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Foreigner Shot Dead In Saraburi


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I know the victim well. He was a much respected and liked member of Thailands cricket community. He was generous with his time and philantropic. As the reports mention he was involved in a custody dispute over his son. Please show some respect and refrain from the usual Tv spectulation and ranting. Cheers. RIP mate.

I had spoke to him a few times. A true gentleman.

May he rest in peace.

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If you understand mathematics, physics, human nature, you can see the theory of too many rats in the same cage is epidemic and contributing the problems.

Things are getting hostile globally; Suggest keeping the ego, emotion,etc. at a set point of neutral. Not suggesting this incident is the case, but it is the main factor in many violent deaths, especially farang on farang.

The fact we need a neighborhood watch for farangs is evident. Ever since the sad story of the Canadian sisters poisoning from mosquito coils, i have been blogging the US rave party websites and warning the masses. I hope we get justice for this Gentleman.

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nice posts so far, from Thaibashing to people wich feel safer here as in mothers house...

I mean, He was shot in the MOUTH ... that doesnt look like an accident... Sometimes I think I live in a country where 90 Percent off the Farangs

behave like children...most of you guys behave like this. Be it on ladybars or on your Harleys or when you still talk like

you are 25 y.o. and can rip the world apart... To me its looking like he just pi55ed the wrong people off.

may he rest in peace...

It looks more of an execution that a "normal" paid for killing

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"The fingerprints of every Thai citizen are data based."

I find it hard to believe the government have the finger prints of every Thai citizen. Even half would be impressive. Where do you get this stuff?

Every Thai who has an ID card has his fingerprints in the system. The only ones who don't are kids who don't yet have their ID cards.

If you have knowledge otherwise, please correct me.

There maybe some finger printing for ID cards however there is no evidence that criminal investigators in Thailand have access to a database of ALL Thai citizens for purposes of crime detection.

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Crime Statistics > Gun violence > Homicides > % homicides with firearms (most recent) by country

VIEW DATA: Totals Definition Source printable.gifPrintable version Bar Graph Map

Showing latest available data. Rank Countries opacity.gifAmount down.gif

# 1 th.gifThailand: 79.5805

Crime in Thailand

# 2 sf.gifSouth Africa: 59.2028

Crime in South Africa

# 3 co.gifColombia: 45.2092

Crime in Colombia

# 4 lo.gifSlovakia: 45

Crime in Slovakia

# 5 gt.gifGuatemala: 42.0706

Crime in Guatemala

# 6 zi.gifZimbabwe: 39.6026

#1 in the world for firearm homicides, and people think I'm crazy for wanting to keep a shotgun inside my home for that freak chance one of these clowns is going to come through the roof at 3am.

and then the statistics go up...

What is the source of this data? Do we have a date?

Comments from the website that host suggest it could be 12 years old.

Edited by Pui
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@pui - "They don't have finger printing as far as I know" have you ever been to an Amphur or police station? Amphur's use finger print technology for illiterate Thais who cannot sign their names. Thai's when arrested and charged by the police are fingerprinted, same as in the West. Also you should check out the URL below that talks to Thai acquisition and implementation of leading edge DNA technology for crime scene investigations. A component of the project is collecting DNA from all prisoners upon completion of their sentence. As you said, quality of forensics investigations is the question mark.


No I have not been in a Ampur or Police station where illiterate Thais are being fingerprinted as an alternative to a signature. I will take your word for it!

While there maybe some finger printing for ID cards, there is no evidence that criminal investigators in Thailand have access to a database of ALL Thai citizens for purposes of crime detection.

The source you have quoted was an intention to introduce something in 2004

Paragraphs begin.

"Thai authorities plan to set up a National DNA database"

Thai authorities plan many things that are not always put into practice.

With all due respect there is not a lot in the way of fingerprints and DNA and proper forensic crime detection (like we see in the west) in the country.

Lets hope they catch these criminals.


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"The fingerprints of every Thai citizen are data based."

I find it hard to believe the government have the finger prints of every Thai citizen. Even half would be impressive. Where do you get this stuff?

Every Thai who has an ID card has his fingerprints in the system. The only ones who don't are kids who don't yet have their ID cards.

If you have knowledge otherwise, please correct me.

There maybe some finger printing for ID cards however there is no evidence that criminal investigators in Thailand have access to a database of ALL Thai citizens for purposes of crime detection.

You seem to be playing word games as obviously all Thai citizens will not hold an ID Card. Those who don't cannot obtain a driving license, bank account, electricity supply, water supply etc. Professional criminals will endeavour to operate below the radar. The following URL's should assist you with understanding the Thai ID Card technology, national database, Thai government agencies that can access the database and associated applications. At this stage children under the age of 15 are not required to have one, but can apply to have one issued.



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"The fingerprints of every Thai citizen are data based."

I find it hard to believe the government have the finger prints of every Thai citizen. Even half would be impressive. Where do you get this stuff?

Every Thai who has an ID card has his fingerprints in the system. The only ones who don't are kids who don't yet have their ID cards.

If you have knowledge otherwise, please correct me.

There maybe some finger printing for ID cards however there is no evidence that criminal investigators in Thailand have access to a database of ALL Thai citizens for purposes of crime detection.

You seem to be playing word games as obviously all Thai citizens will not hold an ID Card. Those who don't cannot obtain a driving license, bank account, electricity supply, water supply etc. Professional criminals will endeavour to operate below the radar. The following URL's should assist you with understanding the Thai ID Card technology, national database, Thai government agencies that can access the database and associated applications. At this stage children under the age of 15 are not required to have one, but can apply to have one issued.



Not word games sir.

I am questioning the fact you stated that criminal investigators in Thailand have access to a database of ALL Thai citizens for purposes of crime detection.

Taking finger prints for ID cards doesn't give the crime investigators access to a usable database. Biometrics ID cards a completely separate subject. These fingers prints are for ID purposes.

This is not criminal investigators putting powder on door knobs with a little paint brush and lifting a finger print.

When was the last time you heard "They caught that criminal, fingers!" I've never seen that in Thailand.

Can you show me a crime solved in this fashion? its just not common practice.

Please lets drop this a person has died, let hope they catch them.

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^^ What is a normal paid for killing?

Let's hope the cops go 2 for 2 on catching the perps.

Well similar to that drive by of the other expat, or where they actually follow the victim until they reach a quiet spot. But this like I said looks more like he was executed. There was something similar in Kra Buri a couple of few ago, White guy stripped naked. Only identifying mark as a tattoo of a flower on his chest. Police actually came to show me a photograph. Even though I am miles from Kra Buri.

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If you understand mathematics, physics, human nature, you can see the theory of too many rats in the same cage is epidemic and contributing the problems.

Things are getting hostile globally; Suggest keeping the ego, emotion,etc. at a set point of neutral. Not suggesting this incident is the case, but it is the main factor in many violent deaths, especially farang on farang.

The fact we need a neighborhood watch for farangs is evident. Ever since the sad story of the Canadian sisters poisoning from mosquito coils, i have been blogging the US rave party websites and warning the masses. I hope we get justice for this Gentleman.

Brian, as much as I feel that I understand your concern for people living here, I don't understand how on earth you would go about setting up a national (yes, it would need to be national if you had everybodies welfare in mind) neighborhood watch system for falangs on another country's soil. IMO it would be an interesting poll to see how many would agree with you on that!

If it were possible, I think what you would achieve is yet another group of 'falangs' dressed up in another uniform not making a bit of difference! That is a personal opinion. The majority of police forces in the provences have a list of all foreigners living in their area. If you feel unsafe or threatened, contact them. As much criticism as the police get, it is in their interest to protect the foreigners as it will mean the involvement of embassies if something does happen.

As for the OP, there isn't much going to stop this sort of thing happening, anywhere!

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In Thailand, as in most countries that maintain a relative state of civility, acts of violence, and murder specifically, are rarely as "random" as many seem to believe. There are usually many junctures where one can consciously decide to avoid such outcomes.

Edited by Curt1591
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Crime Statistics > Gun violence > Homicides > % homicides with firearms (most recent) by country

VIEW DATA: Totals Definition Source printable.gifPrintable version Bar Graph Map

Showing latest available data. Rank Countries opacity.gifAmount down.gif

# 1 th.gifThailand: 79.5805

Crime in Thailand

# 2 sf.gifSouth Africa: 59.2028

Crime in South Africa

# 3 co.gifColombia: 45.2092

Crime in Colombia

# 4 lo.gifSlovakia: 45

Crime in Slovakia

# 5 gt.gifGuatemala: 42.0706

Crime in Guatemala

# 6 zi.gifZimbabwe: 39.6026

#1 in the world for firearm homicides, and people think I'm crazy for wanting to keep a shotgun inside my home for that freak chance one of these clowns is going to come through the roof at 3am.

and then the statistics go up...

What is the source of this data? Do we have a date?

Comments from the website that host suggest it could be 12 years old.

And when some people point out obvious things like that, some choose to make comparisons with the US. Seriously, I don't think everyone intends to stereotype things about Thailand. There are some things that you just know even if you don't have lots of data in hand, you know?

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In Thailand, as in most countries that maintain a relative state of civility, acts of violence, and murder specifically, are rarely as "random" as many seem to believe. There are usually many junctures where one can consciously decide to avoid such outcomes.

Yes. A large percentage of acts of murder in developing and developed countries stem from the victims' choice of business partners and spouses.

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Over the years there have been a few Thais who have made comments about wanting to murder me. each time it was someone I had never even communicated at all with.

1. guy in bar at birthday party because his gf said i was handsome

2. motorcycle taxi guy who worked in front of apartment building, no idea why

3. friend of cousin at some family event, no idea why

It kind of puts a drag of living in the country where so many of the locals have zero education, are addicts/alcoholics and fly off the handle at any given moment. it seems like we average about a farang murder a day now.

would love to see the Thais sort their society out.

I think there is a great big difference between hot winded threats and actually acting on them. BIG difference indeed.

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Is it me or are stories of this nature getting more frequent.

Thai Society seems to be descending onto a slippery slope with the Rule of Law openly ignored by the rich and influential with them not even bothering any more to try to conceal it. It is almost reverse anarchy where those in power run amok. With role models such as those running the country, the military, the police and just about every other service or agency run by the local or national government, what hope is there that the general low level population will give a dam_n about the law either.

Thais accept so many things in their society now, two faced attitudes, corruption rampant with some reports of 60% of government funded schemes going into the pockets of the politicians and government officials, lousy education and a million other things. Murder should not be added to the list of things a blind eye is turned to. I hope this case is investigated with vigour and vigilance and not just left in a file to gather dust because it earns the police no money.

I hope the family of this man finds closure and him peace. There but for the grace of God go I - I wonder how long His grace will last sometimes.

Are you suggesting a Thai did it? There seems to be plenty of farang on farang violence these days as well if you read the local papers.

Perhaps it was a foreigner. But how much you willing to bet?

Gambling is illegal in Thailand...... like dring driving.... killings... prostitution..... corruption...... None of that around here please.....wai.gif

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would love to see the Thais sort their society out.

Like your society has sorted itself out? No murders there? No gangs? Football hooligans? Drunken drivers and aggressive lager louts?

Get off your high horse for Chrissakes. It's pathetic.

And oh the humanity...a farang killed a day. As if a farang life is so much more bloody valuable than a local's.

Yes, let's clean up society because a foreign man was killed. How bloody arrogant.

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would love to see the Thais sort their society out.

Like your society has sorted itself out? No murders there? No gangs? Football hooligans? Drunken drivers and aggressive lager louts?

Get off your high horse for Chrissakes. It's pathetic.

And oh the humanity...a farang killed a day. As if a farang life is so much more bloody valuable than a local's.

Yes, let's clean up society because a foreign man was killed. How bloody arrogant.

sorry but the farang murder rate is off the charts. you can certainly argue that farang bring it upon themselves by bad decision making/keeping poor company but let's not distort reality.

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It seems to be every other day these news. A foreigner murdered by a local(which in this case it is not proven, but if it is 'the usual business' , I assume it is the case.)

Very sad the way thailand is going down the drains,also because they rely so much on tourists and foreigners economically.

I once wished to go to thailand to live, but after reading this forum, I would never do it. In fact , I would not even go there on holiday, I think.

It seems like a society gone mentally ill.

On one hand they do anything to appear white, on the other hand there is a real hatred for foreigners.

Now, if i was male, I would NEVER marry a thai, because how can you be really sure?

Don't know what the attitudes towards white females are, but there sure are a lot of attacks on those, too.

Luckily, Asia is large and there are plenty other countries to choose from. As it is now, Thailand would be at the very bottom of my list. Such a beautiful country, but such ugly mentality. Really sad.

Have you witnessed this underlying hatred or mistrust of white tourists or those who choose to live there to which you allude?

Admittedly my wife and I have only travelled to Thailand three times for periods ranging from 3-5 weeks and with our fourth trip being in April 2013, I must have missed something which you have obviously experienced.

We have travelled to several parts of Thailand by car, train and (local) bus: Bangkok, Chaing Mai, Kanchanaburi, Krabi and Phuket and surrounding areas as well as a place in the mountains (the name of which I can't for the life of me remember) where one of our friends - an Australian - has built road and power infrastructure, assisted the local school in recruiting English-language teachers and employed around 30 locals in his building and running of a brand new distillery. We were welcomed openly and not a hint of negativity was evidenced by either of us.

Of course, I have read the papers reporting on violence against westerners (Daniel Katz the martial artist, Michelle Smith the travel agent, that drunk tool who mouthed off to a bunch of tuktuk drivers in Patong, and this poor bloke) I haven't felt or witnessed any form of threat from any Thai person.

I own a security analysis and risk assessment company. I have over 25 years in threat assessment and personal protection. I think I would have seen things. I have felt comfortable with my wife walk around Phuket, Krabi and Kanchanaburi alone. Not at night, obviously, as that is when you have to worry about drunk tourists and the standard gamut of unsavoury characters who prey in the dark that you get in any town.

Another friend who lives there says that while violence toward westerners by Thais does exist, it is usually due to some issue with an ex-pat who has married into the family (and brought dishonour in some manner) or someone having dodgy "business" dealings. Most violence against "whites" (read here: English, Australian, Russian and Scandinavian people) is perpetrated by other tourists. Hence the "Tourist Police" in Phuket - who are predominantly white people - who have little to no authority over Thais - that have certain powers to deal with ex-pats.

It is my opinion you have not added value to this discussion. May I suggest you leave this forum and join on of the Cambodia or Vietnam forums instead? They are becoming very "in" tourist destinations and your superior insight into Asia's psyche would be most welcome.

@ the oracle....

As you said you came here 3 time for a maximun of 15 weeks? Im sure your safety was not too much engaged in you "top luxury" resort in CM, Phuket..... As for your friend who build infrastructure here, GREAT MAN, maybe you should ask him how contract are being distributed and what happen in case of "misunderstanding"....

I am feeling very safe where I live!!!! However, I have been working in those places u describe as:" We were welcomed openly and not a hint of negativity was evidenced by either of us." and believe me there is 2 side to a coin.

As for your friend who thinks about Thai and foreigners and dishonnor..... Just ask him to stop doing dangerous thing... like thinking....rolleyes.gif .

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