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Weapons ?


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If the laws the same as it was 4 years ago

Off you go to the amper with your wife

Try to explain to the nice people there why you need a gun

If you are successful the amper will issue you with a right to buy a fire arm paper

Take said paper to the gun shop buy the gun

Take said gun back to the amper where they will then decide if you will be given permission to use said gun

Depending on what amper decides your wife now owns a gun which then needs to be taken to the police station for registration OR

Take said gun back to gun shop and sell it back to them for half the price


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sad, all these people talking about shooting ,stabing, wonder how they would feel if they did do it, hope to god nobody has to,

i wonder how many for that matter have seen someone shot, nice neat hole in the front, no so nice at the exit side,

its ok saying im going to protect my family, im all for that,


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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

They are illegal in Mexico. Unfortunately, Mexico has one of the highest rates of gun crime and killings in the world. So the reality is gun laws really don't do anything to prevent gun crime. Please quit it with your moralistic preaching.

You need to broaden your view - Mexico does not prove that gun laws are futile, there are very many nations with strict gun laws (and importantly, strictly enforced gun laws) - you need to look at the experience of gun crime in these countries and get the whole picture.

After all we don't want to replace moralistic preaching with myopic diatribe do we?!

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OP if you feel it is so unsafe here, that you need to carry a weapon, you are in the wrong country,

It's not that i feel unsafe here or something but i was just wondering what are the laws in thailand for possession of a firearm.

BTW I think it can be helpful in case some armed thief breaks into one's house by any chance. just sayin'

Plain stupid... if an armed thief breaks into your house, he will have his gun ready and will be willing to use it if he sees you reaching for a gun... if an armed thief breaks into your house, give him your valuables and hope for the best he leaves you unharmed... if he sees you reach for a gun, he'll definitely kill you... at least THEN you don't anymore need to worry about being robbed...

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I have never owned a gun or wanted one, only ever fired airguns in the fairground, I thought people who liked them were tiny dicked weirdos. Now I live up a mountain in the jungle and I think a gun in the house may not be such a bad idea after all.

Ever heard of target shooting as a hobby? All expats are not interested in sitting on a barstool every night.

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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

"You see, it is logically inconsistent that we should live in a world where guns just go off willy nilly of their own volition, and yet, my dishwasher has never once spontaneously done the dishes."

You need a new dish washer then, mine usually does them spontaneously, if she doesn't I threaten to cut off her credit card.cheesy.gif

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I have never owned a gun or wanted one, only ever fired airguns in the fairground, I thought people who liked them were tiny dicked weirdos. Now I live up a mountain in the jungle and I think a gun in the house may not be such a bad idea after all.

Ever heard of target shooting as a hobby? All expats are not interested in sitting on a barstool every night.

Lives up a mountain in the jungle and wants a gun. Is that "Duelling Banjos" I hear?

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I have never owned a gun or wanted one, only ever fired airguns in the fairground, I thought people who liked them were tiny dicked weirdos. Now I live up a mountain in the jungle and I think a gun in the house may not be such a bad idea after all.

Ever heard of target shooting as a hobby? All expats are not interested in sitting on a barstool every night.

Lives up a mountain in the jungle and wants a gun. Is that "Duelling Banjos" I hear?

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I have really mixed feelings about guns, first of i believe people have the right to defend themselves but on the other hand i worry that too many guns in a country will lead to more gun deaths. If everyone can have a gun the next thing you know is that they will be taking guns to bars and such. Get drunk and shoot someone or have a gun in a car and shoot someone. Especially if some alcohol is taken and the guy is an hot head.

The less guns are out there the better it is, though if only criminals have guns its not good. Mixed feelings for sure, but given the fact that there are so many fights and stuff having no guns there is a good thing. Grabbing a gun in the heat of the moment and shooting someone. Plus if one person has a gun an other has to have it too.. kinda like an arms race. Where i came from people used fists.. then it were knifes... if its guns i can only imagine the amount of deaths.

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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

When I first came to Thailand I had 4 cannons, 10 rockets, 2 bombs, a .45 caliber pistol and a Thompson sub machine gun.

You might think that was overkill but bar girls back then were a tougher breed than today.

What is that dangling part under the plane?

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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

When I first came to Thailand I had 4 cannons, 10 rockets, 2 bombs, a .45 caliber pistol and a Thompson sub machine gun.

You might think that was overkill but bar girls back then were a tougher breed than today.

What is that dangling part under the plane?

It's a boy plane.

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OP if you feel it is so unsafe here, that you need to carry a weapon, you are in the wrong country,

It's not that i feel unsafe here or something but i was just wondering what are the laws in thailand for possession of a firearm.

BTW I think it can be helpful in case some armed thief breaks into one's house by any chance. just sayin'

Thats the reason my Mrs has just got a gun .38 revolver. We moved up country 2 years now and never had any problems untill 4 months ago when we were broken into whilst away for a couple of days. Since then the dogs woke me up about midnight one week after the first break in and I looked out window and some Thai guy was running right in front of my window (my house is on 5 rai with 6ft perimiter wall) so he was not using this as a short cut he was dressing in black with a rucksack and was obviously coming to break in but I managed to scare him away. We had CCTV installed and my father inlaw (85 year old) was awoke around midnight (I was away at work) with someone trying to get in his window they fled soon after but we had them on CCTV although they covered up well so we could not ID them.

I never wanted to buy a gun but I asked myself the question what if they managed to get into the house when I was not home and something terrible happened to my wife and her father inlaw?

It turns out these theives were watching the house from the other field at night (easy for them to hide as very dark) so they knew there was people in the house and what time we locked up at. I would have no problem confronting them with a baseball bat but what if they had a gun? What if there was someone else over the wall watching possibly with I gun. I am not prepaired to take that chance and theres no way I would expect anyone else to.

I have since put razer wire along the back wall and barbed wire along the front wall (public road side) installed 2 spot lights either side of the garden and 2 at the back of the house and also put steel bars on the windows. The dogs are good for alerting us but if the theives come when its raining the dogs are less likely to hear them (happened last time) I really did not want to do that but I have really no other choice.

It took my Mrs 3 months to get the paper to go buy the gun and there are a few steps that needs to be followed to aquire one, for a none-Thai I would imagine it would be difficult to get one and also I have heard that from next month there will be tighter measures to getting a gun only what the wife told me.

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Get a night stick, attend a short course on how to use it. It's more practical and safer especially if you have small kids, unless you are staying in the boondocks.

What's the process that "a farang" has to go through to get a weapon's license in thailand? what are the requirements and all?
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Get the gun in the wifes name.

I want to get a better one, the one now looks so dam old and it doesnt shoot straight.

I love guns, not everyone does, and I am tired of hearing about people having a sook about them. More people are killed by guns which are ILLEGALLY owned.

Whats next, ban cars?

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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

When I first came to Thailand I had 4 cannons, 10 rockets, 2 bombs, a .45 caliber pistol and a Thompson sub machine gun.

You might think that was overkill but bar girls back then were a tougher breed than today.

What is that dangling part under the plane?

His wallet. It was soon emptied though.

Edited by Pseudolus
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OP if you feel it is so unsafe here, that you need to carry a weapon, you are in the wrong country,

It's not that i feel unsafe here or something but i was just wondering what are the laws in thailand for possession of a firearm.

BTW I think it can be helpful in case some armed thief breaks into one's house by any chance. just sayin'

Plain stupid... if an armed thief breaks into your house, he will have his gun ready and will be willing to use it if he sees you reaching for a gun... if an armed thief breaks into your house, give him your valuables and hope for the best he leaves you unharmed... if he sees you reach for a gun, he'll definitely kill you... at least THEN you don't anymore need to worry about being robbed...

I was talking about a situation like u hear some kinda noise . so, you can get ur gun and be ready for anything bad that is about to happen. i was not talking about waking up to the sound of the theif scratching his balls right next you and then tryin to get ur gun .. :l

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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

When I first came to Thailand I had 4 cannons, 10 rockets, 2 bombs, a .45 caliber pistol and a Thompson sub machine gun.

You might think that was overkill but bar girls back then were a tougher breed than today.

What is that dangling part under the plane?

His wallet. It was soon emptied though.

No I'm still here. That was a long time ago. I guess some people can adjust and others can't. Although I'm not as handsome as I was when I first got here.

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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

betcha he's a yank. Gotta have them firearms.somebody already summed it up, if so afraid that you need a gun,wrap yourself up it cotton wool a d crawl under the bed and stay there.

Why would you pick on Yanks? It is legal for Thais to own guns or people from Switzerland. There are 10 million hunters in the US and more game now than hundreds of years ago. There are nutcases everywhere check our the current thread about Norway.

Admit it. Repeat after me, I am another Yank hater on Thai Visa!

Sorry everyone else. I get so tired of the constant bashing of people based on nationality that occurs here be it the US, Thailand or any other country or ethnic or national group or sexual orientation.


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Guns should be illegal to own ANYWHERE!

betcha he's a yank. Gotta have them firearms.somebody already summed it up, if so afraid that you need a gun,wrap yourself up it cotton wool a d crawl under the bed and stay there.

Why would you pick on Yanks? It is legal for Thais to own guns or people from Switzerland. There are 10 million hunters in the US and more game now than hundreds of years ago. There are nutcases everywhere check our the current thread about Norway.

Admit it. Repeat after me, I am another Yank hater on Thai Visa!

Sorry everyone else. I get so tired of the constant bashing of people based on nationality that occurs here be it the US, Thailand or any other country or ethnic or national group or sexual orientation.

Im quite sure it's not legal for Thai people to own people from Switzerland but very easy and legal for them to own a firearm.

To be pedantic, a gun has wheels.

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I suggest the OP forgets his gun thing and instead keeps a pan of water simmering on the stove to be thrown on intruders.

No licence, no chance of the pan of water accidentally discharging itself AND the OP can drop an egg in when ever he's feeling peckish.

Edited by GuestHouse
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