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Forum Top Five "pet Hates". What're Yours?

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People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

LIke the nomads of the desert, some of us have had to wander the world to seek our fortune, and pine wistfully for the glens and braes of the ancestral homeland, as we drift like tumbleweed across the face of the world



People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

LIke the nomads of the desert, some of us have had to wander the world to seek our fortune, and pine wistfully for the glens and braes of the ancestral homeland, as we drift like tumbleweed across the face of the world


Time for a new Emoticon.....


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Asean Now Property Advertisement (1).png


People who complane about others speling especailly given the number of people who don't have english as there first language.

People who defend those who cannot be bothered to use a spellchecker. By using MS Word to type your message to the World, one could check for spelling and grammatical errors before using the cut and paste facility to post. Those for whom English is not their native tongue could thus improve their fund of knowledge. The incorrect use of the English language is primarily due to sheer laziness.

My F5 key is missing

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe

That is very interesting. Maybe those who complain about spelling mistakes are actually dyslexic (as well as being gimps).

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules


People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

yep, aussies, yanks and brits in that order. Who cares about 3yr old cricket matches or Rugby league scores, how mexican food in california is authentic... and branston pickle back home is only good, cant find a good one here. <deleted> is a branston pickle anyway? Sounds like something you feed to toothless grandmas upcountry instead of that purple root they chew on for months on end.

(for those of you joining the programme already in progress, we have been interviewing posters about their pet pissoffs on here)

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People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

yep, aussies, yanks and brits in that order. Who cares about 3yr old cricket matches or Rugby league scores, how mexican food in california is authentic... and branston pickle back home is only good, cant find a good one here. <deleted> is a branston pickle anyway? Sounds like something you feed to toothless grandmas upcountry instead of that purple root they chew on for months on end.

(for those of you joining the programme already in progress, we have been interviewing posters about their pet pissoffs on here)

We'll start a subforum about Cheezwhizz addiction just for the Canucks. :rolleyes:


People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

yep, aussies, yanks and brits in that order. Who cares about 3yr old cricket matches or Rugby league scores, how mexican food in california is authentic... and branston pickle back home is only good, cant find a good one here. <deleted> is a branston pickle anyway? Sounds like something you feed to toothless grandmas upcountry instead of that purple root they chew on for months on end.

(for those of you joining the programme already in progress, we have been interviewing posters about their pet pissoffs on here)

We'll start a subforum about Cheezwhizz addiction just for the Canucks. rolleyes.gif

Dont get me started smokes, cheese wizz on celery is as good as Marmite on melba toast. What is Marmite anyway, I see about 32 threads on this in the food forum and thought it was somebody trying to post in the do it yourself housing forum about kitchen counters?

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People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

yep, aussies, yanks and brits in that order. Who cares about 3yr old cricket matches or Rugby league scores, how mexican food in california is authentic... and branston pickle back home is only good, cant find a good one here. <deleted> is a branston pickle anyway? Sounds like something you feed to toothless grandmas upcountry instead of that purple root they chew on for months on end.

(for those of you joining the programme already in progress, we have been interviewing posters about their pet pissoffs on here)

We'll start a subforum about Cheezwhizz addiction just for the Canucks. rolleyes.gif

Dont get me started smokes, cheese wizz on celery is as good as Marmite on melba toast.

Had forgotten how good that was.


People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

LIke the nomads of the desert, some of us have had to wander the world to seek our fortune, and pine wistfully for the glens and braes of the ancestral homeland, as we drift like tumbleweed across the face of the world W C Fields?



People who have absolutely no clue as to how the quote function works - and then use it to repeat a page long marathon of multiple posts......leaving the rest of us to scroll through it.


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I have no pet hates........

I am a balanced and sane individual.........

Nothing ever annoys me........and I never rise to the bait. Ever. coffee1.gif

Except for MPB whistling.gif


English is not my first l language. Sometimes when I want to make a little bit longer comment I pass because I just don't want to take the risk to be corrected all the time. So for me " the teachers" on the board are not my favorites..

you will probably find they were at the bottom of the heap in their working life. This is their way of feeling like a somebody." look at me, I can spell".

Agree 100% take the grammar police and dump them in the trash bin. Say whatever you want however you want. Communication works and censorship sucks. Grammar police are only a gnat's eyelash away from the censor and they both **** bigtime.

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People who continually talk about their own country, and start threads that always lead to talking about their own country.

If their own country is so appealing why do they leave it.

yep, aussies, yanks and brits in that order. Who cares about 3yr old cricket matches or Rugby league scores, how mexican food in california is authentic... and branston pickle back home is only good, cant find a good one here. <deleted> is a branston pickle anyway? Sounds like something you feed to toothless grandmas upcountry instead of that purple root they chew on for months on end.

(for those of you joining the programme already in progress, we have been interviewing posters about their pet pissoffs on here)

We'll start a subforum about Cheezwhizz addiction just for the Canucks. rolleyes.gif

Yes pleeze


I dislike when people write about events that happened in the past using present tense.

"Last week, I'm in a bar and a ladyboy walks up to me..."


English is not my first l language. Sometimes when I want to make a little bit longer comment I pass because I just don't want to take the risk to be corrected all the time. So for me " the teachers" on the board are not my favorites..

you will probably find they were at the bottom of the heap in their working life. This is their way of feeling like a somebody." look at me, I can spell".

I thought it was not allowed to discuss moderation.

pet hates in thailand? People in dodgy clubs who try really hard to make u do C so they feel ok about doing it in the first place. Anyone who's rude to staff for no good reason other than to feel big.


Not being able to get a refund of the minutes I spent reading such threads. sad.png

I felt much the same when BigBrother first came on TV some years back.

So inane ... whybother!

Oh, as for 'Pets' ... some of us are very nice.

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Particularly those who seem to feel it their duty to tell the rest of us under what conditions they agree for us to stay in Thailand.

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1. My former neighbour that had his bed next to the wall so that everytime he had intercourse, I not only heard him going at it as he would moan "oh gawd, oh gawd", but had a the thumping bed kept pace. He usually had his sexual intercourse at 4 AM. Many a time I was woken up and so creeped out I would sit there looking at TVF on my laptop. He was probably posting in TVF complaining about his neighbours leaving notes to please be a bit more quiet when banging some tart.

2. The canned remark of there being other girls around when someone mentions he is having a disagreement with his g/f.


folks who squeal "troll" when someone has a controversial viewpoint or one that does not agree with their world view

I agree with that. Just dont say anything controversial, or outside the square you live in. Never never rock the boat.

Hey I got labelled troll for exactly this. What a bunch of sooks.

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