too lazy to tell them. To sum it up, I don't like them either. They are stinking vicious and destructive beside being thieves.

When I was in Phuket a few years ago, I got a taxi to old Phuket town. On the way we encountered two young girls about 7 YO on the side of the road being absolutely terrorised by a wild monkey. Apparently this monkey comes out of the forest when the girls are walking home from school and actually leaps on them and bares it's teeth in their faces. I don't know if it had actually bitten anyone or not, but it was a regular occurrence. The taxi driver frightened it off, but it didn't go far, just sat on the guard rail and glared. This wasn't a tiny monkey, about half as big as the girls I suppose. Horrible creatures, nothing endearing about them to me.

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They are stinking

This is what many Thais think about Western tourists.

Actually Thais think that of anyone who eats curry.

I would make a guess that monkeys only become badly behaved when they've been in contact with humans

Lions too?

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My mother-in-law looks a bit like a monkey, I don’t like her much, and I Farang.

Really, because in your Avator, you look more like an orangetongue.png

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I have several monkey stories but I am too lazy to tell them. To sum it up, I don't like them either. They are stinking vicious and destructive beside being thieves.

Well they do need to eat, can not expect them to visit the local market and barter food for banana's

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I have several monkey stories but I am too lazy to tell them. To sum it up, I don't like them either. They are stinking vicious and destructive beside being thieves.

Well they do need to eat, can not expect them to visit the local market and barter food for banana's

Typical Thailand monkeys. When the the monkeys from the other countries in ASEAN come to Thailand they will show those Thai monkeys a thing or two.

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They are stinking

This is what many Thais think about Western tourists.

Actually Thais think that of anyone who eats curry.

I would make a guess that monkeys only become badly behaved when they've been in contact with humans

I think it depends on the breed. Chimpanzees and baboons are pretty agressive animals even in their native habitat.

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I have several monkey stories but I am too lazy to tell them. To sum it up, I don't like them either. They are stinking vicious and destructive beside being thieves.

Well they do need to eat, can not expect them to visit the local market and barter food for banana's

Typical Thailand monkeys. When the the monkeys from the other countries in ASEAN come to Thailand they will show those Thai monkeys a thing or two.

This what you have in mind ?biggrin.png

Indonesia by the way


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I guess those that think they are cute and fluffy have never been in close quarters with them. We work in a gold mine on a remote Indonesian Island which is infested with Macaq (sp?) monkeys several times a year. One of my staff ended up in hospital with several stitches in his leg and a course of rabies shots from a totally unprovoked attack whilst he was minding his own business working.

OK so this is an example of man encroaching on their territory, but they are vicious little things.

There was a bar in Koh Chang (White Sands) a year or so ago that had 2 of these things tied up with swings and balls to play with. After being fed and treated very respectfully by us, one of them grabbed my gf's hair and tried to bite her face before I punched it. Nasty horrible things

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I guess those that think they are cute and fluffy have never been in close quarters with them. We work in a gold mine on a remote Indonesian Island which is infested with Macaq (sp?) monkeys several times a year. One of my staff ended up in hospital with several stitches in his leg and a course of rabies shots from a totally unprovoked attack whilst he was minding his own business working.

OK so this is an example of man encroaching on their territory, but they are vicious little things.

There was a bar in Koh Chang (White Sands) a year or so ago that had 2 of these things tied up with swings and balls to play with. After being fed and treated very respectfully by us, one of them grabbed my gf's hair and tried to bite her face before I punched it. Nasty horrible things

There is a reason why those monkeys were so aggressive - hint, being tied up...

I spent a few weeks in the Phillipines on holiday and they had a tied-up monkey that was v aggressive towards people. As I was staying there a few weeks and felt sorry for him, I spent time sitting close by and feeding it fruit, until gradually sitting with it.

Amazingly, rolleyes.gif he was then v affectionate to me and spent hours grooming my hair etc...and only became slightly aggressive (although never hurting me) when I moved away.

Unfortunately (or possibly fortunately) whilst I was there he bit a relative of the owner and (I'm told...) was let free in the wild.

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I guess those that think they are cute and fluffy have never been in close quarters with them. We work in a gold mine on a remote Indonesian Island which is infested with Macaq (sp?) monkeys several times a year. One of my staff ended up in hospital with several stitches in his leg and a course of rabies shots from a totally unprovoked attack whilst he was minding his own business working.

OK so this is an example of man encroaching on their territory, but they are vicious little things.

There was a bar in Koh Chang (White Sands) a year or so ago that had 2 of these things tied up with swings and balls to play with. After being fed and treated very respectfully by us, one of them grabbed my gf's hair and tried to bite her face before I punched it. Nasty horrible things

If someone comes into your house, takes away your food, your bed and everything else and then tries to kick you out as well, i wonder how vicious you would get

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I guess those that think they are cute and fluffy have never been in close quarters with them. We work in a gold mine on a remote Indonesian Island which is infested with Macaq (sp?) monkeys several times a year. One of my staff ended up in hospital with several stitches in his leg and a course of rabies shots from a totally unprovoked attack whilst he was minding his own business working.

OK so this is an example of man encroaching on their territory, but they are vicious little things.

There was a bar in Koh Chang (White Sands) a year or so ago that had 2 of these things tied up with swings and balls to play with. After being fed and treated very respectfully by us, one of them grabbed my gf's hair and tried to bite her face before I punched it. Nasty horrible things

If someone comes into your house, takes away your food, your bed and everything else and then tries to kick you out as well, i wonder how vicious you would get

Never married I take it?

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Giddyup - "I think it depends on the breed. Chimpanzees and baboons are pretty agressive animals even in their native habitat"

Yes, they're too similar to us....

After these 2 posts defending monkeys I need to add that I don't like them v much either for the reason in my first para., but can still feel sorry for them when mis-treated - as I would a human.

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I guess those that think they are cute and fluffy have never been in close quarters with them. We work in a gold mine on a remote Indonesian Island which is infested with Macaq (sp?) monkeys several times a year. One of my staff ended up in hospital with several stitches in his leg and a course of rabies shots from a totally unprovoked attack whilst he was minding his own business working.

OK so this is an example of man encroaching on their territory, but they are vicious little things.

There was a bar in Koh Chang (White Sands) a year or so ago that had 2 of these things tied up with swings and balls to play with. After being fed and treated very respectfully by us, one of them grabbed my gf's hair and tried to bite her face before I punched it. Nasty horrible things

If someone comes into your house, takes away your food, your bed and everything else and then tries to kick you out as well, i wonder how vicious you would get

Never married I take it?

i am not giving, so you do not need to take itthumbsup.gif

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My mother-in-law looks a bit like a monkey, I don’t like her much, and I Farang.

Really, because in your Avator, you look more like an orangetongue.png

Yes, thank you. Good looks runs in the family.laugh.png

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I guess those that think they are cute and fluffy have never been in close quarters with them. We work in a gold mine on a remote Indonesian Island which is infested with Macaq (sp?) monkeys several times a year. One of my staff ended up in hospital with several stitches in his leg and a course of rabies shots from a totally unprovoked attack whilst he was minding his own business working.

OK so this is an example of man encroaching on their territory, but they are vicious little things.

There was a bar in Koh Chang (White Sands) a year or so ago that had 2 of these things tied up with swings and balls to play with. After being fed and treated very respectfully by us, one of them grabbed my gf's hair and tried to bite her face before I punched it. Nasty horrible things

If someone comes into your house, takes away your food, your bed and everything else and then tries to kick you out as well, i wonder how vicious you would get

Understand, but this is a big, largely uninhabited island, there is a lot of jungle they could live in away from the noise and the dirt of the mine.

I guess those that think they are cute and fluffy have never been in close quarters with them. We work in a gold mine on a remote Indonesian Island which is infested with Macaq (sp?) monkeys several times a year. One of my staff ended up in hospital with several stitches in his leg and a course of rabies shots from a totally unprovoked attack whilst he was minding his own business working.

OK so this is an example of man encroaching on their territory, but they are vicious little things.

There was a bar in Koh Chang (White Sands) a year or so ago that had 2 of these things tied up with swings and balls to play with. After being fed and treated very respectfully by us, one of them grabbed my gf's hair and tried to bite her face before I punched it. Nasty horrible things

There is a reason why those monkeys were so aggressive - hint, being tied up...

I spent a few weeks in the Phillipines on holiday and they had a tied-up monkey that was v aggressive towards people. As I was staying there a few weeks and felt sorry for him, I spent time sitting close by and feeding it fruit, until gradually sitting with it.

Amazingly, rolleyes.gif he was then v affectionate to me and spent hours grooming my hair etc...and only became slightly aggressive (although never hurting me) when I moved away.

Unfortunately (or possibly fortunately) whilst I was there he bit a relative of the owner and (I'm told...) was let free in the wild.

Sure, I didn't really agree with tying them up before, but this coupled with my other experience has definitely swayed me from the 'oooh aren't they cute' brigade to the 'viscious, thieving b*stards' haters wink.png

Tie 'em all up I say ph34r.png

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Understand, but this is a big, largely uninhabited island, there is a lot of jungle they could live in away from the noise and the dirt of the mine.

Donot get me wrong i understand what you saying, HOWEVER it is not different as someone saying get out of your house because there are other houses you can move to.

Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet. And to make it worse, not only we steal and get away with it, we blame the owners for even trying to put up a fight

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Understand, but this is a big, largely uninhabited island, there is a lot of jungle they could live in away from the noise and the dirt of the mine.

Donot get me wrong i understand what you saying, HOWEVER it is not different as someone saying get out of your house because there are other houses you can move to.

Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet. And to make it worse, not only we steal and get away with it, we blame the owners for even trying to put up a fight

Do you think anyone is listening? You got as much chance of being heard as say a Gandhi, Buffet or Li Ka Shing.

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Giddyup - "I think it depends on the breed. Chimpanzees and baboons are pretty agressive animals even in their native habitat"

Yes, they're too similar to us....

After these 2 posts defending monkeys I need to add that I don't like them v much either for the reason in my first para., but can still feel sorry for them when mis-treated - as I would a human.

My point was that they don't have to be mistreated to be aggressive towards humans.

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Understand, but this is a big, largely uninhabited island, there is a lot of jungle they could live in away from the noise and the dirt of the mine.

Donot get me wrong i understand what you saying, HOWEVER it is not different as someone saying get out of your house because there are other houses you can move to.

Not looking to turn this into nature debate, but in reality we humans are the most heartless, vicious beings on this planet. And to make it worse, not only we steal and get away with it, we blame the owners for even trying to put up a fight

Do you think anyone is listening? You got as much chance of being heard as say a Gandhi, Buffet or Li Ka Shing.

Was not trying to get votes or people to listen for you to start statistics count on chancesthumbsup.gif

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Giddyup - "I think it depends on the breed. Chimpanzees and baboons are pretty agressive animals even in their native habitat"

Yes, they're too similar to us....

After these 2 posts defending monkeys I need to add that I don't like them v much either for the reason in my first para., but can still feel sorry for them when mis-treated - as I would a human.

My point was that they don't have to be mistreated to be aggressive towards humans.

Yes, as I said before - they're too similar to us.

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