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Do You Drink And Drive ?


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Do I have a couple pints or glasses of wine and drive? Absolutely. Do I drive when legally drunk? Absolutely not.

Do you have a personal breathalyser, otherwise how would you know? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to driving and alcohol, especially if involved in a serious accident.

Blood alcohol level can easily be calculated by a persons weight and the amount ingested over a period of time.

Not entirely true, every individual will vary, sometimes greatly.

I think it's shocking that one of the mods breaks this very simple law, tut tut.

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no never !!!

i only drink non alcoholic beer while during the business day

always curious on non alcoholic beer, how does it taste like?

In days gone by there was only one non alcoholic beer and if my memory serves me correct it was Caliber.It was bloody terrible. I owned a restaurant in the UK at the time and at one wedding reception one guest was drinkling Caliber. After two bottles, he asked for a ormal beer saying he would rather lose his licence than drink another Caliber. I think things have improved but for me I will only drink the real thing but if I have to drive then either water or a soft drink.

In general I am of the firm belief that I am or would be a better driver when over the limit than 50% of the sober drivers on the road. However the law states that you must drive to the best of your ability. It is internationally accepted that alcohol and/or drugs do impair ones ability to drive so I never drink alcohol and then drive. My wife is a good driver, having passed her test in the UK, and does not like to drink so like everying in our marriage we share, I drive to a restaurant and she drives home. Being on or just below the legal level means you can drive legally but somes times very drunk people pass the level of reason and then get behind the wheel and this is very dangerous to them and other road users. However if you take you car out with the intention of getting drunk with the intention (when you are sober) of driving home when drunk then you completely lack social responsibility and are a selfish person who should enjoy a holiday at His or Her Majesty's pleasure.

Edited by Billmont
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If I am on the bike around town, if I can get my leg over the bike I will drive. If I am in my car, and drinking, I will only drink up to 5 or 6 bottles, and then I get the car home, take the bike and continue drinking. I dont like being pissed in the car, whereas on the bike I am most likely only going to hurt myself, not others. But the car is a different story .....

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What is the opinion regarding drink driving a moped!?

You are all talking about drink driving in a car, when in reality the majority of us ride a bike.

Killing someone at 20mph on a moped? Can't see that happening, so the only person at risk is the rider.

Is this more 'acceptable'?

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What is the opinion regarding drink driving a moped!?

You are all talking about drink driving in a car, when in reality the majority of us ride a bike.

Killing someone at 20mph on a moped? Can't see that happening, so the only person at risk is the rider.

Is this more 'acceptable'?

What if a car has to take evasion action because of you weaving all over the road on your moped and hits someone else in the process?

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What is the opinion regarding drink driving a moped!?

You are all talking about drink driving in a car, when in reality the majority of us ride a bike.

Killing someone at 20mph on a moped? Can't see that happening, so the only person at risk is the rider.

Is this more 'acceptable'?

In a word "Yes". A responsible attitude towards drnk driving.

Myself personally, i prefer the car cause sometimes i carn't stand or walk. Driving is still manageble if someone else keeps their foot on the accelerator.

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I see riding a bike as 'more acceptable' than a car when drunk. However, to say the only person at risk is the rider is ridiculous. Other motorbike riders and pedestrians are also at risk.

Me? I'm lucky that my better half doesn't drink, so I drive out then drink as much as I possibly can to build up the courage for the pillion ride home.

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I have been drinking and driving for some 35 years never been a problem it's not drunk driving that causes accidents it's drunk AND stupid driving , imo. Most drunk driving accidents have speeding or running a red light ect involved , driving drunk and obeying the road signs and traffic lights ect is not as unsafe as all that. It's drunken kids all hyped up with no experience that started the whole problem in the first place not adults driving home from the bar at night. I do however drive more slowly and carefully because I realise my reaction time is a little slower.

Is it a good thing or something to brag about probabbly not but it's also not some big thing to get worked up over either.

I would love to see the charge of drunk driving be changed to one of "Attempted Murder " in my opinion getting behind the wheel of a vehicle whilst drunk is nothing short of attempted murder.

It most certainly is Rabc.
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Farangs you know must be very big axxholes...

Drinking and driving in a country where we can pay a taxi to go anywhere..

Pathetic !!!

If I had read this six months ago I would have agreed with you but now I certainly don't agree. Taxis are becoming more and more difficult to take.

Thursday evening ( no rain, no traffic jams) at about 8 pm I wanted to take a taxi from Asoke to Thong Lor. Eight (8 !!) taxis said "no", one taxi wanted 200 baht and a second wanted 300 baht.

Oh, Why didn't I take BTS???? Because I couldn't get on the platform. I went through the gates but it was so crowded I left. I ended up taking a bus: 10 minutes and 12 baht. walked from BTS Thong Lor.

This is NOt a one off occurrance as it happens two or three times a week nowadays.

Edited by petedk
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Farangs you know must be very big axxholes...

Drinking and driving in a country where we can pay a taxi to go anywhere..

Pathetic !!!

If I had read this six months ago I would have agreed with you but now I certainly don't agree. Taxis are becoming more and more difficult to take.

Thursday evening ( no rain, no traffic jams) at about 8 pm I wanted to take a taxi from Asoke to Thong Lor. Eight (8 !!) taxis said "no", one taxi wanted 200 baht and a second wanted 300 baht.

Oh, Why didn't I take BTS???? Because I couldn't get on the platform. I went through the gates but it was so crowded I left. I ended up taking a bus: 10 minutes and 12 baht. walked from BTS Thong Lor.

This is NOt a one off occurrance as it happens two or three times a week nowadays.

And if you live in the countryside it's worse for public transport!! Edited by Chittychangchang
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What is the opinion regarding drink driving a moped!?

You are all talking about drink driving in a car, when in reality the majority of us ride a bike.

Killing someone at 20mph on a moped? Can't see that happening, so the only person at risk is the rider.

Is this more 'acceptable'?

In a word "Yes". A responsible attitude towards drnk driving.

Myself personally, i prefer the car cause sometimes i carn't stand or walk. Driving is still manageble if someone else keeps their foot on the accelerator.

Personally I draw the line at being able to get a single image of what's in front of me through my eyeballs. Once I have to drive with one hand over one eye to get a single and not two partly overlapping ones, then it's not very smart to continue.

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Farangs you know must be very big axxholes...

Drinking and driving in a country where we can pay a taxi to go anywhere..

Pathetic !!!

If I had read this six months ago I would have agreed with you but now I certainly don't agree. Taxis are becoming more and more difficult to take.

Thursday evening ( no rain, no traffic jams) at about 8 pm I wanted to take a taxi from Asoke to Thong Lor. Eight (8 !!) taxis said "no", one taxi wanted 200 baht and a second wanted 300 baht.

Oh, Why didn't I take BTS???? Because I couldn't get on the platform. I went through the gates but it was so crowded I left. I ended up taking a bus: 10 minutes and 12 baht. walked from BTS Thong Lor.

This is NOt a one off occurrance as it happens two or three times a week nowadays.

And if you live in the countryside it's worse for public transport!!

Its an explanation... not an excuse because it still irresponsible.

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Drinking and driving is not a smart idea anywhere, here in Thailand it is just down right stupid. Yesterday night on my way home (in a taxi) i went through a check point where there were at least 20 cars pulled over and the taxi was laughing while pointing to them and saying 10,000 baht (in thai) as he points to each car. For a farang i would imagine its quite a bit higher than that. Taxi's are cheap here, not worth the risk.

Had a friend on a motor bike drive after a few drinks one time, hit a pedestrian and spent the next 2+ years in a thai jail until he was finally able to arrange a bribe to get himself out. Just dont do it.

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Drinking and driving is not a smart idea anywhere, here in Thailand it is just down right stupid. Yesterday night on my way home (in a taxi) i went through a check point where there were at least 20 cars pulled over and the taxi was laughing while pointing to them and saying 10,000 baht (in thai) as he points to each car. For a farang i would imagine its quite a bit higher than that. Taxi's are cheap here, not worth the risk.

Had a friend on a motor bike drive after a few drinks one time, hit a pedestrian and spent the next 2+ years in a thai jail until he was finally able to arrange a bribe to get himself out. Just dont do it.

Had 2 friends that were killed because their drivers were under influence.

The locals don't inhabit driving skills which explains the crazy traffic rhytm and there is enough of drunks behind the wheels here, don't need to add more drunk drivers from abroad.

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Farangs you know must be very big axxholes...

Drinking and driving in a country where we can pay a taxi to go anywhere..

Pathetic !!!

If I had read this six months ago I would have agreed with you but now I certainly don't agree. Taxis are becoming more and more difficult to take.

Thursday evening ( no rain, no traffic jams) at about 8 pm I wanted to take a taxi from Asoke to Thong Lor. Eight (8 !!) taxis said "no", one taxi wanted 200 baht and a second wanted 300 baht.

Oh, Why didn't I take BTS???? Because I couldn't get on the platform. I went through the gates but it was so crowded I left. I ended up taking a bus: 10 minutes and 12 baht. walked from BTS Thong Lor.

This is NOt a one off occurrance as it happens two or three times a week nowadays.

And if you live in the countryside it's worse for public transport!!

Its an explanation... not an excuse because it still irresponsible.

Let's get a few details straight...again....

I'm a careful considerate driver and have NEVER had acident here or in farangland in 35 years.

My secret is not to drink spirits, last time i drunk a bottle of Mehkong i got married to my Thai partner, LOL. Back on topic....

Never drink more than 3 big changs.

Have a 500bht note folded insde your licence holder .

Have a cig or copper coin on hand just in case your pulled over for a road side test( they diffuse the tester-been there done that )

If the officer probes deeper other explanations are your asthmatic or have used mouthwash. will strengthen your case.

I do not condone reckless abandoment on the highways, Like everything......Moderation!

In all honesty i am probally one of the safest drivers in LOS when you consider....

in Thailand the majority have

1, Not passed a test/ worked hard to earn a licence.

2, Have no common road sense.

3, Ride/drive underage

4, Ride/drive with more than the legitimate passengers allowed.

5, Have Piss poor vehicle maintenance.

If i've missed anything do feel free to list.

Death from drink driving in Thailand is VERY HIGH but there are other contributing factors to consider also.

As for me and my swift Changs on the way home from work in rush hour traffic is no danger to anyone but a moralist and a crusader.

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et's get a few details straight...again....

I'm a careful considerate driver and have NEVER had acident here or in farangland in 35 years.

My secret is not to drink spirits, last time i drunk a bottle of Mehkong i got married to my Thai partner, LOL. Back on topic....

Never drink more than 3 big changs.

Have a 500bht note folded insde your licence holder .

Have a cig or copper coin on hand just in case your pulled over for a road side test( they diffuse the tester-been there done that )

If the officer probes deeper other explanations are your asthmatic or have used mouthwash. will strengthen your case.

I do not condone reckless abandoment on the highways, Like everything......Moderation!

In all honesty i am probally one of the safest drivers in LOS when you consider....

in Thailand the majority have

1, Not passed a test/ worked hard to earn a licence.

2, Have no common road sense.

3, Ride/drive underage

4, Ride/drive with more than the legitimate passengers allowed.

5, Have Piss poor vehicle maintenance.

If i've missed anything do feel free to list.

Death from drink driving in Thailand is VERY HIGH but there are other contributing factors to consider also.

As for me and my swift Changs on the way home from work in rush hour traffic is no danger to anyone but a moralist and a crusader.

I often repeat myself when I'm pissed.

But at least I'm a safe driver.

Did I ever tell you I sometimes repeat myself?

Do you reckon drivers are safer before they have an accident, or afterwards?


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Also, a lot depends on where you are....if you are in central BKK then drink driving would be more risky than if you were 20kms outside Chiang Mai in the countryside.....would drink driving be more acceptable if you lived in the middle of nowhere?

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The reality is that .05 is the limit and 2 mixed drinks for an average person would put them over the Thai limit. So pretty much anyone who has spent more than 1 or 2 hours in a bar and drives home is over the Thai limit.

Correction. If your country says the limit is .05, then the actual reading must be .04. If you hit .05 then you are over the limit.

And no , only an idiot drink drives.

Edited by krisb
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I believe drivers who cross red lights, cross lanes, and fail to signal

prior to a turn causes more accidents & deaths than drunk drivers.

That is my sincere experience from 10 years of driving in Thailand,

and was the case in all my 3 accidents here.

btw, i had a 70+ year old neighbor who couldn't see a cat 10 meters away,had more abysmal reflexes in his best days than i have sleeping,he cheated himself to a driving license as there was no way he would pass test otherwise,yet he was a strict believer of cursing drunk driving. Ahem...

Since y'all got fixated on cursing drunk driving as the mother of all accidents,i'll quote myself and just perhaps some of you get things in perspective

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I believe drivers who cross red lights, cross lanes, and fail to signal

prior to a turn causes more accidents & deaths than drunk drivers.

That is my sincere experience from 10 years of driving in Thailand,

and was the case in all my 3 accidents here.

btw, i had a 70+ year old neighbor who couldn't see a cat 10 meters away,had more abysmal reflexes in his best days than i have sleeping,he cheated himself to a driving license as there was no way he would pass test otherwise,yet he was a strict believer of cursing drunk driving. Ahem...

Since y'all got fixated on cursing drunk driving as the mother of all accidents,i'll quote myself and just perhaps some of you get things in perspective

Its a playground excuse.. but mommy they do it too.. or they do something else that is bad too.

Those other things are dangerous too (especially the red light guys i almost got t boned on my bike by one of those at night). That does not mean drunk driving is acceptable.

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I believe drivers who cross red lights, cross lanes, and fail to signal

prior to a turn causes more accidents & deaths than drunk drivers.

That is my sincere experience from 10 years of driving in Thailand,

and was the case in all my 3 accidents here.

btw, i had a 70+ year old neighbor who couldn't see a cat 10 meters away,had more abysmal reflexes in his best days than i have sleeping,he cheated himself to a driving license as there was no way he would pass test otherwise,yet he was a strict believer of cursing drunk driving. Ahem...

Since y'all got fixated on cursing drunk driving as the mother of all accidents,i'll quote myself and just perhaps some of you get things in perspective

I suppose we should also have opened up a thread saying "do you drive and be stupid" "Do you drive and be aged and decrepit" at the same time. But I don't have a choice about those things, and I reckon so long as I lean out the window with my white stick, I'm as safe as most of the piss-heads and yabaa'd up junkies in Thailand


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