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Guy Beating Up Girl In The Street. What To Do?


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Canal Rd near 700 yr stadium. Motorcycle lying in the trench.Guy beating girl. Girl crying, somehow defending herself.


Guy managed to lift up the scooter and trying to make her go onto the scooter. Girl resisting.

You witness this kind of scene. What do you do?

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you can ask her, if you can help her in any way... offer her to make a phone call, a relative, a friend... give her a kleenex...

just not talk to the guy... fully ignore him...

Edited by ddpffft
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This is just one small disgusting behavour of humans that is happening all over the world. I guess there is something radically wrong with us humans that we still have not recognized. Do animals resort to this type of behaviour? Any recorded incidents?

Example http://video.foxnews.com/v/1756176047001/surveillance-footage-of-boy-beating-up-toddlers--/?playlist_id=86856&intcmp=obnetwork

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This is just one small disgusting behavour of humans that is happening all over the world. I guess there is something radically wrong with us humans that we still have not recognized. Do animals resort to this type of behaviour? Any recorded incidents?

Example http://video.foxnews...ntcmp=obnetwork

You're right about this. The 'evolution' of the human race was just a genetical mishap.

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take videos, send to channel 7 rune jing pan zo or whatever you pronounce that show name and get your 5000 baht (or so i remember) and you can upload to youtube generate some hits and little cash for it

on a serious side here, i think i might step in but its hard not to punch the fella. getting into fight as a foreigner with whatever reasons probably isnt the best thing to do, so whatever it is just remain calm.

Edited by barefoot1988
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This is just one small disgusting behavour of humans that is happening all over the world. I guess there is something radically wrong with us humans that we still have not recognized. Do animals resort to this type of behaviour? Any recorded incidents?

Example http://video.foxnews...ntcmp=obnetwork

yes animals do... cats are killing mice (birds) just for their "entertainment" - the fun of torture and murder...

cats just love to kill... and this is different from many other animals, who basically see it as a hunt for food...

thats fact and proven!

Edited by ddpffft
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This is just one small disgusting behavour of humans that is happening all over the world. I guess there is something radically wrong with us humans that we still have not recognized. Do animals resort to this type of behaviour? Any recorded incidents?

Example http://video.foxnews...ntcmp=obnetwork

yes animals do... cats are killing mice (birds) just for their "entertainment" - the fun of torture and murder...

cats just love to kill... and this is different from many other animals, who basically see it as a hunt for food...

thats fact and proven!

Why do cats catch mice?

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This is just one small disgusting behavour of humans that is happening all over the world. I guess there is something radically wrong with us humans that we still have not recognized. Do animals resort to this type of behaviour? Any recorded incidents?

Example http://video.foxnews...ntcmp=obnetwork

i read it somewhere that dolphin kill each other and others for entertainment reasons as well

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a really tough one and i think has also been discussed many many times on many different forums.

a natural reaction from a real man is to intervene and stop the guy from bashing on a woman.

the problem in Thailand is many times it can turn against you and not only with the guy and girl involved but also the on lookers, as well as police.

for some reason even police does not take domestic violence too serious here, unless its a high-so case.

i have intervened twice in my 10 or so years here, one time girl was very thankful, so thankful that she insisted on staying with me.

second time, both the guy and girl turned on me, making it rather hard to defend myself, which in turn made me the "basher"

i was lucky (2nd time) the on lookers, saw the incident and advised the police that i was trying to help, otherwise i could have been arrested,

i think best is to keep out, but if looking really bad, call the police

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a really tough one and i think has also been discussed many many times on many different forums.

a natural reaction from a real man is to intervene and stop the guy from bashing on a woman.

the problem in Thailand is many times it can turn against you and not only with the guy and girl involved but also the on lookers, as well as police.

for some reason even police does not take domestic violence too serious here, unless its a high-so case.

i have intervened twice in my 10 or so years here, one time girl was very thankful, so thankful that she insisted on staying with me.

second time, both the guy and girl turned on me, making it rather hard to defend myself, which in turn made me the "basher"

i was lucky (2nd time) the on lookers, saw the incident and advised the police that i was trying to help, otherwise i could have been arrested,

i think best is to keep out, but if looking really bad, call the police

happens everywhere, not a Thailand problem.

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Not saying it's OK, but do you have any information why the guy was beating up the girl?

I repeat, I'm not saying violence, of any sort is OK.

As others have mentioned this could be anywhere in the world, and I say again, before anybody reacts to something like this, why is he beating her up / why is she beating him up? Do you know?

Unfortunately and well documented, human beings are pretty nasty.

The bigger scenario of such violence is war. I've been to war, the Vietnam war, and I quickly realized that it wasn't a war, it was just nasty, very nasty political games, with thousands of deaths all part of the nasty game.

We still have a lot to learn.

Having been in this country for a long long time, there is another angle to be aware of. You help the girl, and he shows remorse, but later at home he beats her up even worse as a response to him having lost face by your actions at the scene.

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has similar exp by west gate-shutep by school on maot..guy pushing girl-etc...i swung back got up close on my bike in case i needed to split and asked if there was a problem..they settled down but im sure it picked up as soon as i left--seen this a few times--the humanity is slowing fading from me here.

The video make spook them a bit as i take a pic when i see a scammer coming at me..works well

i have been in a few fights for trying to help ppl here they walk away and i get the beat down-blk eye

and yes ive had the thais jump me in the street after a woman scammed me and i called her on it

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Not saying it's OK, but do you have any information why the guy was beating up the girl?

I repeat, I'm not saying violence, of any sort is OK.

As others have mentioned this could be anywhere in the world, and I say again, before anybody reacts to something like this, why is he beating her up / why is she beating him up? Do you know?

Unfortunately and well documented, human beings are pretty nasty.

The bigger scenario of such violence is war. I've been to war, the Vietnam war, and I quickly realized that it wasn't a war, it was just nasty, very nasty political games, with thousands of deaths all part of the nasty game.

We still have a lot to learn.

Having been in this country for a long long time, there is another angle to be aware of. You help the girl, and he shows remorse, but later at home he beats her up even worse as a response to him having lost face by your actions at the scene.

well said--agreed
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a really tough one and i think has also been discussed many many times on many different forums.

a natural reaction from a real man is to intervene and stop the guy from bashing on a woman.

the problem in Thailand is many times it can turn against you and not only with the guy and girl involved but also the on lookers, as well as police.

for some reason even police does not take domestic violence too serious here, unless its a high-so case.

i have intervened twice in my 10 or so years here, one time girl was very thankful, so thankful that she insisted on staying with me.

second time, both the guy and girl turned on me, making it rather hard to defend myself, which in turn made me the "basher"

i was lucky (2nd time) the on lookers, saw the incident and advised the police that i was trying to help, otherwise i could have been arrested,

i think best is to keep out, but if looking really bad, call the police

happens everywhere, not a Thailand problem.

what happens everywhere? domestic violence? yes it does, but people around the world do not usually stand around watching while the man uses the woman as a punching bag

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no one has suggested you ask the guy if he needs help............

you dont know the events leading up to this, she may have just knifed him, just revealed she is a ladyboy.......so it may have been a fair fight despite the interpretation by the OP

OR he may have been in the process of rape or murder......would your actions of ignorance be the same?

I think i would have waited there, to see what was happening and maybe, the aggressor knowing someone is watching would have diffused his/her anger.

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I'm afraid that people do just stand around and watch. Anywhere. What's it called? Bystander effect? I was at the front for a few years, dragged one guy out of a pool, stopped to help at accidents while others were just gawping. Don't judge so easily, until it happens you can't know how you will react. I was trained so I knew what to do, that's what military training is about, in a stress situation you follow what you learnt.

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Okay you rush in and stop the woman getting bashed . Then what ? You have made the Thai man (,or any other male including if he is falung because women bashers have very similar morals and intellect) look foolish or loose face. Repercussions will follow and maybe you will not be so lucky next time or it will involve your family. And the woman you have saved will go home and get a worse bashing because she somehow caused the man to loose face. A man enraged has no logic and will strike out if he thinks caused the problem if he is to regain his position again.

Not saying it is right but standing by is often the right thing and will have less repercussions than do the macho thing with another Macho male and we all know if you you get into a fight with a Asian Male , other Asians will join in on side of the Asian so the situation is immediately worse. Just call the cops, let them do their job.

However having just said that , if it was going to be a murder or anything equally as bad then i am not to sure i would think rationally and stand back.

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a really tough one and i think has also been discussed many many times on many different forums.

a natural reaction from a real man is to intervene and stop the guy from bashing on a woman.

the problem in Thailand is many times it can turn against you and not only with the guy and girl involved but also the on lookers, as well as police.

for some reason even police does not take domestic violence too serious here, unless its a high-so case.

i have intervened twice in my 10 or so years here, one time girl was very thankful, so thankful that she insisted on staying with me.

second time, both the guy and girl turned on me, making it rather hard to defend myself, which in turn made me the "basher"

i was lucky (2nd time) the on lookers, saw the incident and advised the police that i was trying to help, otherwise i could have been arrested,

i think best is to keep out, but if looking really bad, call the police

happens everywhere, not a Thailand problem.

Wrong Back in the west you could step in with out having it all blamed on you. Mind you back it the western culture some times the women will turn on you.

Here it is best to call the police if you have their phone number and maybe try to talk to them. To get involved physically is a open invitation to disaster.

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yes animals do... cats are killing mice (birds) just for their "entertainment" - the fun of torture and murder...

cats just love to kill... and this is different from many other animals, who basically see it as a hunt for food...

thats fact and proven!

Another ignorant post from a member who seems to specialize in them.

Why does a cat play with her prey?

The assumption that a cat cruelly toys with her prey before killing it is a common misconception. To the horrified human who watches a cat killing a mouse, there does appear to be a lot of shoving, pouncing and poking involved; but appearances are deceptive. From the cat's point of view this is basic self-defence. Most animals are not harmless. Take rats and mice for example. They are desperate, and very fast and their sharp teeth can deliver a nasty bite. (You are about twenty times bigger. Fancy going face-to-face with a rat?) And don't underestimate the damage a bird's beak can do. These are after all, animals with nothing to lose.

Cats kill their prey by biting through the neck to sever the spinal cord. But they need to do so safely with their short muzzles. For this to work well, the prey has to be pretty much motionless. So what appears to us to be cruel sport is, from a cat's point of view, the common-sense technique of exhausting the prey before the deadly bite. Her instincts tell the cat this is the best way to finish the job effectively with minimum risk. If she tries to rush the job, the prey is likely to escape, and she might end up injured. http://www.knowyourcat.info/info/catandmouse.htm

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It's a very dangerous and foolish thing to become involved in Thailand. The rules are very different. There is a high chance you could be attacked by Thais for helping and they fight to win. There is a good chance the man has a knife or a gun which he will use. If the police are involved, there is a range of scenarios which could play out. Also, despite the beating, the woman will probably be back with him within a day. It is baffling to a normal person, but many battered women also choose to stay with abusive partners in the West. I have a wife and children who would suffer immensely if I were seriously injured or killed. Considering all of this, I would drive on.

Edited by Loaded
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There are very few conflicts that frighten police the way Domestic Disputes do. They are FAR more dangerous than fights between two strangers. More often than not, both parties will turn on the person intervening, and in Thailand, with most farangs unable to make their position clear due to language problems, it's even worse. The police will usually listen to the Thais rather than to the farang, until the Tourist Police arrive on the scene... if they happen to have an officer who speaks the farang's language.

Yes... every good-hearted person will want to help. And in a perfect world, we should immediately step in a protect the underdog (in this case, the woman.) But understand the risks you face before you do move in. If husband-wife repeated behavior, they could both claim to the police that YOU started the whole thing. If weapons are involved, do YOU have the training to protect yourself AND another person at the same time? Remember, even 1st World police follow the 'protect yourself first' rule. And we know the often slow response time for having police show up... How long can you protect yourself from a weapon-wielding angry person now that you're in your 60's or 70's?

But we DO need to do something to help. Often, just being there and talking to them can help. Making loud noises can help distract them. Even singing a song can distract them with a '<deleted> is this nutter about?!?' Taking a video, if the situation is serious enough can do a lot too, but even that might get a bit interactive. But do call the police. That's what they have been hired to deal with.

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