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All I See Is Complaints


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Suppose you're right. There arent that many Thais in this forum. Strange enough,

not many Russians, Chinese or Sudanese here either. Wonder why?

Maybe not to interesting for them? Maybe not very good at english? Maybe

too depresive. Who knows.

As you so very well noticed, there is a lot of complaining going on. Especially

about people complaining.

Suppose that is a british perogative and is a favorite past time for back home. It's

noting personal and doesn't mean we don't like it. It just makes us feel like home,

far away from home.

Now why on earth would you like us to go back from where we came from?

It's always cold there, the government is s**t, traffic jams, schooling is underfundet

our health care doesn't care. The neighbours are w***ers.

We do complain there just as much as we would any where in the world.

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Rob8891, you made some good points, as opposed to others. I actually read TV for the news and the practical info... But at the bottom yoy always reach the comments as you know.

"Pack uo your sh!t and leave" wasn't meant in an insulting way, just as i would say it in any situation.

Anyway, everybody has the right to think what they want. As a newbie I just noticed what I addressed before.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Look up. rolleyes.gif

I did look up Smokie and this is what I saw;

I can only assume that its telling the OP where to go smile.png

I thought Smokie meant look up we`ve got another troll landing smile.png

I figured that William ! Just thought it was ironic that on my page it came with an Agoda ad above it smile.png

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Yet another expat bleating about other expats expressing an opinion about Thailand he doesn't like to hear.

Rather than telling complete strangers that the should pack their bags and go home if they express opinions the OP doesn't like to hear, I suggest he takes some time to examine exactly what is going on in his own head that he is so offended by the opinions of people he does not know?

I'm not sure why the OP came to Thailand, I'm not sure why any expat comes to Thailand, but I am absolutely sure non of us came here to be told what we can think and say by other expats.

It appears that some people need to be told what to do, so that when everthing turns to sh1t they can blame the others on the advice given...........sad.png

Or if nobody gives favourable advice they want to hear, they deem everyone has a problem, just not them..........wink.png

OP, welcome to internet forums.

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Yet another expat bleating about other expats expressing an opinion about Thailand he doesn't like to hear.

Rather than telling complete strangers that the should pack their bags and go home if they express opinions the OP doesn't like to hear, I suggest he takes some time to examine exactly what is going on in his own head that he is so offended by the opinions of people he does not know?

I'm not sure why the OP came to Thailand, I'm not sure why any expat comes to Thailand, but I am absolutely sure non of us came here to be told what we can think and say by other expats.

Agreed ......

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I venture to guess that most if not all of the complainers are city dwellers, or live in highly populated areas.I read the forum to reinforce my decision not to live in such places. Life here is good for me.

Now, was that not a boring post?

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To the Op, the majority on here(That post-not lurk!) are British and yes we like to complain and moan and make the world a better place that is why we colonized the best parts of the planet. We are affectionatly known by our colonial cousins as whinging poms. It's part of the British culture. So take a green pill and chill mantongue.png

A good Englishman does not complain: He observes and makes a statement based upon the observation.

Proper Englishman have a stiff upper lip.

Perhaps you have been infected by the disease called the EU..... whistling.gif

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It's bitterly hypocritical that the OP is complaining on his second post! I don't share their view of this forum as some sort of complaints hub; it's mostly people sharing experiences and giving advice. If you are in Thailand and what to know about anything; be it history, travel, shopping or entertainment, there's always someone here who can help.

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The reason why people complain is to vent, we can't change much. I complain too (but i am not a Brit thank god), but i love it here. The good for me outweighs the bad.

But i complained just as hard on the forum back home about stuff in the Netherlands. Its quite normal for people to want to express their frustration at times.

Usually people who don't complain are those who just arrived here and still wear the rose tinted glasses or people who read this forum but don't even live here full-time.

Thai people complain too on forums and talk about it with others (or hold mass demonstrations red / yellow anyone) they don't agree with all that happens here too. Why should we be different.

On the Thai media there was an uproar too about the guy with the ferrari who mowed down the cop. Just because we (i can't and most of us cant) read those post does not mean the Thais don't complain on their social media.

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I assume the OP is quite young and hasn't yet realized that it's human nature to be vocal when the situation is disagreeable but say nothing when thing are going smoothly. People in all countries and from all cultures are like that. How often do people write to a company to praise them if the product they bought works to their expectations? Almost never! However, if the product doesn't live up to expectations, they will much more often complain.

It's always nice to see the simple solution come up, though -- go home or somewhere else. I can't believe that people are still offering that stale and extremely overused suggestion. We/they can go elsewhere, but the sad truth is that someone else will get off the next flight to take our places. The complainers will move on when they want to, or they will fade away somehow, but I can almost guarantee you that nobody has done so because it was suggested by someone here.

Edited by Wavefloater
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