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Son Of Red Bull Executive Arrested For Alleged Fatal Hit-And-Run Against Police


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Kamronwit said he would step down as the Metropolitan police chief if he failed to bring Wichien's killer to justice.

"I can't let a police officer to die in vain. I'll bring the real culprit to justice," he said.

That's refreshing to hear.

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For those of you wishing and hoping and predicting that one day there will be a revolt against corruption, you all live in la-la land.

Opinion polls conducted by Abac continue to support this attitude.

The percentage of respondents who did not mind corruption by a government as long as they also benefit from it was 64 in January 2011, 64.6 per cent in November 2011, 64.7 per cent in January 2012, and 63.4 per cent in June 2012.

With those sorts of statistics, corruption isn't going to come to a grinding halt any day soon. And....ask any of your Thai friends for their opinion. Most will likely vent anger and disappointment. Ask them what they'll do about it...they will just shrug their shoulders.

Which is because they dont hold all the cards/ guns /tanks/ planes but ONE DAY like all revolutions it WILL happen.

Yeah, and one day Toto will find his way home....cheesy.gif

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Although this is a high profile case, it could just be that it was an accident. How many times have I not seen the police motosai just pull into traffic right in front of cars.

Most people here panic when they have been in accident and just flee, even when not at fault.

Just sayin'...

Well, yes. I'm sure it was an accident. Most people wouldn't voluntarily mop out their Ferrari into a motorcycle. That's why they actually call these things "accidents." But getting into a car under the influence is not an accident, and in most countries would lead to a manslaughter charge.

Nor was fleeing the scene an accident.

I don't care if it was a cop or some unlucky guy on a push bike who got killed, Red Bull Jr. should have jail time and criminal prosecution for this.

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OMG ... the poor son!

Driving home 5.30 am after the party just finished, probably drunken and maybe drugged, with the nice little Ferrari-toy his daddy bought for him and then this accident. Probably driving too fast too - a rich man does everything in LOS.

He killed somebody - but maypenrai: Dad is so rich he will manage this. Easily. So just hurry home and go hide yourself. Until the police knocks to the door and friendly asks if he was the killer. As it is quite obvious (see pics in other posts) he has to admit.

But nothing will ever happen - Dad will open his cheque book, pay to the family of the dead police officer, pay to some police men and judges - and then it's all over.

But I wish this son will have nightmares all his life remembering how it was when his Muli-Million-THB-Toy hit the police officer and crashed him to death.

But probably he will never dream of it - as he never realized really what happened. Drugged, drunken, driving to fast - life is only fun if you are grown to be rich and richer.

Get this SOB to prison soon. NO bail.

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I don't condone hit and run or trying to implicate someone else to take the rap in the slightest, he may be rich and his family may be powerful, but where in any of the reports does it say he was drunk? Before any of you people start baying for blood, why not think before making comments. Motorcycle pulls out of a side soi without looking as they often do, a moment of neglect by the driver - and BANG! Driver panics being the son of a high profile businessman, makes a bad judgement and goes to see dad for advice. Impossible to see if there is anyone trapped under the car whilst driving it, but he should've stopped regardless. Thais don't like to face the music, face their responsibilities, or lose face at any cost - No one is going to change that. Believe me I think the actions of Boss after the incident are inexcusable, but without clear evidence of what caused the accident conclusions shouldn't be jumped to.

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If all the motorbikes stick to the left most lane as stipulated by the law, I am quite sure such accident could be greatly reduced, if not eradicated all together.

Sorry for the police man.

Clearly, you don't drive one...

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I don't condone hit and run or trying to implicate someone else to take the rap in the slightest, he may be rich and his family may be powerful, but where in any of the reports does it say he was drunk? Before any of you people start baying for blood, why not think before making comments. Motorcycle pulls out of a side soi without looking as they often do, a moment of neglect by the driver - and BANG! Driver panics being the son of a high profile businessman, makes a bad judgement and goes to see dad for advice. Impossible to see if there is anyone trapped under the car whilst driving it, but he should've stopped regardless. Thais don't like to face the music, face their responsibilities, or lose face at any cost - No one is going to change that. Believe me I think the actions of Boss after the incident are inexcusable, but without clear evidence of what caused the accident conclusions shouldn't be jumped to.

rubbish ...car seen at the crime doing the business...number taken or followed... car very damaged.... unless the policeman committed suicide...driver guilty of all of you tried to defend above...probably high on '' redbull n vodka" an excellent drink if u are not Driving and like to get out of your tree...

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For those of you wishing and hoping and predicting that one day there will be a revolt against corruption, you all live in la-la land.

Opinion polls conducted by Abac continue to support this attitude.

The percentage of respondents who did not mind corruption by a government as long as they also benefit from it was 64 in January 2011, 64.6 per cent in November 2011, 64.7 per cent in January 2012, and 63.4 per cent in June 2012.

With those sorts of statistics, corruption isn't going to come to a grinding halt any day soon. And....ask any of your Thai friends for their opinion. Most will likely vent anger and disappointment. Ask them what they'll do about it...they will just shrug their shoulders.

Which is because they dont hold all the cards/ guns /tanks/ planes but ONE DAY like all revolutions it WILL happen.

Yeah, and one day Toto will find his way home....cheesy.gif

Mushrooms will not grow but die if/ when you turn a light on.........

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If the deceased was a pretty young farang girl on a tourist island, the autopsy would take 9+ weeks and the conclusion would be either 'inconclusive' or 'poison fish'

Condolences to the poor Policeman.

Based on other similar cases, let me make a quick prediction as to the outcome:

1. Suspended sentence, accidental death verdict, community service, no jail time.

2. Someone finds their bank account swells considerably.

3. Boss gets appointed to the Police Academy as a driving instructor...

got a chuckle from me, because it's sadly true here in Thailand.

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The tide will turn one day, I suspect it won't be pretty when it does.

Agree, the day will come, not tomorrow, but not too far into the near future when the middle class voice will stand up and demand this all changes.


Keep on dreaming

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The Ferrari car was seen fleeing into Chalerm's house, prompting Kamronwit to RUSH to the house and talk with Chalerm for about an hour.

Kamronwit rushed to the house with his eyes spinning like a poker machine, Red Bull, Ferrari, BIG MONEY, hoping he would be the first to start negotiating a settlement, I guess it took an hour to sort out the fine details, I wonder if the ferrari will be part of the settlement

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Oh, they had a nice chat.

But it's weird... no pictures of the arrested man with handcuffs and lots of police ? Using the second standard in this case ?

THE PICTURES OF THE ARREST ARE HERE : http://www.dailynews...th/crime/153159

The Boy in the blue B Ball cap look s a 16 yr old student ( i presume he is the aledged driver)...which Father would give a very powerful sports car to a boy who patently can not be experienced to drive such a monster.... the streets of bkk can only frustrate sports car drivers.....Stupidity starts at the top here and apple didnt fall far from the tree.

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Impossible to see if there is anyone trapped under the car whilst driving it...

Drivers of Ferrairs and other high-end supercars normally can tell when someone has smudged a fingerprint on their cars. I would imagine they might sense when their vehicle is dragging an additional 75-85 kilos underneath.

Looking at the smashed windscreen, I don't think he was underneath the car.

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