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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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Romney can't win Ohio and he knows it.

Of course he can and there are other avenues besides Ohio like Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.

All the wishful thinking can not change the faxct that Romney is ahead and still has the momentum. thumbsup.gif

According to the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average of polls, Obama currently holds a slim 2 point lead in Ohio at 48%-46%. According to Rasmussen, it’s a dead heat at 48%-48%. No doubt that an Ohio win would make an Electoral College victory for Romney so much simpler. Latest Presidential Polls: Real Clear Politics Ohio Polls Show Possible Path to Romney Win Without OhiO

Edited by Ulysses G.
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By the way, Ulysses -- Never did see where Candy said that the word terror in the speech(es) wasn't referring to the attack in Benghazi.

That is not my problem. The video has been posted on this thread numerous times.

No, it's definitely not your problem. Your problem, it would seem, is your credibility given that she didn't say what you claim. Moreover even if she HAD said it, it wouldn't make it a fact (though I find it amusing that you bow to her authority) and indeed the facts show that it is not the truth.

No, your problem isn't what I see or don't see. It might be with your intellectual integrity though if you can't concede an error or retract a false statement.

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Here's your false statement.

I gues that Candy Crowley doesn't see it either or she recognizes that it was not referring to the attack in Benghazi.

It wasn't? How do you figure?

Because she SAID so after the debate.

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What is sad to see/read is how entrenched positions are on both sides of the debate.

Once the results are announced in a few weeks time there will be some seriously unhappy people who will probably find it hard to accept the results. At least TV will be a little less clogged up with debate between people unwilling/unable to accept an alternative point of view.

Elections these days in the U.S. do not solve our severe division problem. That seems to be set in stone. Over time, as the Latino demographic grows, the days of the republican party winning the presidency will be over though. The republicans are white and old largely, and there is not such a great future in that base. That's why that nice democratic Latino chico Senor Castro, mayor of San Antonio, can hope to be governer of Texas in ten years, and who knows after that?

Edited by Jingthing
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What is sad to see/read is how entrenched positions are on both sides of the debate.

Once the results are announced in a few weeks time there will be some seriously unhappy people who will probably find it hard to accept the results. At least TV will be a little less clogged up with debate between people unwilling/unable to accept an alternative point of view.

Elections these days in the U.S. do not solve our severe division problem. That seems to be set in stone. Over time, as the Latino demographic grows, the days of the republican party winning the presidency will be over though. The republicans are white and old largely, and there is not such a great future in that base. That's why that nice democratic Latino chico Senor Castro, mayor of San Antonio, can hope to be governer of Texas in ten years, and who knows after that?

Now Jingthing be nice. You're going to give some folks nightmares (with your vision of an America no longer run by old white guys)

Edited by SteeleJoe
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As said, in politics it's not about momentum. It's about BOUNCE. Romney had his bounce, yes but he has no momentum. Its not sports. Romney is pushing the momentum lie because he knows he's losing badly in the electoral college. The popular vote is irrelevant. Romney is massively ahead in the south but that only gets him the south and that skews the national popular projections.


HUGE endorsement by COLIN POWELL.

This is a big one. Powell is very much respected and beloved and he was burned by Bushie necons before so he knows better than anyone the danger of a new Bushie neocon:

"I’m not quite sure which Governor Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy," the former secretary of state said on CBS's This Morning.
Exactly. Romnesia.


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Ann Romney has been on the talk show circuit, proving beyond a doubt, she is a normal American. She shops at Costco and through frugal and careful shopping can feed her family of 30 for $137.50. cheesy.gif

I can go shopping at Villa in Bangkok for two and easily spend $137.50, and not get that much...

I guess how Romney saves is not having any wine with dinner.


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Over time, as the Latino demographic grows, the days of the republican party winning the presidency will be over though.

Latinos will start voting Republican before that happens. Their values are pretty conservative.

I kinda agree with you - but you have to get rid of the minutemen (sp?) and develop an immigration process which they perceive isn't going to discriminate against them.

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Over time, as the Latino demographic grows, the days of the republican party winning the presidency will be over though.

Latinos will start voting Republican before that happens. Their values are pretty conservative.

I kinda agree with you - but you have to get rid of the minutemen (sp?) and develop an immigration process which they perceive isn't going to discriminate against them.

Yes, Latinos are largely Catholic so have conservative views on abortion, but immigration is a big Democrat party item for them as are other issues. I'm pretty sure most will remain Democrat into the future, notwithstanding the impressive Mario Rubio.

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When speaking at fundraisers to his rich friends (in Big Oil, etc), Romney says "We don't know what causes climate change on this planet..."

Since then, in written comments, he has said humans play some role, but he hasn't embraced the sweeping scientific consensus — backed by thousands of studies and accepted by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and its counterparts around the world — that humans activities contribute significantly to climate change.

"The flaw in that argument is that contrary to what he says, there is a consensus among climate scientists about the extent of human-induced warming and the degree of risk to the planet," says Gary Gutting, a science philosopher at the University of Notre Dame.

He says; since Romney is not a climate expert, he has to make the same sorts of decisions the rest of us non-experts do. Do we trust the National Academy of Sciences and other experts or not? What other scientific issues, for which there's widespread scientific consensus, does Romney flip flop on for political reasons?

Does Romney believe in the scientific consensus that many animals and plants are going extinct because of climate change, or does that belief not dovetail well enough with voters? When Romney meets with his advisors to decide what scientific views fit best with their political goals, true science, and the consensus of scientists and their plethora of research results, can take a back seat.

Gary goes on to say; "Once you decide to trust an expert, you can't just bail out anywhere, as if you were in a cab. You have to stay for the whole ride that the driver's taking you on."

Maidu adds: Romney wants to cherry-pick which scientific findings to believe in, depending on what fits best with his political base.

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One thing that stands out, at least to me, is that the moron Biden is just a heartbeat away from being president. On the other side, it looks to me that there are a number of the vice presidential choices who look better than the presidential candidate.

The sad thing is that any politician who dares to tell the truth cannot be elected. The economy is in a sad state and the HUGE national debt will be the downfall of the US if/when interest rates go up. I fear for my grandchildren.

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Over time, as the Latino demographic grows, the days of the republican party winning the presidency will be over though.

Latinos will start voting Republican before that happens. Their values are pretty conservative.

I kinda agree with you - but you have to get rid of the minutemen (sp?) and develop an immigration process which they perceive isn't going to discriminate against them.

Yes, Latinos are largely Catholic so have conservative views on abortion, but immigration is a big Democrat party item for them as are other issues. I'm pretty sure most will remain Democrat into the future, notwithstanding the impressive Mario Rubio.

Watch out for George Bush Jnr. Son of Jeb, mother is Mexican I think. Fluent in Spanish. Running for state senate in texas to get is training wheels.

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Over time, as the Latino demographic grows, the days of the republican party winning the presidency will be over though.

Latinos will start voting Republican before that happens. Their values are pretty conservative.

I kinda agree with you - but you have to get rid of the minutemen (sp?) and develop an immigration process which they perceive isn't going to discriminate against them.

Latinos are generally conservative, but they're not a block of voters. There's a lot of variance in how they vote, same with the general population. Latinos and Hispanics (many fit both categories) comprise 16.4 of the US population, over 50 million folks. It may seem counter-intuitive, but Latinos want strong border security. Just because they've found a better life in the US, doesn't mean they want all their brethren from Latin countries to come over and share it. If a group of Latino boys are cruising their neighborhood without a lawnmower in the back of the truck, that could be cause for concern.

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Celebrity biatch divorce lawyer Gloria Allred is trying to get some slam info on Romney released that shows how Romney treats women. This might backfire and all men who've been taken to the cleaners by ex-wives in divorces might intensify support for Romney. wink.png

Mitt Romney testified under oath in 1991 that the ex-wife of Staples founder Tom Stemberg got a fair deal in the couple’s 1988 divorce, even though the company shares Maureen Sullivan Stemberg received were valued at a tenth of Staples’ stock price on the day of its initial public offering only a year later.

Sullivan Stemberg’s 245,000 remaining shares were worth $5.5 million, but she had lost out on millions more by accepting low sale prices in 1988.

“If she had just hung on to [her] stock she would be one of the wealthiest women in Boston today,” Stemberg told the Wall Street Journal in 1997.


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One thing that stands out, at least to me, is that the moron Biden is just a heartbeat away from being president. On the other side, it looks to me that there are a number of the vice presidential choices who look better than the presidential candidate.

I think Biden would make a fine president. If you want to make comparisons, let's look back a bit. Eisenhower had Richard ("I"m not a crook") Nixon. Nixon had Spiro Agnew, who probably couldn't put batteries in a flashlight without a manual and an assistant. Bush Sr. had Quail, who failed a spelling bee against a 4th grader. Bush Jr. had Cheney, who helped to usher the US in to two wars, at least one of which was under false pretenses. Now we're looking at Ryan, who could well bloat the federal deficit even more, percentage-wise, than his hero; Reagan.

Note: National debt, on average for each taxpayer, is approx. $134,685* . Ryan's economic plans would push that up considerably, if given a chance.


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Current Electoral Map - shows a few interesting trends.


thanks for showing that map. Interesting indeed. It looks like an Obama win won't be as close as thought earlier. Is Jeb Bush and his Republican attack team (With James Baker at shotgun, shouting "no way, we're not going to allow a recount in Dade County!") still in charge in Florida?

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Love this map - a cartogram!


That's a helpful tool. Certainly looks a lot more likely Obama will win electoral college when seen in graphic form like that. Romney has a path, but more difficult...

Made even more difficult by the fact that his fellow Republicans keep alienating women voters daily with their "in depth" knowledge on rape and God....

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