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Pataya Bars Where Are The Girls From ?

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Are you people dumb? They come from go go bars upcountry. How else would they know how to pole dance?

The Russians ?

The Russians know how to pole dance cos they are either ex ballerinas or gymnasts.

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Is isaan still the poorest part of Thailand ? What about northwest Tak,Mea hong son that's pretty remote and poor as is most of the north if you take out Chang mai traditionally it's been poor parts of the north where brothel girls come from the Thai type brothels that is

I'm unsure, Tak is Central whilst Mae Hon Song is far North so two different regions there and I don't know of three areas which is the poorest, my sense is that North North East may be a strong contender.


Plenty of the women I talk to are from Buriram. Many from Issan.

Very few from central or northern Thailand.

Never talked to a woman from the south here in Pattaya.


How can Tak be central Thailand it Borders Burma to the west

What about all the hill tribes in the north they must be poorer than the average essan farmer

I don't think there is a region called West is there, all I know is my wife is from Sukhothai which is regarded as Central Region and Tak is the turn right whereas Sukhothai is the turn left smile.png . I agree however that Tak is bodered with Myanmar, others more geographically knowledgable precise might know.

As for the hill tribe areas: I used to think that all the hill tribe areas were really poor but after visiting a few of them I no longer think that, there's a huge ammount of cross border trade that takes place and Mai Sai is a hive of traders and it seems to me there's a lot of concealed money there, dunno for sure but am certain it's not poverty stricken.


The Southern girls work in Phuket and Samui as they're closer to home.

Most intelligent post in the whole thread.

Except, well over three quarters of the bar girls in Phuket are from Issan. Perhaps what that says is that the ratio of bar girls by region is something like 75% Issan and 25% elsewhere. Also, many Issan bar girls regard Pattaya as too close to home for comfort and don't want word to get back to their villages that they are there, hence Phuket etc is a better choice.


Is there a point or any use to this thread?

None except as yet another of countless little pissing contests in which members shamelessly vie for the titles of "most vacuous," "most ignorant," "least educated"--or just plain "silliest." Welcome to TV.

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Is there a point or any use to this thread?

None except as yet another pissing contest, one of countless on our forum, in which members shamelessly vie for the titles of "most vacuous" or "least educated"--or just plain "silliest." Welcome to TV.

Dearie me - this thread not meeting your intellectual requirements ? - why not start an IQ > XXX topic (and I'll give it a miss).


I think it's more to do with the fact that isaan girls have less hang ups about working in bars some might say less pride take hua hin for example plenty of local girls working in the resterants and burger bars but take a walk down soi bin ta ban (pick up bars) and it's wall to wall isaan


I think it's more to do with the fact that isaan girls have less hang ups about working in bars some might say less pride take hua hin for example plenty of local girls working in the resterants and burger bars but take a walk down soi bin ta ban (pick up bars) and it's wall to wall isaan

If anyone's genuinly interested in the answer to this question, here's a post from another thread that helps explain:

The girl in the video is from Issan and that's a far cry from the villages in the North, twenty years ago the northern villages were full of the same familes as today, central and northern Thais - twenty years ago the Issan villages were full of displaced Cambodians escaping from the fighting with Pol Pot and the camps along the border were overflowing. The stigma of being from Issan at that time was not unlike todays stigma of being a Burmese worker in Thailand, second class citizens with no career prospects and fit only for menial labour. Fortunately things have improved somewhat today but the situation for many familes in Issan remains dire, take a look at the make up of working girls in Nana today or along Beach Road in Pattaya, nine tenths are from Issan. If ever you were to take the time to engage with them socially and to listen to their stories, you'd undertand that the girl in the video was fairly typical, mostly honest and well intentioned, uneducated but exercising one of her very few options to stay afloat.

The thread is here:


I've lived in isaan for 30 years and I know the kind of girls in this video we often sit over a bottle of sang som in the village and piss our selfs laughing over the stupid farang do gooders they rip off all the time

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I've lived in isaan for 30 years and I know the kind of girls in this video we often sit over a bottle of sang som in the village and piss our selfs laughing over the stupid farang do gooders they rip off all the time

If you've really and truly lived full time in Issan/Isaan for thirty years then you surely by this time must have discovered the answer, I smell a troll post, I'm out.


Unnecessary inflammatory post removed also quoted reply

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Living near Buriram myself I can confirm that there are many lazy girls here that 'want a Farang'. Hardly a day goes by without my being asked. They are the ones that occasionally make the trip to Pattaya and sometimes ring back home for their bus fare back to the village. There are also many attractive, honest, hardworking girls that would never even contemplate this.

Street food: you ever see fried grasshoppers and all that Isaan stuff on a street corner? In my limited experience this means that you are entering a red light district, certainly for Nana Plaza and Kanchanaburi.


The girls that go working in beer bars to get a farang or just to get money to help there family I can understand I would probably be doing the same the girls that really boil my piss though are the girls who get a farang bleed him dry then go get another I know girls in my village who have 2 or 3 farang all sending them money every month to stop them working the bars yet there they are working away trying to con more gullible farang it just turns it all into a joke and makes us look stupid

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In 1992 my then girlfriend took me to a couple of villages near where her family lived in Surin and she pointed out the houses that had stories attached:

"and that one was built by a Swedish man who works in his home country and comes to see his wife about four times a year, he's near retirement age and soon he wants to live there full time" - she then went on to tell how the mans wife had a Thai husbnad who would stay with her but move out during those four annual visits.

Another house offered a similar story except the wife's brother was in fact her husband, everyone in the village knew but nobody really cared.

A third house was built by one of the daughters who had a string of overseas boyfriends, apparently it was quite difficult to manage all their visits to make sure they didn't overlap.

But none of this stuff is new, it's been going on since the '80's at least and everyone in the villages and beyond knows about it, it's even been the subject of newspaper and TV reports, goodness, even the BBC did a program on the farang villages many months back, where have you been!

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The girls that go working in beer bars to get a farang or just to get money to help there family I can understand I would probably be doing the same the girls that really boil my piss though are the girls who get a farang bleed him dry then go get another I know girls in my village who have 2 or 3 farang all sending them money every month to stop them working the bars yet there they are working away trying to con more gullible farang it just turns it all into a joke and makes us look stupid

dunno, some of the girls get burnt as well, these are probably the ones that go on to exploit Farangs.


True enough I here it all the time the girls moaning about clever farangs they can't ripp off

How about this story happened this year a well known farang catcher arrived in the village with her latest victim a 30 year old ozzy he stayed a couple of days bought 3 rai of land in her name for 250,000 baht (worth 100,000 max) he then went home and sent her money to build a house about 8 months later there it was a large 6 bedroom house a granny flat for mam and dad along with a 3 car garage all enclosed in a fancy block and railing wall so this farang arrived in the village to view his new house he was there less than a week before a brand new car and 2 new motorbikes where added he slept in his house exactly one week then she kicked him out he came round to my house asking what he should do and I had to tell him the truth nothing he wasn't married to this girl and all deeds and paper work was in his girl friends name to boot I had to tell him that it was common knowledge that this girl had a Thai husband who sends her off regular to pataya to rip off farang and he was to my knowledge the 3 rd fanang in as many years she's conned

Footnote to this story is the fancy house is now in the hands of a finance company to clear her husbands !!!! Gambling depts


toenail, I just want to thank you for making the post above. Sincerely.

This is the reality.

Yes, some girls get hardened -too long in the game, or corrupted -the goodies are, much more often than not, freely given.

But the moralizing and sheer inability to imagine being born into these circumstances that pours forth at every opportunity (the girls -do they need to do it or are they sub-human- threads.)often leaves me shaking my head.

So many of these threads are opened under one pretext or another. To be shutdown when they inevitably get out of hand.

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Fair point above post but the fact is that life isn't that hard anymore noone go's short of food anymore in isaan

Anyone wanting to better them selfs fair enough go for it but don't go bleating on about having to sell your self just to live because it's boll****cs


Bargirls and jet-ski rental scammers are basically the same sort of deal. They sell short fun rides in Thai tourist resorts and then ask for the rider to compensate them for long-existing damage that the holiday maker might have contributed to, but didn't really cause.

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