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Question About Bargirls


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so i can see most but not all support it.

and people against prostitution are seen as being on there high horse.

I expected that, Then I get the usual your a Buddhist you should look within speech, I know about my religion don't worry, we can engage in debates and talks to.

I have noticed people are cutting in and not reading all the posts, and are forming opinions with half the threads facts.

I have to say in my opinion,and it means nothing at the end of the day, better to gut chickens in a factory all day and keep your pride and respect.

I see no reason to pay for sex when there's plenty of it out there for free. And by the looks of most bar girls I've seen, it sure as hell isn't worth paying for anyway.

Instead of dropping $$$ to bang some beast of a girl, spend that money on hitting the gym, getting rid of the beer belly, and waxing the back hair. It will improve your chances with normal civilian women.

Sex is just the end result of the whole experience. The chase is much more fun. It's like skipping to the last page of the book and then saying that you've read the book, so to speak ermm.gif

That said. I still have nothing against those who pay for sex, hookers, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc.

Different strokes for different folks wai.gif

Edited by nietzche
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i am not against it, i am against people saying they have to do it.

lets get that issue straight.

bang them all day, just dont believe they have to do it

Some do have to do it by being forced in to it through owing financial debts incurred either by there families

or husbands/ boyfriends etc.

Others want to do it as they can't do without the fix of financial wealth.

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i am not against it, i am against people saying they have to do it.

lets get that issue straight.

bang them all day, just dont believe they have to do it

Some do have to do it by being forced in to it through owing financial debts incurred either by there families

or husbands/ boyfriends etc.

Others want to do it as they can't do without the fix of financial wealth.

I have friends in heavy debt,they refuse to do it.

they can but dont choose to, they have other options,hard working tough options but options none the less.

so that means they have a choice, and therefore don't have to.

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if they want to do it,more power to them.

just don't tell me they have to.

Why? because you don't want to be corrected of your opinion?

I'm telling you that there are girls out there that are forced in to it by there husbands/ boyfriends/ fathers/ mothers etc. etc.

due to financial debts that they can't pay back in any other way.

And if you don't believe that then you need to do some more research.

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If I could wave a magic wand and shut down prostitution in Thailand I could guarantee an immediate minimum reduction of 50% in the transmission of sexually transmitted illness.

I'll go as far as 75%, because that would be the reduction of tourists entering Thailand if prostitution would be shut down.

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Many do not.

Some are 3rd and 4th generation hookers.

I see bargirls and barboys as reservoirs of disease. I see their clients as disease vectors. If I could wave a magic wand and shut down prostitution in Thailand I could guarantee an immediate minimum reduction of 50% in the transmission of sexually transmitted illness.

I would legalize it, regulate it, and tax it. Because you are never going to make it stop. Its not called the "world's oldest profession" for nothing...

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If I could wave a magic wand and shut down prostitution in Thailand I could guarantee an immediate minimum reduction of 50% in the transmission of sexually transmitted illness.

I'll go as far as 75%, because that would be the reduction of tourists entering Thailand if prostitution would be shut down.

So you are saying that 75% of tourists that enter Thailand are sex tourists?? whistling.gif

First time I came here was as a backpacker right after graduate school. I'd say the young people who pass through Thailand outnumber or at least equal the sex tourists.

SEA is probably the number one backpacking/gap year destination in the world. And Thailand is the most popular country in the region.

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if they want to do it,more power to them.

just don't tell me they have to.

Why? because you don't want to be corrected of your opinion?

I'm telling you that there are girls out there that are forced in to it by there husbands/ boyfriends/ fathers/ mothers etc. etc.

due to financial debts that they can't pay back in any other way.

And if you don't believe that then you need to do some more research.

I have some research for you, but you will only need to look back about 5 posts, I was not refering to slavery.

I am refering to people who choose to do it,and say they don't have a choice because lifes tough.

the large majority who choose to doit rather then work, but claim they had to when they did in fact have other options.

<deleted> you know dam_n well what i meant must i spell everything out.

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If I could wave a magic wand and shut down prostitution in Thailand I could guarantee an immediate minimum reduction of 50% in the transmission of sexually transmitted illness.

I'll go as far as 75%, because that would be the reduction of tourists entering Thailand if prostitution would be shut down.

So you are saying that 75% of tourists that enter Thailand are sex tourists?? whistling.gif

First time I came here was as a backpacker right after graduate school. I'd say the young people who pass through Thailand outnumber or at least equal the sex tourists.

SEA is probably the number one backpacking/gap year destination in the world. And Thailand is the most popular country in the region.

Are you saying that backpackers don't practice sex? rolleyes.gif And ok, let's stay at 50% instead of 75.

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if they want to do it,more power to them.

just don't tell me they have to.

Why? because you don't want to be corrected of your opinion?

I'm telling you that there are girls out there that are forced in to it by there husbands/ boyfriends/ fathers/ mothers etc. etc.

due to financial debts that they can't pay back in any other way.

And if you don't believe that then you need to do some more research.

I have some research for you, but you will only need to look back about 5 posts, I was not refering to slavery.

I am refering to people who choose to do it,and say they don't have a choice because lifes tough.

the large majority who choose to doit rather then work, but claim they had to when they did in fact have other options.

<deleted> you know dam_n well what i meant must i spell everything out.

Your reference to slavery in post 66 was being written as i was writing my post 68 so that's why i said what i said.

My opinion is that there are two types of bargirls,

the ones that are forced in to it and the ones that get trapped in the fix of financial wealth.

The later are the ones that you are referring to in this thread.

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so backpackers only like temples and stuff, hahaha ha hahahahahahaha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Are all buddhists like you?

yes all buddhist were creaated from the same mould, same personality, same everything, think about that.

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whatever the reason, from what i have seen,this proffesion is extremly damaging to the girls mind over time.

it destroys them.

I've seen the results too - many end up alcoholics/drug addicts or serious mental disorders. Using their services is a totally selfish thing to do.

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so backpackers only like temples and stuff, hahaha ha hahahahahahaha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Are all buddhists like you?

yes all buddhist were creaated from the same mould, same personality, same everything, think about that.

Payak, stop masquerading as a buddhist.
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There are many reasons why a girl could make the "choice" to become a prostitute.

I would guess a lack of proper education, a bad upbringing, mental health problems, difficult life circumstances, and various addictions would be the main ones.

The fact that many guys choose to support this industry by providing their custom can probably often be explained by the same reasons as above.

Edited by brit1984
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when i was in pattaya i didnt see many thai men there picking up girls,

or i was sat in the wrong place,

yes ive seen thai men parked in the fairly light bars outside of most towns,

but pattaya has grown to be one of the sex capitals of the world, built on mostly western men,, thats got to be fact

or again i might be wrong

I would you say you were correct!! Now put together every Karaoke, Cayote and other establishments that cater for mens needs that exists all round Thailand you will soon realize that the numbers are greater than Pattaya and their is barely a Farang in sight!

Sex has been for sale here a long time before Farang came here. Thailand has let itself become one of the sex for sale capitals of the world and even if most of the cliental in Pattaya are Farang they don't own or control it!!

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Many do not.

Some are 3rd and 4th generation hookers.

I see bargirls and barboys as reservoirs of disease. I see their clients as disease vectors. If I could wave a magic wand and shut down prostitution in Thailand I could guarantee an immediate minimum reduction of 50% in the transmission of sexually transmitted illness.

Which country are you from, does it has prostitution and STD...use your magic wand in your country...bah.gif

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Working extreme hours for little pay - there's your answer.

They're not selling their souls, they're selling their bodies.

Of course, many do not while many do. This is Thailand where prostitution has been part of the fabric of life for decades plus.

Have you not met any BG's? Everyone will have their own story to tell.

Start doing your research and report back.

Well put.

The whole "oh poor exploited girls" is just a crock of poo.

The ones in the farang scene can leave anytime they want, but who would pass up the chance to make many times the money they would working in a sweat shop or the rice fields. It's not as if the "work" is onerous either.

Save your pity for the ones that are forced to work in the THAI sex industry.

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Many do not.

Some are 3rd and 4th generation hookers.

I see bargirls and barboys as reservoirs of disease. I see their clients as disease vectors. If I could wave a magic wand and shut down prostitution in Thailand I could guarantee an immediate minimum reduction of 50% in the transmission of sexually transmitted illness.

And your factual source of information on disease rates in bargirls that work in the farang scene is???????

Sounds like a load of BS to me!

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whatever the reason, from what i have seen,this proffesion is extremly damaging to the girls mind over time.

it destroys them.

Perhaps you could give us some facts to go with the suppositions.

Then perhaps you could compare it with the rates of mental disease caused by working in sweat shops.

Unless you know a LOT of bargirls ( like several thousand ) and have followed all their lives over at least 10 years, you are in no way qualified to make such statements.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Just do the maths, it is simply impossible to survive on unqualified wages

- Planting rice in a paddy field in Isaan : 10 hours a day breaking your back, bending over baking sun, sweating your balls/tits off and getting diseases in your legs by infected water ............... 100 THB / day.- 2500-./month

- Bagging / loading 50 kg bags of rice on a truck sweating, breaking your back etc ... 125 thb/day

- Working in a chicken factory beheading/cutting off the birds on conveyor belt = 2500-./month

- Working in a gogo bar having sex with strangers : 10 000-./month + extras

You have a bar girl interviewed here, she explains, she has no choice, she cries talk about her child to support and says she only does it for the money.

A Thaivisa member arrives and called the woman doing the documentary girl a phoney, and he says Thai women are actually "empowered " by being prostitute blah blah ... It'slike being on Thaivisa again but on video !



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