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Slow Internet For The Last Few Days. Anyone Else?


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I just did a speedtest using Speedtest.net. All seems to be back to normal for now. The only thing not really fixed is my ping. It's usually around 26ms to a Bangkok server. I've never really seen it much higher than that except in the last few days.

I'm using TOT 10/1mbs home package.

Bangkok= Ping: 67ms Download: 9.78mbs Upload: 0.90mbs

Hong Kong= Ping: 95ms Download: 9.68mbs Upload: 0.89mbs

Singapore= Ping: 75ms Download: 9.85mbs Upload: 0.91mbs

London= Ping: 385ms Download: 9.56mbs Upload: 0.78mbs

New York= Ping: 335ms Download: 9.77mbs Upload: 0.82mbs

Are you able to load the pages which were slow/not loading before?

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My understanding is speedtest is not longer a valid metric as is cached by the ISP.

For reasons that have never been explained to me I am told the speakeasy site cannot be cached.

Speedtest are a good means to test the local connection:

From your home network to your provider. If the speedtest shows full speed, there is no problem with your computer, the cabling, routers and such.

So if your hotline expert engineer tells you "you must install Windows again", the you can answer with a harsh "Bullshit!".

That's what speedtests are good for.

By the way, this morning is the first time in a week or so, that my downloads are full speed again. (True/BKK/ADSL)

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YES. The internet has been really screwed up for several days. I have TOT DSL, and it's been way up and way down. From the many posts on TV, it seems many are experiencing the same. Pages opening slowly or not at all, worse in the evening, worse on international sites. Last night and today seem better. No clue as to what's going on. Thought it was just TOT, but now it seems to go beyond them.

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We are having the same problem with slow speeds here in Vietnam. We have been informed that the is a problem with one of the undersea cables off Vung Tau and it should be fixed by the end of August.

Yea just found news source

Internet connections unstable until month-end

Internet users in Vietnam have been suffering connection problems all week due to a break in the Vung Tau-Hong Kong section of the Asia America Gateway (AAG) cable system.

The necessary repair work, which is currently underway, is expected to last until the end of the month.

This accident has affected the majority of Internet users in Vietnam, as the main Internet service providers like VDC, FPT Telecom and Viettel utilize the cable line.

The service providers have promptly transferred capacity from this cable system to the backup system but there is no guarantee that the service quality will be as efficient as normal.

Vu Anh Tu, technical director at FPT Telecom, said Internet users might have difficulties exchanging information overseas through online services. Information exchanges at home, though, remain normal.

A source from VDC said the cable break would not greatly impact VDC subscribers as the company had transferred capacity to the backup cable line in Hong Kong and other areas.

Meanwhile, Viettel Telecom informed that the company had just taken over the trans-Asia marine cable system from EVN Telecom, so the accident would not affect Viettel clients as much.

The cable system was disrupted at 1:21 a.m. on Monday, about six kilometers from Vung Tau Coast. It is either because the cable line was entangled in an anchor chain or because it was hit by an underwater land subsidence.

International Telecom Ltd., operator of the cable section in Vietnam, is undergoing necessary procedures so that on August 26, it will send a ship offshore to fix the cable line. The repair work will be completed no later than August 31.

AAG is a 20,000-kilometer submarine cable system, with a total capacity of 500Gbps. The cable line connects Southeast Asia with the U.S., crossing Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Hong Kong, the Philippines and the U.S.

The cable section in Vietnam is 314 kilometers long, officially starting service in November 2009.

Recently, Viettel and VNPT, together with Facebook and ten other international telecom firms, joined the development of the Asia Submarine Cable Express (ASE). The cable system will connect Malaysia with South Korea and Japan, with branches running through other Asian nations like China, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

The project is scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2014.

Source : http://english.vietnamnet.vn/en/science-technology/25841/internet-connections-unstable-until-month-end.html

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I just did a speedtest using Speedtest.net. All seems to be back to normal for now. The only thing not really fixed is my ping. It's usually around 26ms to a Bangkok server. I've never really seen it much higher than that except in the last few days.

I'm using TOT 10/1mbs home package.

Bangkok= Ping: 67ms Download: 9.78mbs Upload: 0.90mbs

Hong Kong= Ping: 95ms Download: 9.68mbs Upload: 0.89mbs

Singapore= Ping: 75ms Download: 9.85mbs Upload: 0.91mbs

London= Ping: 385ms Download: 9.56mbs Upload: 0.78mbs

New York= Ping: 335ms Download: 9.77mbs Upload: 0.82mbs

Are you able to load the pages which were slow/not loading before?

Yeah definitely faster than yesterday.Most or not all sites seem to open 10 times faster. We'll see how long this lasts for.

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Yeah definitely faster than yesterday.Most or not all sites seem to open 10 times faster. We'll see how long this lasts for.

It looks like you have a D-Link modem/router?

Can you tell me the model, current firmware rev.? Did you buy this, or did TOT give it to you?

Have you have the service for a long time? I guess it worked acceptably for you until just a few days ago?

I have struggled with some D-Link/TOT installs in the past, which had attributes similar to yours, and can say that most D-Link units have serious DSL issues, most of which have been addressed with newer firmware.

But I've never seen a UI like the one you pasted up-thread.

BTW, if you enable the Log function to capture all events, and then maybe review it or share it that would good.

And I assume you have a 02 number? Can you call in to your line, say from a mobile phone, twice in succession? Does it ring through both times? How is the quality of the voice calls? Any noise on the line?

We have transitioned almost all our TOT lines to True, primarily due to a contact within TOT and his familiarity with their less than stellar inner workings. Some TOT street-side cabs I've seen are often un-locked and open!

Edited by lomatopo
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Some TOT street-side cabs I've seen are often un-locked and open!

That's done to make them operate cooler as TOT has technicians which double as taxi cab drivers Taxi cab drivers know that by leaving their car hood open while parked helps to cool the engine; so, the same principle should apply to TOT cabinets/junction boxes by leaving them open/unlocked.

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TOT 8M/1M.

Just tested: Download from Germany with DL manager using 4 threads: about 200 kB/s

Using my secret accelerator I get 550-700 kB/s.

Both speeds used to be better. Yesterday evening even a simple VoIP call was unbearable. All limited to international traffic, I think. A Thai web site was OK, when I had the VoIP problems.

Unfortunately TOT has kind of monopoly here in my area. Maybe I need a 3G backup.

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3BB in Chiang Mai is still ok speed wise

6.91 MB DL speed & 0.50MB upload but,

I have noticed google seems to be having problems on & off for days now.

One day their mail server & main search was not even working for a few hours.

Strange for the giant to be down.

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I'm using 3BB in South Central Pattaya and lately there have been times when the service really slows down. Sometimes things like Google and Yahoo are inacessible and then it seems to sort itself out and everything works fine.

I rarely bother to call for service. They're quite good about coming out, but 99.9% of the time while the technician is here everything works fine and as soon as he drives away the problem arises again.

I'm pretty sure it's some sort of cosmic retribution for sins during a previous existence or at least a version of Murphy's Law.

3BB in Chiang Mai is still ok speed wise

6.91 MB DL speed & 0.50MB upload but,

I have noticed google seems to be having problems on & off for days now.

One day their mail server & main search was not even working for a few hours.

Strange for the giant to be down.

Yes. A couple of times my Gmail was unavailable and I got error messages from either Yahoo or Google.

Edited by Suradit69
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3BB in Chiang Mai is still ok speed wise

6.91 MB DL speed & 0.50MB upload but,

I have noticed google seems to be having problems on & off for days now.

One day their mail server & main search was not even working for a few hours.

Strange for the giant to be down.

I'm using 3BB in South Central Pattaya and lately there have been times when the service really slows down. Sometimes things like Google and Yahoo are inacessible and then it seems to sort itself out and everything works fine.

I rarely bother to call for service. They're quite good about coming out, but 99.9% of the time while the technician is here everything works fine and as soon as he drives away the problem arises again.

I'm pretty sure it's some sort of cosmic retribution for sins during a previous existence or at least a version of Murphy's Law.

3BB in Chiang Mai is still ok speed wise

6.91 MB DL speed & 0.50MB upload but,

I have noticed google seems to be having problems on & off for days now.

One day their mail server & main search was not even working for a few hours.

Strange for the giant to be down.

Yes. A couple of times my Gmail was unavailable and I got error messages from either Yahoo or Google.

These would indicate DNS issues, at first glance.

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it is crappy since a few days.

ToT Pattaya. I tried different Dns Server (Google/Opendns), or even tried to connect with the just IP address.

Sometimes it works, sometimes timeout, or very slow.

Sometimes it's better via Proxy-Server, sometimes not.

Sometimes streams with a high bitrate are watchable, sometimes it buffers endless at a low bitrate.

There is no system in it. (Except at peak times).

I gave up to call TOT. Not worth the hassle.

But what works, are P2P connections.

There is a german streaming portal, which uses P2P via flash. That works almost always.

Edited by Turkleton
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Still have problems using a VPN, it simply doesn't work, but strangely, downloading BBC programmes using 'Get iPlayer automator' ( Mac only) Google DNS and Thai IP address, I've been getting the fastest speeds ever! I can download 3 GB in 1 hour ( TOT only where I live)

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