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Thai Visa Brigades

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the i will post anything for a 'like' brigade

That's true. In the sub-forum for news you can see posters writing RIP every time a farang is killed in Thailand. I think there is something with this. It's phony.

And there are posters who don't live in Thailand but argue with those who do, and then become abusive.

There are also posters who seem very jealous of men with educated, Thai-Chinese spouses (I saw this yesterday).

I've seen all of these traits on this sub-forum (General) and in the news sub-forum.

Jealous may not be the right word. Laughing may be the word. biggrin.png

No, it's definitely envy. I saw it yesterday on another thread on this sub-forum. The average westerner here marries a barmaid or waitress or shop assistant or "massage girl". These men are very jealous of other foreigners who've done better for themselves.

If I could remember the name of the thread I looked at yesterday, I'd link to it.

Try the Browser History ... works wonders ... makes people think I have a good memory. :)

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The "If it's conservative and Republican it must be good and deserving of the Presidency even if it's name is Palin, Gingrich, Bachman, Cain or Romney" brigade.

And dont forget the "slobbering love affair with Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Barny Frank, Reed, deserving of the presidency because they are slobbering apologist brigade

Yes, these members of the "slobbering love affair with obama et. al.Brigade" are also members of "I'm in total denial that obama is a raving Narcissistic maniac and Pathological Liar who lies about lying - who lies even when the truth would serve him better showing the depth of his depravity and pathology - brigade. (LOL) ...

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The "Obama Derangement Syndrome Sufferers" Brigade.

(The disease is self correcting in four years time.)

The "Recovered Bush Derangement Syndrome Former Sufferers" Brigade.

All better now!

The "amazingly deluded, but at least it explains a lot" brigade blink.png

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I waste so much time reading stuff on TV when I could be doing something much less productive brigade.....errrr wait a minute?

< Flame removed >

The One-Line Abusers' brigade, who have nothing to contribute and wish to highlight the fact, and the members of both brigades, who are in the elite specialist

"I can't believe I just wasted five minutes reading all this drivel" posters' brigade;

This last little group having the rare attribute of a complete inability to see the ironic foolishness of their own words, nor to appreciate how dull and empty their lives appear to others when they make such comments.


Edited by metisdead
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I waste so much time reading stuff on TV when I could be doing something much less productive brigade.....errrr wait a minute?

< Flame removed >

The One-Line Abusers' brigade, who have nothing to contribute and wish to highlight the fact, and the members of both brigades, who are in the elite specialist

"I can't believe I just wasted five minutes reading all this drivel" posters' brigade;

This last little group having the rare attribute of a complete inability to see the ironic foolishness of their own words, nor to appreciate how dull and empty their lives appear to others when they make such comments.


oh dear ....poor me, small minded, a dull and empty life ..reading silly stuff and and the responses thereto ......rare?,..irony?, Foolishness? yup propably..thought we had some posters with a sense of humour on this somewhat jocose thread.....guess I was wrong....back to farming.

....it soooo.. scary out here!

Dammit now ya gonna made me burn my toasted cheese!!!!

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The " I met a Thai who ripped me off therefore every single Thai is dishonest brigade"

Usually an honorary member of the " All Thai females are schemers cos the one I chose as my wife was a wrong 'un who took me for everything but it's not my fault for being such a dense &lt;deleted&gt; who couldn't see what pond life she was cos she was willing to give me a blow job whenever I wanted" brigade.

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