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D-Day Looms For Illegal Phuket Taxis, Jet-Skis

Lite Beer

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Clearly illegal businesses in Thailand are part and parcel of the culture. It is too complicated to get into the explanation of the matter. To file for a license and go through all the hoops demonstrates to one how f****cked up the system really is at handling new business owners, etc.

The government should look in its own back yard before they begin criticizing issues revolving around Business.

From the little guy peddling his bicycle down Sukhumvit, selling unsavory looking sausage links, all the way up to people who have addresses and business cards, one must wonder how many Thai citizens earn an income and are not "legally" registered, or who do not pay in to the government coffers.

What makes a business illegal here anyways?

I think it all boils down to those who do not fit the description, who earn a little bit more than their share, or upset too many people, and come under the scrutiny of government (Big Brother).

Nobody gives a hoot about K.Wirirat selling his unsavory sausage links out of his rusty old three-wheeled bicycle. So what's the difference with the K.Wirirats our there who are a bit more opportunistic and bring in a bit more?

It's all about semantics, and when anyone can figure out Thai thinking, let me know. In most cases, it changes with their moods, which are in direct proportion with the amount in their pocket books.

One cannot expect Thais to follow the rules, when the rule-makers behave no differently than those who do not make the rules. They all know this, and they all try to avoid conflict with each other. Were there no farangs here to be the victims, then I am certain things would run a lot smoother and these issues would not surface so frequently.

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There is only ONE way to stop corruption, and that is to stop Feeding it...

Rather than make pedantic comments about who is right and wrong and who knows more about the phuket mafia and who doesnt, jeez!

Why not do something constructive with your time, and make a blog on all the scams in Thailand that all foreigners/tourists need to stop feeding

Im sure Thai Visa will help give it some International recognition

Now social media has massive power, just start Boycotting all illegal taxis and jetski by not using them at all...

For those idiots that do, they are just feeding corruption and will have their hands bitten off too.

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This week the Taximeter stand at the airport tried to divert me to an illegal taxi for excessive charge because he saw the Farang and I was going a long way. The old here is price and started trying to lay hands on my luggage to go out back and load up. I had to hold his feet to ground to get a legitimate taxi. Four came and went before he finally wrote my ticket and got me a Taxi. Missed his cut on that me and made me wait until I started talking getting me tourist policeman.. Not sure why they call them metered in Phuket as there are no meters

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Is it just me or does Anusorn Saree look every inch the text book psycho Southern Thai Taxi/TukTuk/SawngTao driver you've every had a nightmare/near death and ultimately very expensive experience with? Ever? I'm sure his even eviller twin brother/uncle/cousin runs the monthly death ride between Thong Sala and Hadd Rin

People like this care the f*ck out of me, stabby little chaps that they are...

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There is only ONE way to stop corruption, and that is to stop Feeding it...

Rather than make pedantic comments about who is right and wrong and who knows more about the phuket mafia and who doesnt, jeez!

Why not do something constructive with your time, and make a blog on all the scams in Thailand that all foreigners/tourists need to stop feeding

Im sure Thai Visa will help give it some International recognition

Now social media has massive power, just start Boycotting all illegal taxis and jetski by not using them at all...

For those idiots that do, they are just feeding corruption and will have their hands bitten off too.

I understand where you're coming from, but the idiots you refer to are what Thailand depends upon, the geese that the Thais kill & cook; being too dam_n greedy to realize that if you feed that goose and treat it right, you'll get golden eggs to eat or hatch.

Those idiots are people who come here and largely trust what they think they are reading, seeing or hearing. Not knowing that in Thai culture all bets are off if it is a Thai dealing with a foreigner.

P.T. Barnum said there's a sucker born every second. As long as there's validity to that, the Thais will get away with what they get away with. I guess they like the hassle that comes with the reputation.

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I've admittedly only been to Phuket one time and that was enough to turn me off with the transportation situation there. I handle it in the only way I think makes sense. I have no intention of going back to a place I find to be a rip off. I do as as some people say to posters "go back home if you don't like it here". Works for me. I find plenty of places in LOS and SEA happy to receive my baht without causing me grief.

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