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Thailand Officially Establishes Diplomatic Ties With Palestine


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i dont see this as (mostly) initiated by economical factors...

its a humanitarian step...

setting a sign against occupation and oppression...

Really? How would you describe Thailand's presence in the contested southern regions? There are those that would consider Thailand to be engaged in occupation and oppression.

You may wish to review the position of the PA on Thailand's activities in the south.

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Poorly thought out move.

Agreed. However, it is par for the course as a dysfunctional state seeks to gain standing in the arab world with the recognition of a non functioning state.

This move will not do anything to encourage additional tourism or investment. It is certainly not based upon humanity, nor compassion as the Thai treatment of muslim Rohyngya demonstrates the reality.

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I am curious if this move is a move toward getting back into the good graces of the Saudi's, since solving the murders or returning the stolen jewels doesn't look like it's ever going to happen?

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So a nasa scientific exploration needs debate in parliament, but was this?
Very good question

Might make an interesting political show if someone complains. Given the large number of votes the Dems get from the south and very few for PT, the dems would be on a hiding to nothing if they try and cause trouble over it.

Well one would think such a decision would be worthy of a minimal amount of discussion, instead of just rubber stamped.

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i dont see this as (mostly) initiated by economical factors...

its a humanitarian step...

setting a sign against occupation and oppression...

On the contrary, entirely a political and economic move to win a few brownie points with other Muslim middle eastern trading nations who also could care less about humanitarian issues. And if you thought the Egyptians and then the Israelis were oppressive in Gaza, you have not been following internal events since Hamas took control.

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So a nasa scientific exploration needs debate in parliament, but was this?
Very good question

Might make an interesting political show if someone complains. Given the large number of votes the Dems get from the south and very few for PT, the dems would be on a hiding to nothing if they try and cause trouble over it.

Maybe the price of lamb and hummus will fall

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Equating the situation in Thailand's Muslim South with the situation in Palestine is a very far stretch. Palestinians have been displaced by a population of mostly Europeans who decided to create a country in Palestine based on 2,000+ year prophecy largely because that European population was unwanted and persecuted in Europe. It did so with the backing first of European powers and continues to do so with the backing of both European powers and of course lots of money and military support from The USA. Prior to that European population imposing itself in Palestine, Arab Jews and Arab Muslims lived (for the most part) in relative peace.

The Thai Muslims in the South of Thailand have always lived there, mostly in peace with the Thai Buddhists. There is no external ethnic group asserting its power. It is an internal problem.

There is no external interest in Southern Muslim Thailand. There is no huge oil reserve on the other side of the border that bring US and European powers in to the conflict. There is no canal linking two halves of the world that brings in external interest in. It is a Thai struggle to be dealt with by Thais, both Muslim and Buddhist.

If Jews and Muslims were left alone settle the Palestinian issue from the beginning, I suspect that there would be very few Polish, German, Russian, Ethiopian, Morocan, Egyptian, Tunisian, Bulgarian, Czeck and other Jews living in Palestine, and Arab Jews and Arab Muslims would be living in relative peace. Of course that is conjecture on my part, and turning the clock of history backward

The only possible correlation that can be drawn is that the border between Malaysia and Thailand had been determined by the loose division of European (British) controlled Malaysia and Independent Thailand. Of course the borders of the Middle East, including Palestine were also determined by the colonial division of the Ottoman Empire by European Powers (particularly France and England) following WWI.

One further point while I am spouting.... I know that America gets quite a bit of the blame for its support of Israel in recent history and I wont disagree with that point. And modern history should also put a lot of blame of The Suadis, The Iranians, The Syrians for promoting terrorism. But! A BIG BUT! This situation was started by Europeans. The Sikes Piquot Treaty, The Balfour Decleration dividing up The middle East for their own self interest are French and British doing! The Germans, of course, have tremendous blame for trying to kill the entire European Jewish population and chasing them off the continent. The Poles have a lot of blame for turning their backs on their Jewish population in their greatest time of need. The French for turning away Jewish refugees when they had no where to go. The Russians for leaving no place for Jews in Soviet Russia. The same for the rest of the Eastern Block (with exception of Czecks) So please remember these points when you start bashing America for its Israel policy.

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I praise this decision by the Thai government. Extending a hand of friendship, peace and support to the Palestinian people. And I am sure that all Palestinian people appreciate such recognition.

Here is a map depicting those that have gone before Thailand in giving recognition to the Palestinian State. Good to see Thailand is up with modern times. Unlike some.


International recognition of the State of Palestine


Modern times. Haha, looks like Thailand just joined a delegation of all third world and communist countries going by that map. Not sure what is to be gained, but does show Yingluck out there working on something.

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When reading / hearing any statement, one has always to consider the source. The reognition of Palestine as a "state" came from Yingluck Shinawatra's dynasty. Not exactly supported by the majority of the Thai people.

I find it ironic that Yingluck does not have the courage to let a recognised state have it's delegation in Bangkok. Instead, she hides in Malaysia. Out of sight, out of mind.

It was about as smart a move as it would be if Israel recognised the southern provinces in Thailand as sovereign, and then setting up related embassys in other countries.

The whole thing is a joke. Amazing Thailand.

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When reading / hearing any statement, one has always to consider the source. The reognition of Palestine as a "state" came from Yingluck Shinawatra's dynasty. Not exactly supported by the majority of the Thai people.

I find it ironic that Yingluck does not have the courage to let a recognised state have it's delegation in Bangkok. Instead, she hides in Malaysia. Out of sight, out of mind.

It was about as smart a move as it would be if Israel recognised the southern provinces in Thailand as sovereign, and then setting up related embassys in other countries.

The whole thing is a joke. Amazing Thailand.

amazing post

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A place can usually be recognized as a state by any country that so chooses to recognize it.

Some countries recognize Taiwan as a country, others don't.

With all the billions of $$ and Euros given to the PA where are the hospitals, the schools, the social services, and basic human rights?

Gaza has been under the control of Hamas for how many years, and despite the chronic whining that Israel oppresses the residents, the border has been open on the Egyptian side for years. And now with a pro Hamas government in Egypt, there should be no border issues with Egypt, right? The local arabs want a state, but are unwilling to observe the most basic requirements of a state, and Thailand recognizes the PA and Hamas as a state. Lovely.

Get back to me when Hamas and the PA can function without trying to kill each other.

On a positive note, when Hamas launches its rockets into Israel and kills/wounds Thai nationals, as has happened before, the Thai government can lodge a diplomatic protest. clap2.gif

The fun will start when the Palestinian ambassador presents his credentials to the head of state. It will be interesting to see who accepts those credentials.

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I praise this decision by the Thai government. Extending a hand of friendship, peace and support to the Palestinian people. And I am sure that all Palestinian people appreciate such recognition.

Here is a map depicting those that have gone before Thailand in giving recognition to the Palestinian State. Good to see Thailand is up with modern times. Unlike some.


International recognition of the State of Palestine


This map is amazing, really shows the divide between the old order (sorry couldn't find a better word but you are welcomed to correct me) and the emerging powers. Again maybe a poor choice of word, but I wanted to reflect the fact theses countries are not only emerging economies but also the new world leaders. I believe this decision, in the line of the recent ASEAN meeting, more than the acknowledgement of the Palestian state is an acknowledgement of the new world order.

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I praise this decision by the Thai government. Extending a hand of friendship, peace and support to the Palestinian people. And I am sure that all Palestinian people appreciate such recognition.

Here is a map depicting those that have gone before Thailand in giving recognition to the Palestinian State. Good to see Thailand is up with modern times. Unlike some.


International recognition of the State of Palestine


This map is amazing, really shows the divide between the old order (sorry couldn't find a better word but you are welcomed to correct me) and the emerging powers. Again maybe a poor choice of word, but I wanted to reflect the fact theses countries are not only emerging economies but also the new world leaders. I believe this decision, in the line of the recent ASEAN meeting, morthan the acknowledgement of the Palestian state is an acknowledgement of the new world order.

Perhaps many of the emerging "World Leaders" are recognising Palestine as when they look they see a reflection of themselves i.e. repressive and corrupt

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Let's hope the Chinese economy does not implode as it would have major consequences for the likes of major resource exporting countries such as Brazil and Australia. As well as the impact on cost of living in developed, as well as emerging markets such as Thailand. Note Thailand's trade and tourism with China is currently forecast to reach $120 billion within five years.

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Let's hope the Chinese economy does not implode as it would have major consequences for the likes of major resource exporting countries such as Brazil and Australia. As well as the impact on cost of living in developed, as well as emerging markets such as Thailand. Note Thailand's trade and tourism with China is currently forecast to reach $120 billion within five years.

It's pretty bad. Trust me on this one. Wife us an investment banker at largest bulge bank and the forecast is bad. Again, everyone is softening the data (like US using substitution in it's basket when calculating CPI) in regards to China to keep markets stable. If US market nose dives below 12,200 before election, we will have QE 3 and China will be major purchaser of those securities.

Google China ghost towns, why they built them and why they remain empty and you can glean an understanding of the reality of China's economy. China also use to could manipulate prices of rare earth such as palladium and even copper. No longer though. We are pulling Palladium out of Mongolia and central America and have alternate sources for precious metal and rare earths now that China tried to play games and manipulate the market back in 2010/11.

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The Har Homa settlement, less than one mile from Bethlehem, sits on what was once a protected forest.

Har Homa is about the same distance from Jerusalem. Calling it a neighborhood or a separate settlement is more of a legal definition thing. Everyone is pretty much in each other's face around there.

The Israeli government did expropriate the land. However, the lion's share of land owners were Jews (most land purchases took place in the 1940's). The forest was planted by Israel, circa 1950, as a measure intended to stop encroaching. Previously, the hill was quite barren and unsettled.

One can certainly claim building there was a poor decision, but anyway, this has little to do with the OP.

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I am curious if this move is a move toward getting back into the good graces of the Saudi's, since solving the murders or returning the stolen jewels doesn't look like it's ever going to happen?

I would very much doubt that this move by Thailand will have a major effect regarding political or trade relations with any Arab/Muslim countries.

Judging from the map linked earlier, the position regarding Palestine as a state, does not have much bearing on trade between countries.

While there is considerable popular support for the Palestinian cause in Arab/Muslim countries, it is not usually a very high ranking topic on the agenda. Somewhat different for countries hosting Palestinian refugees.

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A place can usually be recognized as a state by any country that so chooses to recognize it.

Some countries recognize Taiwan as a country, others don't.

With all the billions of $$ and Euros given to the PA where are the hospitals, the schools, the social services, and basic human rights?

Gaza has been under the control of Hamas for how many years, and despite the chronic whining that Israel oppresses the residents, the border has been open on the Egyptian side for years. And now with a pro Hamas government in Egypt, there should be no border issues with Egypt, right? The local arabs want a state, but are unwilling to observe the most basic requirements of a state, and Thailand recognizes the PA and Hamas as a state. Lovely.

Get back to me when Hamas and the PA can function without trying to kill each other.

On a positive note, when Hamas launches its rockets into Israel and kills/wounds Thai nationals, as has happened before, the Thai government can lodge a diplomatic protest. clap2.gif

The fun will start when the Palestinian ambassador presents his credentials to the head of state. It will be interesting to see who accepts those credentials.

Aid to the PA has gone through some changes over the years. Granted that corruption was a huge problem, better control measures nowadays, and situation does seem to be improving on certain issues.

As for Gaza - the border with Egypt was not "open for years". There were very strict restriction in place - both for people and goods. With the change in government, this is indeed supposed to change.

Thailand recognized the PA, not the Hamas.

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This thread is about Thailand establishing diplomatic relations with Palestine. It is NOT about the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts.

More off-topic posts have been deleted. Off-topic posts will continue to be deleted and further public warnings will not be issued.

Please stay on-topic.

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