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Britain, Scotland Sign Deal For Independence Referendum


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Okay......will do.

I'm now preparing the post I promised earlier, I'll be quiet for a couple of hours. wai2.gif

Thank God.... It's taken best part of 24 hours to get through this thread. I need my supper... and maybe a stiff dram or three tongue.png

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I see there is no end in sight to the 'Scottish question'.

TBH if I was a Scot I'd probably want independence too. As an Englishman I'd like to see independence for all the home nations as we're all under the Euro umbrella now and likely to stay that way until the Germans have had enough.

Britain was great once but those days and the spirit that went with it is sadly gone..... in spite of the Our Lord Coe's olympian efforts this summer.

I got a pm from someone earlier that said the people having a go at me on this thread must be from London or the South East.

There's a North / South divide in England, never mind Scotland. There's an arrogance that flows through the veins of many Londoners that get's the hackles up of everyone above the Watford Gap.

There is a stupid assumption that Scots are anti-English, we are far from it. Yes there can be leg pulling, yes it can sometimes go too far, and yes we have some immature nutters on both sides that take things to a level that horrifies all of us.

That is not the experience of the majority though, there are now 400,000 English people living in Scotland and they are very welcome. Many of these English residents have declared that they too will vote for Independence. Why? Because by living here they can see the reality of political life in the UK, Westminster has gathered too much power unto itself for too long, and even now grudgingly gives a little back.

MAJIC earlier made a high offensive comment about England supporting Scotland for 300 years.........it's this type of disgraceful hyperbole that grates against many people.

Simply put.......we Scots fought and died alongside the English for centuries, and the Welsh, and the Irish. Our Boys are still dying alongside our English compatriots in Afghanistan. Scotland has held it's own and much more over the centuries we have been allied with England and the other nations of the United Kingdom, in fact we have punched well, well above our weight.

However some people are far too bigoted to understand that, and far too ignorant to study history. While we have a cabal, and it looks like a growing cabal, of people of that ilk, entering the discourse, and all we will generate is heat and noise.

This thread is a prime example......it's brain damage.


To your 400,000 English living in Scotland, by comparison there are 795,000 Scots living in England,and no doubt after all the Ballyhoo has been dealt with,they will also be welcome,to live in England.

And Blether please don't try and make my remark concerning supporting Scotland into something other than: living together and being supportive,of.

Be accurate in your use of the English language then eh? thumbsup.gif

ps The English make up about 8% of our population, the Scots make up about 1.5% of the population of England.

The word Supporting can be taken at least 2 ways,you chose the negative side.

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Numerous posts and replies have been deleted. You are expected to follow the rules and to post in a civil manner. If you cannot address the topic, please don't post. If you feel like you must address the poster, you will receive a suspension. The thread is about a topic; it is not about other posters.

Also, please do not refer back to previous posts by number. When posts are deleted, the posts get renumber and the one you are referring to may have a different number.

Independence and freedom may happen, but not on this thread and not at this time.

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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

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The blether Go get the graph for the average turnout at elections since 1960.

Better still here is the latest figures,thou I'm sure they will not be acceptable to you,as they prove that ONCE again you are completely wrong, you seem to accept only what your narrow mind allows you to accept.

Throughout this thread I've told you many times that I'm all for Scottish separation,but now your making me feel sorry for the Scottish people who are being MIS led by the likes of you and AS.


The % of the voters increases incrementally with each age group,thus in the 24 age group,44% voted.

In the 65yr age group 76% voted.

This leads me to the obvious conclusion that the old basta*d codgers are are not to lazy to vote.

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Right......as promised here's the background to the current Referendum, I need to cover a lot of ground quickly however I also need to do justice to the subject too. This may be one of the longest posts you will ever read on Thaivisa......so here goes.<snip>

Outstanding, theblether...

As concise as you could have made it, with the majority of the major talking points addressed...

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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

This all dates back to the beginning of the Common Market. The Common Fisheries Policy was a joke.

Go read Con O'Neil's comments on that. Then you will be a little bit wiser nontabury.

Edited by smokie36
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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

This all dates back to the beginning of the Common Market. The Common Fisheries Policy was a joke.

Go read Con O'Neil's comments on that. Then you will be a little bit wiser nontabury.

An island packed with coal and surrounded by fish and protected by the English Channel.

How did it all go so wrong?

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Right......as promised here's the background to the current Referendum, I need to cover a lot of ground quickly however I also need to do justice to the subject too. This may be one of the longest posts you will ever read on Thaivisa......so here goes.<snip>

Outstanding, theblether...

As concise as you could have made it, with the majority of the major talking points addressed...

But none of the difficult questions answered; what a surprise:not.

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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

This all dates back to the beginning of the Common Market. The Common Fisheries Policy was a joke.

Go read Con O'Neil's comments on that. Then you will be a little bit wiser nontabury.

His political master was a Scotsman,who agreed to the destruction of the British fishing fleet, FACT.

Interesting to read that the policy of the then EEC and its founding members, were adamant that Britain as a new applicant would have to accept the existing rules,basically take it or leave it. This is exactly what Scotland will come up against. They can tell the EU what they would like as a new member,but it is the existing member who will lay down the rules and most importantly the cost,there will certainly be no rebate,such as the one now granted to the UK. I think the SNP

or will it then be, the Scotish Labour party will HAVE to accept some unpalatable terms in order to gain membership of this club.

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Thanks for the kind words ( for those that sent me kind words biggrin.png )

@nontabury.......I know the older people are more likely to vote, my issue is with the amount of people who are not engaging with the democratic process, not voting at all. It's been an issue for years in the UK, we're now seeing shockingly low turnout. So I'll give you your point about the older being more liable to vote by percentage, while my point that too many people are not voting at all is equally valid.

@7x7.................I promised a post about the background to the Referendum, there are people reading the thread, including foreign nationals, that may not have an idea of what the background is.

As for not answering the difficult questions.........we don't have to answer the difficult questions just now. smile.png

A week is a long time in politics, two years is an eternity thumbsup.gif

The real campaign for Independence will kick off in Spring 2014, answers will cometh then Sir, answers will cometh then.

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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

Unfortunately you overlook the fact that that was as a UK Government minister, not as a Scottish Government minister, so I cannot see any relevance to your post, other than nit-picking. Sorry!

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Re this ongoing argument about sources, I have pointed out already that the Guardian newspaper is in the pocket of the Unionist British Labour Party. They have a left wing, socialist Unionist agenda.

Again, for any foreign nationals reading this topic, the Guardian is as partisan on behalf of the Labour Party as Fox News is for the Republicans.

So please forgive me if I choose to ignore any partisan points made by the Guardian in the links, especially when the links undo themselves.

The link was sent to demonstrate that Scotland would not get access to the EU, the Youtube clip was a prime example of political sophistry. Van Rompuy DID NOT mention Scotland in the answer, and it was confirmed that Van Rompuy WILL NOT CAMPAIGN against Scottish Independence.

The Unionists cannot stand the bare and essential fact:

We have achieved our Holy Grail, we will have a Yes / No Referendum on Scottish Independence.

I call that an act of political genius, and that genius is Alex Salmond. wai.gif

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Re this ongoing argument about sources, I have pointed out already that the Guardian newspaper is in the pocket of the Unionist British Labour Party. They have a left wing, socialist Unionist agenda.

Again, for any foreign nationals reading this topic, the Guardian is as partisan on behalf of the Labour Party as Fox News is for the Republicans.

So please forgive me if I choose to ignore any partisan points made by the Guardian in the links, especially when the links undo themselves.

The link was sent to demonstrate that Scotland would not get access to the EU, the Youtube clip was a prime example of political sophistry. Van Rompuy DID NOT mention Scotland in the answer, and it was confirmed that Van Rompuy WILL NOT CAMPAIGN against Scottish Independence.

The Unionists cannot stand the bare and essential fact:

We have achieved our Holy Grail, we will have a Yes / No Referendum on Scottish Independence.

I call that an act of political genius, and that genius is Alex Salmond. wai.gif

Can't agree with you on this one 'ol chum. sad.png
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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

This all dates back to the beginning of the Common Market. The Common Fisheries Policy was a joke.

Go read Con O'Neil's comments on that. Then you will be a little bit wiser nontabury.

An island packed with coal and surrounded by fish and protected by the English Channel.

How did it all go so wrong?

World War 2 is the answer to your question.

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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

Unfortunately you overlook the fact that that was as a UK Government minister, not as a Scottish Government minister, so I cannot see any relevance to your post, other than nit-picking. Sorry!

When a Scot does well he's a Scot but when he screws up he's British.


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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

Unfortunately you overlook the fact that that was as a UK Government minister, not as a Scottish Government minister, so I cannot see any relevance to your post, other than nit-picking. Sorry!

When a Scot does well he's a Scot but when he screws up he's British.


No, you need to look at the wider picture.

He was acting in the interests of the UK government at the time.

Fact is many of these issues were never properly considered, such was the clamour to join the Common Market.

I'll leave it to the older members to give an overview of the political climate at the time however.

Edited by smokie36
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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

Unfortunately you overlook the fact that that was as a UK Government minister, not as a Scottish Government minister, so I cannot see any relevance to your post, other than nit-picking. Sorry!

When a Scot does well he's a Scot but when he screws up he's British.


Au Contraire........

Anyway the UK was responsible for fishing policy, not Scotland, so it's a UK responsibility. We would like it to be ours.

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Not being much older than you, buy having studied the politics of the time Smokie, it's safe to say, and I think I will get unanimous agreement on this.

The British electorate were conned by the political class.

They thought they were agreeing to join a free trade area.........not a overbearing political Union that stripped the UK of sovereignty.

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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

Let's not forget that it was a Scottish politician who negotiated all of the UK fishing rights(see my earlier post)thus destroying the two largest fishing ports in Europe, Hull and Grimsby.

This all dates back to the beginning of the Common Market. The Common Fisheries Policy was a joke.

Go read Con O'Neil's comments on that. Then you will be a little bit wiser nontabury.

His political master was a Scotsman,who agreed to the destruction of the British fishing fleet, FACT.

Interesting to read that the policy of the then EEC and its founding members, were adamant that Britain as a new applicant would have to accept the existing rules,basically take it or leave it. This is exactly what Scotland will come up against. They can tell the EU what they would like as a new member,but it is the existing member who will lay down the rules and most importantly the cost,there will certainly be no rebate,such as the one now granted to the UK. I think the SNP

or will it then be, the Scotish Labour party will HAVE to accept some unpalatable terms in order to gain membership of this club.

Absolutely! Membership will not be free,or on Scottish terms only,more wishful thinking to try and convince the Yes voters i'm afraid. But at least the unrealistic talk of Automatic admission to the EU,seems to be silenced.

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Are we being pedantic now? the Unionists were insinuating that we would not get entry at all, we know there has to be Treaties signed between Scotland and the EU and we know we must agree to the Treaties, no problem, it's been SNP policy for years to go for Independence in Europe.

Circular arguments.

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I'd ;like to see Scotland renegotiate her fishing rights. The return of our fishing fleet would be welcome in my home town!

What was the deal at that particular time? was it the same as English Fishermen/Boat owners,Sell your Licence for huge amounts to Foreign Boat owners,and retire, or did Scotland have a different Deal?

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