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@ NeverSure

You are talking nonsense.

1. There are two radically different histories of WW II, the one that was actually fought, and the one where the US kicked everyone's assess. Guess which one Cold War-era classrooms in the US were allowed to teach? Here's a hint: It's the same one Hollywood chose to film.

World War II wasn't just a clever name. It was a global conflict that included epic acts of heroism by non-Americans like the storming of Madagascar, the Battle of Westerplatte, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Kursk, the epic Kokoda Track, the pilots of the Polish Underground State, the details of El Alamein or the HMS Bulldog.

Of course, Americans never hear about any of those unless, as in the case of the classic submarine film U 571, the characters are just straight up switched to Americans. To quote George S. Patton: "Americans love a winner," which you know because you saw Patton, the film that portrayed Field Marshal Bernard "Rommel-killer" Montgomery like a buffoon simply because he was British.

You also neatly ignore Stalin in your claim that I'd be goose-stepping around today.

2. You have fallen into the classic trap of blaming all Muslims for the acts of an extremist minority, without even understanding any of the motivations. Sep 11 did not happen because of an insult.

Perhaps I should join you and blame all Americans for your country's foreign policy mistakes? So I'll blame you personally for Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, IRA funding etc ad nauseum and conclude Americans are evil.

Your language directed towards Muslims is crude and unhelpful.

Oh, I'm not claiming that the US was alone the victor, or that others didn't play a big part. Yes, Russia was an ally and a good one. The Brits fought like bloody hell. Never underestimate a Brit. In addition to throwing everything they had into the fray, the Brits invented radar right in the middle of that war and gave it to the US. It astounded the Germans as to why their fighter planes couldn't then find allied bombers and how the bombers slipped through. It was because the Brit's radar found them first and avoided them. Many planes and lives were saved by that. There are many, many things for all of the allies to be proud of and thankful for.

On the other hand, when the US hit the beach at Normandy, the French had already surrendered to Hitler. It had been maybe 3 years already and many of the French gals had actually married occupying German soldiers. One could never tell friend from enemy. Yet the US and allies marched through France and liberated it, and then went straight into Belgium into the teeth of Hitler's main army and fought the very bloody Battle of the Bulge. Hitler lost and he was basically finished right there.

That's not revisionist.

As for the Muslims, sorry you're blind to what they are and what they do. Do I have to post that list again of their many worldwide terrorist attacks in just the past 30 days? Is someone yet going to explain to me what the Thais did to incur their murdering wrath a few times in the past 30 days (as shown on the list I posted?)

Some here seem to want to blame the US for the Islamic terrorism. I blame the murderers. They murder all over the world from a train station in France to a massacre in a school in Russia.

I know mass murderers when I see them. I'm not allowed to go into mass murdering mode when I'm insulted or unhappy, because it's immoral and illegal. Some would give the Islamic terrorists a pass for it though. After all, they are insulted or something.

Some video made them do it? Bull pucky.

Sorry you've still not 100% correct. The US, British and Commonwealth forces, Free French, Free Polish etc etc landed on D Day in Normandy. The Russians were the main contributors to the defeat of the German military ground forces. Total German military forces killed by Russian forces was around 3.5 million.

Even better a WWII thread. Can I be the Canadians?

Kerry, do you wish to add something, coz I would be happy to read your contribution smile.png

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I read the world news all the time (not from here).

I can tell you that the whole world seems to be going mad the last 5 years, the things people do makes me lol.

The end is near tongue.png

Yeah, isn't it December 22nd 2012 ?

The Myans did not take use leap years. When all of the leap years are taken into account since they started you find that the end of the myan calander has already passed.
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@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respected

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@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respected

I agree they don't get near enough credit.

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"The Religion of Peace?" It's all the fault of the US?

Scroll clear down for a long list of worldwide Muslim terrorist attacks across the globe, just in the past 30 days!

I see that at least 3 of them occured in Thailand. What did Thailand do to inherit the wrath supposedly aimed at the US? Does someone think there isn't a problem in S. Thailand?

This is a worldwide problem, started by Muslims who intend to either convert everyone to Islam or KILL them.


It would serve your post a lot more credence not to point to dedicated anti Islamic hate sites. Regards Thailand look up conflict in the Deep South from independent media sources, not hate sites - it's nothing to do with America

EDIT: You are sounding as blind and ill informed as the Muslims demonstrating and blaming the US government about "that film"

So, just please tell me which one of those listed Islamic terrorist attacks in untrue? You can't win a debate by attacking the messenger.

referring to your post re Thailand and linking to the US. In any case the list you refer to is nearly all Shiite versus Sunni, do you really care?

Sure I care. It makes the point against anyone who wants to blame anyone in the West for Islamic terrorism. They are terrorists. It's what they do, even to each other. If a rattlesnake bites you I don't say "what did you do to cause it to bite you? Surely it must be your fault?" What did you expect? It's a rattlesnake and no other explanation is usually needed.

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@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respected

I agree they don't get near enough credit.

If we talk about governments that's one thing but if we want to thank those who sacrificed their lives for the freedoms we take for granted today, then we will have to thank a lot of soldiers from multiple nations.

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@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respected

I agree they don't get near enough credit.

well you buggered it up by giving us celine dion!!!

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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

Why is it that some one always brings up Northern Ireland as some sort of example of western religious extremism? The Northern Ireland troubles were not about religion, sure the sides were one or the other but the fight was not about religion. It's interesting to put things in perspective by noting that in the 30 years of the Northern Ireland troubles less people were killed by terrorists from both sides than on 9/11.

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@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respected

I agree they don't get near enough credit.

well you buggered it up by giving us celine dion!!!

And Justin Beber

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@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respected

The Canadians are a terrific people who don't always get proper recognition because their numbers are smaller. But pound for pound they are a plucky lot.

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You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

Why is it that some one always brings up Northern Ireland as some sort of example of western religious extremism? The Northern Ireland troubles were not about religion, sure the sides were one or the other but the fight was not about religion. It's interesting to put things in perspective by noting that in the 30 years of the Northern Ireland troubles less people were killed by terrorists from both sides than on 9/11.

What about Scotland? Not about religion?

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It's interesting to put things in perspective by noting that in the 30 years of the Northern Ireland troubles less people were killed by terrorists from both sides than on 9/11.

Except your are completely wrong.

The Troubles:

3,529 total deaths.

47,541 + total injured.


2,996 total deaths.

6,000 + total injured.

And it began many, many years ago as a purely religious-ethno conflict in the 17 C.

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As for the Muslims, sorry you're blind to what they are and what they do. Do I have to post that list again of their many worldwide terrorist attacks in just the past 30 days? Is someone yet going to explain to me what the Thais did to incur their murdering wrath a few times in the past 30 days (as shown on the list I posted?)

Some here seem to want to blame the US for the Islamic terrorism. I blame the murderers. They murder all over the world from a train station in France to a massacre in a school in Russia.

I know mass murderers when I see them. I'm not allowed to go into mass murdering mode when I'm insulted or unhappy, because it's immoral and illegal. Some would give the Islamic terrorists a pass for it though. After all, they are insulted or something.

Some video made them do it? Bull pucky.

I am not blind. Let me explain in real simple terms for you.

I'll tell my mass murdering friends to do one and ensure they end up in Administrative Detention then.

No, wait, I don't need to, they are not mass murderers simply because they are Muslim.

Get it yet?

You don't blame the murderers, you blame "The Muslims".

So shall I blame The Americans for the disgusting things individual Americans have done? (You can substitute any classifier you want).

No, because that would be stupid.

You fail to grasp this point.

I disagree with you. Burn a Koran and the entire muslim population will be baying for your blood. burn a bible and only those that go to church would be offended. (possibly)

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^ tripe, and I'm sure you know it.

At least I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

My personal take on Muslims is that when they go to another country to live they want us to convert to Islam. Want to close down butcher shop near their house because they sell pork. My friend owns a house in UK and has to pay for a parking permit each year to park his car outside his house. but 2 days a week he is not allowed because its reserved for muslims attending the nearby mosque. Even Robinsons Sukhumvit has their floor plan in arabic and a prayer room for muslims! Do they have a chapel?

If I go to a muslim country for a holiday can my hot wife stride down the beach in a Bikini? no my friend. With Muslims its a case of this is our law/belief and we want you all to change.

If they go to England and dont like this and that simple Dont <deleted>*king come!

As a footnote I had an argument with a Muslim here in Bangkok because he was trying to engage me in a conversation about the merits of Islam. I called him a hippocrite. And do you know why? Because he was in Oreillys drinking a pint of beer at the time!

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It's interesting to put things in perspective by noting that in the 30 years of the Northern Ireland troubles less people were killed by terrorists from both sides than on 9/11.

Except your are completely wrong.

The Troubles:

3,529 total deaths.

47,541 + total injured.


2,996 total deaths.

6,000 + total injured.

And it began many, many years ago as a purely religious-ethno conflict in the 17 C.

I had another look and yes my original post was not accurate. Still the comparison serves to make my point.

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That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

Why is it that some one always brings up Northern Ireland as some sort of example of western religious extremism? The Northern Ireland troubles were not about religion, sure the sides were one or the other but the fight was not about religion. It's interesting to put things in perspective by noting that in the 30 years of the Northern Ireland troubles less people were killed by terrorists from both sides than on 9/11.

Correct, nothing whatsoever to do with Religion, if anyone wants to know why the last troubles kicked off, then you need to go no further than this video. There were tensions leading up to it, but this is the spark that ignited the war.

The apology for this finally came 38 years later


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It's interesting to put things in perspective by noting that in the 30 years of the Northern Ireland troubles less people were killed by terrorists from both sides than on 9/11.

Except your are completely wrong.

The Troubles:

3,529 total deaths.

47,541 + total injured.


2,996 total deaths.

6,000 + total injured.

And it began many, many years ago as a purely religious-ethno conflict in the 17 C.

I had another look and yes my original post was not accurate. Still the comparison serves to make my point.

What's the point/comparison you are making?

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It's interesting to put things in perspective by noting that in the 30 years of the Northern Ireland troubles less people were killed by terrorists from both sides than on 9/11.

Except your are completely wrong.

The Troubles:

3,529 total deaths.

47,541 + total injured.


2,996 total deaths.

6,000 + total injured.

And it began many, many years ago as a purely religious-ethno conflict in the 17 C.

I had another look and yes my original post was not accurate. Still the comparison serves to make my point.

What's the point/comparison you are making?

The original post intimated that islamic terrorism was comparable to the troubles in Ireland, my point is that there is no relevance to that point of view.

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@canman - you ok to carry on the debate?

Population for Northern Ireland in around 1.8m, so number of deaths over 30 years is not insignificant when compared to the population level. The various terrorists groups such as INLA & PIRA did target economic areas, bars & restaurants that military personnel visited and murdered a large number of civilians as a consequence. Also tit for tat killing between the competing groups. So what are the numbers of westerners killed by Islamic terror attacks since the 1970s with a current total Muslim worldwide population is say 2 billion; personally I think that is a reasonable comparison. Or are you saying the Troubles in Northern Ireland was driven by economic/political disfranchisement according to your faith?

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This thread has become mired in ill-informed racial slur interspersed with the occasional sensible comment. It has moved so far away from having any link to Thailand, that I for one cannot see how it has any place in this forum.

Just saying coffee1.gif

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This thread has become mired in ill-informed racial slur interspersed with the occasional sensible comment. It has moved so far away from having any link to Thailand, that I for one cannot see how it has any place in this forum.

Just saying coffee1.gif

I think you did that pretty good yourself by even comparing to Templars. Some people here really need to read the history before the throw out presumptious "facts".

Staying with the topic... I fail to see the same thing happening with Malaysia as they are more or less reformed and it's doubtful they want to alienate the westerners with the current economy they have now.

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Posted Yesterday, 21:45

snapback.pngsimple1, on 2012-09-18 21:30:33, said:

@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respectedI agree they don't get near enough credit.

@chiangmaikelly - absolutely the Canadians made a major contribution. Years ago I traveled through Northern France with a Canadian friend who had the Maple flag on this backpack. Quite a few French people approached him; Canadians were still remembered and respected

I agree they don't get near enough credit.

They get lots of credit from Holland, France and other European countries. Don't worry.

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Brain washing really seems to be easy to do. I remember J. Witnesses knocking on my UK door with some really daft talk stuff that had know real answers to my questions, and l thought then how easy it was for kids brought up in that environment to be brain washed. sad.png

I told my Thai wife not to answer the front door in the day time to any strangers anyway she completely ignored my advice and answered the door to some Jehovah's Witnesses, she told me later she likes to practice English with the people who knock the door but the JW had annoyed her in a funny way. They promised to bring a Thai speaker next week to help her convert from Buddhism.

She has since stopped answering the door to strangers.cheesy.gif .

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