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New pollution-free tourist destination discovered in southern Thailand

SURAT THANI, Jan 23 (TNA) - A new naturally pristine resort island has been discovered in Thailand's southern Surat Thani Province and has been declared as a pollution-free tourist destination.

Deputy Governor of Surat Thani Thawatchai Terdphao told journalists on Monday that "Koh Tan", the newly-discovered resort island, is located three kilometres South of Koh Samui.

The resort island with white-sand beach and abundant resources and ecological attractions was discovered in a recent survey by local authorities, he disclosed.

Deep in the sea around the isle of 18 household-dwellers currently, there are plenty of charmful reefs and variety of attractive sea-lives, where hundreds of tourists and divers will be welcome daily in the near future, according to the deputy governor.

"Koh Tan has been declared as a pollution-free tourist destination and the province is developing a town planning and infrastructure on the island, including local power system and communication networks," he said.

"To preserve its pristine nature and environment, local authorities have decided to ban all engine-based vehicles and motocycles from the isle," added the deputy governor.


Just in time. I will be leaving for Thailand in April. wWith any luck I will get a chance to take a couple of kids and an elderly person there for a little excitement which they never had.

sriracha john, if you have anything else about this place, please let me know. Thanks


A google search yields quite a bit of information... :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Just in time. I will be leaving for Thailand in April. wWith any luck I will get a chance to take a couple of kids and an elderly person there for a little excitement which they never had.

sriracha john, if you have anything else about this place, please let me know. Thanks

Sorry, but apparently you're too late already :o :

Bangkok Herald-Examiner

The construction of a Pizza Hut on the pristine island of Koh Tan has begun and is expected to be completed within the week. Newly assigned manager Ima Capitalist proclaimed they will be offering delivery service to the soon-to-be built Gawdy Resort and Spa, which will become the island's only accomadation.

In related news, the Koh Tan municipality has decided to begin burning the plastic rubbish accumulating on the island as transporting to the mainland is beyond it's budget.

oh well... here today, gone today... :D

Bangkok Herald-Examiner

The construction of a Pizza Hut on the pristine island of Koh Tan has begun and is expected to be completed within the week. Newly assigned manager Ima Capitalist proclaimed they will be offering delivery service to the soon-to-be built Gawdy Resort and Spa, which will become the island's only accomadation.

In related news, the Koh Tan municipality has decided to begin burning the plastic rubbish accumulating on the island as transporting to the mainland is beyond it's budget.

oh well... here today, gone today... :o

By now, there must be at least a half-dozen 7-Eleven stores located in this once-pristine paradise. :D

Bangkok Herald-Examiner

The construction of a Pizza Hut on the pristine island of Koh Tan has begun and is expected to be completed within the week. Newly assigned manager Ima Capitalist proclaimed they will be offering delivery service to the soon-to-be built Gawdy Resort and Spa, which will become the island's only accomadation.

In related news, the Koh Tan municipality has decided to begin burning the plastic rubbish accumulating on the island as transporting to the mainland is beyond it's budget.

oh well... here today, gone today... :o

By now, there must be at least a half-dozen 7-Eleven stores located in this once-pristine paradise. :D

I found this on page 8 of Jai Dee's google search... :D

Koh Tan Times

Welcome to first-English language newspaper on this beutifully pristine island. We will always strive to bring you the best of the local happenings.

It was announced today the grand opening of the "Nana East Go-Go/Karoke Palace Entertainment Complex" is scheduled for March.

To stem the flow of many underage sea gypsy's, who have been entering the recently-opened "Stockholm Beserk Air Passenger Bar and Nightclub", local police will begin ID checks of all patrons prior to entering. Sven Amok, the manager, welcomed the new change, saying that "Ve don't vant any sea gypsys's in heres. They drink too slow and is not so much."

New pollution-free tourist destination discovered in southern Thailand

SURAT THANI, Jan 23 (TNA) - A new naturally pristine resort island has been discovered in Thailand's southern Surat Thani Province and has been declared as a pollution-free tourist destination.

Deputy Governor of Surat Thani Thawatchai Terdphao told journalists on Monday that "Koh Tan", the newly-discovered resort island, is located three kilometres South of Koh Samui.

The resort island with white-sand beach and abundant resources and ecological attractions was discovered in a recent survey by local authorities, he disclosed.

Deep in the sea around the isle of 18 household-dwellers currently, there are plenty of charmful reefs and variety of attractive sea-lives, where hundreds of tourists and divers will be welcome daily in the near future, according to the deputy governor.

"Koh Tan has been declared as a pollution-free tourist destination and the province is developing a town planning and infrastructure on the island, including local power system and communication networks," he said.

"To preserve its pristine nature and environment, local authorities have decided to ban all engine-based vehicles and motocycles from the isle," added the deputy governor.

Amusing. I first visited the island in 81 or 82, and it's had plenty of tourism in the meantime. If they can keep it pollution-free, more power to them. The proper RTGS transliteration is Ko Taen from à¡ÒÐáµ¹

Amusing. I first visited the island in 81 or 82, and it's had plenty of tourism in the meantime. If they can keep it pollution-free, more power to them. The proper RTGS transliteration is Ko Taen from à¡ÒÐáµ¹

That's interesting timing. I just received this email from the paper there after I signed up for their updates.

Koh Taen Times

Retraction - The ownership of this newspaper have been informed that the proper spelling of our business is incorrect. Henceforth we shall be known as the Koh Taen Times. We plan to inform the Thai News Agency (TNA) of their likewise erroneous spelling. We sincerely apologize for any misunderstandings.

In today's news, it has emerged that publicity of our pristine island by the TNA has caused an upsurge of bookings at the Gawdy Resort and Spa, even though they aren't open for another 2 months. To accomadate the flood of reservation requests, mainly from China and Korea, the resort has reportedly imported fifteen double-decker tourist buses for use on tours around the pristine island.


Sriracha, the press errors aside, (which I understand are not your doing) if indeed you had come across a pristine island, the idea of telling 20000 website users about it is one that I must question.

Sriracha, the press errors aside, (which I understand are not your doing) if indeed you had come across a pristine island, the idea of telling 20000 website users about it is one that I must question.

I think the last remaining pristine island in Thailand lost it's status in 1979.



I heard they will carry 20,000,000 cubic metres of soil from Samui in order to give the island more surface and elevation.

The plastic problem has been solved as it will all be regularly blown out to sea.


Of course we know that this is complete nonsense. Are they trying to imply that the 'local authority' had no idea that the island was there?

When there is a announcement of this type, one can assume that someone has made an investment.

Kaw Chang being a case in point.

Sven Amok, the manager, welcomed the new change, saying that "Ve don't vant any sea gypsys's in heres. They drink too slow and is not so much."

I thought his name was Sven Helevven?? :o

Or is that the name of a Swedish convenient store chain opening up on the island?? I'm confused. :D


Of course we know that this is complete nonsense. Are they trying to imply that the 'local authority' had no idea that the island was there?

When there is a announcement of this type, one can assume that someone has made an investment.

Kaw Chang being a case in point.

When I first read the story, I thought of 2 things... either it was a newly formed island from an undersea volcano spewing lava to create a new land mass OR it had been completely obscured from view by a mysterious cloud cover that had covered it for centuries... and then mysteriously cleared.

but then after reading all of Jai Dee's google search results and then reading the online version of the Koh Taen Times... I sorted out that it's all just been TAT-ish hype.... how disappointing the truth is... :o

Sven Amok, the manager, welcomed the new change, saying that "Ve don't vant any sea gypsys's in heres. They drink too slow and is not so much."

I thought his name was Sven Helevven?? :o

Or is that the name of a Swedish convenient store chain opening up on the island?? I'm confused. :D


Easy to see how confusion began, but yes, Sven Amok is the manager at the Stockholm Beserk Air Passenger Bar and Nightclub.

There IS a convenience store franchised from Sweden called SVEN HELEVVEN... but it's owned and managed by Mats Lotsabaaht.

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