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Pheu Thai M.P. Urges Thai Women: Marry A Farang For An Easier Life


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Typical populist propoganda and rhetoric. What else would you expect from these "leaders"? They surpress reality while positioning themselves as the only true solution.

How about they tell their followers to instead 1) be accountable for your own actions, 2) lose the self pity mentality and take control of your own destiny, and 3) try to solve your own problems first without always calling in for "big brother" to save the day.

You know why? Because if people did the three things above they wouldn't need these "leaders" at all....

It's really a shame.

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He just wanted to show Thais how far behind their welfare state was when compared with European countries. He said he had been saying such things for some time and it was because he wanted Thailand to have a welfare system that was the equal of those in other countries

If he wants Thailand to have a welfare state like European countries, why is the member of a party that is devoted to protecting the biggest tax fraud criminal this country has ever seen? Why does he support lowering corporate income taxes and other taxes on the rich? Thailand can not have a real welfare state because there is not enough tax income, because people like his big boss refuse to pay the taxes that they owe. Once his boss and the rest of his cronies start paying their taxes Thailand can start affording to implement a welfare state.

Good point.

The only problem for the Thai people is that there is no other political party that comes remotely near to bringing into effect a tax system that will truly get the elites to pay their fair share.

If the elites were made to pay a substantial tax on all their landholdings, there would be some hope that an effective social welfare system could be created.

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I can't speak for Europe, but he's basically just repeating the same things poor people in the US say all the time. Who needs a job, when the government will just take someone else's money and give it to me for sitting here on my butt.

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Does this MP want all the 'poor girls' exported to farangland, or would he consider paying a regular allowance to keep the husband in Thailand and help boost the economy with his spending?

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Guess many TV members dont like the truth?, what this man says is perfectly true.

The basic low level problem is Thais are generally very lazy in advancement (education) much simpler to cut out all the hard work and just look for an easy option and as Wealthy Thais are more onto the Mia Noi route then a Falang is next option

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This Farang married a hard working Thai business woman with her own company...

She earn more than me (Engineer) clap2.gif

Most Thai woman are descent woman and not gold diggers....


Yeah!!! I like descent women almost as much as decent women but I especially like a combination of the two - descent with class!

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Really why would any of you be offended? Have you been to the 'poor' part of Thailand? I'm guessing he is talking about people from Isaan. Do any of you know what FARMERS work for? I do. For one day of torturous HANDS ON FARMERS work. They get paid 100-150 Baht. FOR ONE DAY. Plus they typically get fed and boozed up . Don't think for a second if you were are typical Thai person you wouldn't dream of marrying someone that made more than 150 baht PER DAY to take care of you. Sometimes it doesn't feel good to hear the truth. But. You can meet someone who is GOOD. A family that has their own money and she loves you for who you are not what you have. You can keep your ASSets to yourself. If she loves you she will only want you.


What a breath of fresh air (from the usual windbag-pompus-type comments on here!!!!)!!!!!!!!

It's a mutual benefit: Farang man gets servile slavish Thai woman who loves and adores him and is a puppet for him, and she gets more than 150 baht per day. An idyllic relationship, not exactly what poets from Western countries wrote about in the Romantic period, but still there is just so much mutual love in these types of relationships---if she is lucky enough to get a man who is decent from the West. Every Thai woman I have met here in Rawai talks about how bad Thai men are: they are alcoholics and never pay for what Thai women want and Thai women are left at home taking care of everything while the man goes out and drinks and spends all the money. It sounds like a form of poverty where a race hates itself so much it doesn't take care of it's own, but loves the races that exploit it, because mostly The West exploits Asian, has made it impoverished and dependent on them, you can call it Colonialism, but the situation is really just so much love and so beneficial to everyone involved (hope someone gets the little sarcasm I threw in)

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Is this guy related to the numpty that suggested barter trade with Iran wouldn't fall under the international sanctions?

Me tinks the only people getting dumber in Thailand are the politicians. After all, they are only following in the footsteps of their western brethren, where intelligence has very little to do with getting elected.

"Me tinks the only people getting dumber in Thailand are the politicians".

You've left out the 'nearly ' half of the population that voted the PTP in - not too many brain cells shared within that lot, are there!!!!

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If this guy is not being a <deleted>, and raising, in his humble opinion, an issue he has thouroughly thought through, lets just consider;

Making use of a foreign husband, however, are you going to enact any legislation to make it easier for foreign husbands to stay?

Or do you just want them, the dopey rich farangs, to get married, and then piss off back to farang leaving an ATM card for all expenses of their spouse, never to bother Thai soceity again except for the occasional brief holiday were the farang will be barely tolerated.....

Much like telling all poor women they should consider prostituting themselves marry for money only. blink.png

I was told by the consular officer at the Thai embassy in vietnam in 2005 to get married to my then girlfriend and take her with me to live in my country.

"Don't stay in Thailand after you get married. Take her to live in your country." Those were his exact words.

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Free...? What is free? ...approx. 50% Tax and then you call it free?!

Now the governments see that whenever you support lazyness (they call it sozial) there are people making wrong use of it.

Thailand must start very much at the bottom...within the families...educate your kids. Not open the gate in the morning and close at night like a farmer with his cattle. Give them rules and prepare them for a future.

Get rid of your corruption and build up a school system what has international standard so that it makes even sense the kids go to school.

I think the material in the Kindergarten in Germany is more challanging then what kids learn in school in Thailand...I even not talk about the many who study and have high school...

Every poor Philipina is cleverer as their government understands that you need to talk english ....that you have to look further then to the beach what surounds your island!

No, but in Thailand we concentrate on complaining that the farang get blown gold in their <deleted> and we thai have soon no land anymore and that it is so hard that you have to earn what you desire...

Reading such reports really makes me loose the last respect for the people in this country.

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Well, he's just saying what a lot of Thai people are thinking (and doing) ... coffee1.gif

Exactly. Same thing when "mom" tells her daughter to marry a doctor or lawyer. In otherwords, someone that can offer a life with better means. Most US woman do it by nature, and in general it is probably that way anywhere in the world. Nothing new. Men want the young beautiful woman, woman want the wealthy man. Big woop.

But in this PC world we are suppose to be insulted by this statement. But it is true and the way it is, and always has been. Course, exceptions are there.

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Really why would any of you be offended? Have you been to the 'poor' part of Thailand? I'm guessing he is talking about people from Isaan. Do any of you know what FARMERS work for? I do. For one day of torturous HANDS ON FARMERS work. They get paid 100-150 Baht. FOR ONE DAY. Plus they typically get fed and boozed up . Don't think for a second if you were are typical Thai person you wouldn't dream of marrying someone that made more than 150 baht PER DAY to take care of you. Sometimes it doesn't feel good to hear the truth. But. You can meet someone who is GOOD. A family that has their own money and she loves you for who you are not what you have. You can keep your ASSets to yourself. If she loves you she will only want you.


What a breath of fresh air (from the usual windbag-pompus-type comments on here!!!!)!!!!!!!!

It's a mutual benefit: Farang man gets servile slavish Thai woman who loves and adores him and is a puppet for him, and she gets more than 150 baht per day. An idyllic relationship, not exactly what poets from Western countries wrote about in the Romantic period, but still there is just so much mutual love in these types of relationships---if she is lucky enough to get a man who is decent from the West. Every Thai woman I have met here in Rawai talks about how bad Thai men are: they are alcoholics and never pay for what Thai women want and Thai women are left at home taking care of everything while the man goes out and drinks and spends all the money. It sounds like a form of poverty where a race hates itself so much it doesn't take care of it's own, but loves the races that exploit it, because mostly The West exploits Asian, has made it impoverished and dependent on them, you can call it Colonialism, but the situation is really just so much love and so beneficial to everyone involved (hope someone gets the little sarcasm I threw in)

Hope the 'servile' included?...trying to pry the meat cleaver out the missus' grip trying to explain sarcasm!

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Well, he's just saying what a lot of Thai people are thinking (and doing) ... coffee1.gif

Exactly. Same thing when "mom" tells her daughter to marry a doctor or lawyer. In otherwords, someone that can offer a life with better means. Most US woman do it by nature, and in general it is probably that way anywhere in the world. Nothing new. Men want the young beautiful woman, woman want the wealthy man. Big woop.

But in this PC world we are suppose to be insulted by this statement. But it is true and the way it is, and always has been. Course, exceptions are there.

Well said. Although of course my wife's different! biggrin.pnglaugh.png

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Thai woman are not that stupid that they need an MP to tell them to find a farang husband for a better life they already know that. He should visit places that are very populer destinations for farangs,Phuket, Pattaya, Samui and he will see just how may young girls from the North of Thailand have re-located purely to do what he has suggested !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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" where education and maternity services are free "

That is sooooo funny from an MP in

the ruling party.

Education and maternity services ARE free in Thailand. And he didn't know.


sent from my Wellcom A90+

Oh yes, but on the other hand one might think that at the same time he was "working the audience" like a professional and making a joke out of just how collectively stupid average farangs are and can be.............

(Oh my God not in Thialand, it's the indigenous peoples what's stupid to the Farang)

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“All you need is a farang husband and their government will pay you to study,” he said.

And your neck of the woods could have this as well, old chap, if your people pull their finger out and work bloody hard for several centuries and pay taxes as opposed to graft, crapping over everyone, dog-eat-dog, and cheating your way up.

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Is this guy related to the numpty that suggested barter trade with Iran wouldn't fall under the international sanctions?

Me tinks the only people getting dumber in Thailand are the politicians. After all, they are only following in the footsteps of their western brethren, where intelligence has very little to do with getting elected.

"Me tinks the only people getting dumber in Thailand are the politicians".

You've left out the 'nearly ' half of the population that voted the PTP in - not too many brain cells shared within that lot, are there!!!!

This is an outrageous insult to the Thai people. You are no better than those Thai politicians who used to say (probably still do) that democracy is too dangerous to be practiced here, cos the people are too dumb to know what's going on.

If you have read any Thai history of the last 50 years, you will see that the Thai people know how to organise to protect their rights, but they have been brutally suppressed most of the time.

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Is this guy related to the numpty that suggested barter trade with Iran wouldn't fall under the international sanctions?

A different numpty, but they have the same boss.

Numpty # 1 = Pheu Thai Party MP and Red Shirt Leader Sunai


Numpty # 2 = Pheu Thai Party MP and Foreign Minister Surapong


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Guess many TV members dont like the truth?, what this man says is perfectly true.

The basic low level problem is Thais are generally very lazy in advancement (education) much simpler to cut out all the hard work and just look for an easy option and as Wealthy Thais are more onto the Mia Noi route then a Falang is next option

Whether what he say's is true is besides the point (it certainly isn't true with respect to my marriage). As an MP, he should not go 'spouting off' on contentious issues and highly immoral suggestions such as this.

He is the equivalent of Boris Johnson - although he is not alone as 90% of the red shirts and PT MP's are just as stupid in what they say and do. It's almost as if their brains seem out of synch with their mouths (Yingluck is just the same) and all sorts of 'rubbish' leaves their mouths before the " I was simply joking" excuses materialises in an attempt to cover up the embarrassment of their careless utterings.

One thing it does do, however, it reveals their true thought patterns and shows them up for what they really are!!!!

"brain dead morons"

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What a dick. he should be telling them to get of their lazy <deleted> and get a job or two like the rest of the world.

You are a dick He is telling the truth you think it is love.

We need more honest Thais like him.

How could you that known that is the reason they marry Farangs.

Remember he is Thai

Where did I say it was "love"? I've lived here 15 years and have a large family. He's a dick. How long have you been here? Married?

God, how many more times do I have to read these cliched lines...

1. I've lived here X number of years blah blah blah

2. If you don't like it then go back to your country blah blah blah

Arrogance. As though 15 years, a large family and being married are equivalent to mastery or knowledge or some other notion of superiority. Sad.

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It would seem that Thai women are way ahead on this idea, as 600 years ago, foreigners of all persuations: Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, French, et.al. had Siamese wives.

Hence many Thai names are actually variations on foreigne names, family names like; Shinawat or Wongsawat or personal names like Wanida.

Occasionally I ask people I meet - 'Any foreigners in your family?' The most common answer is YES...

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Now, this is funny. The way to make Thai happy is to marry farang?

How about Thaksin promise? You know, the one that said that all Thai will be rich and happy within 6 month?

What a bunch of clowns! And these thugs are the one supposed to run the country? Pathetic!

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