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Tiger Disco Charged Over Inferno Deaths


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Another Santika. The press will report the first findings, everyone in an uproar and then nothing further once the tea money is paid. It will all just cease to exist.

Google is your friend
On Sept 20, 2011, Thailand's Criminal Court found two persons -- Mr Wisuk Setsawat, the pub owner, and Mr Boonchu Laorinath, the light and sound company's owner -- guilty of negligence. Mr Wisuth and Mr Boonchoo were given three-year jail terms. Boonchoo was also ordered to pay Bt8.5 million in compensation to five plaintiffs, relatives of the victims.

I really like it when stupid babble is degraded and silenced by a bit of simple online research. A job well done, Soupdragon!!! clap2.gif

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Another Santika. The press will report the first findings, everyone in an uproar and then nothing further once the tea money is paid. It will all just cease to exist.

Google is your friend
On Sept 20, 2011, Thailand's Criminal Court found two persons -- Mr Wisuk Setsawat, the pub owner, and Mr Boonchu Laorinath, the light and sound company's owner -- guilty of negligence. Mr Wisuth and Mr Boonchoo were given three-year jail terms. Boonchoo was also ordered to pay Bt8.5 million in compensation to five plaintiffs, relatives of the victims.

Nice. Thx - my point being the punishment certainly does not fit the crime. I was sadly privy to the photos of the kids who died at Santika, what appeared to be sleeping, all bald, their clothes completely gone, both burned away and all on the floor leaning against the wall where they were asphyxiated. No - Google did not show that. And if the prosecution is anything like Bangkok, it will be the same. And the payoffs so far from Tiger in my opinion is trying to buy silence.

Edited by asiawatcher
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Another Santika. The press will report the first findings, everyone in an uproar and then nothing further once the tea money is paid. It will all just cease to exist.

Google is your friend
On Sept 20, 2011, Thailand's Criminal Court found two persons -- Mr Wisuk Setsawat, the pub owner, and Mr Boonchu Laorinath, the light and sound company's owner -- guilty of negligence. Mr Wisuth and Mr Boonchoo were given three-year jail terms. Boonchoo was also ordered to pay Bt8.5 million in compensation to five plaintiffs, relatives of the victims.

Nice. Thx - my point being the punishment certainly does not fit the crime. I was sadly privy to the photos of the kids who died at Santika, what appeared to be sleeping, all bald, their clothes completely gone, both burned away and all on the floor leaning against the wall where they were asphyxiated. No - Google did not show that. And if the prosecution is anything like Bangkok, it will be the same. And the payoffs so far from Tiger in my opinion is trying to buy silence.

And he is still facing another court case for the 17 years old dead there (allowing minor in a club)

Even the BMA has a civil court pending for negligence.

It seems that, for once, police and justice are doing their job.

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A huge amount of cash will need to be exchanged for all this to go away. Then it will be business as usual...

No, they will be fined the maximum 20,000 Baht. End of story. They have already paid the victims money, to Thai standards more than reasonable amounts of money, so no more damage payments will be required.

I agree, maybe 20,000 per person at most. This really does show the value of life here.

Surely the Thai convention for culpable death is 200,000 Baht for each of the deceased's individual dependents without limit thereof.
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I was in Bangla Road last night and the other Tiger disco, opposite the one that caught fire, is still open and not only is it probably twice the size of the one that burnt down with tragc loss of life but it also has more of the illegal foam - and it was full to capacity. After all that has been said publicly about the use of the banned building materials how in God's name are they allowed to carry on as though nothing happened. It beggar's belief

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I was in Bangla Road last night and the other Tiger disco, opposite the one that caught fire, is still open and not only is it probably twice the size of the one that burnt down with tragc loss of life but it also has more of the illegal foam - and it was full to capacity. After all that has been said publicly about the use of the banned building materials how in God's name are they allowed to carry on as though nothing happened. It beggar's belief

But if each death resulted in fines of Bt1bn and 50 years in jail and you could not buy your way out of it, then something would be done. Those on here bleating that current fines are enough when these places routinely make 100,000s of baht a night each are plain stupid.

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Basically it comes down to you are in Thailand.. not Europe or the rest of the world

Compliance to building or fire regulations are not of the same standard & those that do exist are not met or enforced.

If you want to be locked in a fire trap at 4am then you take your own chances in life.. don't bitch about what should be after the event.

I have utmost sympathy for those who died or were injured but it's a free world & they chose to be in there.

When on holiday keep your eyes open & brain in gear..

If customers vote with their feet these death trap establishments will soon be refurbished or disappear, but that will never happen while these idiots think more about where to get an all night beer rather than will I be safe in here, if you don't frequent them you won't end up in a body bag !!

What a load of crap! You think tourists should inspect clubs and examine safety licences before buying a drink. This could have been prevented!

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20000 is not really much but i guess its business as usual in Patong.

Btw, I have been there yesterday and the new TIGER has opened already opposite of the old one... I wondered a little bit how it could be happen so fast, just one burned and a new one is build almost imidiately on the other side of Bangla Road where is normally not much space left....

Another thing I wondered yesterday a little bit, may be some of the members here can explain whats going on there in Patong.

A friend of mine ownes a Restaurant and was picked up one sunny day by the Authorities for working without a work permit... he was writing something in german on his menu black board outside the Restaurant... finally it costs him around 200k for working without a proper license...

I saw a lot of ladies dancing in glass boxes yesterday in soi Bangla...since they where very obviously not Thai but Russian i wonder if somebody will explain while it is allowed to them to dance/work there... some other Russian girls in their mid 20 walking the streets with signs and pricetables.... I learned once that it is forbidden for Farang to work any kind of work in Thailand a Thai can do... has this law changed already and can I start working tomorrow too? May be I am planning a dancing career too

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20000 is not really much but i guess its business as usual in Patong.

Btw, I have been there yesterday and the new TIGER has opened already opposite of the old one... I wondered a little bit how it could be happen so fast, just one burned and a new one is build almost imidiately on the other side of Bangla Road where is normally not much space left....

Another thing I wondered yesterday a little bit, may be some of the members here can explain whats going on there in Patong.

A friend of mine ownes a Restaurant and was picked up one sunny day by the Authorities for working without a work permit... he was writing something in german on his menu black board outside the Restaurant... finally it costs him around 200k for working without a proper license...

I saw a lot of ladies dancing in glass boxes yesterday in soi Bangla...since they where very obviously not Thai but Russian i wonder if somebody will explain while it is allowed to them to dance/work there... some other Russian girls in their mid 20 walking the streets with signs and pricetables.... I learned once that it is forbidden for Farang to work any kind of work in Thailand a Thai can do... has this law changed already and can I start working tomorrow too? May be I am planning a dancing career too

Ok first thing first: new tiger has been built quite a while already and was supposed to go open last december. However they delayed it due to...lack of tourists?, or maybe something else, but one tiger club was enough... When the old one burned, it was quite easy to get the new one up and running. Personally I first thought it was an insurance scam to get extra money from a building that would eventually be taken down, but unfortunately it was a real thing where people died... I actually passed it at 3 am just before the heavy rains and yes it seemed packed up there.

About your friend... Well do like we HAVE to do, and get a bloody work permit... Me and my wife both have one in my business, as required by the Thai law... Yes its not cheap, but if you cant afford it, then you should change business!

And about the Russian girls... Well you answered that question already. Have you seen ONE Thai woman who can actually pole dance in this country??? Rotating your ass clockwise at a speed of 20 RPM looking all bored holding the bar with your two hands and not even moving your feet is NOT I repeat NOT pole dancing. It is actually not an easy thing to be a good professional pole dancer. You have to take schooling and years of practice to be able to support your body with just your toes and a knee... These are acrobats! And no Thais definately cant do that!!! The ones in the street, well, they speak Russian, which again is something hard to find with Thais... But yes officially there should also be a Thai person accompanying them with the sign they hold.

And my personal favorite excuse is: they got PINK nipples and not brown ones... Now that is definately something Thais cant do, although I dont think that excuse will be valid on a WP3 form (work permit application form)

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Flammable foam insulation has been banned in the UK and many other western countries for years. How come the building inspector let this one get away?

Building Inspector??

Its not the UK or another western country. LOL
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The usual suspects here, when the fire first happen the usual nothing will be done, now that they are turning over exidence to the prosecution the same old complaining . Do not you guys ever give it a rest hehehe very funny stuff actually waiting to see who will show up with the first moan and who with the second groan.

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A huge amount of cash will need to be exchanged for all this to go away. Then it will be business as usual...

Actually, the picture shows the superintendant talking to his stockbroker......

Or the New Mercedes dealer.. whistling.gif

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It would be interesting for the news media to track down the fire/safety inspections of this club. If such things actually exist in Phuket or Thailand. Who was the inspector that signed off on the fire/safety inspections?

Agree with you 100% although I doubt it will happen. Very little investigative journalism in this country. Newspapers just report what they've been told. If there was an inspector who "signed off" on the building he too should be brought to account.

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So what they should be looking at is a Code of Practice for new buildings or venues being renovated to make sure it is done right.Then they need to look at Health and safety.It is fast becoming time Thailand introduced some safe practices ahead of the dollar factor.

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20000 is not really much but i guess its business as usual in Patong.

Btw, I have been there yesterday and the new TIGER has opened already opposite of the old one... I wondered a little bit how it could be happen so fast, just one burned and a new one is build almost imidiately on the other side of Bangla Road where is normally not much space left....

Another thing I wondered yesterday a little bit, may be some of the members here can explain whats going on there in Patong.

A friend of mine ownes a Restaurant and was picked up one sunny day by the Authorities for working without a work permit... he was writing something in german on his menu black board outside the Restaurant... finally it costs him around 200k for working without a proper license...

I saw a lot of ladies dancing in glass boxes yesterday in soi Bangla...since they where very obviously not Thai but Russian i wonder if somebody will explain while it is allowed to them to dance/work there... some other Russian girls in their mid 20 walking the streets with signs and pricetables.... I learned once that it is forbidden for Farang to work any kind of work in Thailand a Thai can do... has this law changed already and can I start working tomorrow too? May be I am planning a dancing career too

I've already asked the question ref the western ladies of the night and according to the labour office in Phuket Town ....are u ready ???? They all have work permits and their job titles are " actresses " no BS it was a legal and correct reply to the question .....now that's funny...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I was in Bangla Road last night and the other Tiger disco, opposite the one that caught fire, is still open and not only is it probably twice the size of the one that burnt down with tragc loss of life but it also has more of the illegal foam - and it was full to capacity. After all that has been said publicly about the use of the banned building materials how in God's name are they allowed to carry on as though nothing happened. It beggar's belief

But if each death resulted in fines of Bt1bn and 50 years in jail and you could not buy your way out of it, then something would be done. Those on here bleating that current fines are enough when these places routinely make 100,000s of baht a night each are plain stupid.

My point exactly. Well said.

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Another Santika. The press will report the first findings, everyone in an uproar and then nothing further once the tea money is paid. It will all just cease to exist.

No, not really IMO. Tiger has been very good in taking care of the victims, with for Thai perspective very high payments.

Are you shure? They (Tiger Inc.) did get away with ther 'only six people died' spin, while all Thai and Burmese staff working on the 3rd floor had perished in the fire as well.....you can't make dead bodies go away unless you get some serious help from local authorities, so.....


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Flammable foam insulation has been banned in the UK and many other western countries for years. How come the building inspector let this one get away?

Building Inspector??

Do you think one set foot in the building prior to this tragedy ?

Of course not. They'll go into the building on the other side of the road, instead!

Wasn't it all about that, at least?

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I was in Bangla Road last night and the other Tiger disco, opposite the one that caught fire, is still open and not only is it probably twice the size of the one that burnt down with tragc loss of life but it also has more of the illegal foam - and it was full to capacity. After all that has been said publicly about the use of the banned building materials how in God's name are they allowed to carry on as though nothing happened. It beggar's belief

I haven't been in that new place, for a while. But the last time, I went in, still many bars in the back available.

Very lucky, me think, this way, The Tiger management could offer these to the former bar renters from the burned building. So they won't suffer much money loosing.

Also very lucky, that the minibus was parked in the Soi, beside the old tiger. I did read somewhere, that the owner of the business could escape safely this way. Unlucky for the waitress, that jumped down there, too, that the driver of the van had only order, to wait for the boss and the partners of him. But she only broke a leg,

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20000 is not really much but i guess its business as usual in Patong.

Btw, I have been there yesterday and the new TIGER has opened already opposite of the old one... I wondered a little bit how it could be happen so fast, just one burned and a new one is build almost imidiately on the other side of Bangla Road where is normally not much space left....

Another thing I wondered yesterday a little bit, may be some of the members here can explain whats going on there in Patong.

A friend of mine ownes a Restaurant and was picked up one sunny day by the Authorities for working without a work permit... he was writing something in german on his menu black board outside the Restaurant... finally it costs him around 200k for working without a proper license...

I saw a lot of ladies dancing in glass boxes yesterday in soi Bangla...since they where very obviously not Thai but Russian i wonder if somebody will explain while it is allowed to them to dance/work there... some other Russian girls in their mid 20 walking the streets with signs and pricetables.... I learned once that it is forbidden for Farang to work any kind of work in Thailand a Thai can do... has this law changed already and can I start working tomorrow too? May be I am planning a dancing career too

Ok first thing first: new tiger has been built quite a while already and was supposed to go open last december. However they delayed it due to...lack of tourists?, or maybe something else, but one tiger club was enough... When the old one burned, it was quite easy to get the new one up and running. Personally I first thought it was an insurance scam to get extra money from a building that would eventually be taken down, but unfortunately it was a real thing where people died... I actually passed it at 3 am just before the heavy rains and yes it seemed packed up there.

About your friend... Well do like we HAVE to do, and get a bloody work permit... Me and my wife both have one in my business, as required by the Thai law... Yes its not cheap, but if you cant afford it, then you should change business!

And about the Russian girls... Well you answered that question already. Have you seen ONE Thai woman who can actually pole dance in this country??? Rotating your ass clockwise at a speed of 20 RPM looking all bored holding the bar with your two hands and not even moving your feet is NOT I repeat NOT pole dancing. It is actually not an easy thing to be a good professional pole dancer. You have to take schooling and years of practice to be able to support your body with just your toes and a knee... These are acrobats! And no Thais definately cant do that!!! The ones in the street, well, they speak Russian, which again is something hard to find with Thais... But yes officially there should also be a Thai person accompanying them with the sign they hold.

And my personal favorite excuse is: they got PINK nipples and not brown ones... Now that is definately something Thais cant do, although I dont think that excuse will be valid on a WP3 form (work permit application form)

Thanks for the answer but you are definately not here in Thailand long enough and have NEVER been to a good show in Patpong or Soi Cowboy a couple of years ago....if you have, you certanly know that also Thaigirls having dancing skills, not many of them but some.....and to visit shools for poole dancing....where are u from? If girls dont have it inside to dance, they will never learn it...may be thats why most of the girls i see dancing in the USA was black :)

I did not know that the new TIGER was close to finish when the old burned down....what a terrible coincidence... hope thats the correct word for it. The other answers, ok.... I personally think the authorities closing both eyes here.....and BTW, I didnt need German girls dancing when I came to Thailand 25 years ago... so why do the Russians

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So what they should be looking at is a Code of Practice for new buildings or venues being renovated to make sure it is done right.Then they need to look at Health and safety.It is fast becoming time Thailand introduced some safe practices ahead of the dollar factor.

THANKS Norman, Thailand was waiting a long time for people like you to advise them HOW it REALLY works... and the USD is no currency worth talking anymore....how is it anyway atm? 25 to 30 baht? ok, thats where the Euro is going to be soon too :)

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Another Santika. The press will report the first findings, everyone in an uproar and then nothing further once the tea money is paid. It will all just cease to exist.

No, not really IMO. Tiger has been very good in taking care of the victims, with for Thai perspective very high payments.

I'm not sure how you can justify "taking care of the victims" . Their lives were lost after all. As for payments , they wouldn't even cover the cost of transporting the two foreigners bodies back to their respective homes. I imagine their families would think differently that they were "taken care of "

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