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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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This is so true. He and his wifey are real throwbacks in every way!

Haha, true, kind of a very rich Ward and June Cleaver, except that Ann wears real pearl necklaces in the morning.

*woops, I guess I'm a decade too young, well anyway, think of Ozzie and Harriet, only they won at bingo every night for a year.....

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If Romney wins it will prove you can lie to the American people about what you represented an hour ago and still win.

Even if Romney loses it will show that well over 40% of the entire population are happy to be lied to.

How many people in percent will go to vote at all?

I am wondering how many of them think there is really a difference between Obama and Romney or even think that one of them is a true honest guy.

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This Rabbi in Israel says that Obama has been one of the most hostile of all U.S. Presidents to Israel. Obama doesn't believe the tail should wag the dog, and has stood up to Israel - uh, a little bit. Romney is Bibi's friend.

Prominent Religious Zionism Rabbi Eliezer Melamed calls on American citizens to support Republican presidential hopeful. 'Obama has proved he is not a true friend of Israel,' he states
Among the president's "sins", Melamed mentioned Obama's pressure on Israel to freeze construction in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – a move which the rabbi believes "put a curse" on the American people and their country.[/font]


Does Rabbi Melamed approve of the harassment of 14 year old Jewish girls as they walk to school? ...for wearing clothes that aren't puritanical enough for right-wing Hassidic tastes. If so, he's not someone I (or I'd venture Americans in general) care to deal with. Publicly distressing a young girl in public is despicable - nearly on a level with Taliban fanatics.

The Rabbi is a Zionist and comes to his conclusions about Obama from a view point of a Zionist. His take on how 14 old girls should dress in school has nothing to do with it.

And i think if you dislike orthodox Jews - neither Obama nor Romney would be really "your" candidate.

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If Romney wins it will prove you can lie to the American people about what you represented an hour ago and still win.

Even if Romney loses it will show that well over 40% of the entire population are happy to be lied to.

How many people in percent will go to vote at all?

Within the ~40% or as a whole?

I am wondering how many of them think there is really a difference between Obama and Romney or even think that one of them is a true honest guy.

All politicians lie but some, such as Romney, don't even have the decency to try and cover it up. This alone should be more than enough to stop Romney being president but it isn't. What does this say about a large part of the electorate?

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The polls are indicate that the Romney surge stopped early last week. Now it is up to the GOP spinmasters to show he is sill surging and for the Dems to show that Obama is recovering some of his supporters. If anything, I think it turns off voters. Apparently $2billion has been spent on campaigning. Maybe the Thai system is better where candidates give money to the voters. At least the US electorate would have something tangible instead of empty promises, and negative sentiments.

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@ notmyself

^^ Your "40% of the entire population" (including kids) is probably the total voter turnout (Romney AND Obama voters).

And no matter who wins or lose and to who they have been voting for nearly all of them who went to vote have been lied to. Is that what you wanted to say or was you intention to say that only Romney voters are those who believe lies?

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And no matter who wins or lose and to who they have been voting for nearly all of them who went to vote have been lied to. Is that what you wanted to say or was you intention to say that only Romney voters are those who believe lies?

Sorry, I should have been clearer.

A couple land in the US for a holiday and need a taxi to their hotel. Obama approaches them and says 50 bucks so they take it, when they get to the hotel they find out it was $50 each. Romney approaches a couple and also says 50 bucks so they too take it. However, on the way to the taxi Romeny hits them both with a cosh and steals $100. Sure both couples got done but at least the first couple made it to the hotel.

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Time is running out for Romney to close the gap. What can he do now? Isn't there just so much shaking even an etch-a-sketch can tolerate before tilting out?

Obama Continues To Have Clear Advantage in Race for 270 Electoral Votes

Even though the race for the White House remains very close with a little more than a week to go before Election Day, the advantage is still with President Obama



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The polls are indicate that the Romney surge stopped early last week. Now it is up to the GOP spinmasters to show he is sill surging and for the Dems to show that Obama is recovering some of his supporters. If anything, I think it turns off voters. Apparently $2billion has been spent on campaigning. Maybe the Thai system is better where candidates give money to the voters. At least the US electorate would have something tangible instead of empty promises, and negative sentiments.

printing businesses, poster makers, paper sellers, plus TV and Radio stations, newspapers who take paid ads, all made money. at least it's not quite as bad as Japan, where political campaigns require candidates to put up tens of thousands of large posters - which are backed by 4' x 8' plywood made from high quality tropical woods. Each time there are election campaigns in Japan, there's a noticeable depreciation of hardwoods in Sumatran and other SE Asian forests.

Does Rabbi Melamed approve of the harassment of 14 year old Jewish girls as they walk to school? ...for wearing clothes that aren't puritanical enough for right-wing Hassidic tastes. If so, he's not someone I (or I'd venture Americans in general) care to deal with. Publicly distressing a young girl in public is despicable - nearly on a level with Taliban fanatics.

The Rabbi is a Zionist and comes to his conclusions about Obama from a view point of a Zionist. His take on how 14 old girls should dress in school has nothing to do with it. And i think if you dislike orthodox Jews - neither Obama nor Romney would be really "your" candidate.

I only dislike particular orthodox jews if they do things like publicly humiliate and cause distress for young girls, for no good reason. Does Rabbi condone such action or not? If not, what's he doing to suppress it?

Edited by maidu
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D Day is not far away.

Madonna drew boos and triggered a walkout by several concert goers after she touted President Barack Obama on her MDNA Tour in New Orleans. http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/music/madonna-booed-after-touting-obama-3276879.html

SEVERAL concert goers! OMG Obama's in trouble. Not only that, Romney's got the votes of legions of fanatical Lamas and Estrada fans locked up.

(Can't believe you care what Madonna did or how her audience responded) :)

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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D Day is not far away. Madonna drew boos and triggered a walkout by several concert goers after she touted President Barack Obama on her MDNA Tour in New Orleans. http://www.independe...ma-3276879.html

yea, but it may have got the buttocks-tattooed, eat-glass vote for Obama. Not sure if the trade-off is worth it.

What I really want to know, is what Lady Gaga will do for Obama. She could just stick her little finger in the air and whisper 'Obama', and that would sway my vote.


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D Day is not far away.

Madonna drew boos and triggered a walkout by several concert goers after she touted President Barack Obama on her MDNA Tour in New Orleans. http://www.independe...ma-3276879.html

The audience had to cover their ears when Meatloaf went out touting for Romney. One thing I agree, celebrities make bad endorsers!

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D Day is not far away. Madonna drew boos and triggered a walkout by several concert goers after she touted President Barack Obama on her MDNA Tour in New Orleans. http://www.independe...ma-3276879.html

yea, but it may have got the buttocks-tattooed, eat-glass vote for Obama. Not sure if the trade-off is worth it.

What I really want to know, is what Lady Gaga will do for Obama. She could just stick her little finger in the air and whisper 'Obama', and that would sway my vote.

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With this huge storm now hitting the US east coast, I notice Obama has cancelled appearances and said he will direct the looming national? disaster from the White house.

Is his campaign trying to draw a distinction to the way Bush Jr. handled Katrina, and showing Obama to be Presidential and on top of this, or would his time be better spent on the campaign trail?

I think it's probably a good last move to show Presidential leadership, and that's the calculation. Most importantly, it gets to put in clear contrast that he is in command, taking control, and Romney is the challenger. Maybe I'm making too big a deal of it....

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Romney has been courting Pennsylvania voters with his new "I like coal" campaign which he mentioned in the first debate. He's blamed Obama for his war on coal. Coal miners don't like Romney much, but the coal company owners love Romney.

Republicans are keen to convince the public that the faltering fortunes of coal-fired power are a result of Mr. Obama's "war on coal," i.e., new regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency. But Mr. Brattle, most other independent researchers and, in their confidential moments, utility executives themselves, agree that the real culprit is cheap natural gas.

Now, however, Mr. Romney needs coal's love, and badly. Coal jobs and cheap coal electricity are important to several of the swing states upon which the election hinges, most especially Ohio, which may single-handedly decide the race. It's not enough for coal fans to be upset with Mr. Obama; Mr. Romney needs them actively working on his behalf.

It doesn't come easy to him -- Mr. Romney isn't exactly known for his easy rapport with the working class. Remember those miners on stage in Ohio? It turns out that they were forced to attend the rally, without pay, and aren't very happy about it. And for all that environmental regulations have turned the United Mine Workers of America against Mr. Obama this year, they aren't endorsing Mr. Romney either. The union is sitting this one out.

Nonetheless, where it counts -- in board rooms and executive suites -- Mr. Romney is being richly rewarded for his support. The boss who forced his miners to attend Mr. Romney's rally, CEO Robert Murray of Murray Energy, hosted a $1.7 million fund-raiser for the candidate in May and has apparently been bullying his employees into contributing to his anti-Mr. Obama PAC, prompting a complaint to the Securities and Exchange Commission

Read more: http://www.post-gaze.../#ixzz2AeE1Izdz

As coal is on a rapid decline in the US, the only option is to export to places like China (no EPA), and that requires new big export terminals on the west coast, which looks like the real battleground for coal. I wonder if west coast voters know Romney is planning this to pay back his miner owner pals?

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Romney has been courting Pennsylvania voters with his new "I like coal" campaign which he mentioned in the first debate. He's blamed Obama for his war on coal. Coal miners don't like Romney much, but the coal company owners love Romney.

Republicans are keen to convince the public that the faltering fortunes of coal-fired power are a result of Mr. Obama's "war on coal," i.e., new regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency. But Mr. Brattle, most other independent researchers and, in their confidential moments, utility executives themselves, agree that the real culprit is cheap natural gas.

Now, however, Mr. Romney needs coal's love, and badly. Coal jobs and cheap coal electricity are important to several of the swing states upon which the election hinges, most especially Ohio, which may single-handedly decide the race. It's not enough for coal fans to be upset with Mr. Obama; Mr. Romney needs them actively working on his behalf.

It doesn't come easy to him -- Mr. Romney isn't exactly known for his easy rapport with the working class. Remember those miners on stage in Ohio? It turns out that they were forced to attend the rally, without pay, and aren't very happy about it. And for all that environmental regulations have turned the United Mine Workers of America against Mr. Obama this year, they aren't endorsing Mr. Romney either. The union is sitting this one out.

Nonetheless, where it counts -- in board rooms and executive suites -- Mr. Romney is being richly rewarded for his support. The boss who forced his miners to attend Mr. Romney's rally, CEO Robert Murray of Murray Energy, hosted a $1.7 million fund-raiser for the candidate in May and has apparently been bullying his employees into contributing to his anti-Mr. Obama PAC, prompting a complaint to the Securities and Exchange Commission

Read more: http://www.post-gaze.../#ixzz2AeE1Izdz

As coal is on a rapid decline in the US, the only option is to export to places like China (no EPA), and that requires new big export terminals on the west coast, which looks like the real battleground for coal. I wonder if west coast voters know Romney is planning this to pay back his miner owner pals?

No you are the only one who knows.

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Someone has finally written a piece on why a Mormon, and most especially this Mormon, should not be President. The author descends from early Mormon pioneers, and his family name is one of the most prominent in Utah.

So why does all this make a Mormon president a bad idea? Since it is so deeply ingrained in the Mormon culture to have a sense of truth that is private, unquestionable, and not subject to analysis, debate, or verification, Mormon authority figures, like Romney, become very accustomed to speaking from God’s point of view, and feeling entirely justified in keeping their motives or reasoning secret. Without any checks and balances, authority figures can easily become unmoored and drift from reality.

This helps illuminate Romney’s flip-flopping, etch-a-sketching political character. His is not the cynical, coldly pragmatic moral calculus that Nixon so masterfully practiced for political gain. Romney actually believes he has a patriarchal right to say whatever he wants. His idea of the nature of truth is not something which is discovered after hard fought inquiry and testing, but instead is declared by a person with authority, often for unexamined reasons, and sanctioned by divine validation. This is much more dangerous than Nixon. Nixon knew he was lying.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz2AeHQQECU

The author concludes that not all Mormons would make bad Presidents, just THIS ONE. He likes Huntsman. So do I.

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Someone has finally written a piece on why a Mormon, and most especially this Mormon, should not be President. The author descends from early Mormon pioneers, and his family name is one of the most prominent in Utah.

So why does all this make a Mormon president a bad idea? Since it is so deeply ingrained in the Mormon culture to have a sense of truth that is private, unquestionable, and not subject to analysis, debate, or verification, Mormon authority figures, like Romney, become very accustomed to speaking from God’s point of view, and feeling entirely justified in keeping their motives or reasoning secret. Without any checks and balances, authority figures can easily become unmoored and drift from reality.

This helps illuminate Romney’s flip-flopping, etch-a-sketching political character. His is not the cynical, coldly pragmatic moral calculus that Nixon so masterfully practiced for political gain. Romney actually believes he has a patriarchal right to say whatever he wants. His idea of the nature of truth is not something which is discovered after hard fought inquiry and testing, but instead is declared by a person with authority, often for unexamined reasons, and sanctioned by divine validation. This is much more dangerous than Nixon. Nixon knew he was lying.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz2AeHQQECU

The author concludes that not all Mormons would make bad Presidents, just THIS ONE. He likes Huntsman. So do I.

It's tricky to paint a man by the colors of the belief-system he adopts. We have the example of George W who, when pressed on some policy decision, would invoke something like "God told me to do this....." or "it's God's will." People who invoke God or some other perfect being/secret deity can slice with a two-sided sword. In the final analysis, it comes down to that person's core beliefs coupled with whatever scripture they adhere to. Iran's Khomeini was imbued with his God, and influenced millions of people with very strange ideas (like it's ok to be sexually stimulated by an infant, ok to rub your sex organs against an infant's legs for stimulation), etc. Let's hope reason and common sense prevail.

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D Day is not far away.

Madonna drew boos and triggered a walkout by several concert goers after she touted President Barack Obama on her MDNA Tour in New Orleans. http://www.independe...ma-3276879.html

A complete win for her: there is no such thing as bad publicity, and those who walked out already paid for their tickets. Expect great folly this week as all the media characters who can't get enough attention try to out-do this incident.

Meatloaf only endorsed Romney because he's white. I liked Sununu better when he was a comic character.


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It's tricky to paint a man by the colors of the belief-system he adopts. We have the example of George W who, when pressed on some policy decision, would invoke something like "God told me to do this....." or "it's God's will."


He also liked to say he prefers to go with his gut. I know from experience this is executive-speak that translates to "I don't know what the <deleted> I'm doing but this is what we're gonna do." I think his use will keep any expression involving the word gut out of fashion for a while.

At least in this election neither candidate is claiming they are endorsed by a higher source.

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At least in this election neither candidate is claiming they are endorsed by a higher source.

That's been the very carefully rehearsed public appearance that both Romney and the church want to convey - sneak in under the fence. The last thing they ever wanted was scrutiny of Mormonism, and to their credit, they have successfully been able to avoid that very thing this election. I really have to hand it to brilliant execution of this plan alone by Romney's team and the church.

*This is an historic opportunity of epic proportions for the Mormon Church. To finally be accepted as a mainstream religion - you think for a second the best and brightest haven't been involved in carefully orchestrating Romney's PR on this?

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Lets wait for 2 more weeks and see what the election results will be! Who cares if a Morman becomes the President! Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader is also Morman and the Lame Duck Media never had any problem with him! Now we have an incompetant Muslim in office! We have an election every four (4) years, so we can throw the incompetants out! The system works!!!smile.png Just wait until November 7th for the results! The system works!!! God Bless America!!!smile.png

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Lets wait for 2 more weeks and see what the election results will be! Who cares if a Morman becomes the President! Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader is also Morman and the Lame Duck Media never had any problem with him! Now we have an incompetant Muslim in office! We have an election every four (4) years, so we can throw the incompetants out! The system works!!!smile.png Just wait until November 7th for the results! The system works!!! God Bless America!!!smile.png

I had to grin while reading your post. You start by saying it doesn't matter what belief-system affiliation a candidate has, and then, in the middle of your post, you call Obama 'an incompetant Muslim.' Either you're trying to be funny or are a hypocrite. If you're trying to be funny, then you may consider sharpening your wit. Need a sharpening stone?

Press Release from the God of the Muslims

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